The Lord Deceives Read online

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  Chapter 4 Ishmael loves Isaac

  The book of Ester unfolded right before our eyes in Syria. Benjamin Netanyahu forged a relationship with Irans bulldog, Russia, and stopped Iran from invading Israel through the Golan Heights. Jezebel - Terrorism and Haman – Islam suffered a defeating blow. At the United Nations, on September 22, 2016 Bibi's speech divided the world in favor of supporting the only democracy in the middle east, Israel.

  Over the ages, false prophets have tried turning the sons of Ishmael against the sons of Isaac. For example, King Xerxes was deceived by Haman to kill his Judean brothers. However, the king read the scribes notes and learned that we was bribed into a lie with his own silver. Furious, the king reversed the decree, picked a new queen and allowed Judeans to destroy their enemies.

  The war in Syria not only prevented WW3 but it also showed world leaders the violence of religious warmongers. As a result, terrorism cannot seek refuge in nations without going unnoticed. Israel woke the world to radical Islams deceitfulness.

  Sadly, Imams pay children to become suicide bombers. Its a direct violation of Quran 4.74. Primarily because Islam is a self defense religion and not an aggressive one. Meaning, they cannot go to war with neighboring cities unless Makkah is attack first. The Quran even goes further to explain that Muslims must live peacefully with pagan nations.

  As blind as Christians are of prophecy, so too are Muslims blind of the real meaning of Islam. Islam closely resembles the church of Thyatira. Their children keep dying for lack of knowldege concerning scripture. Over the years, terrorism has gotten so out of hand, that even Muslim nations are wanting change.

  There is only one way out of the hole religious bigotry has dug. Arabs need to know of their true heritage. They also need preachers to explain the Quran. If we continue to do nothing about presenting answers, then we are as guilty as terrorists by turning a blind eye.

  In all honesty, these prophetic revelations have caught everyone off guard. It is only due to the recent changes in the middle east that they are revealed. This spiritual checkpoint is grace from God. Together, we can redirect religion and protect everyone.

  Arabs have been fooled. They are putting a religion not of their own before the safety of themselves and others. Islam truly believes it will gain control of the world through Jihad. For the most part, they too have been deceived by the Lord.

  The Ka'aba is a rock that survived Mohammads wrath. He destroyed 360 stones but left one. That stone is embedded into the rock at Mecca. It even has 666 inscribed onto it. While circling the larger cube, they pass the little rock stuck in a crevice and rub it. If Muslims were to remove those stones then all Islam would crumble since they cannot base any of their teachings without them. They worship creation rather than the Creator. But that is neither here nor there. Even if those idols were removed, our brothers would still be scattered. To reach our brother's, we must use prophecy and not doctrine.

  Like a hen, we need to shelter everyone with the wings of healing. The faithful bible has left a roadmap for us to follow. Arabs need to be informed of what truly happened. Ishmaels descendants were pillaged into observing Islam. The same hatred that conquered them is now trying to work itself through them to dominate the world.

  Persia houses Ishmael's children During the time of King Xerxes, the people studied Zoroastrianism. It's a monotheistic religion. It has many beautiful stories of their former belief structure. Today, the Quran tells Arabs not to follow their heritage. It even says to be called a king of kings is bad. Little do Ishmael's sons know, but even Ishmael is a king of kings just like Xerxes and Cyrus.

  If forgetting heritage isn't bad enough, Arabs are decieved about the Quran as well. Islam's followers directly violate the very principles the Quran is laid upon.

  For example, Islam is supposed to be a peaceful religion. However, Islam was spread by war. Quranians are mandated to live in peace with neighboring cities. Even if that neighboring village has a different belief structure. The only way Islam can go to war is if Makkah, where the Ka'aba is, is invaded. To date, hat has never happened.

  The history of Islam is hypocritical. Muhammad blames Mecca for polytheism. He either tried starting a war with Meccans or left Mecca peacefully to prevent war. The historical texts disagree in some places. It gets more confusing. If he left Mecca for Medina based on polytheism or peace, then why did he start war with Jews in Medina based on polytheism through war for peace? Influential figures of today are armed with this knowledge and try mending bridges like the Pope.

