Spark of Intent Read online

Page 6

  “Can you help his headache at all?” Nix’s words were a murmur to Ryder beside me, her eyes sad as she focused on Damien.

  “I doubt it. He’s listening non-stop to Ciarán at this point. Between the static and the songs, he’s had about enough. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t just walled him off yet.”

  “You know he won’t.” Nix continued to study Damien, massaging her own fingers as though she wanted to help soothe the tension away. Even if it didn’t help his headache, I doubted Damien would turn down Nix’s fingers on him. “He wants to ensure there’s no threat and that we can all stay in frequent contact.”

  “He’s focused on walling off the extra noise in Ciar’s head from all of us.” Theo’s tone was cool, bordering on cold. He didn’t like changes to our family with Nix, and I knew we were all lamenting our limited time with her lately. His tone warmed a fraction as he studied us, the smallest smile twisting his lips up at the corners. “Why else do you think he isn’t teasing you three about that kiss?” I chuckled as Nix and Ryder blushed.

  “Ciar, stop being an ass!” Kill’s voice was a roar, echoing down the staircase. “I said you could stay in my room, I didn’t say you could have my bed!”

  “Both of you shut up!” Damien’s roar was sudden enough—and loud enough—to have Nix jolting back against me. I rubbed a calming hand over her back before shooting a reproachful thought at Damien.

  I don’t care if you’re irritated. You’ve got to remember her triggers.

  He winced slightly and, though his voice was still loud, he toned the anger down. “Hiro and Nix are home!” A loud thump followed by Kill’s swearing echoed down the staircase before rapid footfalls. Ciar darted down the stairs two at a time, nearly missing a step at the end and barely catching himself before he went face first into the wall. I winced, but the others just rolled their eyes, apparently unphased if he caused himself injury.

  “Hiro!” It was my turn to jolt as arms—and a leg—encircled me. I froze, completely mystified at the large man wrapping himself around me as though he meant to climb me. Ryder growled next to me and a spark of warmth flared in my chest. Apparently, he wasn’t just jealous of Nix being handled. That dimension in our relationship was new, but it felt good.

  “Yes, I’m Hiro.” I disentagled myself from grasping limbs and took a step backwards, studying the bouncing man in front of me, his wide grin taking up most of his face. My Kitsune barked, as confused as I was. I prided myself on reading people, on being able to put them at ease, and something about this man just set me on edge. He didn’t feel like a threat, exactly, but he didn’t seem to reflect the childlike air on his face either. My brother’s choice of the word ‘odd’ seemed more apropos.

  His face softened slightly as he studied the woman now behind me after his crazed leap. I could tell my brothers were as alert as I, ready to jump in and keep him from scaring our mate. “Ye must be Nix.” His voice had lost some of the glee it radiated, taking on more of the soothing, lilting burr of Scotland. “Kill’s told me little about you, but I’m sure we’ll become fast friends.” He made no move closer to her, remaining a few arm lengths away, his hands visible and still at his sides.

  Well, he’s definitely not addled at all. I shot the words to my brothers as Nix sent Ciar a small smile. He isn’t moving towards her at all, isn’t jumping on her or scaring her. He seems to see he would frighten her, and he’s taking that into account.

  I told you he wasn’t a threat. Kill’s voice was exasperated. I told him not to touch her, and he won’t.

  You told him not to touch her, or you told him she would be frightened? Theo studied the pair, his voice cool and careful as Ciar backed away from Nix. Ciar turned his attention on his older brother instead, trying to crawl onto his lap.

  Not to touch her. Kill’s words were distracted as he pushed at his brother, unable to completely unseat the man as he moved like water around Kill’s arms.

  Ciar analyzed that she was afraid of him, knew enough to keep his distance, change his tone and behavior, presented himself as less of a threat. He altered all of his behavior and demeanor. He will definitely need to be watched. His tone was considering, though slightly warmer. Though none of us would say it, his treatment of Nix would have endeared him all the more to us, despite his tendency to drive us mad.

