TakeItOffAgain Read online

Page 5

  I do not attempt to get tips from the girls in the front while the dancer is doing his show. Only when he is collecting money do I go to those women. Dancers, for the most part, are that respectful. I get a lot of ones and fives and about ten twenties, and end up with four hundred and fifty dollars. Great show! The money is flowing easily and there is plenty of talent to scout. We all were very happy men tonight!

  Now it’s time to chill. The bar allows men in now and the women are still hanging around. I look around and locate a few hotties I had previously spoken with. One of the hotties comes to me and asks if I want to dance. The bar has a DJ now and lots of people dancing. I say yes and off to the dance floor we go. Our bodies move in perfect synch. She is dancing all up on my crotch, rubbing it with her ass and bending over so that my cock gets rubbed up on. I’m having fun but decide that it’s time to dance with another girl. I leave my dance partner on the dance floor, saying “Save another dance for me later,” and head out to find the hottie I noticed earlier with a huge ass.

  I find her and our eyes lock. I nod my head toward the dance floor and she meets me in the middle of it. With just a smile, we latch on to each other’s body like there was no one else around. The beat is sexy and her body is banging! She puts her left hand on my ass and gets herself a feel. When woman see us at a show, their walls are down and I love a woman who doesn’t play games. Tonight, we are both the hunter and the prey.

  The guys are getting ready to head out. Usually about an hour after the show ends, each guy has a girl he has found to take to our next destination: our host’s pad. This house is three stories high if you count the basement. It has a Jacuzzi on the back porch as well as a huge bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub. This is where the after party will be held. Since it is Sunday, we pretty much just chill and drink some more before we each head our own ways to our own rooms to really enjoy our company.

  It’s about two a.m. now and I grab my girl’s hand and lead her to the bedroom. After a long night of working and dancing, I like to bathe, so I lead her to the bath I had already run for us. Taking a bath with a girl and seeing her naked for the first time is the best. I highly recommend doing it often. I take her clothes off, piece by piece, revealing what her body looks like underneath all that clothing. This is my reward for a good night’s work.

  I love kissing a new pair of nipples. I hold her breast with one hand and kiss her other breast. Before I see her totally nude, I leave on her panties and just enjoy her for a moment. There is always so much to explore when you are about to make love to a beautiful woman for the first time. I take off her last bit of clothing to reveal her most sacred part of all. It is mostly trimmed to a small landing strip. Very clean and well groomed. I love what I’m seeing and feeling so far.

  My dick is starting to fully engorge so I get us in the bathtub quickly. I sit down and my cock is now fully erect but submerged underwater. We start to bathe one another. I go first by exfoliating her back. I get the soap to lather up nicely and watch as the suds slide down her back and into the crack of her beautiful round backside. Then as I’m rubbing her breasts with soapy water, she turns around.

  Now it’s her turn. She takes the sponge and rubs my back. I’m sitting between her legs and my back is facing her. She takes her hand and starts to rub lower. My cock is swelling with anticipation! She gently brushes her hand against my cock and then acts as if it were by mistake. I’m loving this! I have to turn around because visuals sometimes can be more of a turn-on for me than friction. She looks absolutely beautiful. Her long brunette hair is wet from the tips to about three or four inches up. Her breasts have the pinkest nipple and the suds are covering part of them up. Her face is that of an angel. I could fall in love with this girl. As a matter of fact, I LOVE her! In this moment, she is perfect and angelic! My thoughts make me want to pleasure her and make her feel sexy all over!

  I don’t want to have sex with her in the tub, I need to have a soft bed where I can lick every inch of her beautiful vagina. I dry her off and take her into the bedroom. I proceed to lick every inch of her body. This girl is flawless! Her pussy is dripping with anticipation as I start to lick her. Every woman has her own flavor and hers is delicious! She strokes my hard cock and sinks her mouth onto it. She has a soft and very wet mouth. I love it when my cock gets sucked like that! I turn her around and we proceed to orally satisfy each other at the same time. Sixty-nine is my favorite position. When a girl knows how to make my cock feel oh so good, it makes me want to do my best and really try to perform better.