  Since Muslims broke treaties with neighboring Medina, Allah considers them infidels because they disobeyed Him. Jews and Christians who keep peace are now believers and protected in the sight of Allah. Unfortunately, Muslims are blind, deaf and dumb concerning peace, Quran 2.18.

  Therefore, it has fallen on the shoulders of Jerusalem's leader's to protect the world. Since that huge geo-political shift in 2016, the world experienced Ezekiel 38.7. Where Israel, “guarded” all nations. As a result, the world saw Russia and Israel unite against terrorism on the eve of Purim 2017 . Additionally, Israel is making friends world – wide. Forces are joining against Sunni and Shi’ite radical jihad. Those events match biblical prophecy and it should be a wake up call for Christianity. The war in Syria stopped Gog and Magog from entering Israel. That's a profound observation in our day and age. Yet it get's even more beautiful, Israel even joined forces with Saudi Arabia against terror.

  About 90% of Christendom and Islam consider this era to be a time of great tribulation. Both are deceived. Muslims and Christians are waving the wrong flags. It could be assumed that we are supporting the sixth beast indirectly by preaching Armageddon.

  When the war in Syria began. Islam even began killing its own brothers and sisters. This is reminescent of Gideons time when his enemies kill each other with the sword in Judges 7.22.

  Christians have been on the offensive and defensive. Through Obama, the Lord decieved Islam and used Sunnis against Shi'ite's to reveal the devestation of defiled religion. Allah is trying to make a point. Their divided house is unnecessarily creating widows and orphans. It's also provoking everyone else to do the same in self-defense.

  Muslims need to be taught from their own prophetic scriptures. The Hadith and Quran explain that a 12th imam will appear and save the world from its current destructive condition. Truth be told, Al-Mahdi is not warmongering individual like the anti-Christ. That 12th Imam will support Jesus. Both, Al-Mahdi and Jesus will destroy the anti-Christ. Unfortunately, Muslims don't understand that a third temple is required for all these individuals to appear. They need to know the truth about last day signs other than Armageddon. The apocalypse is misleading everyone.

  In Quran 2.104, “Raina’s” or “Unzurna’s” are begging their leaders to stop killing children, because one of them could possibly be Al-Mahdi. A positive assumption can also speculate that the 12th Imam could be Islam as a whole where each person is peace, love, joy, and unity.

  The current world condition is a problem due to Christianities preaching. If we preach a new direction then the world will change its direction. We have led the nations blindly because we don't understand where we are in biblical prophecy. Both, the Holy Bible and Quran declare peace during our lifetime. Both also signify individuals who will help heal the world, not destroy it.

  For a moment, lets consider the truth. The lost tribes of Israel include Ishmael and Esau descendants. When Jacob entered Samaria, they joined with Esaus descendants. At that point, one could safely assume, Arabs were born, or at the very least Israelis. Howver, since then Arabs have been warring against everyone.

  In Gen 16.7-16 it states that Ishmael's hand will be against others. That is true today. Ishmael's descendants are killing Isaac's descendants to hold sway over Abrahams promise of having access to the one true God. This is also a spiritual checkpoint for us to follow. Ishmaels children not only observe a religion which mandates peace but also the Holy Bible is concerned fo
r their well being. This scriptural checkpoint can help us understand how to move forward because the angel of the Lord came to save them.

  If we fast forward to today, the teachings of Jesus’ second return have a chance to unify Abraham’s children. Together, we can end war, disease and hunger. Only Jesus can decide between our religious differences. Coincidentally, scriptural prophecies in both the Holy Bible and Quran pinpoint our current moment in history. Therefore, we have an opportunity of a lifetime.

  We can faithfully follow the Word and see where it leads us. Fortunately, our generation is witnessing last day prophecies which confirm Jesus' return. Through the Lords direction, we will move as a solid unit and move ever more quickly to hasten His return. By doing so, we will be found faithful with the souls of the world He has entrusted to us.

