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Page 9

  That’s all for day one!

  Day Two: Overall Upper Body

  Start with thirty minutes of cardio, then work on your arms, shoulders, back and chest.


  Start with as many push-ups as you can do three different times. The goal is to try to improve over time. More reps each week!

  Biceps Curl

  If you are at home and sitting a lot, put a dumbbell by your desk and do curls when you can. To do a biceps curl, hold the dumbbell, palms up, and keeping your elbows close to your side, raise the dumbbell in front of you to your chest, and lower again. To get the maximum benefit, do this slowly so that you are working the muscle and not just using gravity and momentum. Go to failure on each arm and just do it sporadically throughout the day. At the gym, use dumbbells or biceps machine, three sets of eight to twelve reps. To find the right weight, chose one that allows you to do ten reps with medium-level effort.


  Do lat pulldowns on a seated machine. Every gym has one. Just ask a staff member where it is. Do half your body weight for three sets of twelve. This will help you gauge whether to use heavier or lighter weight next week.


  Do seated presses on the gym machine where you are seated and push upward on bars. They will get your muscles pumped and even the newest gym members can easily learn how.

  Day Three: Abs

  Do forty-five to fifty minutes of cardio today, half on the Stairmaster, half on the treadmill. Then work on your abs. The best exercise for abs is still the sit-up. Do as many as you can do at first, and try to increase this number every week. Do enough! Don’t cheat yourself!

  Day Four: More Legs

  Do thirty minutes of cardio then work on legs again. Do thirty minutes but keep up a good pace. Try only machines. See if you can do three different exercises of three sets each.

  The Mind-Body Connection

  Keeping it easy and to the point is the best way to be successful. We all have so much going on in our lives that working out should be brainless, easy as possible and get you in and out of the gym quickly. Even if you are completely new to exercising, just go to the gym and do something that takes enough effort to break a sweat. Do it consistently, every week. It will become a habit if you do it long enough.

  Also, notice that I try to nail in your head about being positive and consistent. Making your mind think healthy thoughts is the first and hardest step! It’s more important to get any type of exercise routinely than hitting it hard for a month and then taking off time. Don’t overthink of it as exercise. Just do it! Don’t overthink nutrition either. You know what is good and what is bad, for the most part, to eat. Anyone who is completely unknowledgeable about exercise and nutrition can get in better shape. Just change your bad habits to begin with.

  Food Tips

  Did you get rid of that sugary drink? That’s the single easiest adjustment you have to make! For many folks, it will drastically reduce their caloric intake!

  Try not to eat two hours before bedtime. That alone will help trim down that waistline.

  Do not add salt to anything! There is already plenty on your food if you eat prepared foods.

  Quick Trim for Dancers

  When a guy comes back to dancing, he always has to get back in shape. He needs to diet. Some more than others. What I do is simple.

  Chicken breast (grilled and no grease—use Pam) and one-third cup brown rice with a green veggie. No butter. Black pepper is good. Usually, I cook and flavor the chicken with Mrs. Dash. Eat this three to four times a day. Not too big on the portions. One-half to one chicken breast per meal. All the steamed veggies you want. Drink water. Crystal Light is nice to add. Do this for a few weeks and see the results.

  Chapter Eight

  What We’re Doing Now

  Much like many male strippers before me, I have found it difficult to quit the biz. Luckily, I do it for the enjoyment and money is just a bonus. Having retired from the club seven years ago, I have been able to get my fix two or three times a year when I book roadshows. Basically, I book two to five shows in a row across a few states and take four of my buddies. In the same way guys who get with their friends and go fishing, camping or hunting, we go on our trips—except we get paid to party and have fun. What Taylor and I have really done on these trips is to maximize the fun. We realize our days are numbered and so we make the absolute most of them. Recently, we had a five-day, four-state tour. This is how it went:

  It’s Monday afternoon and the guys start arriving at my house. The five of us load up and head three hours north to Lufkin, Texas. Since it’s Monday and shows tend to not be good on Mondays, we are not getting our hopes up. However, the show is great and we end up having a really fun time. The guys make money and we are all ready for the long drive into the night.

  We are heading north to St. Louis, Missouri. We notice on the map that we’re going to drive within fifteen miles of Graceland. We have never been there and we decide we have to go! It’s 6:30 a.m. and Graceland is not open but we are able to walk up to the house and visit the memorial and gravesites of the King and his parents. We just get goose bumps. This was the home of the King. We get plenty of photos and jump in the car headed to St. Louis.

  We finish the long drive and get to our hotel, wash up and go straight to the club. It’s around two in the afternoon, and we need to see the set-up of the club. After that, it’s off to Walmart to get supplies and back to the hotel for a nap.

  Time for the show. It goes well and the next day we have off so we decide to see a few sights in St. Louis. We visit the St. Louis Arch and go to the top. From there we can see where the Cardinals play and where the St. Louis Rams play. After that, we see a huge mural and have to take a few pics with our shirts off. A few more photo ops and then we head to Kentucky for our next show. We arrive in Louisville, Kentucky, in the late evening.