  “Let’s order some pizza.” Ryder jumped in, trying to normalize the evening for us. “We can all do homework, watch t.v., hang out. I’m sure Damien could use a break from cooking, and Nix has had a long day.”

  “Pizza!” Ciar jumped off of Kill, turning his attention to Ryder, instead. “Can I pick?” Ryder groaned but, with a glance at a furious Kill and an overwhelmed Damien, he swallowed hard and nodded, indicating for Ciar to follow him into the kitchen.



  The next morning, pans clattered in the kitchen, and I nearly growled at the intrusion to my quiet time. Amused laughter came from around the room. I quickly flicked my eyes up from the book I held protectively, giving the men around the open concept kitchen, dining room, and living room a sheepish look. I’d been totally engrossed in one of the novels Rini had loaned me—more like forced on me—and I’d been surprised by how much I loved the story. The book cover pictured a beautiful girl in a flowing dress with wolves by her side. I’d always been into paranormal t.v. shows and research, but I’d figured that romance novels were based on pure fiction. I had to laugh at some of the accurate things I found within the pages. Of course, most things were wrong or wildly exaggerated, but I was enjoying the book, nonetheless.

  True to my word, I started the book at the beginning—ignoring Rini’s instructions to simply read the dog-eared pages—and I was anxiously awaiting what Rini had found so important that she’d murdered the pages of the beautiful paperbacks. Truly, I hoped it was a steamy scene of some sort. With the tension in the house after the latest Council meeting, no one had touched me more than a small kiss or a snuggle on the couch. My body was dying for more contact, and that was new for me. My Phoenix complained internally at the predicament. She thrived on the touch of our mates. While I knew I shouldn’t take their standoffish behavior as anything other than worry over Damien’s wellbeing and concern over what he’d learned at the Council meeting, I had trouble reconciling away the fact that they might be changing their minds about me. My brief contact with Hiro and Ryder the other day had helped ease my fears, but I desperately wanted things to return to what had become our latest status quo.

  Theo sat opposite me on the same side of the sectional, facing me. Our legs tangled as we cuddled on the couch, both occasionally peering over the books we were reading to smile at each other. When he started absently rubbing my foot, I moaned aloud, closing my eyes briefly to soak in the sensation. This I could get used to. The grin on his face was soft and satisfied, and we held each other’s gaze for a few heart beats before sliding our them back down to our respective books.

  Just as I turned back to read the next page, Ciarán walked in, shattering the gentle peace that had finally settled over the house. I found him quite amusing, but I had to agree with the other guys. He could be a lot to take in on a full-time basis. I felt that Ciar would be easier tolerated in shorter bursts. My heart went out to Killian who was bogged down with “babysitting” duty—even if he was family.

  “What are you reading, love?” Ciar popped his head over the back of the couch, putting his body in my direct line of sight to read one of the open pages.

  “Ciar!” I laughed, but pushed his hair—which was tickling my nose—out of my face by shoving his head back the way it had come.

  “What? I just wanted to see what the pretty lady was reading. That’s all.” He shrugged, but the mischievous look on his face was enough to rival that of Killan’s Puca—which was saying something. Those two were definitely cut from the same cloth. Different sides… but same cloth. “Is it smutty? It’s straight up smut, right?” He waggled his dark red eyebrows at me. I wanted to roll
my eyes at him, but I realized that I suddenly had the attention of every male in the room. While they were trying not to be obvious, they were all hanging on my every word, awaiting my answer.

  I pressed my lips together, trying to suppress a smile.

  “Only the naughtiest.” I turned back to Ciar whose eyebrows raised straight to his hairline.

  “Well, okay then,” he conceded. “Lucky boys.” The suggestive look he threw to the guys made me giggle, but I secretly relished the heated looks that shot around the room. If erotic novels were what it took to get their attention, I’d find the nearest bookstore and buy out a whole damn shelf.

  “So family and friends, what are we doing today?” Ciar broke the growing tension, nearly bouncing on his toes as he crossed his arms and appraised each one of us, looking for information.

