The Blood Keeper

For Mab Prowd, blood magic is as natural as breathing. She spends her days on a secluded Kansas farm with other blood witches, practicing spells for healing and trying to avoid boring lessons like algebra and history. Wild and confident, Mab uses magic to understand her entire world. But when one of Mab's spells mistakenly taps into a powerful, long-dormant curse, she finds her magic spinning out of control - and crashing right into Will Sanger, a boy from town. Will has always relied on the logical, tangible things in his life, like his dogs, his soccer team, and even his complicated family. So he tries to dismiss all he sees and feels around Mab. Still, the strangeness and beauty of her magic draw him in. As Will and Mab grow closer, the unbound curse grows stronger. Hiding in the shadows of the forest, it seeks to manipulate Will and gain Mab's power - even if that means destroying everything they love.
Views: 398

The Broom of the System

Published when Wallace was just twenty-four years old, The Broom of the System stunned critics and marked the emergence of an extraordinary new talent. At the center of this outlandishly funny, fiercely intelligent novel is the bewitching heroine, Lenore Stonecipher Beadsman. The year is 1990 and the place is a slightly altered Cleveland, Ohio. Lenore’s great-grandmother has disappeared with twenty-five other inmates of the Shaker Heights Nursing Home. Her beau, and boss, Rick Vigorous, is insanely jealous, and her cockatiel, Vlad the Impaler, has suddenly started spouting a mixture of psycho-babble, Auden, and the King James Bible. Ingenious and entertaining, this debut from one of the most innovative writers of his generation brilliantly explores the paradoxes of language, storytelling, and reality.
Views: 398


When Ava wakes to her grandmother’s screams, she discovers her worst nightmare has become reality.Ten-year-old Ava wakes in the night to the screams of her grandmother. Fearing for her life, she rushes to the window to escape the terror that waits outside her door.Full panic sets in when the doorknob jiggles, then the familiar voice of her aunt rings out. Confusion clouds Ava’s sleep-filled mind as she realizes no one is there to harm them. However, the message she’s given is much worse than anything she could have imagined.There was an accident.With nowhere to go, no way out, and no one to save her, Ava alone must confront the nightmare that is now reality.
Views: 397

The Hurricane

Daniel Stillman's Life: 42 Facebook friends 18 Cell phone contacts 6 Twitter followers 4 blog subscribers Now a category five storm is about to take this all away. And replace it with a neighbor he's never met.
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Far From Home

“SF writing of a rare quality” lifts this collection of stories from the renowned author of The Hustler and The Man Who Fell to Earth – Time Out The author of the competitive pool thriller “The Hustler” and the groundbreaking sci-fi novel “The Man Who Fell to Earth”, Walter Tevis was also a master of the short story. His work was published in Playboy, Redbook, Cosmopolitan, and many other magazines. This anthology collects some of his best short work. Full of wit, surprise, dark humor, and deep emotion, these stories pack a punch – and are ideal for fans of his longer work or those looking for an introduction to one of America’s most iconic sci-fi writers. “The poetic imprints of a fine writer’s trail.” – The Times (London) Contents PART ONE: CLOSE TO HOME 1. Rent Control (1979) 2. A Visit From Mother (1981) 3. Daddy (1981) 4. The Apotheosis of Myra (1980) 5. Out of Luck (1980) 6. Echo (1980) 7. Sitting in Limbo (1981) PART TWO: FAR FROM HOME 8. The Other End of the Line (1961) 9. The Big Bounce (1958) 10. The Goldbrick (1957) 11. The Ifth of Oofth (1957) 12. The Scholar’s Disciple (1969) 13. Far From Home (1958)
Views: 396

The Gift Of Time

A scifi-psychological thriller, that will keep you entertained till the last word and make you think even after the story is over. Come on a journey to find love, life and a second chance."I was living in a world of monsters, and the darkness brought death on its wings."When a mortally-ill traveller arrives in Venice, he finds the city in the grip of terror. A string of inexplicable deaths and disappearances have caused a wave of panic, and the authorities have no idea who – or what – is responsible. These events pale into insignificance, though, when he encounters a mysterious woman one night. Pietra is beautiful, intriguing and secretive, and he longs to know more about her.He soon becomes aware, however, that a malign being has singled him out for attention – and that Pietra might not be all that she seems.PIETRA is a vampire novelette of approximately 9,500 words.
Views: 395

Kissing a Fool (Silver Pines Book 5)

Hollywood made him a star. She makes him want to be a better man.** Charlotte Jeeves, “Charlie” to anyone not pulling her over or collecting her taxes, is the only one in town who’s not excited about her new neighbor, TV actor Jeeves Allencaster. It’s not “cute” how they share a name, and so not charming that he steals her muffin before they’ve even met. The last thing she wants is some slick Hollywood type turning her safe, small-town haven into a circus. If the locals have their way, though, she and Jeeves will be dating by…well, it depends on who you ask—and how much they’ve invested in the betting pool. Jeeves hates Hollywood. Mostly he just hates the way it’s changed him. Silver Pines is the total opposite of LaLa Land—the perfect place to rediscover himself. His plan didn’t include hooking up with the bitter—yet undeniably lush—girl next door. She’s not his type, yet he can’t get her off his mind. Trouble is, to thaw the ice around her heart, he’ll have to show her the real man behind the Hollywood charade. If he still exists… Kissing a Fool was previously titled, “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.” There is a bonus chapter!
Views: 395

Liars in Love

The stories in Liars in Love are concerned with troubled relations and the elusive nature of truth. Whether it be in the depiction of the complications of divorced families, grown-up daughters, estranged sisters, office friendships or fleeting love affairs, the pieces in this collection showcase Richard Yates's extraordinary gift for observation and his understanding of human frailty.
Views: 394

What Exactly Is Reality?