  We check in the hotel that the club has provided for us and chill the rest of the night. First thing in the morning, we have reservations at the world’s only underground zip line. It’s located in the Mega Caverns. Like a bunch of teenage boys, we ride five zip lines and cross two Indiana Jones-type bridges. We have a blast! Now it is early afternoon and we head to the gym after we eat. The show is our third and final one and we will be driving back to Texas the next day. It’s the biggest show yet, with well over three hundred screaming girls. We have a blast and the show goes very well. We hang around the club a bit after the show so a couple guys can try to score with a girl. We decide to head back to Texas after the show. It is around four thirty in the morning when we see on the map that The Grand Ole Opry is not far off our path. We park at least a half mile away and start walking to it. When we get there, the place is huge and very nice. It’s closed, of course, and luckily we never see a security guard because we proceed to take pics with our shirts off in any location around the Opry house that we think will be cool. The guys start to try to outdo one another and next thing you know, Taylor has climbed a guitar standing two stories high. I quickly take the pic and soon after that we head back.

  We arrive back in Texas late Friday night. To recap, in five days, we have traveled through five states, visited Graceland, the St. Louis Arch, the world’s only underground zip lines and The Grand Ole Opry, four things I’ve wanted to see and now they are marked off my bucket list!

  The thing I remember most about this trip? Hanging with my friends and just enjoying life.

  If you want to see this trip in pictures, all you have to do is join the Take it Off Book! (group) on Facebook

  A few weeks later, we head to Laredo, Texas, for a show. We are four miles from the border. Hmmm, how can we make this trip memorable? Easy! We go to Walmart and buy a bag of flour and ziplock bags. We fill four bags up with the flour and take photos of us holding them in front of the border sign at two a.m. The police never see us even though their station is within a hundred yards. With all the commotion about the drug cartels and the violence around the
border, I still cannot believe we did that! You can see the video and pics of that in the Facebook group as well.

  Basically, I’ve taken my old career and turned it into a way to vacation and get paid. Instead of banging a bunch of hot chicks, I get to do a lot of cool stuff. Life is too short, so have as much fun as you can!

  Final Thoughts

  Everyone should find their sexy! Seriously! As Mr. J.T. himself would say, “I’m bringing sexy back!” If you feel sexy, your lover will too. It just emanates from you. Most guys don’t think of that but male dancers hone that skill. It can easily be lost too, so don’t think it is something you get to have forever. You have to work at keeping that sexy in you. Women have known this for years. They just didn’t tell us guys. I think it got lost in translation.

  What have we learned about women over the years? They can get crazier than guys. Something about being in a place where they get to hold the power of money and be the aggressors. They can be blunt! We’ve been told things we never thought we would hear—at least not from a lady. They want to be charmed, romanced, seduced and then slapped on the ass like a naughty girl. They want to be able to really let it all hang out. That’s why a male strip club is so enticing to them. They want some excitement and mystery in their life. Women are a riddle that can never be figured out. As soon as you think you know everything, they will shock you with something out of nowhere and totally confuse you. That’s why we love them. Women make life worth living!

  In the end, strippers are all looking for something, whether it’s fun, adventure, love, companionship, friendship, a lifestyle or just a livelihood. Most likely it’s a combination of a few of those things. We are men. Men are boys. Boys will be boys. When a boy is put in a situation where sex is easy, he most likely will take advantage of it. Side effect of testosterone. It can make a man become horny beyond belief! We’ve seen guys, not just dancers but guys in general, be ugly to women and just be pigs but we both have always thought of ourselves as down-to-earth, genuinely nice guys. We are thankful for women! We love women! All kinds of women! We can see beauty in them that most men fail to recognize.

  We also can bring out their freaky side. When we have sex, it is always consensual and usually the girl is the aggressor and thinking, No strings attached so let’s get busy and freaky! As a man, you have to love that! In the real world, guys have to go to bars and hunt the drunk and horny girls. In our world, we meet girls who would never behave like that at a regular bar. In other words, we get to hook up with girls who would never think of sleeping with a guy they just met! Maybe it’s sa star-struck thing even though we aren’t really stars, just guys onstage, dancing and being sexy—and horny too!

  About Taylor Cole

  Taylor is from Texas. He is a Romance novel cover model and a male entertainer. Taylor is an international strip off winner and has won the Mr. Jamaica title. He has been on on countless posters, calendars, magazines, book covers, and in newspaper articles. Taylor has also appeared on ABC, CBS and NBC.

  About Justin Whitfield

  Justin Whitfield has a diverse background, he has graduated from the University of Texas with a Bachelor’s in Economics & Finance. He holds a former title of Mr. All-Natural Southwest U.S.A. and is a fitness model with numerous magazines. Justin is also an entrepreneur; owning his own sports bar in Houston called The End Zone. He has worked at male review clubs all over the U.S., in a span of twenty years and he is currently a Caveman model for Ellora's Cave.

  The authors welcome comments from readers. You can find their websites and email addresses on their author bio pages at www.ellorascave.com.

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  Also by Taylor Cole & Justin Whitfield

  Take It Off!

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing


  Take It Off! (Again)

  ISBN 9781419946783


  Take It Off! (Again) Copyright © 2013 Taylor Cole & Justin Whitfield

  Edited by Susan Edwards

  Cover design and photography by Syneca

  Models: Georgio, Dana and Renee

  Electronic book publication May 2013

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  Table of Contents


  Title Page

  Author's Note

  Author's Note


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  About Taylor Cole and Justin Whitfield