A Cowboy’s Destiny: The McGavin Brothers Read online

Page 17

  “I know I’ll love them, too. They must be wonderful since they raised two great guys. I have a lot to thank them for.” Her eyes misted. “Just know that I support you, Aleck, no matter what.”

  “Thanks, lass.”

  “So do I, big brother.” Rory gave him a shoulder squeeze that turned into a back-slapping hug. “See you in the mornin’.”

  Aleck watched them go.

  I guess you’d have to quit. That was exactly what Rory would do in his shoes. What he had done, in a sense, when he’d relocated to be close to Damaris. Aleck loved his brother with a fierce loyalty that would never change, but he was nothing like him. He didn’t make rash decisions in the heat of the moment.

  When he finally chose his path, whatever it was, it would be with the knowledge he’d looked at the issue from all angles, considered all the implications and made the best decision under the circumstances.

  He turned to check on Tansy, who’d come out from behind the bar and was gazing in his direction. She beckoned to him. As he walked toward her, he admired the sassy tilt of her hat and her confident smile. God, how he loved that lass.

  Her brown eyes were shining with excitement. “Michael said I could leave. He’ll finish up.”

  “Great news.”

  “Did you want the rest of your beer? You left some over there.”

  “What do you think?”

  She smiled. “Just wanted to ask. You paid for it.”

  “I got my money’s worth, just knowin’ I was in the same room with you.”

  “How about we trade this big room for something smaller?”

  “You read my mind.” He followed her over to the stairs at the back of the room and waited while she unhooked the velvet rope. He replaced it before starting up the stairs. “What’s this I hear about a bear costume?”

  “Rory must have told you.”

  “Aye. Didn’t even know the GG would have a parade entry, let alone a dancin’ bear.”

  “From what I hear, the GG has always been in the parade, but Bryce initiated the float concept when he bought the place. Before that I don’t think anyone had floats. Now several businesses have them.”

  “I’m not sure what I pictured happenin’ tomorrow, but likely it was more along the lines of kids with wagons, maybe a few antique cars, some horseback riders and maybe the high school band.”

  “Bryce showed me some old pictures and it used to be exactly like that. It’s grown.” She reached the top of the stairs. “Now we have an international entry.”

  “You do?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “That would be you, hotshot. And for the rest of the night, I’ll have you all to myself.”

  He took the last few steps two at a time. Friday would be here before he knew it.


  “Wait a minute.” Tansy turned toward the doorway. “Can you stay outside for a little bit?” She pushed the door almost closed. “I need to do something.”

  “Change into your bear costume?”

  “Would that turn you on?” She grabbed a box of kitchen matches and went around the room lighting the votive candles she’d bought at Pills and Pop on her way home from the ranch.

  “I’d like to say it would, that anythin’ you wear would get me hot, but I don’t know about a bear costume.”

  “It’s soft and furry.” She finished lighting the candles and switched off the overhead and the lamp on her dresser. Then she folded back the covers on the bed. “You might have some fun with the texture.”

  “I like your regular texture. Smooth and silky does it for me.”

  “Then maybe I’ll scrap the idea of the bear costume.” She quickly stripped off her clothes. Boots were a pain when it came to undressing.

  “I’d like you to model it later, though.”

  “Maybe when you model your plaid?”

  “You want me to?”

  “Well, duh. It’s not every day I have a Highlander in my apartment, let alone one who brought his outfit.”

  “Then I’ll be glad to put it on for you.”

  “Good, that’s settled. Listen, would you take off your boots before you come in?”

  “They’re not muddy. I cleaned them before I…oh. Sure, I’d be glad to. How about my hat?”

  “That’s not as critical, but sure.” She pulled her transparent cover-up over her head.

  “Anythin’ else you want me to take off?”

  “Not while you’re out on the landing. Most folks don’t wander back this way, but we still have customers out there.”

  “Aye, right.”

  “Anyway, I’ll have fun undressing you. Come on in.”

