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Chapter 5 Armageddon's Ten Horns
Today, major religions are preparing for Armageddon. Each one is wrong. The image and mark of the beast have not been revealed. Armageddon happens before the second resurrection. Sadly, the current condition of our world is based on false preachers teaching the end of the world. Not only is Christianity to blame, but so is Islam. When the seventh and eight beast show themselves, the ten horns atop the beast will also reveal themselves.
However, since society is on the topic of Armageddon, let's define how part of it takes place.
The anti-christ's armies kill one third of mankind during the second half of Rev 9.18-21. Fortunately, those who die, give their life to Jesus and refuse to worship a man as God.
There's a very dark side to the Lord, Amos 5.18. To better understand one variation of his dark side, let’s consider our mother, Eve. She overcame the first beast but had to fall in order to protect her flock. In the same way, we have to eat the fig of God's word and believe everything will be alright during the great tribulation. Believer’s, new and old, will have to trade life for faith. We have a good example through our Mother. Yet, her physical fall required a spiritual balance, salvation.
Our physical obedience during a spiritual war commands victory over any beast. Thank you Mom. Obeying the Word impales our physical actions to support spiritual growth. Eve's decision hallmarks that achievement. Therefore, the requirements of the church of Ephesus to become just before God by accessing the tree of life requires obedience, Rev 2.7 and Rev 22.14. However, the second beast killed Abel physically. As his spirit cried from the ground, God marked the transgressor with an identifying trespass on his hand and head. It is reminiscent of the church of Smyrna, whereby we may be required to love God dispite our life ending to soon. Regardless of the cause and effect, overcoming today’s beast requires a physical and spiritual awakening.
Fortunately, some of us will not see Armageddon but it is good to be prepared. A
The current condition of the church is not preperation for the end of the world. Rather, its a bunch of confused people trying to figure out what to do next in scripture.
Arguing and killing over denominational differences is destroying the world around us. Religious zealots who don't understand biblical prophecy are to blame. Their lack of knowledge has provoked other nations to practice the same violence so it looks like were entering the first resurrection.
Eze 7.23 commands our church to make a chain. We need to put hooks into the jaws of the sixth beast, defiled religion. By doing so we can create a pure and undefiled family where killing and famine are healed. In order to accomplish that task, we must unify Christ’s body which includes Islam because they too are awaiting Jesus' return to destroy evil.
If we fast forward from this troublesome time unto Revelation 12, peace would be achieved by Michael and his angels.
In Revelation 12, heaven is no longer deceived. Satan is cast out. Satan begins as a great red dragon, becomes a great dragon and then ends as a dragon. Chapter 12.12 is a picture of Rev 13 where a beast comes out of the sea. Which happens to be the seventh. The eighth comes out of the earth, armies gathered for Armageddon.
One could postulate that John the Revelator preaches the gospel to all nations at the end of Rev 10 which forces the world to experience Rev 13. Fortunately, time will tell the tale.
Right now, five beasts have been destroyed. The sixth is here because of deceived religions. The seventh and eighth are on their way. Today's preachers teach Armageddon is right around the corner. However, if we look at things a little closer, we are currently binding the sixth beast while waiting for the rest. Since Armageddon is the last beast, we cannot continue to let the world suffer in the name of false prophets. Therefore, Rev 20.7-15 is a picture of the day of the Lord.
Just like religion is confused about Armageddon, they are also confused about the ten horns atop the beast's head.
Christians consider the ten horns as evil. They're not. I'll explain.
After the Antichrist reveals himself in Rev 13.6, he is “given” the ability to make war with the saint’s. Yes, those ten horns give him power and strength to make war with the saints. The rolling suicide begins in Rev 12.17 and is pictured, Rev 9.20-21. Its description is also illustrated in Rev 13.7. Those ten horns give him their power and strength to fulfill the will of God as shown in Rev 17.13 and 17.17.
At what point do those ten horns transfer power and strength to the beast? Is it during the first three and a half years of the tribulation? Or is it during the last three and a half years? They are hidden king-priests during the first and revealed king-priests during the last part.