  At your voice, evil can stop manipulating the world against itself through religion. It’s time for Christians to see both holy books truly reveal. Both resurrections, peace and a third temple are just to name a few. But, it gets even better than that. Those passages reveal Christians finding the lost tribes of Israel and Ishmael. Those lost tribes will come out of mystery Babylon. Plus, they too will prepare the way of the LORD. They, my friends, are Arabs and Jews of today. They have been fighting since Genesis 16 and need a break. Reach them for father Abraham and bring them to their one true God, YAHH.

  Yes, combining similarities between the Quran and the Holy Bible is the only way to rectify this situation. Don’t be afraid of potentially becoming a martyr either. If Paul the apostle was here, he would rip that book to shreds, and for fun too!

  Remember this, Jews have died for us to receive the Word. Don’t you think it’s time Christianity figures out how to lay their life down for a brother in arms? Israel, Russia and the rest of the world are starting too. Have you noticed today’s society? If an Imam told his congregation to walk into a church and blow it up, his congregate would obey. So strap yourselves with the Gospel.

  God has provided us a tool to against the ignorance of Islam. The Hadith. The brother book to the Quran states that a Muslim must listen to a Christian if the topic of prophecy were to change. My folks, the topic has changed. Just take a look at politics. Thats just one example.

  The Hadith also explains that Christians will take over in the last days and become unafraid of Muslims. Because of Christians, the Quran will be removed from the earth. Yes, when a Christian approaches Muslims based on their doctrine and corrects them, they are commanded to listen. However, the goal is to move everyone towards the truth of the Gospel.

  Please keep in mind, I do not want you to become a Muslim. Rather, learn their doctrine to reach the lost tribes of Israel. It’s the way Paul reached untapped Gentiles. Through Islam's very own doctrine, you can destroy Islam and remove it from the earth.

  Do you see yet? Only Christians know the answers to last day signs Muslims are trying to follow. Muslims just need to be taught how to see.

  Know this, it’s easy to have a winning argument with a Muslim.

  The body of Christ can use the Quran to convert a Muslim by using history and archaeology. Today’s Muslims aren’t even supposed to be Muslims. They belong to Abraham and at most should be either Jews, Christians or Zoroastrians. Once Arabs realize their forefathers erected the first and second temple in Jerusalem for YAHH, they would either leave Mecca or help build the third.

  Approaching a Muslim as a Christian is difficult. Muslims view Christianity as polytheism. Thats the reason they kill Christians. That misconception is easily explained. Jesus manifests himself in three different offices. First he is a Son. Proof of it is shown by prophet Mohammads teaching that he is in heaven awaiting his return to end evil. Islam teaches Allah has no equals, especially a son but anyone who makes it to heaven is directly a son or daughter of God. Second, Jesus was in the “form” of God and not the Father as he accomplished miracles by the Holy Ghost. Third, he introduced both religions to the Holy Spirit. That is not polytheism. It’s the same prophet viewed in three different offices. Allah has no equal. None is good but the Father alone. Look at the President of a firm. He has many offices and delegates responsibility to capable employees. No one can assume the position of God so Jesus decided to reveal himself in three different ways to explain his Father's character.

  So, what does all this mean? Today's Arabs aren’t supposed to be Muslims. They are supposed to be observant Jews since they are Israelis. A Jew and Christian shouldn’t be sorry for defending themselves either. Regardless of which argument a Muslim decides to use, doesn't make a difference. Islam has lost. Now it's time to save our brothers.

  They may say clear signs have been given to substantiate Islam as the one true religion. However, its only idol worship. A rock and mosque mean nothing. We can argue about that as well but it's not worth it. We first need to redirect Christianity and then Islam will follow. Note this to be true as well, a mosque has no direct linkage to Abraham. The only place of worship directly linked to their fathers were commissioned by the Persians who did not submit to people like Haman who left the teachings of their fathers.

  At this very hour we are in great need of leaders to stand. Can you join hands with us as we move the world into a different direction?