The Lord Deceives Read online

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  Chapter 3 Prophetic Peace

  In addition to Islam, Christianity is also directly supporting the sixth beast. How, you ask? By preaching the apocalyptic war beast and creating divisions based on doctrine. Regarding other religions, we are commanded to be all things to all people so that some might be saved. Even Christianity needs to preach peace, not just Islam.

  Unknown to Christianity, we need to protect the middle east Eze 38.1-8. We are not supposed to be at war ant this is not a time for Armageddon. Any preacher who teaches otherwise is a deceived prophet.

  And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.

  In addition to the Holy Bible, even the Quran declares peace during this time of turmoil. As a matter of fact, both should be working together to rebuild the third temple.

  Quran 2.11-12 states, When it is said to them,”do not disturb the peace of the land (by hypocritical tactics), ' they say, 'We are simply setting things right (and so helping the cause of peace).' 2.18 (They are) deaf, dumb, (and) blind, so they will not return (to the right path). 2.18 applies to both religions. Stop supporting Satan's deceiving tactice. We need to inform our Muslim brothers because they are supposed to be Judaic followers or at the very least, peaceful.

  Armageddon scriptures have been taken out of context. It happens just before the second resurrection. We haven't even gotten to the first. As a matter of fact, the Quran mandates Muslims to not even participate in Armageddon.

  Quran 18.99 it says, “We shall leave them” (Gog and Magog, [in Syria]) alone at that time surging as waves (in furious attacks) one over another."

  Both religions need to wake up. Our ignorance of the scripture is destroying the world we know. Which side is playing the blame game? Both hands have blood on their hands. Rather than creating widows and orphans, we should be housing them and healing their wounds.

  Truth be told, when we stand before God, we will not be able to blame anyone for turning a blind eye.

  Christians believe Muslims will die. Muslims believe Christians will die. Both are wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth that the lie of those two statements. We need to come together. Christians are lacking knowledge of the truth and Muslims have been blinded since they rejected truth. Both sides are lost and guilty of not knowing scripture. Together, they are supporting the sixth beast. Every single word Paul says to remove from the church is taught by end time preachers. In this situation people cannot blame the Lord, but they can blame his followers.

  We are our brothers keeper. If that anti-christ were to show up today an entire religion would join him in Jihad. Can you imagine the shock of Ishmaels favor lost because Christianity was ignorant of truth and turning a blind eye because they think Muslims are evil. Even though 666 is hinged on Meccah does not mean we should thrown the sons of Abraham out the window with the curtains. We are living in a modern day Cain and Abel situation. Sad isnt it? When will Christendom wake up to the fact that even Jerusalem is paying the price due to our igrnoance. Judaism knows scripture and they are waiting for us to join the war against terrorism.

  If that anti-christ were to show up, even Ishmaels descendants would seek refuge under the wings of the Most High God. But why wait until he comes around? We should sheild them now!

  Thus far, both church bodies have been blinded to two very important clauses. First, God wishes us to be a “guard” unto “all” nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38.7. That includes Persia, the home of the Shi'ite brotherhood. Second, God wishes Christians to make sure all those players mentioned in verses 1-8, “dwell safely.” It seems far fetch for the weak, but the strong can make safety for all happen.

  Take a look at the current condition of our religious world. Denominations are drowning in sickness and forgetfulness. Where have all the shepherds gone?

  Our brothers agression is for nought because they are protected due to their ignorance. Thats just one example of why people are deceived by the Lord. Yet, now that you know the truth of what is going on, what do you plan to do about it?

  Israelis are defending themselves against their own brothers. Truth be told, if Islam drops it's arms, then so will all Judaeans . During this prophetic time, no one is supposed to be at war. What other proof do you need? Bodies? Scripture? Politics? Its happening right before our very eyes.

  The holocaust was little less than a hundred years ago. When are you going to wake up to the fact that at a moments notice even non Jews will experience a holocaust if someone doesnt stand up against ignorance. To date, Christians are slack in strength. If someoen hit you on the right cheek youd let them cut off the other. Don't be like that. Jesus wasn't. He told the guard what was the reason for his blow onto his cheek and what did Jesus do. HE TURNEd the other cheek by asking a question and MADE the guard Stop hitting him. TURN THE OTHER CHEEK. Make your brothers stop hitting you.

  Can you imagine how the world can breath from such violence and terrorism, if we just Implemented prophetical scripture and were willing to die for the Word? Peace is possible in our lifetime. Through you truth will triumph over lies, war will produce peace and prosperity will abound to all.

  We can gather all nations for a third temple to witness the coming of the Son of Man on the clouds. Israel is home to both Arab and Jew. Together, they can forge family ties such as the likes of Esau when he met Jacob. Esau protected his brother, he didn't kill him. Yet, in our day the reverse is worth money. We as Xians have to approach Arabs and inform them of these last day signs. Based on these last day signs, Muslims are commanded to live peaceably with us. With Muslims we can bring the whole world to Jerusalem to worship the one true God, YAHH.

  Matthew 24.14, says that the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Can you see what that means? There are only 1,700 dialects left to accomplish this task. Statistics show this monumental task will be completed around 2033. However, it can happen quicker if we choose. But that is neither here nor there considering Islam and Chrisitanity will continue to war against friendly nations as they pour into Israel.

  No one knows when the Father will return but we can be found faithful with establishing completing prophecy. Which of you is unafraid of death? Who amongst you feel a worthy calling to change the world? How many times have we fought over doctrine that ultimately means nothing in the scope of prophecy? To day, if you will hear his voice, rise. Let the day star arise in your hearts for a broken and hurting world.. Judge the scriptures for yourself. All holy texts agree that Peace is the set standard for our generation. If and only if you do decide to do something, you alone will be head and shoulders above the rest. I urge you, take up arms with warring brothers for a proper true cause. Don't run away. Did you know, in South Africa, warring tribes kill each other in defense. Do you know why? Muslims rape and pillage villages. If that were to happen here in America, what would you do? Would you behave like a wimpering dog or would you stand and protect your family?