  After a little while, I penetrate her. The wetness of her pussy turns me on even more. She starts to moan and it’s a high-pitched sound followed by short breaths. We make love until the sun rises. We fall asleep in each other’s arms and don’t wake up until noon. I wake up first and look at the trophy next to me. I think, this is the greatest romance ever! I get all the great things this beautiful girl has to offer me for one night and none of the bad things that happen when emotions get mixed in. And so does she. I nudge her and ask if she is hungry. She says yes, so I proceed to head downstairs and get breakfast started.

  All the other guys are still sleeping but the smell of bacon and eggs quickly wakes them up. Now we have six guys and six girls but not enough food. Figures. I take breakfast up to my chick and feed her in bed. I love doing the little things for the women I bed. I like to keep it as chivalrous as the situation allows. The guys are all starving so we all plan to go out to eat lunch. Although I’ve eaten already, I use this as an excuse to part ways with my hottie. Today’s agenda: work out, tan and get ready for the show tonight. We all part ways with the girls. Numbers are exchanged and a couple of them say they will be at our show tonight. I give my hottie a final kiss and we both part ways, knowing we will probably never see each other again. For one night, I experienced love from a beautiful woman in its most pure form: sex and lust. The day moves on. All of the guys train hard and tan and we go home to shower and leave for the next show.

  Monday nights are not the best nights to perform a show. However, since the women around here don’t get to see male dancers very often, we expect a good turnout. The show is one hour away and we are looking at being an hour early. The conversation is flowing with us and we pass a joint around. Puff, puff, pass… We keep talking and smoking…not ever noticing that we missed our exit twenty-something miles back. When we realize this, we turn the car around and are looking at being only five minutes early. I hate rushing for a show. It ruins my money potential because I don’t have the same amount of time to talk to the girls before I go onstage. Remember, pre-show talks pay big dividends for dancers. All the guys are good-looking so their personalities and acts are what set them apart.

  We choose numbers and I’m first up. The show has a turnout of about a hundred and fifty women and they all seem ready for the show to start. I decide to do the cop act again and it goes over very well, especially for the first guy up. As I finish my set, I start my trot to the back when I notice a hottie checking me out. This is my cue to turn on the stud mode. I give her a wink and she blushes. I say, “How are you doing?” and she replies with a “Better now!” At this point, I am in like Flynn, or so I figure. We chat a sec and I head to the back.

  Within five minutes, she sends her friend to get me for a lap dance. I am thinking, I get paid to do something I would do for free! Gotta love my job! I pull her to the darkest and least busy spot. I place her on a bar stool and think, This is gonna be fun! My first move is to spread her legs and step into her love area. She is wearing a short skirt. I love being so close to her exposed panties and knowing her beautiful snatch is barely being covered by them. A slow song is played and I start to gyrate my hips as if I’m making love to her right then and there. I take her hands and rub them over my chest and abs. Her hands go around and she is rubbing my ass. I grab the back of her head and pull her face up to mine. I blow a little in her ear as I rub my lips on her earlobe and side of her neck. She is moaning just a bit and this encour
ages me to do more to make her groan more.

  I pull her toward the end of the stool and now her crotch and my cock are rubbing. I feel some blood flow and gyrate a little more. She can feel my manhood growing now and is turned-on even more. Before we know it, the lap dance is over and we both are now very hot and bothered. I tell her to make sure she comes up to me before the show ends. So far, she is my first pick and it’s looking like she will go home with me tonight.

  The rest of the show goes by and we make our money and we flirt with all the women. Everything goes well and we are now finishing up. At this point, I’m a little tipsy and am ready for the after party, but the guys decide they want to go to a topless club after the show. Not wanting to take a girl there with me, I get the hottie’s number and tell her we need to hook up before I leave town. She agrees and we are now off to the strip club.

