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  “Get your passport. You’re hired,” he told me.

  After a very long drive with hardly any sleep, we arrive at the port. None of us knows what to expect. Since it’s the first cruise of its kind, I don’t think anyone does. As we are boarding I’m looking at all the women around, sizing everyone up. Talent looks decent and I’m easy to please so I’m eager to get the party started. As we are in line, I meet a couple of middle-age gals I start hitting on right away. My goal is to have a sexual conquest as soon as I get onboard. Before if possible. As we are chatting it up I ask for some info on what’s going to be going on. They tell me some of the events to come but the most interesting thing is the sex rooms. I’m told that you just go in and a couple will ask you to join them. If you want to, you and your partner just join in, right in front of everyone.

  I ask immediately where they’re located and learn that one is at the front of the ship and the other is at the back. I board and head to my cabin. As I walk, I see big tubs full of condoms everywhere. It must be destiny that I’m here, I think. All our guys split off to our rooms. I throw my gear on my bed. An announcement comes on the intercom. Time for the safety drill, it says, and also no one can be nude outside ’til we leave the bay and hit open water. I grab my life vest and head to the deck. I guess the captain didn’t realize the wildness of this group because when I get to my assigned station half the people are already naked waving to the people on land, wearing only life vests and smiles.

  We go through the motions and everyone gets back into party mode. I ditch my vest and start my search for the sex rooms. When I get to the first one I enter and scope it out. There are maybe five couples in this room full of beds and they are all getting it on. I’m a little shy and unsure what to do. A few other couples come in and watch the action. Being without a mate, I feel like the guy at the party whom no one knows, and everyone is wondering who invited him. So I slip back out and figure I will try the other one.

  When I get there, I find out this one is not just a sex room but also the main theater with stadium seating. On the stage are a few beds placed in the middle so the people in the audience can observe. A few couples are having sex but most are in seats watching. I’m still unsure how to get put in the mix but I don’t want to waste any time.

  I walk down to the stage and take my shirt off. One of the women quickly looks up and checks me out and motions me to come over. I grab a handful of condoms from a vase and go to her. The guy is going down on her and as I walk up she undoes my jeans and pulls out my cock and puts it in her mouth. She’s moaning and sucking it at the same time. She goes back and forth from my dick to my balls. When she’s ready to be fucked she turns around and starts sucking off the other guy. I put on the condom and put it in. It’s so tight and warm and feels amazing.

  As I’m pounding her I look out to the audience but can’t really see them since they’re in the dark and the stage lights are in my eyes. I want to put on a good show for everyone so I start fucking her harder and harder ’til she can’t even keep sucking the other guy. This goes on for maybe ten minutes and I realize the other couples on stage are watching me and one is motioning me over to her bed. I nod my head and give this girl a few more strokes then go to the other.

  She is on her back already so I walk up and grab her legs and pull her pussy to me. I’m still standing so I put her feet over my shoulders and grab her thighs, pull her against me over and over as her partner watches and plays with her nipples. I feel her come so much it runs down my legs. I could use a little break so I lie down and she climbs on top of me. She rides me like a cowgirl and as I’m lying there I realize that beyond the footlights a crowd has gathered to watch. Then I hear my friend yell, “Oh my God, guys, that’s Taylor!”

  I’m totally distracted and feel weird now that people I know are watching. I stop to switch positions and put it in her mouth, hoping I can still finish with the crowd so close around me. As she sucks my cock, it starts to go limp. I try to focus on anything that turns me on. I look over and see a slightly older woman in a dress touching herself as she watches me. For some reason my watching her do that as everyone else watches me gets me hard again. Then as the crowd gets tighter, someone steps in front of her and I am in trouble again. The person moves and I can see her again masturbating through the fabric of her dress. Like before I am instantly aroused. And like before someone blocks my view of her. I catch sight of her again.

  My eyes are locked on to her, helping me to block everything else out of my mind. Her husband realizes that I am staring at her and I see him look down at what she is doing then look back at me. His eyes move back and forth between the two of us as he raises his hand to the back of her neck. I have no idea what is about to happen. I assume he is angry, but then he easily pushes her slowly up through the people as if he wants to help me out and is proud that it is his wife I chose to get me so aroused. I grab my dick and jerk off ’til I come, never taking my eyes off this one woman.

  When it is over a few people clap for me and my friends give me some “Good job!” cheers. I smile and wave to everyone, grab my jeans and walk off the stage. When I pass the couple, I say to the lady, “Thanks for helping me out with that!” She is speechless and just smiles.

  It’s funny how things work like that. The complexity of that situation is overwhelming. I’m with one girl while they watch me, while I watch her, while he watches her watching me. You just never know what may turn you on ’til it happens.

  Chapter Six

  The Money Question

  We have kind of skirted around the money question. The answers have always been “good to bad”. Not too specific. In reality, full-time dancers make between twenty-five thousand dollars on the low end, to well over a hundred thousand. That top figure is rare, but it happens.

