A Cowboy’s Destiny: The McGavin Brothers Read online

Page 18

  The zipper ended at the small of her back. He placed one last kiss there before standing so he could slide the costume off her arms. “Gettin’ you out of this bear suit is more excitin’ than I expected. It’s like one of those stories where the animal turns into a lovely lass durin’ a full moon.”

  “And the handsome prince has to find a way to break the spell so they can be together.”

  “Aye.” He gave the suit a push and it fell to the floor in a furry heap. “Abracadabra, the spell is broken. You’re free.” If only all spells could be so easily broken.

  “Thank you, kind prince.” She stepped out of the costume, folded it and laid it on top of the dresser. “Or should I say clan chief?”

  “Canna be, since my grandfather’s still around.” He reached for her.

  She moved away. “Hands off, my brave Highlander. I’m still inspecting your outfit. Your grandfather’s a clan chief?”

  “Possibly. He’s doin’ research on it but the records are murky. We call him our clan chief because it makes us happy to do it, but we have no historical proof yet.”

  “That’s very cool.” She came closer and fingered the antique medallion pinned at his shoulder. “Just like Rory’s.”

  “You’ve seen his?”

  “He and Damaris showed me his plaid and the medallion, but he hasn’t worn it for anyone but Damaris, yet.” She smoothed her hand over the section of wool stretched across his chest. “I love the dark blue and green. Very manly.”

  “Just so you know, this manly man is havin’ trouble keepin’ his hands to himself with you standin’ there naked and strokin’ his chest.”

  “Just give me a little more time to admire you.” Her gaze moved down. “A sporran, right?”


  “It just moved.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  She stepped back. “You’re magnificent, Aleck McGavin. I could eat you up.”

  “Right back at you, lass. Can I touch you, now?”

  “Soon, after you take everything off. But I’d love to have just one kiss while you’re wearing the tartan for my memory book in my head.”

  “A memory book in your head. That’s brilliant.”

  “Thank you.” Candlelight flickered in her eyes. “I don’t want to rumple anything. Can we do that without going into overload?”

  “I can.”

  “So can I.” In three steps, she was in his arms. “The wool is so soft.”

  “Not as soft as you.” He held her gently, tamping down his response as he dipped his head, closed his eyes and lightly pressed his mouth against hers. Ta gra agam duit. Then he let her go.

  She backed away, stars in her eyes. “That was so lovely.”

  His throat tightened. “Aye.”

  “How about if I sit on the bed and watch you take everything off?”

  “How about if you search my jeans pocket first?”

  She smiled. “I could do that.”

  When she had the condom in her hand, he unpinned the medallion and tucked it back in its place in his duffle. Much as he wanted her, he couldn’t rush this.

  “How long have you had that outfit?”

  “My grandpa gave it to me on my twenty-first birthday. It’s supposed to last me a long time.” He folded the plaid carefully and laid it in next to the medallion.

  “What if you put on weight?”

  “I have.”

  “Where? I didn’t notice an ounce of flab on you.”

  “I’ve added some muscle since then.” He pulled the linen shirt over his head.

  “Exhibit A. But the shirt still fits.”

  “It’s a generous cut.” He put it on top of the plaid. “The shirt’s the easiest thing to replace, though. If I spill on it or rip it somehow, I can get a new one, no problem. Not so much with the plaid and the kilt. That’s why I’ll change right after the parade. Rory’s bringing clothes for both of us. We’re not spendin’ the day in our tartans.” He laid his sporran on top of the rest.

  She sighed. “Wish I could see you two do your thing.”

  “Kendra said the local photographer—what’s her name?”

  “Caitlin Dempsey.”

  “Right. She’ll be taking video of the parade and it’ll be posted on the town website.” He unbuckled his kilt.

  “How does it feel?”


  “Wearing the kilt with nothing underneath.”

  “Turns me into a randy Scotsman.”

  “Does it really?”

  “See for yourself.” He stepped out of the kilt.

