Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922

Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922 is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by H. P. (Howard Phillips) Lovecraft is in the English language, and may not include graphics or images from the original edition. If you enjoy the works of H. P. (Howard Phillips) Lovecraft then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.
Views: 414

The King of Infinite Space

A short story about a chance meeting with an old schoolfriend on a train. It's also about being alone with your thoughts. Or just about being alone.A Jewish family possesses an instrument that has been passed down for generations; it endures time and travels over the sea from the Middle East where it was first created. Once on American soil the family becomes successful and loses interest in the family loom and leaves it when they move to California. The person that finds the instrument sells it at an auction on EBay. The man Todd that wins the auction fell in love with the mosaic designs that were placed on the outside. After it sits in his garage for years he brings it out to show a friend, while examining the pieces to the mosaic he discovers a code, his friend a professor at UNC helps him with his connections at the University, to discover how to decipher a few of the many codes. Before they get started good, the black suits from the dept. of Homeland Security confiscate the instrument and Todd ends up in jail. Once out of jail Todd discovers that by stroking the strings on the instrument, he has heard Sacred notes that has triggered activation of dormant DNA. Which will prove to be a life changing event that will lead to him attending the school of Melchezidec during meditation? Upon which he will learn the Secrets of the Universe, which have been hid from mankind since ancient times. In the meantime he is instructed by Enoch an ancient one to stop eating meat, Todd begins hearing people’s thoughts and seeing in other dimensions, having visions and déjà vu. Which in most cases immediately following these, the visions happen in real life exactly as Todd had seen them. Once Todd hears a person’s thoughts he figures out that he has made a connection through a galactic energy source of sound and vibrations that have always been here. He then can hear that person speak or think at anytime he wishes, which will prove to be quite hard to adjust to. Join Todd as he starts the school of Melchezidec and learns the sacred knowledge, which will prove to be a true Pandora’s box in his life, as well as the United States Government that will end up putting Todd on a list “Public Enemy Number 1”. Because Todd refuses to work with them after they learn he has found what they presume is supernatural powers
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The House Behind the Cedars

The House Behind the Cedars, which many consider Charles Chesnutt's finest novel, tells of John and Lena Walden, mulatto siblings who pass for white in the postbellum American South. The drama that unfolds as they travel between black and white worlds constitutes a riveting portrait of the shifting and intractable nature of race in American life. This edition revitalizes a much-neglected masterpiece by one of our most important African-American writers. As Werner Sollors writes, "William Dean Howells did not overstate his case when he compared Chesnutt's works with those by Turgenev, Maupassant, and James . . . and [Chesnutt] has become one of the most important 'crossover' authors from the African-American tradition."
Views: 413

The Blind Spot

"The Blind Spot" from Homer Eon Flint. Writer of pulp science fiction novels and stories (1888-1924). --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Views: 413

In My Garage

A couple of years ago, I made a pact with my two best friends, Nolan and Jacob. We decided that we would spend the last night before the end of the world partying in my garage. And that's just what we did.A short story by Scott Semegran.Toronto has been decimated by the plague that has ravaged the rest of the world. During the day, the few survivors salvage what they can to survive in the dead city. At night, the things beneath emerge. This short story follows Jacob, one of the few remaining humans, as he attempts to avoid the monsters that lurk under the streets.
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During this short but engaging story, Jack gets in a fight with his father and decides to make a living in the woods. He is able to live in the woods for a couple of weeks. But, after a close encounter with a forest creature can he still survive?Sarah is given Aisha's diary right before her mysterious death. Being reluctant at first, Sarah decides to read her diary, to figure out the truth, of what might have lead to her sisters death.. She discovers another world, of love, religion and cultures. Can the power of Love unite those who are of different religions?
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Doctors of Philosophy: A Play

**The only play by famed Scottish author Muriel Spark takes on the dilemmas of two intellectually ambitious women in 1960s England ** In a home overlooking London’s Regent’s Canal in the 1960s, two scholars debate the choices they have made with their lives. Catherine Delfont was one of the most promising minds of her generation, but after earning her PhD she gave up her research to marry a well-regarded economist and raise a family. Her cousin Leonora stayed in academia and became a successful classicist, able to observe both the breadth of history and the lives of others with brilliant, cool detachment. Together, they face the sacrifices they have made as women and intellectuals. First performed in London in 1962 and later in Scandinavia, where it was produced by Ingmar Bergman, Doctors of Philosophy is a fascinating artifact of early second-wave feminism. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Muriel Spark including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author’s archive at the National Library of Scotland.
Views: 412

How We Became Wicked

When an insect-borne plague begins to envelop the world, three sixteen-year-olds struggle to survive amongst the healthy "trues" and the infected "wickeds" in this gripping dystopian tale from the author of The Winter Place.A plague, called Wickedness, is pulsing through the world; and in its wake, it's dividing the population into thirds: The WICKED: Already infected by the droves of Singers, the ultraviolet mosquito-like insects who carry the plague, the Wicked roam the world freely. They don't want for much—only to maim and dismember you. But don't worry: They always ask politely first. The TRUE: The True live in contained, isolated communities. They're the lucky ones; they found safety from the Singers. And while the threat of the Wicked may not be eliminated, for the True, the threat has certainly been contained... The VEXED: The Vexed are the truly fortunate ones—they survived the sting of the Singers, leaving them...
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Titanic Sinking: Episode 1

Can one man’s prophetic visions help avert a major tragedy?Minister Ryan Guest awoke in a cold sweat one morning in 1897 with vivid memories of the vision he had seen the night before. In the minister’s dreams, a young man’s natural passions were manipulated, and the captain of the grandest ship ever built bore a burden that could destroy lives.Can one man’s prophetic visions help avert a major tragedy?This is not the Titanic you know. In this storytelling world created by Erik James, anything is possible. History can be re-written if warnings are heeded in time…Titanic Sinking is a serialized story told in three parts. Look for Episode Two soon.
Views: 412

The Time Traveler's Lament

For two decades Eric Montague has traveled back in time to the scene of his wife’s fatal accident. Even though he grieves for her constantly, he is willing to repeatedly relive the heartache of her death because it is the only way he can hold his wife again… if only for a moment.When a curious stranger appears Eric is soon faced with a new reality.In this 21st Century, the Age of Technology, we are still plagued by religious beliefs that are a contributing cause toward terrorism, killings and wars between nations. Belief in a deity, who has caused catastrophes, thereby punishing people, was brought about by hysteria and superstitions. These thought processes need to be reassessed and brought up to date. Open-minded people must use common sense to determine whether God was incorrectly perceived, misinterpreted and misunderstood by the masses of a bygone era.
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From the Australian Outback, where she meets a young Aboriginal man, to racist, rigidly segregated South Africa during World War II, to the midst of a pogrom in Lithuania, and then all the way back to the Babylon of biblical times, Emily has deep encounters with the young women she meets and ultimately, the histories that have mysteriously and yet powerfully shaped her own soul.
Views: 411

The Observers

The Observers is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by G. L. Vandenburg is in the English language, and may not include graphics or images from the original edition. If you enjoy the works of G. L. Vandenburg then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.
Views: 411