  How Not to Treat a Big Tipper

  For years, a dancer had a customer who would be there every night the club was open. Every time he went onstage, she made it rain to the tune of two hundred to three hundred dollars every set! First, second and even third set if he got to go up a third time. This went on forever it seemed. Until one day, she quit coming in. He soon retired after that. I don’t blame him. How do you go back to working for so much less? That is one conundrum we, as dancers, face, but in terms of getting a day job. How do you take a job that’s so much less fun where you make so much less money?

  I had always wondered what happened to her. No one really knew, until one day, she popped into my bar and started to hang there. She told me that she saw him at Chuck E. Cheese’s one day while he was with his son. She waved and he looked straight at her and turned around quickly and left. She said she confronted him later at the club but he denied it was him. BOOM! Like that, all of that money, gone! Hard lesson.

  Making Bank

  A good dancer in his prime can make serious money, but it’s a short-lived window. That means you have to use those high-earning years to build a base for the next phase of your life and not just blow all that money as you make it. We’ve had a blast, but we both knew it couldn’t last forever. Fortunately, we both have had the good sense to plan for the future so we don’t become the Should Have Retired Years Ago Guy.

  Justin: Taking Care of Business

  I started full time as a dancer when I was twenty-four. I had just graduated from college (I put myself through) and only had a few years of experience as a dancer but not at a club, only on roadshows. My first three or four years were decent but definitely closer to the lower end of the scale than the higher end. I knew the main reason was that I had a girl and treated work as work. Also, I was still honing my skills.

  Fast forward to October 2001. We divorced and I gave my ex-wife the new house and pretty much everything else. I got eight thousand dollars in cash and my new SUV. Instead of staying in Dallas to dance, I decided to move to Houston to work at the club there. Fresh start. No ex to worry about. My friends from Cleveland settled in Houston so I made the move too. I was feeling like my life was wide
open to any possibilities. I started making more money than I had ever made before. The hottest girls seemed to finally take notice of me too. Life was going well.

  I was in my prime and just as I was getting my feet back under me, my mom started having problems with her living situation. She was living with her niece and four kids. Being in her fifties, she had little patience for the kids and they were starting to drive her nuts. She didn’t have anywhere to go. I called my sister to see if she would help me buy a 1986 twenty-foot RV for our mom to park on her niece’s land and live in. My sister said she couldn’t help. When I set my mind to something, I make it happen, so I withdrew all my money and went to Dallas to pick up the RV and deliver it to my mom. I wasn’t thrilled to spend all my money but you only have one mom.

  So now I was thirty and flat broke. Between my divorce and my mom, all I had left was my job at the club and my truck. Instead of being depressed about being broke, I worked harder and booked more roadshows. I am a strong believer in karma. I believe if you do good and expect nothing in return, good comes back tenfold. Within two years, I saved enough money to double down and open my bar with no loans. I was able to retire from the club.

  Taylor: Using My Other Skills

  Making money wasn’t always easy for me. I learned really fast that not only did I need to work hard but work smart as well. Saving money has always been easy for me. When I grew up, we didn’t have a lot of money, so when my income started getting higher, it wasn’t hard for me to live within my means and save. Also when I was very young I had to work construction jobs to help with bills at home, which was a blessing in disguise.

  When I started making more money as a dancer I took that cash and my knowledge from job sites and built my house from top to bottom. This greatly helped saving money since I have no rent or mortgage. Next I used my love of cars and ability to do mechanical work and paint and body work to take a liability and turn it into an asset. If I wanted a new car I would get on eBay or Craigslist and find a wrecked car, maybe one with a blown motor or someone who just needed cash. I would buy it, bring it home, fix it up and repaint it. Maybe rebuild the engine in my spare time, drive it for a year or so and sell it for a profit and move on to the next. This also worked well with motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, boats and Jet Skis.

  The construction company I started was also one of my best money-making accomplishments. I was lucky to sign two big contracts my first day and it only got better. Since it was all extra cash for me I made sure the customers got a little more for their money. Repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals were the biggest reason for my success.

  The rest of my dancing money I put in low-risk investments, like bank CDs. They don’t pay a lot but they are backed by the government up to a hundred thousand dollars each.

  One of the most fun jobs I’ve had, and still have, has been working with Ellora’s Ccave Publishing. The traveling and constant adventures we have will always be my favorite experiences.

  Chapter Seven


  “Going to the gym is like putting money in the bank. Do it often enough now, and you will have a more comfortable retirement in old age. Besides, what good is money if your health is bad and you can’t enjoy it?” — Justin Whitfield

  “Muscle is the ultimate fashion accessory.” — Taylor Cole

  In case you didn’t listen to me or follow my exercise routine from the first book, here’s another, specifically for women. From women who want to be healthier to women who just want to lose those extra few pounds.

  I reiterate: It’s a lifestyle, not a diet or workout routine! If you want to really get technical, it is a positive, life-changing way of living and truly getting the most out of life.

  I see often people not for who they are but for what they could be. I really do. I always wonder, “If that person could see what I see, would they try to reach that potential?”