  People test God with ti
thes, test him with translations or peace. I dare you. Or are you to enthralled with money so much that fulfilling biblical prophecy means nothing to you. Do you know churches have billions of dollars and can evangelize the world in a year? Stop chasing pipe dreams and chase scriptures for souls. Our brothers are trapped.

  Can you imagine the crown you can lay at the foot of Jesus which no one else can? Isn’t it beautiful knowing that only you can reach a nation for God who has never heard of the gospel? Isn’t it even more exciting to know we can hasten the return of the Lord if we just believe and take him at his word? Here is a website you can visit They can send you around the world to translate the bible. It’s beautiful isn’t it. With that scriptural fulfillment, you can get a name noone else in heaven will ever know.

  Christians no longer have to consider Arabs enemies. They are your brothers. We are all brothers of the same God. Yes, Christians argue and say the Great Satan reveals himself through Islam because the Quran says Allah is the great deceiver. With that being said, what do you say now that a Muslim can walk up to you and say, the Lord deceives too? Do you see how that argument doesn't work anymore?

  Do you see how a Muslim can say the Lord is the Great Satan too? All are blind. All are lost in terms of the sixth beast. We need to reconsider our teaching and move forward.

  Together as one, we believe in the one true God, obey his commandments and observe last day signs. Those three beliefs unite Islam and Christianity. Yes, you can walk into a mosque and preach like the prophets of old or even discuss current events. Thats the purpose of this book. It's to inform you of weapons you have that you didn't know you had.

  Today's war on Israel shouldnt be happening. Friendly Jews purchased land from friendly Arabs in the 1800's. They lived side by side and ate at each others table. As a matter of fact, Jews purchased desert. So the development seen today has only happened in the last 100.

  Did you know Abraham would appreciate unity amongst all his children? It's a task to consider isnt it? It's beneficial that we are commanded to adhere to the same requirements as Islam isn't it? Together, we can create a pure and undefiled religion. Where widows take in orphans and care for them. If we just stopped, reconfigured our direction and began mobilizing as an army, we can protect all people.

  Did you know, Muslims are also awaiting Jesus' return? The problem presents itself through ignorace of Holy Bible scriptures. Christians are the only ones with answers. Christians are the ones leading the world into its current condition. Christianity preaches armageddon. If we stopped, then the world should stop warring. We know when, why, how, where, and what will happen for last day prophecies to be completed.

  Our problem doesnt come from being zealous, it comes from a lack of knowledge. Yet, it is up to Christians to lead the way. Far too long have both sides vilified the other as Satan. It's time to clean house. Clean all houses under one Abraham's roof.

  As you now know, the Quran and Holy Bible command us to prepare and protect everyone from the last three beasts. Defiled religion is the current beast. Islam may have jihad to nail them to the cross but Christianity has ignorance of scripture holding them up. If Isaac or Ishmael were here they would rebuke all of us. If Jacob or Esau were here, they would correct all of us. One side fights over religious Authority to hold sway over Abrahams promise. Its funny because, Islam was never Abrahams choice of religions. Its even funnier how Israel has gone to war with prophets like Gideon yet pastors in our day and age are scared to become like the shotgun preacher. We need to switch roles.

  The Anti-Christ should unite us, not divide us. Christianity and Islam view the world as their domination. They consider lives expendable for faith. One pursues in death while the other submits. Both sides have not considered something. The world is looking at us through a glass house. Someone needs to throw a stone at one of the walls to break it. The world is completely lost because we are.

  If the anti-christ can make us run, does it mean evangelists have gotten soft? The only ones seeking refuge are those who rejected Jesus. None of us want rocks to fall on us to hide us from the face of the Lord. Stop being weak and wake up. The anti-christ overcomes us, not another religion. Especially not Islam. There's only one way for us to come together, Jesus. Both religions are awaiting his return to finalize the end of tyranny.

  Muslims are commanded to observe the teachings of the prophets, one of which is Jesus. That's a blessing in disguise because Muslims know nothing of the bible except Armageddon. We can teach them the truth of what the last day signs require of us. We can teach them. We both want others to believe in the one true God, YAHH. We both want others to obey commandments. Yet both sides are confused about last day signs heralding the end of the age. Once we get these under lock, the key will fit and the door will open or close at our turn.

  Those three belief structures afford us an opportunity to fill empty gaps. Two warring factions can drop their arms, unite the world for peace, build a third temple for Jesus and bless every nation on earth in the name of God.

  Jesus' return is a prophecy expected in both holy books. Together, everyone can be lead the world into prosperity, love and happiness.

  Did you know the Quran protects anyone who adheres to any one of those three beliefs. As a matter of fact, if any Muslim disregards anyone of those three observations and hurts someone, then that Muslim has now become an infidel. You are protected.

  It gets better. The current argument over the temple mount shouldnt be happening. Quran 2.114 states, “who can be more unjust than those who prohibit the name of God from being extolled in (Any of His) houses (–aka a third temple.”). Could it be that Herod's temple is underneath that huge pile of dirt?

  Therefore, the argument over the holy site is unfounded. In the 2.177 verse of the Quran, it says to us. That the sole virtue of a person doesn’t rely on facing east or west, (praying towards a temple), but it relies on believing the Prophets - which includes Jesus and the Holy Bible. That also includes you. Can you help us reach our warring brothers for our fathers?