Once the anti-Christ sits in the temple claiming to be God, those ten kings capture their que. Wisely, they directly administer the day of the Lord. Can you see why understanding this is important? If, those ten horns loved killing God’s children, then one of them would have sat in that temple seat claiming to be God in the first three and a half years to begin the mark and image of the beast. They don't do it.
Truth is, they are waiting to identify the son of perdition. Their faith in the Word of God maintains their crowns. They are blessed. One could only wish to have such a blessing upon their life to be considered worthy enough to help complete the Word of God!
Are those ten horns drunk with the blood of the saints as the whore is? No.
The mystery of the whore is revealed through each head of the beast. Each head kills children of God, Rev 18.24. She began her evil reign when Adam and Eve tasted death. Since then, she has been drunk with the blood of the saints. Even now, she is confusing the world to kill each other through religion.
The last three beasts are revealed in Rev 17.8. Those seven heads in Rev 17.7 are the seven mountains in Rev 17.9 who represent seven kings of Rev 17.10. Five of them are fallen. In our moment of history, that woman is currently sitting on sixth Satan through false prophets.
As the timeline goes. The false prophet and the beast must be revealed to allow Christ to destroy them. Once revealed, they're destroyed and Christs millennial reign begins. This could potentially happen in our lifetime.
Per Christian theologians, Islam is the religion of Satan. Per Islam theologians, Christianity is the religion of Satan. Yet, both are wrong. Neither one of us hope to represent Satan because we both follow the religions of our fathers. If Satan reveals himself, both religions will try to protect the world. Therefore, its time to shrug him off, come together and bless the world instead of cursing it. Truth be told, the anti-Christ can come from any number of religions as revealed in Daniel 11.37.
I make the argument for Islam and Christianity as being part of the sixth beast because each one is directly disobeying their holy scriptures. Each text agrees that in our lifetime, we should be at peace.
In defense of Islam, Catholicism could be viewed as representing the whore when they slaughtered the world in the name of Mary. Even Martin Luther, the founder of Pentecostalism, preached killing Jews.
Nonetheless, I digress. If the anti-Christ appeared in the third temple, all Abrahamic religions would refuse to worship him as God. Each Abrahamic faith would flee to the mountains for safety. That will include Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and anyone else smart enough to run. All will flee at the hands of evil, except those who take his mark and worship his image. Which brings me to my next point in defining the ten horns.
Christianity considers Abaddon of Rev 9.11 as either Satan or one of Satan’s devils. Reconsider this teaching. First, he’s a star with a key. There’s only one angel with a key and he binds Satan. Satan tries to exalt himself above the “stars” of God. Second, Abaddon is the same angel of Rev 20.1-3. He has the key to the bottomless pit. For that beast to come out of the bottomless pit as described in Rev 17.8 he must first be locked up. Satan gets locked up, not the angel with the key.
If it was left to Satan, he would release himself from captivity using the key. Additionally, he woul
d destroy the whole world and try to rise above you, another star of God. Therefore, the angel of the bottomless pit named Apollyon was sent to bind Satan in these last days. Before locking Satan up, Apollyon sets Satan’s captives free. As a matter of fact, those locusts only hurt the enemies of God as stated in Revelations 9.4. His captives are descendants from both sides of Abrahams tree. That one angel in the book of Revelation is climbing up and down Jacob’s ladder to bind Satan. That’s the angel of the LORD.
Those eight heads represent Satan through the ages. The sixth leaves the bottomless pit, finds his seventh, and leads the eighth, Armageddon. All eight, and their followers go into perdition. Rev 17.11 is a picture of God throwing all three into the lake of fire.
Therefore, Rev 17.12 represents the ten kings fulfilling the word of God as also in Rev 13.7. The beast finds them and he gives them power. But those ten kings give their power and strength back unto the beast. That power struggle proves one point. Those ten horns could have led Armageddon if they wanted, but they chose not too.
Those ten horns make the false prophet, beast and Satan reveal themselves. When the temple is built, the end of evil begins. Today’s wars are not Armageddon or WW3. They are the calm before the storm.
I assume the space between verses Revelations 9.11 and 9.12 is where a third temple is built. Those verses are troublesome, because we have to figure out how to stop religion from destroying the world so they unite in order to help fulfill the Word of God through a temple.