  Pursing my lips, I glanced around to see every single one of my guys looking anywhere but at Ciar. Sighing, I snapped my book shut and sat up straighter, grumpy about sacrificing my impromptu foot rub and much needed quiet time.

  “We actually have a family event today.” The reminder wasn’t appreciated. Anxiety flooded me as I thought about being thrust out of my comfort zone. Today was the day Theo arranged a lunch with his family, and meeting the potential mother in-law made my heart beat too fast within my chest. Sensing my unease, Theo took my foot in hand again, squeezing gently and rubbing his strong fingers up the arch, massaging the muscles and making me melt.

  “Great! When do we leave?” Ciar ran his hands together in a plotting way, and I flinched. Here came the hard part.

  “Actually, just a few of us are going.” I hedged.

  Jumping to my rescue, Theo piped in. “Nix is meeting my mother for the first time. We figured the fewer people there the more comfortable the encounter will become. Nix is a bit nervous.” He punctuated the statement with another small squeeze to my foot.

  “What? I’m the life of the party! Just ask Killian! Every birthday party he’s ever had has been more fun since I was born.” Turning toward Kill he motioned with a hand, looking for confirmation. “Right, brother dearest? Every single year I talked the parents into getting you extra gifts.”

  “Those gifts were for you, Ciarán, and you know it. Mom and Dad couldn’t stand your pestering any more, so they started to get you gifts on my birthday. Your definition of fun is seriously skewed.”

  I snorted at the cheeky grin on Ciarán’s face. It was clear that he enjoyed getting a rise out of Kill. I’d have to pull my sexy Celt aside later to school him about not letting Ciar get under his skin. The poor Puca looked like he needed a break. I was going to miss him today. I wished, not for the first time, that he could come with us.

  “Actually,” Theo interrupted, checking his watch. “Nix and I should get going.”

  “We should?” The clock on the wall said we had hours left before we needed to leave.

  Standing, he extended a hand down to me. “I was hoping you’d honor me with the pleasure of your company this afternoon.” I grinned and took his hand, letting him pull me to my feet.

  “Like a date?”

  Theo flushed red, his cheeks and neck turning rosy.

  “I’d like to call it that.” He pulled his glasses from his face and started chewing on one of the ends. I reached up and pulled on his hand, lowering it and getting him to drop the nervous habit just this once.

  “What a romantic.” Ryder clutched at his chest like we were smothering him with sweetness. I rolled my eyes at his antics and brought my attention back to Theo.

  “I’d love that,” I whispered, stepping closer and enjoying his nearness.

  “Good.” Taking my hand he led me from the room, pulling me toward the stairs.

  “We’ll need a few things.” I followed his directions and packed what he’d requested, heading back to the living room to wait for him when I was finished.

  “Have everything you need?” Damien walked over with a woven picnic basket in hand.

  “I think so.” Rifling through the bag, I listened to the guys talking in the other room. Triple checking myself, I made sure I was prepared for the long trip to the commune. Really, it was a tactic to keep myself busy. I was stressed about going back to the same land mass that the Council occupied.

  Damien’s finger landed under my chin and he lifted my face to his. “You’ll be alright, Nix,” he said, picking up stray pieces of my feelings through our mental connection. I felt the sliver of space I’d left open in my wall, using it to keep tabs on the guys while trying to retain my privacy. I nodded and offered him a weak smile. It was the best I could do. He accepted it, knowing I’d push him on his own thoughts if he forced the issue with me now.

  “This is for you.” He passed me the basket. “Lunch for while you’re out.”

  I set everything on the table and wrapped my arms around Damien’s waist. His head dropped to mine, and he kissed my hair. “Thank you.”

  The moment was sweet until the rising tensions in the room beyond broke through. Kill sounded like he was going to murder his brother, and I decided the situation warranted another round of intervention. Pulling away from Damien, I headed into the living room, passing D a smile over my shoulder.

  Killian sat back when I approached, and I easily slipped into his lap, getting cozy against the warmth of his body. His hard chest brushed my side, and I placed my arms around his neck, hugging him close. “Don’t let him get to you. He’s your brother, and he’s only here for a short visit.”