Book 1 of the 5 book "Reality" series of science fiction books authored by D.P. AllenThis is Book 1 of the 5 book "Reality" series of science fiction books.What does a 20th century man have in common with 16th century Spanish conquistadors and the Bermuda Triangle? How can one man survive, resist the chance to be a god and lead an entire people to freedom? Mike is about to find out who he is and what he is. He is about to push himself and an entire race to the limits of physical and mental endurance. Somewhere along the way he'll discover his innermost desires and the rewards they can bring. That is, of course, if he can survive long enough to see them happen! Sail to a land that is both familiar and foreign and begin an adventure that no one could ever imagine.
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Reilly's Luck (Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures)

Val Darrant was just four years old the snowy night his mother abandoned him. But instead of meeting a lonely death, he met Will Reilly—a gentleman, a gambler, and a worldly, self-taught scholar. For ten years they each were all the family the other had, traveling from dusty American boomtowns to the glittering cities of Belle Époque Europe—until the day Reilly's luck ran out in a roar of gunfire. But it wasn't a gambling brawl or a pack of thieves that sealed Will's fate. It was a far more complex story that Val would soon uncover—one that would bring him face-to-face with the one person he least wants to see: his mother. With the help of a beautiful, street-smart rancher and the woman who was Will Reilly's lost love, Val must close this last cruel chapter of his past before he can turn the page on an uncertain future.Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures is a project created to release some of the author's more unconventional manuscripts from the...
Views: 394

Change by Design

Kei Salin has been watching young lives fall to faulty bureaucratic nonsense for decades and she's tired of it. She forces the hand of her superiors to remove her from the project. Before obtaining her reassignment,she takes a trip. One stop on her vacation forces her to reveal something she's denied for decades.Ever wonder why aliens don't visit Earth? Or what coffee a demon likes to drink? Or how bureaucracy could really screw up a grand space adventure? A Flash in the Pan? is a collection of speculative flash fiction and short stories that answers these questions and more.The collection includes the following speculative fiction stories:- Beware Antipodean Shores (50 words)- Shipwrecked (500 words)- The Gloriously Cunning Plan (500 words)- Make Mine a Macchiato (500 words)- Striking Twice (500 words)- In the Service of the Public (500 words)- The Devil Wears Ugly Shapeless Garments Covered in Dog Hair (500 words)- The Regersek Zone (500 words)- Hindsight is a Bitch (50 words)- Authentic Empathy (500 words)- Wefting the Warp (4,300 words)- Showdown (5,100 words)
Views: 394

The Tale of the Landlady's Mirror

"The mirror caught Jane's eye almost immediately. Jane gazed into it, intent. Her reflection was slightly clouded, slightly misty, the harsh lines and angles on her face smoothed out. It was as though there was a layer of fine, gauzy gas between the glass and the silver and it was beautiful."A middle-aged landlady finds a mirror in the local dump, where nothing is as it seems."The mirror caught Jane's eye almost immediately. Jane gazed into it, intent. Her reflection was slightly clouded, slightly misty, the harsh lines and angles on her face smoothed out. It was as though there was a layer of fine, gauzy gas between the glass and the silver and it was beautiful."A middle-aged landlady finds a mirror in the local dump, where nothing is as it seems.
Views: 393

All is Lost: A Tale of Disappointment in 3 Acts

What does it look like when the madness that is complacency, and the frustration of mediocrity, slowly unravel the mind?“Plot-driven non-stop action…” “The pages fly.” “100% a truly fast-paced thriller” A storm is forming south of the border. A hidden danger lurks behind a failing regime. The year is 2026 and an unsuspected but powerful enemy is aiming secretly to revive a long-thought abandoned Mexican nuclear program jeopardizing peace on the western hemisphere for selfish gain. A dictatorship has been discretely imposed on Mexico by the hand of the reckless and cruel President Martin Trujillo who will let nothing stand in his way toward absolute power, or so it appears, to American lawyer Robert Higgins, Frank “Big Luck” Smith and a group of brave freedom warriors. They will find the true answer in their effort to help Mexico´s people strive for freedom. Lucia, a beautiful and mysterious secret agent, trapped in a dangerous mission in Europe, is about to cross paths with Robert Higgins. She holds key information, information that could make Robert´s efforts to maintain world peace fail or succeed. Decisions for her will not be easy to make; she has become emotionally involved with a man she shouldn´t have, and a mistake that could cost her everything… In a situation where nothing is what it seems, unlikely friends and secret foes urge for new point of view. The freedom of a nation and world peace depend upon dismantling an international conspiracy through the streets of New York City, Madrid, Mexico and Geneva and discovering the true face behind an increasingly relevant character with a secret agenda of his own. In this fast-paced thriller, Johnny Delca guides the reader through the intriguing world of conspiracies in a novel form of action narrative where the aim is to make the pages fly and the plot flow delivering exciting and dire turns of events.
Views: 392