  He opened the door and walked in carrying his boots and hat. “Ah, lass.” After he nudged the door closed, his gaze swept the candlelit apartment. “You did all this for me?”

  He was so adorable. “Heavens, no. Lighting candles on Independence Day Eve is my personal tradition and you just happen to be here.”


  “I’m teasing. Of course I did it for you! I wanted tonight to be special.”

  He set down his boots and balanced his hat on top of them. “It was always goin’ to be special.” Eliminating the distance between them, he drew her close. “But knowin’ that you spent time to create this settin’ humbles me. I wish I’d brought you flowers.”

  “That’s a lovely thought, but it would have been tricky.” She wound her arms around his neck. “You came in with a crowd and had to sneak up to my apartment to leave your duffle. There’s no room in that scenario for bringing me flowers.”

  “Were the candles here when I came up before?”

  “Yes, but I’m sure you were too distracted to notice.”

  “Guess so.” His green eyes held the soft glow she’d come to cherish. “I’m just sayin’ that I would have loved to bring you flowers.”

  “You brought me you. That’s all I need.” She rose on tiptoe and brushed a kiss over his lips. “Will you let me undress you? That would be way more exciting to me than a bouquet.”

  He smiled. “Like you said, you’ve seen it all before.”

  “Not recently.” She eased away and slid her hands under the hem of his shirt. “And never in candlelight.”

  He touched her hair. “I love the way it gleams in your hair.”

  “Highlighting all those crazy colors?” She pushed the T-shirt higher to reveal the shadowed magnificence of his chest.

  “I like the colors.” He combed his fingers through her hair and tucked it behind her ears. “Makes me smile.”

  “Your manly chest makes me smile. Lift your arms so I can get this off.”

  He chuckled. “Gettin’ a wee bit bossy, are we?”

  “Your T-shirt is more of an obstacle than I thought.” She tugged it over his head and peeled it away from his muscled arms.

  “Whereas this flimsy thing is no obstacle at all.” He stroked his knuckles over the tip of her breast. “There’s a flower printed right here. I’m thinkin’ that’s no accident.” He lazily brushed back and forth.

  Logically the subtle caress shouldn’t be enough to make her core muscles clench. She gasped as a tremor rolled through her. She caught his hand.

  “Am I botherin’ you, lass?”

  Heart racing, she lifted her gaze to his. “Yes.”

  “Want to do somethin’ about it?”

  She swallowed. “I haven’t finished undressing you.”

  “I can have these jeans off and a condom on in under thirty seconds. Does that interest you at all?”

  “Yes, damn it.” She stepped back and pulled off her cover-up. “I think it’s the candles.” She glanced around at all those tiny flames, which seemed to have ignited an out-of-control blaze in her. “I thought they were supposed to make everything mellow and romantic.”

  “Instead they turned you into a lusty wench.” He’d made good on his boast. He was already naked with a condom in his hand.

  “Evidently.” She focuse
d on his erect tadger. “All I can think about is—”

  “Then we’re thinkin’ alike.” He rolled on the condom. “But since you’ve a mind to be in charge tonight, let’s do it this way.” He stretched out on her bed. “Climb aboard.”

  “Heck, yeah.” She crawled onto the bed. “I’m about to make you my own personal playground.”

  He laughed. “If this is you on candlelight, I want more of it.”

  “I guess it is.” She surveyed the tempting expanse of male beauty stretched out on her bed. The flickering glow made him seem even more god-like than he had the day before. “I’ve never gone total candlelight before. I’m a fan. You look delicious.”

  “So do you, lass. I hope you’ll start doin’ somethin’ soon, or I’m liable to take back the reins.”

  “Listen to you! Riding for two days and you’re talking like a horseman.”

  “I have a different kind of ridin’ in mind. Come closer.”

  “I will, but hands off. Remember yesterday?”


  “We’re going to recreate your opening move with me in the lead position. Lie back and let me explore.”