  She sucked in a breath.

  “Appreciate the gasp, Tansy-girl, but why? As we’ve established, you’ve seen it all before.”

  “I know, but taking off a kilt is a thousand times sexier than pulling off jeans and briefs.”

  “It is?”

  “Nobody’s told you?”

  “Nobody’s seen me do it before.”

  “Really? This is a first?”

  “One of many.” He folded the kilt and put it away before crossing to the bed. He held out his hand. “May I have that wee packet?”

  She gave it to him. “I didn’t realize what I was asking. Do you ever wear it with nothing underneath?”


  “So that part about turning into a randy Scotsman was—”

  “Teasin’ you, lass.” He rolled on the condom. “This has nothin’ to do with my kilt and everythin’ to do with you. Scoot over. I’m comin’ in.”

  She made room for him and he wasted no time sliding between her silken thighs. Braced on his forearms, he leaned down and kissed her deeply and thoroughly before easing his aching tadger into her heat.

  Lifting his head, he held her gaze as he began to stroke.

  She hugged him close, rising to meet each thrust. When she wrapped her legs around his, tightening their connection, his boundaries blurred. They moved as one.

  No words. His body spoke to hers in a language that transcended time and space. No urgency. Only this steady, mesmerizing rhythm. She opened like a flower to the sun, claiming her release as easily as breathing. He followed in a shimmering cascade of wonder.



  So much love. Tansy’s heart overflowed with it. Aleck didn’t speak as he quietly left the bed. When he came out of the bathroom, he made a circuit of the apartment to blow out all the candles. Then he slipped in beside her and gathered her close. Cradled in his arms, she was asleep in seconds.

  She woke to the sound of his voice. The milky light of dawn filtered in through the street-side window, outlining Aleck sitting at her dinette table, his phone to his ear.

  He spoke in a low voice. “I know it is. Aye. See you on Saturday.”

  The conversation ended. He laid the phone on the table and put his head in his hands.


  Startled, he left the chair and came toward her. “Damn, I’m sorry. I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn’t wake you.”

  “It’s okay. I should get up soon, anyway.” She climbed out of bed and met him halfway. He’d put on his jeans, as if he hadn’t wanted to call his boss while naked. “You don’t look happy.”

  “I forgot about the bloody fundraiser in September. The firm’s a major sponsor. Campbell’s paid for a table and we’re all expected to be there.”

  “Could you reimburse him?”

  “He doesn’t want the money back. He wants me sitting at that table.”

  “People have conflicts. You can’t be the only—”

  “For this event, nothing short of getting hit by a bus cuts it.”


  “It’s his favorite charity and he expects us to bid generously during the auction. Historically our firm raises the most.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I should have remembered the date, but I—”

  “You had other things on your mind.”

  “Aye.” He reached for her and gathered her clo
se. “I’m so sorry, lass.”

  She hugged him tight and put a smile on her face. “No apology necessary. I grew up with this. You’ve carved out a place for yourself and you have to be a team player to keep it.”

  “I hate to disappoint Badger.”

  “He’s not your responsibility. He’s resourceful. He’ll figure it out.”

  The frown line was back. “I guess I was countin’ on September more than I thought.”

  She had been, too, judging from the way her chest ached. But no point in making the situation worse by saying so. “Hey, you’ll be back soon, maybe even with your folks.”

  “Rory wants all three of us to come over for Christmas.”

  “That would be terrific.” Six months. An eternity.

  “Now that September’s fallen through, I could probably swing the time off.” He paused. “Except Campbell always schedules the firm’s Christmas party close to the twenty-fifth because he says its more festive.”

  “Another command performance?”

  “Definitely. I’ve heard people complain that it made their travel plans a challenge but I never used to care. Didn’t affect me.”

  “Your boss sounds like a man of strong opinions.” And not much regard for the wishes of others.

  “Aye, he is that.” He gazed down at her. “I hate this.”