  Our host dancer has a girl he sees who works there and we know a few other girls there too. I’m not really one for strip clubs but I go with the flow. We get there and all I’m thinking is I should’ve brought the hottie. At least I should’ve taken her home. Oh well, the scenery here is very nice. We hang and party for a couple hours and after the club closes down, we all head to the local I-Hop with some of the girls from the strip club. Now, if you have ever eaten at an I-Hop or Denny’s very early/late then you know that only the idiots and drunks are out at that time. Add a mix of muscled-up guys with hot chicks and you have a mix for potential disaster. Thankfully not on this night. Actually, the night was very chill and we just went home to bed after breakfast. I decided a night alone would make me hungrier for the next show.

  Rise and shine! It’s Tuesday and we have the day off! We all are up by noon or one p.m. and hungry. We head to Subway for a nutritious and low-fat lunch. The gym is our next stop and they have tanning there as well. Our host and friend always shows us a good time when we tour the Cleveland area. Today, after the gym, we visit the Cleveland Mall and then head back to the house to shower. We always generate a lot of attention when we are out in a group. The mall is always fun and a great place to talk to a lot of women and promote a show.

  Tonight we will visit our friend’s mom’s house for a great authentic Puerto Rican dinner. Imagine, if you can, a little Puerto Rican lady and her two sisters cooking dinner for a group of muscled-up male strippers. One dancer loves to show his “unofficial” chiropractor skills. He massages then cracks all the women’s necks and they couldn’t love it any more. It looks too potentially harmful to me, so I pass on the neck cracking.

  After dinner and the relatively chill day, our host tells us about the party going on downtown tonight and we are going straight to VIP. 2 Live Crew is performing with Ron Jeremy hosting. We arrive and the place is packed. We get VIP service all the way, complete with admission through the doors ahead of the lines and straight up to the VIP room overlooking the stage. It’s not every day you get this treatment so we are loving every second of it. Ron Jeremy takes the stage and looks every bit of what you’d expect. Then 2 Live Crew comes onstage minus their lead singer Luke Skywalker and goes straight into “Me So Horny!”

  The place is going nuts and we are getting the best view of everything! Someone passes a joint around and it comes to me. I take a hit and my friend introduces me to an Arabic guy. Instinctively, I reach out my left hand to shake his. My right hand had a joint in it. I see this guy say something to my friend and he walks away. Puzzled, I ask my friend what happened and he tells me that I offended him by extending my left hand. He was livid too, says my friend. I definitely learned a lesson about proper etiquette and would never repeat that mistake.

  We mingle in the crowd and start to meet the hotties. I dance with a few girls and the night pretty much ends with us eating breakfast with a few girls and back to bed. Two nights in a row and I’ve not had a lover. The next show had better be good because I’m ready to pounce! I still have a few numbers and send out texts trying to get these hotties to come to our next show. Lights out.

  Now it’s Wednesday and many places celebrate ladies night tonight. Nothing I like more than to party with many beautiful women. The day goes by the same: lunch, gym, tan, relax. Today, we have a female masseuse coming to the house. She moonlights as a stripper so we know her from the topless club we visited. Never having had a massage before by a masseuse, I’m not sure what to do or expect. I am basically afraid of getting a boner while getting a massage by this hottie.

  Luckily, it is very soothing and not too arousing. By the time we all get massaged, it’s time to get ready for work. To think, we get to lounge around all day and train right, eat right and then get ready for work—and we just so happen to work where the best parties are. I’m loving it! Tonight, the show is at a topless club located in a small town a couple of hours outside of Cleveland. I’ve been here in the past. Surprisingly, the girls who work there are all beautiful. The main stage has a Jacuzzi next to it. The club itself is small. If you get a hundred and twenty-five women in there, it’s packed. They come to throw down though. This show has always been a good money show. Better than five hundred dollars is the Mason-Dixon line for a great show.