In Rev 16.15 Jesus is right around the corner from returning. At that moment, angels are released to gather the wheat into the barns and chaff for unquenchable fire in Rev 14.15. Armageddon is in full force at the end of the second woe of Rev 9.12-21 and Rev 11.1-14. The victims do not take the mark of the beast and the last two prophets are the final casualties of the whore Rev 11.11-12. During that time, people repent of evil, give their life to Jesus and die. At that point, Satan is in full force and must be stopped. When the two prophets get taken to heaven in a cloud, the world see's the armies of God ready to end evil.
What can we conclude thus far? The ten horns set up evil for its fall thereof. Let’s continue.
How do the ten horns feel about the whore riding each beast. In chapter 17.16 they hate the her. Those ten horns do not appreciate the woman killing saints. They finalize her tyranny and help God make her give up the dead, Rev 18.24. Not only do they hate her, they understand the will of God as in Rev 17.17. The kingdom is only transferred to the beast UNTIL the words of God are fulfilled. Then the kingdom is taken back as God's enemies are destroyed.
All her plagues will come upon her in one day, Rev 18.8. The day of the LORD is revealed in Rev 20.7-15. As a matter of fact, they burn the whore with fire as revealed in Revelations 18.8 and Revelations 17.16. This can also be found in Daniel 7.20-26. In the end, those ten horns return with God and establish the fourth kingdom on earth.
I guarantee you, those ten kings will not stand in the temple and declare themselves to be God. Consider the time they were able to do it and never did. Although, to find the enemy, they will account for themselves when the anti-Christ assumes power. Those Kings know the will of God and are willing to do what they can to bring his word to fulfilment. True Lions and Beasts they are.
These Kings will make the whore and the beast desolate, naked, and will eat her flesh and burn her with fire! Thus, they pave the way for the Lord God to reign on earth. They also pave the way for the King of kings and Lord of lords in Rev 19.17-21 to lead an army that will end Armageddon. Those ten horns find safety in Babylon, then come out of Babylon just to watch mystery Babylon destroy itself
Chapter 6 Praise Worthy
For generations, the tribe of Judah has held the word of God in high esteem. Each generation has fulfilled prophecies. Through slavery, war, destitution and death they have persevered to care for themselves and the world. Due to the Jews being sold in slavery to the Greeks, the land of Israel was born in our lifetime. Even your Fathers who currently lead the world can be traced to Abraham. In one line or another Abraham has reached the world. This is important to know because our Fathers have reached a conclusion. The only scriptures that need to be fulfilled to move the world to its next scriptural fulfillment is Ezekiel 38.8. There it states we become a safety to all people mentioned in verses 1-7. Once that goes into effect, we can go on to a third temple. For now, the world is stuck in its current condition until the people take a stand. Our Fathers have done all they can do but even they are stuck until a direction of unity is accomplished to fulfill the rest of the Bible. The final stand is against destructive religion. We all need to protect widows and orphans. Each religion is guilty of creating them. As a whole, religion, needs to submit to pure and undefiled religion. Coincidentally, even the Quran requests this. Rather than fight one another, or defend one another against each other, we should reach the world in unity. War cannot spill into nations unreached by the Gospel.
In closing, I leave you with some hope. If we achieve unity, we will see better days. In chapter 7 of the first testament of the Illuminati named Illuminatiam, it is explained that every pain of human suffering can be addressed. However, the world isn't ready for its next evolution until we move the world for God's purpose. God wants to come home. We need to prepare the way for him. Can you support the Father of many nations?
Right here, on planet earth, most of us are Abrahams children from Ishmael or Isaacs side. Go save your brother, please. Fight for them. Remove the seal Allah put on their eyes because of disobedience in Quran 2.11. Remove that seal with truth Quran 2.7. By doing so, that seal in Rev 20.3 will prepare the way to bind Satan. Now it’s up to you, only you can mark Ishmael's sons with the Seal of Godas described in Revelations 9.4.
1. Translate last 1,700 languages. 2. Preach to hidden Israeli’s for a third temple.
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