  She massaged his tense shoulders. “We still have today.”

  “Hope you won’t mind if I stick to you like glue.”

  “Fine with me. Speaking of that, we can buddy up for the three-legged race if you want.”

  “Absolutely. I asked Rory to bring my trainers. When do you have to start work?”

  “I offered to help Michael set up at three, but I won’t officially bartend until six. I’ll be off at eleven, though, if you want to stay here again tonight.”

  He sighed. “Wish I could, lass. Meant to say somethin’ about that and didn’t.” He tucked her in closer. “My flight’s early—only one I could get when I had to change my reservation.”

  “How early?”

  “Rory will be takin’ me around four in the mornin’.”


  “Worse yet, now I’ll have my pipes to worry about so we might decide to go earlier.” His frown deepened. “I’d give anything to spend those last hours with you, but all things considered, I—”

  “It would be a huge hassle. That’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not okay.” He cupped her face in both hands. “It’s well shan, is what it is, and yet there you are, smilin’ at me.”

  “Because you’re pure barry.” She gazed into his beloved face. “The pure barriest.”

  “Ah, lass.” He lowered his head and brushed her lips with his. “My Tansy-girl.” His kiss was gentle at first, but began to heat up.

  So did she…until her phone’s chime doused the flame. The cheerful tune had appealed to her once. She’d change it out for something else today.

  He drew back. “We can’t be late. I promised Rory I’d be down there when he pulls in.”

  “Then you take the first shower. I don’t have to walk down there with—”

  “Oh, yes, you do, lass. I’ve got one more day and I’m not lettin’ you out of my sight. You take first shower. I can get ready in no time now that I don’t have to shave.”

  She stroked his beard. “Will you keep this when you go home?”

  The sparkle left his eyes.

  “You’ll have to shave it?”


  “Damn. I love that beard on you.” I love you. She turned and walked into the bathroom before she said it out loud. Now was not the time. The way things were going, that time might never come.

  Aleck stuck to his plan of spending every available minute of the day with Tansy. After six, that meant hanging out in the Guzzling Grizzly tent where she was serving drinks. He pitched in to deliver them during the crazy-busy dinner hour and he had to turn down several tips.

  Since his friends and family knew where to find him, he had plenty of visitors, including Badger, who was disappointed but understanding about the wedding. Hugs and handshakes were in plentiful supply from McGavins, Sawyers and Bennetts. Tansy claimed he was good for business. Nearly everyone who came to say goodbye also bought a drink.

  A little before ten, Rory showed up, his expression sad but resigned. “Hate to nudge you, big brother, but if we’re gettin’ up in a few hours, we’d better—”

  “I keep hopin’ Caitlin will arrive with the video.” A large screen, a projector, a folding table and an extension cord were sitting in the back of Ryker’s truck in case she made it before the event ended.

  But she’d warned them not to expect miracles. She’d finished videoing only a few hours ago. She was too much of a pro to slap something together.

  “She’s here!” Damaris rushed over and nearly lost her glasses in her excitement. “They’re setting everything up!”

  “Excellent.” Aleck headed toward the makeshift bar where Tansy and Michael were working side-by-side filling drink orders. “She’s here.”

  Tansy looked up, her gaze triumphant. “Told you.”

  “That’s awesome.” Michael reached behind him. “We’re not missing this.” He taped a hand-lettered On Break sign to the bar. “Let’s go to the movies.”

  “I’m right behind you.” She joined Aleck, Rory and Damaris while Michael went in search of Roxanne. “See? I knew Caitlin would get it done. Now we can all watch it together.”

  “That we can, lass.” He slipped an arm around her waist as they walked toward an open area in front of the bandstand. A crowd was already gathering.

  Ryker and Badger were setting up a large screen and anchoring it to the floor while Aaron unloaded the folding table. Then he unwound the extension cord while Caitlin plugged in the projector.