  I draw fourth and go into the crowd to hang and get groped on by women. I decide to perform as a cowboy today. My main act is The Devil Went Down To Georgia. I am dressed in all white with a white cowboy hat on and the guy playing the part of the devil is in all black. The act always does well for me and has made me a lot of money over the years. It’s a high-powered act with a lot of energy. I make my money and proceed to work the crowd.

  The whole night, this exotic-looking girl has been eyeing me. She is definitely one of the hottest girls in here and I am ready to get my groove on. Sometimes, being horny is good while you work and sometimes it can be bad. Good because it makes you money. You are on the prowl. You are very engaging to the women and the charm is on full. Bad because you can make bad snap decisions. This is a good time to be horny though. I make over five hundred dollars and at the end of the show, when all the guys are done with the dressing room, I sneak in the hottie who has been eyeing me all night. Since this is normally a topless bar, our dressing room is attached to the women’s bathroom.

  Without even knowing her name, I wrap my arms around her and lay the most passionate kiss on her. She looks at me with even hungrier eyes. She unbuttons my jeans and lowers herself to go down on me. My cock is swelling as she grabs it and sticks it in her mouth. I sit down on the chair and she is still giving me great head. I’m getting curious about what she looks like naked so I pull her up and start to undress her. I can hear the guys knocking on the door asking what’s going on. They know. They just want to be smart asses. I don’t even get distracted. This girl is beautiful and we are about to make sweet lust. I take her top off and expose two full-size C cups. Natural.

  I have to take a moment and really appreciate how perky her breasts look. I taste her nipple and her neck. She smells sweet from her perfume and her skin is so smooth and soft. I lower myself so that I can pull down her panties. I want front row when I see her pussy. Slowly, I take her cotton panties and pull down. Her pussy is completely bald. Such a beautiful thing. I set her up on the counter and she raises her legs up a bit. Her pussy is begging my mouth to lick her. She is so very wet and I have to taste her. My tongue is pleasuring her and I just have to stick my cock in. I get up and we kiss. This goes on for a minute and then I sit down on the chair, put on a condom and she starts riding me.

  Watching my cock go in and out of her pussy makes me want to explode right then but I can’t let that happen. I slow the motion down to find my groove. She is writhing in pleasure and listening to her moans is turning me on more and more. We try at least five or six positions with doggie style being last. Watching her ass cheeks bounce up and down as I slam my cock in her pussy gives me the visual I need to pull out and take off the condom and come all over her ass! Seeing my cum all over a beautiful girl’s ass who I don’t know is a great way to end a show!

  We ge
t dressed and the guys are outside waiting for me. I take the walk of fame up to my buddies and have the hottie on my arm. They all comment on her round ass and I have her show the goods. Without hesitation, she pulls up her skirt and shows off her thong and butt. The guys applaud. Feeling like a stud, I say my goodbyes to her and give her a long, passionate kiss.

  Riding home, I’m feeling very good. I figure my take after three shows is over fourteen hundred dollars and I got to experience two beauties! What a job! Off to breakfast and then bed. Thursday is an off day and we have plans to hit the gym and a few tourist spots. Nothing eventful happens, just a fun day off hanging with the guys.

  The fun stuff happens at night. We are taken to The Flats in Cleveland. This place is the hot spot and has numerous bars and restaurants. We visit a gentlemen’s club called The Circus. One side is totally nude and the other side is topless. Our host has a friend working the nude side so we head there. Not really my scene. Pretty girls and vaginas everywhere. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a guy and I did enjoy the scene; I just prefer a little bit more to be covered because the mystery makes the fantasy that much better.

  The night off is nice but I always prefer to work. I love the attention and I love making money versus spending it. I make a few calls and texts and set up a couple of potential hook-ups for the next two days. The night is over and we fall asleep knowing that the next two shows are the biggest yet. Same routine: lunch, gym, tan, chill. The show tonight is close to The Flats and is supposed to have the largest crowd yet. Saturday is going to be even bigger.