  “It already feels like it’s been years.” He ran one of his large hands through his russett red hair. His short length was already growing longer, and I noticed that he could use a haircut and beard trim. Pulling my hands back, I skimmed my fingers over the scruff of his jaw, missing the way it felt against my skin.

  His deep rumble reverberated through my body, causing a shiver to race down my spine. “Date. Soon.” Apparently he’d turned into a caveman today, but I understood the sheer amount of frustration he felt with his brother in the house. I missed Killian. I wanted my sweet bunny back.

  “Me Tarzan, you Jane.” Ryder impersonated Kill’s behavior, and I grinned but waved his comment away.

  “You got it, babe.” Smiling, I leaned in and pressed my forehead against his, breathing in the clover and magic of his scent. I’d never get enough of my men. My Phoenix pressed close, relishing the attention from one of her mates as his Puca pushed closer, his magic playing lightly with mine.

  “Hello, Abra,” I whispered softly.

  “Abra?” Killian pulled back just enough to see my face, looking up into my eyes. I grinned and shrugged.

  “Like Abracadabra.”

  Ciar roared in laughter, startling me. Even Hiro and Ryder chuckled. Damien sauntered in from the dining room to join us, a massive grin splitting his handsome face.

  “Get it?” Ciarán had tears spilling from his eyes as he tried to reign in his laughter. “Because…” he laughed harder. “Because you’re a magic bunny? I don’t know whether to get you a top hat or a pair of batteries!”

  Kill shot daggers at Ciar, seething silently.

  Seeing all the guys’ jovial expressions lightened my heart, and I laughed even while my bunny fumed. I knew he’d come around eventually. He always did.

  “You are not calling me that, babe.”

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I kind of like it!”

  Leaning in, I pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. The softness of them startled me every time. The quick kiss quickly morphed into more when Killian’s arms tightened around me, crushing me to his body as he deepened the kiss. It’d been so long since I had kissed Kill. Too long. Need bloomed deep in my body, re-kindling my never ending ache. When he groaned, I pulled back, remembering we had an audience. I didn't mind kissing one of the guys in front of the others, but the dynamic of having Ciar in the house suddenly made everything feel awkward.

  “I’m going to kick him out myself,” Killian said, getting my thoughts from Damien.<
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  “Don’t you dare,” I whispered.

  “Yeah, listen to your girl, Abra,” Ciarán teased, never knowing when to quit—or apparently deciding that death by murderous bunny was more amusing. Kill started vibrating, working up to the roaring level I knew he was capable of. I ran a hand down his chest to calm him.

  “Don’t. I’ll be back soon, and we’ll spend some time together tonight, alright?” Compromise. Somehow I knew that I’d be using that word a lot if I mated these five men, all vying for more time with me. I could already feel the struggle.

  Standing, I walked over to Theo and dared a peek at his face to make sure he hadn’t minded the contact I’d shared with his friend before going out for a fun afternoon with him. There was no rule book for how to date five men at once. Luckily, he looked nothing but happy, and I released a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

  “See you later, Abra. Guys!” I waved and blew the rest of them kisses as Theo wound his long, lean fingers between mine.

  “Nix.” The warning was thick in Killian’s voice.

  “I can’t change it.” I shrugged nonchalantly, prepared to tease him further.

  “What do you mean you can’t change it? Just… change it. I’m not against a nickname, but I am opposed to that one.” His feet were planted wide against the hardwood floor, and he lounged back in his seat with his arms newly crossed against his broad chest. His grey T-shirt did nothing to hide the definition of his body.

  “At least it’s not little bunny foo foo,” Ryder piped in helpfully, thoroughly enjoying Kill’s distress, his cheeks still red from laughing.

  “I already had it engraved onto the bell for your Puca’s ribbon.” It’s a miracle that my face stayed straight as I got through the sentence.

  “You did what?” Killian sat up straighter, nearly coming out of his seat.