Spark of Intent Read online

Page 7

  “He’ll love it! You’ll see.” I half dragged Theo to the front door, grabbing our things on my way out while my Kraken chuckled uselessly beside me. “See you guys there later!”

  “Nix!” Killian hollered as I closed the door and raced down the steps to the driveway.

  “The way he hollers makes me feel like I’m in an episode of ‘I Love Lucy.’” I giggled. “Just change the name and add a few more husbands and we’ve got it,” I teased.

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.” Theo smirked.

  “Such a romantic proposal.” I shot the Kraken a look.

  “I promise to do it better when I actually get down on one knee.” The shy smile he sent in my direction zinged right through my body, making my heart skip a beat. It was the first time one of the guys had talked about marriage and not just mating.

  With a wide, white-toothed smile, Theo turned and entered the key code into the garage. I turned my eyes away, not wanting him to feel like I was peeping on his privacy.

  “You can know the code to the garage, Nix. You do live here.”

  Swiveling back timidly, I nodded. “I never wanted to assume.”

  He squeezed my hand. “What’s ours is yours.”

  “I don’t have much to offer back to you, Theo.”

  “You give me—all of us—more than enough.” Reaching up, he skimmed the back of his knuckles along my cheek and I closed my eyes to enjoy it. “Come on.” With a little tug, I entered the dark garage, letting my eyes adjust from the bright light outside to the dim interior.

  “What are we doing?” I looked around at the organized clutter their garage seemed to be in.

  “Getting our ride out of the garage.” He grinned, pointing to a covered object off to the right.

  Theo made his way over and ripped the cover off, sending a plume of dust into the air, making me sneeze three times in a row.

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t get time to wipe down the cover, but the bike works perfectly.” Gleaming smooth metal greeted my eyes, the sleek shape of the motorcycle eliciting excitement. Perfectly shined black and chrome coiled around each other to form a powerhouse vehicle. “Do you want to ride it with me? I can promise you that I’ve passed all safety tests and have my license. You’ll be safe, and I’ve even acquired a helmet and jacket that should fit you sufficiently.” The Kraken started rambling, and I shushed him by going up on my tiptoes, giving him a gentle kiss to silence him.

  “Nix, if we’re going to take the bike, we need to practice using your powers to keep you warm.”

  “What about you?” I questioned, curious.

  “Call it a perk of being a kraken shifter. He’s pretty impervious to the cold. The deeper into the ocean you descend, the colder it becomes as less sunlight and warmth penetrates the depths. He lends me that particular trait in my human form.”

  “How did I not know this? Do each of you have quirks like that?” I wondered what my Phoenix offered me that I wasn’t tapping into.

  “More or less. Some of us have more useful affinities in our human forms than others.” He shrugged like it was no big deal, but my mind had just been blown. I knew each of the guys had access to some of their powers as humans, but I never imagined their actual animal creatures lent them anything useful in this form.

  Eager to learn, I asked, “Alright, what do I do?”

  “That surge you feel shoot down your arms during training before you unleash your powers, you need to harness that energy and push it into other areas. Ideally, you’ll spread it evenly throughout your body. It will take a few tries, but ask your Phoenix to help you. That’s one of the things she’s there for. The more you call on her, the more you two will continue to bond, forming a stronger and stronger connection.”

  Nodding, I closed my eyes and called on my Phoenix. Alright girl, you heard what your mate said. She fluttered as she got closer, cooing a soft, lovely sound.

  Fire flooded my system, sizzling down every nerve in my arm as it swelled into my fingertips, ready to exit my body in a heated blast. I hissed and clenched my hands, terrified of hurting Theo. He was standing much too close and happened to be right in front of me while I practiced.

  “Move. I don’t want to hurt you.” Trembles racked me as I held the flood of power at bay.

  “You can do this. I’m not afraid of you.”

  Inhaling I tried again. Mentally, I reached for the power in my arms and directed it away from my fingertips, trying to spread it throughout my being. As my skin started to heat, my body temperature rose.