  He sucked in a breath. “Not sure I can handle that without explodin’.”

  “Do your best.” Leaning over him, she placed a restraining hand on each of his forearms as she nibbled on his mouth. “I want you to just lie there and take it like a man.”

  He groaned in protest, but he didn’t try to escape, even though he could have brushed aside her puny attempts with no effort at all. Made bold by the power he’d given her, she began her sensuous trek over his body, taking her cues from his methods from the day before.

  The outer shell of his ear was sensitive, but not the hollow of his throat. He twitched when she licked her way along his collarbone and down the muscled curve of his bicep. He moaned when she sucked on his fingers.

  But she didn’t get an off-the-chart reaction until she made love to his pecs and toyed with his nipples. His breathing grew harsh and his tadger jerked.

  “Lass…” His gaze turned stormy and he gulped for air. “For the love of God…please…I need…

  “Okay.” She’d meant to give him the full body treatment, but he was clearly in distress. Truth be told, so was she. His response had stoked the fire in her until she was trembling.

  Sliding one leg over his torso, she rose on hands and knees. “One stupendous orgasm, coming up.” She grasped his tadger at the base, centered herself and took him in one smooth motion.

  Panting, he caught her hips and held her tight. “Don’t move.”

  She gulped. “Like I could. You’ve got me pinned.”

  “Am I…hurting you?” He squeezed his eyes shut.

  “No. I’m just…immobilized.”

  “I don’t want to come yet.” He clenched his jaw. “This is too good.”

  “Take your time.” She sucked in another breath. “We have all night.”

  “And we’ll do this…some more.”

  “Planned on it.”

  He slowly opened his eyes. “I’m going to let go. Take it easy.”

  She smiled. “Be gentle?”

  “Gentle but firm.” He swallowed. “Just like—”

  “Brushing a horse.” She moved slowly, tenderly, gauging his response, keeping her climax in check, telling him with her body what she hadn’t said with her words.

  He licked his lips. “More.”



  She eased off the brakes and allowed herself the increased friction she craved. “How’s that?”

  “Good. More.”

  “Alrighty. Full speed ahead.”

  He flashed her a grin. “Go for it, Tansy-girl.”

  Did she ever. She gave it all she had, and his brogue thickened as he alternately gasped and swore…and came with one vigorous thrust.

  That was all she needed to draw her into the whirling vortex with him. She would have yelled if she’d had the breath to do it. Shuddering, she slowly sank down and rested her forehead against his. “I’m wrung out.”

  His chest heaved. “Aye. Me, too.” He rubbed her back, caressing her with slow, lazy strokes. “In a good way.”

  “So good.” Lifting her head, she gazed into his beautiful eyes. “I’m in the mood for a cuddle. How about you?”

  “I’m always in the mood for a cuddle with you, lass. Let me up and we’ll get situated.”

  She slowly ended their sweet connection and got out of bed. “I’m setting my phone alarm. We can’t afford to oversleep in the morning.”

  “Mine’s already set for five so I can try Campbell again.” He ducked into the bathroom.

  “Oh, right. I’ll set mine, anyway. Might as well have two alerts.” She crawled back into bed and tidied the covers. “After we cuddle for a bit, will you model your tartan for me?”

  “Aye.” He came out of the bathroom. “The tartan in exchange for the bear suit.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  He climbed in and drew her close. “Glad you suggested this. Cozy.”

  “I know.” Snuggling against him, she laid her cheek against his chest and sighed. “We could have a blether.”

  He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Aye, we could, at that. What’s the scent in your shampoo?”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I do.”

  “It’s called Ambrosia. Has a combination of things in it.”

  “No wonder I couldn’t pick out any particular one. Suits you.”

  “Thanks. A local woman makes it.”

  “So you can’t get it anywhere, then?”

  “Just at Pills and Pop for now. She’s thinking of expanding her distribution, but for now it’s an Eagles Nest exclusive.” She shifted positions and gazed up at him. “And since we’re blethering, I’d love to hear more about your apple-shoveling experience.”

