A Cowboy’s Destiny: The McGavin Brothers Read online

Page 19

  “You’re still doin’ fine.”

  “No, I’m not. I want you to carry home a memory of me smiling and happy, not red-eyed and sniffling.”

  “I’ll carry home a memory of every second I’ve been lucky enough to be near you. It’s been such a privilege, lass.”

  She stared at him as new tears streamed down her face. “For…for me, too.”

  “Come here, Tansy-girl.” Drawing her into his arms, he held her close, rubbing her back with his free hand and making sure he didn’t drop her hat. Or start bawling himself.

  They stayed like that until Rory and Damaris arrived.

  Taking a shaky breath, she eased out of his arms and wiped her eyes again before she faced them. “Sorry about the waterworks.”

  “Been there,” Damaris said softly. “Come on.” She motioned to her. “I’ll walk you back to the park. We’ll take our time so you can get it together.”

  “But aren’t you going home with the guys?”

  “No room.”

  “I forgot about that, Damaris,” Aleck said. “I’ll ride in back.”

  “We’ve already worked it out. Kendra’s giving me a ride in the van.” She glanced at Tansy. “But I can also come back with you and stay the night if you’d rather not be alone.”

  “That’s so nice of you, but…I’ll be fine.” She turned to Aleck. “I’ll be fine.”

  He ached all over. “I know you will.”

  “Bye, Aleck.”

  “Bye, Tansy-girl.”

  “Let’s go, big brother.” Rory’s voice was gruff with distress.

  “Aye.” He climbed in the truck, closed the door and avoided looking in the side-view mirror. He might see her walking away. “I’ve never felt this bad in my whole miserable life.”

  Rory nodded and started the engine. “Like Damaris said, been there.”


  They drove back to the ranch in silence.

  When Rory pulled up in front of the ranch house, Aleck turned to him. “There’s no way I’m goin’ to sleep.”

  “I know. You just need to get the hell out of here.”


  He shut off the engine. “Tell you what. I’ll go in with you while you finish packin’ up. Then I’ll take you to Bozeman. There’s a bar that might be open since it’s the Fourth. If not, we’ll sit in the airport until time for you to check in.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can—”

  “I’m not leavin’ you.”

  “Thanks, Rory.”

  “Hey, what are brothers for?”

  He gave him a weak smile. “Bailin’ each other out of guddles?”

  “That’s the way I’ve always looked at it. Let’s do this.”

  “Aye.” As he walked beside his brother up the path, his boots clicked on the flagstone. “You were right about the gravitas.”

  “You wearin’ the hat and boots on the plane, then?”

  “I am.”


  “I just remembered. I was goin’ to take beer home to Ma and Da.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Wouldn’t stay temperature controlled anyway. Better if they drink it for the first time whenever they get here.”

  “I’ll try for Christmas.”

  “That would make a lot of people very happy. One in particular.”

  “Uh-huh.” He walked into the house and handed Rory his hat. “I’ll be back in no time.”

  “I’ll brush the lint off it for you. Doesn’t look quite as pristine as it used to.”

  “Don’t brush anythin’ off. If there’s a couple of Tansy’s hairs on there, that’s just fine with me.”

  Rory opened his mouth to say something.

  “Don’t even start. I know I’m a bampot.” He hurried down the hall to get his things together and was done in under five minutes. Out of habit, he checked his passport holder before tucking it in an outside pocket of his carry-on.

  It was empty.

  Swearing under his breath, he went through his suitcase. What the hell? Searched his carry-on. Looked all over the room, under the bed, behind the dresser.

  “Aleck? You movin’ furniture in there?”

  “Can’t find my damned passport.”

  “What?” Rory’s quick footsteps ended when he appeared in the doorway. “How could you lose it?”

  “Hell if I know, but I’ve searched through everything.”

  “Did you make a copy and tuck it in your suitcase? That’ll work.”

  “I didn’t make one.”

  “Why not? You always tell me—”

  “I know what I always tell you. But when I renewed I never got around to doin’ that.”

  “Could you have somehow left it at Tansy’s?”

  “I don’t see how, but I’d better ask.” He picked up his phone and sent her a text.

  She replied quickly. I’m almost done here. I’ll go home and look.

  He glanced up. “She’ll look.”

  “Might as well go through your stuff one more time.”

  He sighed. “Might as well.” He checked more thoroughly, sliding his hand into pockets and unfolding clothes. “It’s not here.”

  “Could it be in my truck?”

  “That’s an idea. I’ll comb through the house while you scour the truck.”

  Rory came back empty-handed. “Nothin’?”

  “Nothin’. I’ve pulled up couch cushions, crawled around so I can see under the furniture, checked the kitchen, even looked behind the washer and dryer in the laundry room.” He stared at his brother. “I can’t believe this.”

  “I can’t either. You’re the most careful and organized person I know.”

  “Maybe somehow it ended up at Tansy’s. Ah, there’s her text.” He read it. “Not there.”

  “Now what?”

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere, that’s what. I had a client who had this happen. It’s not an easy fix. They were stuck in Spain for a week or more.”