  “I think I’m doing it.” Excited, I lost my grip and shot sparks into the air all around Theo and me. “Crap!” My lids flew open and I stomped the small sparks falling onto the ground, effectively putting them out.

  Chuckling, Theo opened a water bottle that I hadn’t noticed sitting in the garage on a nearby shelf.

  Cracking the top of the plastic bottle, Theo held his hand out and the water rose up in one contained stream.

  “Holy shit!” I exclaimed, impressed with the power I never knew he had. “You control water like Hiro grows plants.” He didn’t miss my awe, the beautiful blue of his eyes lighting up with happiness at my praise. “You’re amazing! Why didn’t I know you could do this?”

  Flipping his hand over quickly, the water lost its shape, spraying over the remnants of the sparks on the ground. “Never seemed all that important. It’s not very useful on land with small bits of water.”

  I stepped up to him then. “Don’t underestimate yourself.”

  “You either.” He implored me to try again, and I did.

  This time, the fire burned evenly in my veins, my Phoenix preening as she showed off to her mate.

  “She’s eager to meet your Kraken.” The magnetic pull of our magic drew us closer in the tight confines of the garage.

  “He yearns to meet her.” It was apparent that Theo’s Kraken had grown closer to the surface, ready to shift.

  “Then let’s do it.” I pulled at Theo’s hand, leading him back to the bike. “Just bring the water bottle in case I… like… set you on fire.” Smirking, I grabbed the helmet meant for me and slid it on, slipping my arms into the thick leather jacket resting on the bike, hissing slightly at the cold bite of the leather.

  Shaking his head, he backed the bike out of the garage, and I swung on behind him, spreading my fire and pressing close to keep us both warm.

  What I didn’t say is that this was another item off of my ever growing bucket list. Now that I was free from my past, I was determined to make the most out of this new chance I had. In his small way, Theo was helping me live and heal after all that had happened. My heart swelled as we got on the road, my hands wrapped tightly against Theo’s cut abs. My breasts pressed tightly against his strong back while my legs straddled his body. There was something so sexy about a man on a motorcycle. I’d never pictured my sweet, gentle, quiet, careful Theo owning a bike like this, but it was just one more facet to who he was that I was getting to learn about him. I wanted to know everything. My heart soared with the motorcycle, letting the closeness of my mate, the wind in my hair, and the freedom of the moment patch yet another piece of my broken soul. Piece by piece, my men—my mates—were making me whole again.



  Windblown tangled locks fell around my shoulders when I swung off of the back of Theo’s bike. My legs still felt the vibrations of the road even though I was now on steady asphalt.

  Multicolored boats rocked in the deep, dark blue waters of the marina. I secured the helmet to Theo’s bike as he locked it appropriately. Combing my fingers through my hair, I tried to make myself look presentable. This was my first official date, and I didn't want to look like a hot mess.

  A light sea breeze danced by, but I barely felt its effect even though the temperature was a balmy forty degrees. My cold feet were going to adore this newly tapped power.

  Companionable silence wrapped around Theo and me as we grabbed our belongings from t
he back of the motorcycle and headed to the boat the guys owned.

  “How are the rest of the guys going to make it to the island?” There were no other means of reaching the commune other than by boat or by plane. I smirked. Or by Kraken.

  “They allow rentals here. They’ll grab one when they arrive.” Theo raised a hand and waved to an older gentleman with silver grey hair, his dark slacks tucked into a pair of tall wading boots while his plaid button down was tucked into his pants. A thick, navy jacket with fur on the hood surrounded him, keeping him bundled in the cold. I felt bad that he didn’t have my self-heating powers. I felt like my own little heater. I was giddy in my success, my heart light and happy, keeping my worries pushed far into the recess of my mind.

  I wouldn’t let the Council steal every happy moment in my life with sour memories and fear. I’d survived so much. I was stronger than that.

  The boat was familiar as I stepped aboard and headed into the cabin to set down our lunch and bags. Theo expertly cast us off, the rumble of the engine chugging as it spluttered with water, taking us out into Resurrection Bay and then into the Gulf of Alaska beyond. Tall, slate grey snow covered mountains rose in the distance, sharp against the blue of the sky. It was a beautiful, albeit cold, day the fluffy white clouds dotting the sky as we traveled.