  He tensed.

  “Or not.” She gulped as the glow in his eyes faded. “You said we’d talk about it later, but if you’ve changed your mind, that’s okay. It’s really none of my business.”

  “It is your business, lass.” Sadness filled his gaze. “I thought I’d come up with a bonnie answer for us. But it wouldn’t work, after all.”

  Her breath caught. “You were trying to figure out how we could be together?”

  “Aye. I suppose you have been doin’ that, too, but there’s—”

  “No, I haven’t.” Her chest grew tight.

  “You haven’t? Why not? I know you care for me. I see it in your eyes.”

  “Aleck, I come from a family of lawyers. I know first-hand how hard they worked to get where they are. Rory had a difficult decision to make but you’d have an impossible one.”

  “That’s why I was goin’ to ask you to move to Scotland.”

  She swallowed. “I wouldn’t go. No matter how much I…care for you, it would be a huge mistake.”

  “This mornin’ I couldn’t see that. Now I can.” He drew in a shaky breath. “What are we to do, then?”

  She cupped his face in both hands. His beard was silky against her palms. “You’re going to model your tartan for me and I’m going to put on my bear suit. And we’ll make love again, because finding something this wonderful is a gift.”

  “Aye.” His voice was husky. “So ’tis, lass.”


  While Tansy pulled her bear suit out of a drawer, Aleck unpacked his tartan. They’d agreed to dress with their backs to each other and turn around when they were done.

  A zipper rasped as Tansy prepared to climb into her bear suit. “Does this remind you of anything?”

  “Our adventures on the front porch of the ranch house?”


  “My tadger suffered that night.”

  “Speaking of which, are you wearing anything under your kilt?”

  “Now or tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow. Damaris can’t get Rory to tell her what he’s doing.”

  “That’s because he’s wearin’ briefs and he wants to keep the mystery alive. A true Scotsman doesn’t wear anythin’, but it could be breezy tomorrow. I’m wearin’ ’em, too, and I’ll not be discussin’ it with anyone but you.”

  “My lips are sealed. But please don’t feel you have to wear them now.”

  “I assumed that was the whole point.” He tucked his white linen shirt into his kilt and buckled it.

  “You assumed correctly.”

  He smiled. She wasn’t going to let the dark cloud of impending separation ruin their special night together. Not his Tansy-girl.

  He would follow her lead. “Can I skip the socks and brogues, too? And the tam?”

  “Sure. I just want the main stuff. The sexy stuff.”

  After putting on his sporran, he unfolded his plaid and pinned it into place. “Then I’m done.”

  “Me, too.” Her voice was muffled. “Don’t look now, but there’s a bear behind you.”

  He turned and choked on a laugh. The suit’s eyeholes convinced him that Tansy was in there, but otherwise he never would have known. “That’s…that’s…”


  “Aye.” He couldn’t stop grinning. “What kind of bear is it supposed to be?”

  “A grizzly, of course.” She lifted her paws. “Grrr.”

  “You’re too cute for words.”

  “And you’re too sexy for words. Can I take this off so I can touch your gorgeous plaid?”

  “Let me take it off. I’ve never undressed a bear before.”

  “Be my guest. It unzips down the back.” She turned around. “The top of the zipper is at the back of the head.”

  “Found it. This material is soft and furry, just like you said.”

  “And hot. Oh, my God, I’m going to roast tomorrow.”

  He drew the zipper down, careful not to catch it in her hair.

  She grasped the bear’s snout and pulled the top of the suit off her head. “Whew. Good thing the parade is early in the morning when it’s still cool.”

  “You could wear it naked.” He leaned over to kiss his way down her bare back. “That would be cooler.”

  “I wish I had the nerve. Just my luck something would happen that would mean taking it off. Nope, not doing it. I have my limits, just like you with your briefs.”