  “That’s not good. I’m sorry, big brother. Damn, where do you suppose it could be?” He surveyed the living room as if hoping it lay in plain sight.

  “I don’t know.” He couldn’t get on a plane unless it turned up and that didn’t seem likely after they’d searched everywhere.

  If he didn’t make that flight, he’d miss the meeting. Campbell wouldn’t believe his story. Losing a passport was not like him, not like him at all. Campbell would accuse him of lying about it.

  He waited for panic to start gnawing at his gut. He could lose his job over this. Lose everything he’d worked for. He should be sweating bullets and frantically trying to figure out a way to save the situation.

  But he wasn’t. Instead a soothing calm spread from the top of his head to the tip of his toes. He took a deep breath and exhaled. Happiness followed on the heels of that cleansing flow of peaceful energy.

  He smiled.



  “Did you just figure out where it is?”

  “No.” He gazed at Rory. “I don’t know where it is. And I don’t care.”

  His brother’s eyes widened. “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

  “I’m quitting, Rory. I’m not going to think about it for months or study the pros and cons until I’m blue in the face. I love Tansy with everything in me and she loves me back just as much. Why in hell wouldn’t I move here?”

  “Because you can’t work as a lawyer over here? Because that’s all you know how to do and you’d have to go back to school to get certified?”

  “You’ve been doing your research.”

  “I looked it up because I needed to know. How will you make a living?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m not worried about it. I’ll figure it out. I’ll go back to school if I decide to. I’ll wait tables at the GG to bring in cash.”

  “Muck out stables?”

  “Hell, yeah. I’ll shovel horse apples for Aunt Kendra if she needs anoth
er hand. I’ll do whatever it takes.” He took a breath. “Would you be willin’ to drive me back to the GG?”

  A happy grin spread across his brother’s face. “Aye.”

  Rory’s bringing me in. Please unlock the back door of the GG.

  Tansy read the text several times before replying. Evidently Aleck thought he could find that passport even though she’d turned her apartment upside down looking for it. He was welcome to try. She hoped he was successful, poor guy.

  She texted a reply. When you guys get here, we’ll transfer your stuff to my truck so Rory can go home. If you find it, I’ll drive you to Bozeman.

  His reply had been cryptic. We can talk about that when I get there.

  Talk about what? Nothing to talk about. Losing his passport must be driving him nuts. It was so out of character. She hated this for him.

  If he couldn’t find it, he’d be stranded in Eagles Nest until he got a new one. She was fuzzy on the details of how that worked, but it couldn’t be easy.

  He wouldn’t be a happy camper while navigating whatever red tape was involved. Clearly his boss was an inflexible autocrat who would interpret this mishap as a personal insult to his authority. Aleck could get sacked. Made her stomach hurt.

  Pocketing her truck keys, she went downstairs and out the back to wait. She didn’t often lock her truck, but if they were putting his luggage and pipes in there, she would.

  She paced in the area illuminated by the security light over the door. Aleck wasn’t the only one stressed. When he and Rory had driven away tonight, unbearable pain had sliced through her. For a little while, she wondered if it would ever get better. But with Damaris’s gentle support, she’d managed to make it through the last of her shift.

  By the time Kendra and Damaris had walked her back home when the event was over, she’d begun the difficult process of letting go. Now she’d have to go through it all over again. She wasn’t looking forward to that.

  Aleck was in the same fix, except he had the added weight of a career in jeopardy. Damn it, why did he have to go and lose his passport?

  The rumble of a truck’s engine kicked her heartbeat into high gear. Rory came down the alley using only his parking lights and backed into his usual spot. Aleck climbed out.

  Even the dire circumstances couldn’t dampen her joy at seeing him again. “I’m so sorry.” She walked toward him and pulled out her keys. “Let’s get your things moved. I’ll lock my truck so there’s no chance that—”

  “Didn’t bring my stuff.” He turned to shut the door. “Thanks, Rory. See you tomorrow.”

  “You bet.” When the door was closed, he pulled out.

  “You didn’t bring your luggage? What if you find your passport in my apartment?”

  “I’ve stopped lookin’ for it.” Nudging back his hat, he walked toward her.

  His brave smile made her chest ache. “You don’t have to pretend to be okay with this. I know how this could affect your future and I—”

  “I’m not sure you do.” His smile didn’t dim. If anything, it grew brighter.

  “Well, maybe not fully, but your boss doesn’t seem like the sort to let this pass.”

  “Oh, he’s not.” He drew her into his arms. “And I don’t give a damn.”


  “He’s through messin’ with me, lass.”

  “You’re going to stand up to him?”

  “In a manner of speakin’. When I get back, whenever that is, I’m handin’ in my resignation.”

  “Hang on, Aleck. Don’t go throwing the baby out with the bathwater. What if he’s just a bully who’ll back down?”

  “I don’t care if he does or not. I don’t want that job anymore.”

  “Oh.” She paused. “That’s valid. And if you quit instead of getting fired, you’ll be in a good position to find something better.” She smiled. “That’s how a Highlander would think.”