  I soaked up the serene quiet. It was more peace than I’d had since Ciarán had arrived, and it finally gave me time to think, the steady hum of the engine creating the perfect white noise to lose myself in. Each of my guys were stressed. Hell, so was I. I missed them. They might be there with me in a physical presence, but each felt far away in different ways. If it weren’t for small shared moments with each of them, I’d be feeling very self conscious about the status of our relationship. Before the latest Council meeting, everything had felt like it was strengthening rapidly between us. It’d been a whirlwind, but our relationships had been solid. Since then, however, it felt like we’d stalled, each lost in our own world of worry. I hated it. I wanted it to change. I just didn’t know how to fix things.

  Killian was so preoccupied with keeping Ciarán under control, and Theo had been lost in his work—trying to finish the program the Council requested. Ryder hadn’t been as jovial, and it was starting to feel like I hadn’t seen Hiro as much lately between classes, his time working as an RA, and all the interruptions we had at home. Then there was Damien. He still hadn’t opened up, and my heart ached at the seperation I felt, the void deepening every day he toiled internally and didn’t share his burden with me—or any of us. Sure, they were sweet and things were still good between us. It just didn’t feel the same.

  Halfway to the island, the engine cut, the noise gurgling to a stop. I pulled myself from my melancholy. I would soak up every moment I had with Theo, letting our time together soothe my worry and bridge the gap back to each other. Theo looked up from the captain's chair, and my heart beat a staccato rhythm in my chest. He was a beautiful man, made even more so by being in his element, surrounded by water.

  Taking my hand, he grabbed our picnic basket and led me out of the cabin to the small deck that surrounded his sea vessel. The cerulean blue of his eyes shone even brighter against the navy of the gulf and the vast robin’s egg blue of the sky above. He dropped the anchor, securing our spot among the waves. Settling down, we dug into lunch, and I wanted to praise Damien for the delicious paninis and homemade chips.

  “I’m not pretty.” Worry besieged Theo, and I instantly knew he was nervous to show me his creature, much like Killian had been.

  “It doesn’t matter what you shift into or what your Kraken looks like. Your creature is beautiful to me because he is a part of you. My feelings for you aren’t going anywhere.” My hand met the soft, sun-kissed skin of his arm, my fingers warm against him while I offered him my comfort and a love I hoped he knew I felt.

  “He’ll probably scare you.”

  I scoffed. “I’m not easily scared. He’s not going to hurt me. My Phoenix and I can already feel his affection. Meeting him will just solidify that. I want to meet him, Theo.”

  Still, he looked hesitant. “You have nothing to worry about. I know your creature is different from the others. I’m going to accept him the same way I did Killian’s Puca, Theo.”

  I could feel him relax a little, and there was a grin in his voice when he replied, “You’re going to put me in your pocket?”

  “Well, we can always try.” I shrugged, satisfied when his lips quirked up on one side.

  “He’s rather large, grey, and unappealing as compared to a creature like Ryder’s Ceraptor.” His finger tapped a beat against his leg as he gave his argument one last attempt, hoping to sway me.

  “Clothes off.” I arched an eyebrow. “And into the water you go.” Pointing, I compressed a grin and he lifted his eyebrows once more.

  With a disgruntled hum, he discarded his shoes and socks, piling them neatly together. Pulling his shirt over his head, he greeted me with his beautiful set of abs. Theo was leaner than the others, but his body was a work of art. He’d always been more modest than rest of my guys, and it wasn’t often I saw him without his clothing. The corded muscles of his stomach rippled as he stood, his eyes locking with mine as his hands found the button and zipper on his jeans. I swallowed—hard—as he pulled it down, revealing a pair of black tight boxer shorts beneath. Stepping free from the blue denim he wore, he shot me a simmering look and reached for his boxers. I could see the growing, hard outline of him beneath the scant layer.

  Practically panting, I glued my gaze to the strip tease he was about to complete.