  I would, I have, so I guess I’m not the right person to answer that. You are the only person who can answer that question for yourself. Watch Food Inc. the documentary. If that doesn’t make you want to change a few bad habits, nothing will!

  All you have to do is make a few tweaks to your everyday life. We are programmed to want to eat and crave all these wonderful foods every day. It’s been shown that scientists have created flavoring that causes the same reactions in the brain as hard-core drugs do. They make food addictive rather than more nutritious. Why do they allow this? Because it makes them money. They profit from your addictive behavior. It’s perfectly legal because it kills you slowly and there is no direct link to that one greasy hamburger or potato chip and your high cholesterol.

  Don’t allow them to dictate your life. Start now. Train your mind first and foremost! Failure happens when you allow that “I don’t have the time or energy to go and work out now” to creep into your mind. That attitude has to die. The human mind and body adapt to their surroundings. The population of the great USA is adapting to being out of shape and working more hours at a desk, thus making for a double whammy in the heart disease department. Being able to have more time to train in the gym was a huge factor in our becoming dancers.

  We understand that many of you have day jobs and/or night jobs and responsibilities, so time and fatigue are huge factors. Think of it this way: If you are always tired after work, your energy levels will only decrease over the years to the point where you get tired even faster and more easily. This is where exercise comes in. It takes your body to the next level of health. Just a regular four to five times a week for forty-five to sixty minutes each time in the gym equals only three to five hours per week! We guarantee that your energy and happiness will increase. It’s been proven that exercise helps fight off depression.

  You can do this. If you work long hours and have kids to take care of when you get home, make housework an exercise. Do lunges while you are picking up toys. Lunges can be very effective with only your body weight. Lunges are the most important exercise for a woman who wants to tone her butt and thighs. A great exercise regimen is to do a set of lunges and then go outside and jog, walk or run, then do another set of lunges when you finish. Start with just a few per set, depending on your current fitness level, and work your way up to thirty or forty.

  Here’s how to do a lunge: Put your hands at your hips and lunge forward with one foot and bend your back knee until it almost touches the ground. As it becomes easier, increase to a hundred, then hundred and fifty, then two hundred. Your butt will be sore as you increase your reps, but take that as reward for hard work and remember, keep exercising because the pain goes away faster if you do than if you lounge around and skip gym time. I hardly ever get sore anymore but when I do, I love it because I know my body is getting in better shape. It’s all about perspective. I want you to think healthier and sexier! Let’s face it: Everyone can use ample amounts of each. Remember, we are keeping it simple. If you do this consistently, over time, you will be amazed at your results.

  Cardio and resistance training are the two types of exercise you want. Cardio will help to increase your energy levels and burn fat. Resistance training will help you get stronger and build and tone muscle. Nutrition is the third part of the equation. If you eat the right things, it helps your metabolism to burn fat faster as well as helps you gain weight from muscles. The main key to success is consistency. Combine all three for a new you, mentally and physically!

  Start your workout with cardio exercise and follow it up with resistance training. Cardio is aerobic exercise that can be any rhythmic activity performed continuously that accelerates your heart rate. Walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming all come under this category of exercise. This kind of exercise strengthens your heart and lungs, supplies oxygen-rich blood to the muscles and burns calories, which helps you lose weight. Intensity of the exercise is determined by the percentage of your target heart rate (THR: the number of heartbeats per minute required to get maximum benefit from exercise). Low-intensity cardio is fifty to fifty-five
percent of your THR. Medium intensity is sixty to seventy percent, and this is the level you want to shoot for most of the time. High intensity is seventy-five to eighty percent of your THR. At this level, you will be breathing hard and perspiring.

  All cardio equipment in gyms has THR charts and usually monitors as well so that all you have to do is hold the handlebars while exercising to get a reading of your heart rate. Then you compare it to the chart for your age to determine your intensity level. It’s important to exercise within the proper intensity range to keep from overtraining or undertraining and get the maximum benefit from your workout.

  For women, we recommend doing more Stairmaster than treadmill cardio as we are focusing on that gluteus maximus!

  Do thirty minutes of cardio each time you are in the gym. Use a challenging level. Or work your way up to a challenging level.

  Now, you have twenty to thirty minutes for resistance training, which is usually done with weights or on machines.

  Day One: Legs

  Start with thirty minutes of cardio, and then do lunges with no weights or five- to ten-pound dumbbells. Have each hand or dumbbell by your side and do twenty to twenty-five steps forward four times. Break for one minute between sets. If your path is limited and you can only step forward ten to fifteen times, then turn around and step in your previous path. If no weights, double the number of steps.

  Try to get some calves in if you can. These can be very hard to tone. But any pressing movement that makes you strain your calves is a good exercise. Most gyms have machines for this, but seated calf raises are my favorite. It’s a machine where you load in your desired weight and lift the weight with your legs while in a seated position. Do three sets of calf exercises, each until you can do no more. Don’t worry if you can’t do a lot of reps. Calves are a minor muscle so they fatigue faster.