  “I’ve already found somethin’ better.”

  “Wow, that was quick. Are law offices already open in Scotland?”

  “Some might be, but I haven’t called anybody there.” He reached for her. “I’ve found somethin’ better right here.”

  She stared at him. “I don’t get it.”

  His gaze gentled. “I love you, Tansy-girl. It’s as simple as that.”

  The breath whooshed out of her lungs. He couldn’t possibly mean…

  “I’m leavin’ Scotland.”

  She gulped and shook her head. “No. You can’t just—”

  “Ah, but I can.” He cupped her face and brushed his thumbs over her cheekbones. “I couldn’t see it until I lost my passport. To my surprise, instead of worryin’ myself sick about the consequences, I started thinkin’ about the possibilities.” His gaze held hers. “They all start with you, lass.”

  Tears pushed at the back of her eyes. She would start blubbering any second. “But you’d…you’d give up so much.”

  “And get so much in return. Everythin’ I thought was so important was only weighin’ me down.”

  She swallowed. “This is such a huge decision. I hope…I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I know what I’m doin’. I’m standin’ beside a dumpster in the exact spot where I first discovered I loved you. And where I saw in your eyes you loved me back. I’m askin’ you to take me into your heart for good, lass.”

  Tears dribbled down her cheeks. “You’re already there, Aleck McGavin.” She took a shaky breath. “Ta gra agam duit.”

  His face lit up. “You learned it!”

  His pleased astonishment was worth all the effort she’d made. “I didn’t know if I’d ever get to say it. I love you so much. I couldn’t help loving you, even when I didn’t think we’d ever—”

  “Break the spell?” Leaning forward, he kissed away the tears. “It’s well and truly broken, lass. And you know how the story ends.”

  “Don’t you mean how the story begins?”

  “Aye.” He smiled. “How it begins.” His mouth found hers.


  Flying for Badger Air had to be the best damn job in the world. Aaron couldn’t imagine anything better than working as a civilian pilot with two of his buddies from the squadron, and this day had been exceptionally awesome. Co-piloting for Badger while he tested a Cessna 206 Stationair that would likely become the third commuter plane in their fleet had been a hoot.

  “Can’t believe I’ll be Mr. Hayley Bennett soon.” Badger banked the Cessna to the right, giving Aaron a view of Eagles Nest.

  “You’re gonna be who?”

  “I asked her if she’d be changin’ her name when we get married. She’s agreed to be Mrs. Badger Calhoun if I’ll be Mr. Hayley Bennett.”

  Aaron snorted.

  “You laugh, but I think it’s a stupendous idea and I’m holdin’ her to it. I can’t wait to start usin’ my new name. I’ll never have to be Thaddeus Livingston Calhoun the Third again.”

  “Is that legal?”

  “Can’t see why not. I’m orderin’ personalized stationery so I’ll have it on hand when the big day comes. I plan to write my thank-you notes on it.”

  “Only you, Badger.”

  “You think I’m kiddin’ but I’m not. By the way, how do you like the monkey suits we picked out for the groomsmen? You okay with the style?”

  “It’s great. I look so handsome in that outfit I might actually make a favorable impression on someone of the opposite sex.”

  “Come to think of it, I haven’t been hearin’ a whole lot about your social life lately. Goin’ through a dry spell?”

  “You could say that.”

  “You doin’ anythin’ about it?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like askin’ someone out.”

  “That’s the thing. The person I’d like to ask out isn’t a possibility.”

  “So try somebody else.”

  “Don’t want to. I’m stuck on her and I can’t seem to work up any enthusiasm for another woman.”

  “Sounds serious. Is she with someone? Is that the issue?”

  “She’s available.”

  “And she turned you down?”

  “I didn’t bother to ask. It’s hopeless.”

  “Hopeless? You’re decent lookin’, you don’t smell bad and you’re a jet jockey. Ladies go for pilots.”

  “She has a problem with my name.”


  “I doubt she knows what you guys call me. It’s my legal one she doesn’t like.”

  “How could she have a problem with your name? If you had one like mine, then, yeah. But yours is fine.”

  “She had a relationship with somebody named Aaron Donahue and it went very bad. She claims she could never get past my name.”

  “Huh. What are the chances?”

  “Pretty good, apparently. Aaron Donahue is one of the more common names in this country. I looked it up.”

  “You really like her?”

  “Yeah, I really do.”

  “Then we need to get her to fall for somebody with a different name who turns out to be you.”

  “How in the hell could you do that?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but lucky for you this kind of thing is in my wheelhouse. Let me work out some details and get back to you. Who is it, by the way?”

  “Caitlin Dempsey.”

  “Ah, good choice. This’ll be fun.”


  Coming in October!

  Badger Air pilot Aaron Donahue will need all the help he can get to woo and win the woman of his dreams in A COWBOY’S SECRET, book sixteen in the McGavin Brothers series.

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  * * *

  Saddle up for all the stories in the McGavin Brothers series!