  Hooking his fingers into the waistband, he slid it an inch lower on his hips, revealing more of the deep vee that dove beneath, leading to the impressive length of him that I could see clearly under his boxers. My breath stuttered with my heart, and I squirmed against the hard floor of the boat, clenching my thighs together instinctively.

  “Go change.” His gaze was pure fire and lust, and I nodded mindlessly, trying to make his words process in my otherwise occupied mind.

  He chuckled at me. “Nix.” I lifted my gaze from his teasing hands and etched abs, gliding it back to his face. “Clothes. In the cabin.” He smirked at my distraction.

  “Right.” A shaky breath shuttered from my lungs as I stood. With one last longing look, I turned.

  “Trust me, I want you just as much.” I heard Theo mumble quietly, a soft promise for the future.

  Rushing into the cabin, I grabbed my bag and dug for my bathing suit. The two piece was a remnant of my previous life, one of the few things I’d brought with me from Orlando. A thrift store find that happened to be brand new, tags and all. I looked over the retro styled suit, and then glanced around the cabin. There didn’t happen to be any enclosed spaces to change in privacy. Theo stood on the outside deck with his hands propped against the railing, the strong lines of his body on display. His blond hair was growing longer on top, hanging attractively over his forehead while the sides were still trimmed shorter. Standing against the backdrop of the sea, he looked like a God. Poseidon reincarnate.

  Catching my breath, I ducked down, trying to use the wall as cover as I slipped my shirt over my head. I trusted Theo to respect my privacy, and I was touched he’d done so without me even having to ask. I trusted all of my guys completely. My Phoenix rose in my mind, spreading her wings and spinning in a circle in jubilation.

  Discarding my bra, I hurriedly donned the bathing suit top, adjusting it accordingly until I was happy with the result. The cups of the top were modest, and it helped me to feel comfortable while being more scantily clad than normal. The curves of each cup were decorated with white and black vertical lines along the edge, stopping at a thin red pinstripe. The rest of the of cups were covered in black fabric with white polka dots to complete the retro look.

  Sitting in the seat, I wiggled my jeans down my legs and then discarded my underwear. The bottom of the suit was ruched and high waisted, and I yanked it up quickly, glad to be cover
ed once more. The same vertical stripes and red pinstripe created the waistband while the rest was black. Cute white buttons were sewn in a line just above each leg, adding to the vintage vibe of the suit. I loved it immensely, feeling immediately like myself even with so little clothing on.

  “I’m ready,” I said from the doorway that led outside, holding onto the frame as the boat rocked gently in the lapping waves.

  I’d never forget Theo’s face when he turned around. His breathing stilled. His gaze skimmed down my body, drinking in every last curve on display from my head to my toes and back again. The blue of his eyes sparkled, reminding me of the way the light played off of each wave of water cresting around us. He was stunning, the moment between us breathtaking.

  Without warning, his lithe frame moved across the deck. His careful, controlled exterior cracked as he stooped down and wrapped me in his arms. Lifting my feet off the ground, he crushed me to his chest. I dug my hands into his hair as he breathed me in, his muscles shaking against my body.

  “Theo… ” I’d never seen him so worried, and we’d already been through so many hard times together. My Phoenix rose to greet him, pressing hot and heavy against my skin to assuage the man and the beast we cared so much about.

  There were no more words between us as he pulled back just enough to see my face and crashed his lips against mine. Losing control, he kissed me with abandon. Soft lips teased as his mouth greeted mine repeatedly, groaning when I wrapped my legs around his waist. The fresh ocean scent of him was heightened by the sea mist in the air, making me giddy as I absorbed every ounce of attention he gave.

  The hard outline of him pressed against my center, and I gasped when one of his hands found my ass, supporting my new position. His tongue invaded, and I surrendered. Each plunge teased sensitive areas and I moaned low, pressing myself even closer to him, rocking against him slowly.

  With one last teasing nip, he released my mouth, each of us breathing heavily against the other. He stared at me and I stared back as we memorized each other. I slid my hand down his shoulder, onto his chest, and over his heart, feeling the fast thud of his heartbeat against my palm.