  Aunt Kendra came over and gave him a friendly jab with her elbow. “See? I knew she’d get it done in time for you to see it.”

  He laughed. “You and Tansy must be reading from the same script. She said the same thing.”

  “Because she knows how things work around here. The good guys always win. Or in this case, the good gal. I’ll bet she’s exhausted, but she did it. She’s the best.”

  “I know she’s good. Her pictures from Ryker and April’s weddin’ were outstandin’. I’m especially interested in what she got of the parade.”

  “That’s what I’m after.” Quinn walked over and put his arm around Kendra’s shoulder. “I tried my damnedest to switch with that guy driving the tricked-out hearse so I’d be behind Raptors Rise. He has suspension lifts on that blasted vehicle and my Harley sits low. I couldn’t see the dance.”

  “Poor baby.” Kendra patted his cheek. “We’ll make sure Ellie Mae does a better job of assigning numbers next year.”

  Rory chuckled. “Ellie Mae was flirtin’ with Aleck like you wouldn’t believe. Kept askin’ if he was okay with our position behind the precision drill team. She didn’t want him steppin’ in horse apples in his brogues.”

  “Well, damn,” Quinn said. “When I asked her about switching, she just smiled and said the other guy liked his spot and I’d need to work it out with him. Next year I’m wearing a kilt.”

  “Oh, yeah.” Kendra fanned herself. “Another fantasy fulfilled. If you’d learn to play the pipes, I—”

  “Hi, everybody!” Caitlin’s braids were coming unraveled and her shirt looked as if she’d spilled a drink on it, but her expression was incandescent. “We’re ready to roll the video. Hope you like it!”

  “Let’s hear it for Caitlin!” Aaron started the round of applause that included cheers and whistles. A crowd of high school kids shouted We love you, Caitlin!

  She blushed and took a bow before turning to the laptop and starting the video.

  After an intro identifying the event, Ryker, Badger and Aaron rode toward the camera wearing identical military uniforms and grasping rippling flags of the U.S., Montana and Eagles Nest. Ryker, a guy clearly made
to lead a parade, occupied the center position on Jake.

  The high school band came next, followed by a float for Crimson Clouds, the guest ranch run by Quinn’s eldest son Pete and his sweetheart Taryn Maroney. They threw out wrapped candy to the kids in the crowd. The town council smiled and waved from the back of an antique fire truck.

  An excellent sound system on the GG float projected Bryce and Nicole’s version of Born in the USA as several more antique vehicles rolled by. Then the float appeared.

  “One dancing bear, coming up,” Tansy murmured.

  “Can’t wait.” He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. When his attention returned to the screen, his heart squeezed. She’d told him that she’d nearly melted in that costume, yet she was dancing her heart out, wiggling her cute little bum and adding all sorts of fancy arm movements.

  “I look demented.”

  “You look pure barry. The pure barriest.” He tightened his grip. He’d be watching that section over and over once he got home. Thank the Lord for the Internet.

  The precision drill team came next, and then he and Rory filled the screen performing Scotland the Brave.

  Ma and Da would love seeing this. He glanced at Rory and smiled. His brother grinned and gave a nod.

  Tansy sucked in a breath. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Men aren’t beautiful, lass.”

  “You are.” She gulped. Then she sniffed.

  He glanced down and she was using her free hand to thumb tears from her eyes. He gently turned her toward him and she buried her face against his chest. When her hat threatened to fall off, he lifted it free and used it to shield her emotional reaction from view.

  Rory looked over and raised his eyebrows.

  “Meet you by the truck as soon as it’s over.”


  Aleck kept a protective arm around Tansy’s shoulders as they made their way through the crowd. Luckily the park was at the same end of town as the GG, so they didn’t have far to go before they were standing by Rory’s truck. The lot was filled with the overflow from the park.

  Releasing her, he pulled his bandana out of his back pocket. “Here.”

  “Th-thanks.” She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. Then she gazed at him and had to do it all over again. “I was doing fine, until…”