Spark of Intent Read online

Page 8

  “Theo…” I repeated as he set me down carefully, and let me go. Each step backward brought him closer to the edge, and with one last lingering look, he turned gracefully and dove into the icy cold ocean.

  Surfacing, he spun in the water, flicking his hair around and letting the icy droplets fly. I sat gingerly on the side of the boat, letting my feet dangle off the edge.

  “Holy shit it’s freezing!” I squealed as my toes practically froze off.

  His grinned when he replied, “Use your powers. Push the heat through your body. Maybe focus it on those cute toes of yours.” His last sentence is quieter than the others, and his shyness made me smile.

  “How can you stand it? You and your Kraken must miss the warmer water of your birthplace.” I heated my feet and wiggled my toes, bothered no longer by the cold.

  “We do.” Theo’s creature was close the surface, I could see his form already starting to hulk with its nearness.

  “Alright, I’m going to go under the water now. Don’t panic. I’ll be down there a while, but you’ll probably see the glow of my shift. My creature… is large. Very large. Please… don’t be afraid. He won’t hurt you.” Arms and legs worked to keep Theo above the top of the waves, and I nodded.

  “I care about you, Theo.” My Phoenix screeched in my head, wanting me to elaborate further. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I was falling for him. Deeply. Yet, taking that plunge, especially first, was harder than I thought, and my mouth simply refused to open and let my feelings release into the universe. I knew once they were out, they could never be returned. Instead, I reassured him. “I’m not afraid.”

  One deep breath and he was gone, swallowed by the ocean. I leaned over anxiously, searching for him in the depths. A bright neon blue gleamed and my Phoenix pushed—hard—against my skin, begging me to shift. Her desire to meet the Kraken was thick and consuming.

  The magic I felt crawled slowly and laboriously along my skin. His Kraken already knew I was there, and I kicked my legs in the water, waiting excitedly to meet him. The water bubbled and rippled as something large moved below, creating a wake all its own. As the blue glow dissipated, I could only see what the sunlight allowed, which was a precious few inches.

  Panic built slowly as I worried for Theo’s safety, but after a beat, a grey form shifted in the same spot where Theo disappeared. I knew his shifted form lurked below, unwilling to surface.

  “Get your Kraken butt out here, Theodore!” I contained a laugh and schooled my threat accordingly.

  Slower than molasses, the grey curve of a very large head broke through the glassy waves until large blue eyes blinked back at me. Even in his shifted form, Theo’s eyes were beautiful. Different shades of blues swirled together broken up by white specks that reminded me of churning ocean waves crashing along the shore.

  I could tell he was hesitant to ascened any further, so I double checked my heat source and scooted into the water with a small splash.

  Icy daggers pierced my lungs before I surfaced and heat stole along my limbs. “Oh shit, that’s cold! It’s cold!” I kicked to keep myself afloat. My nipples hardened to diamonds and a shiver wracked my body. Keeping my body heated on the back of the bike was nothing compared to this.

  I gulped water as I lost my focus while I worked to call on my fire, spreading it evenly once more.

  Spluttering and coughing, I gasped for air before a loud, low, creaking moan rumbled from Theo’s Kraken. One large, thick tentacle reached me, wrapping around my waist and holding me above the water.

  Once my powers were back under my management, my hands dropped to where he held me and I ran my palms over the texture of him. The top of his tentacle was greyish blue in color, the rougher texture of it alive under my hand. Spaced evenly along the top of each tentacle were rectangular gel like patches. I had no idea what they were for, but the texture of them was intriguing as I ran my hand over one—the texture changing from rough to smooth.Underneath, the tentacle faded to a light pink that was lined with suction cups. I ran a finger around and over one, and Theo made a humming noise as he tightened his grip on me slightly.

  “Was that a laugh?” Astonished, I searched his form for any sign of an answer. How one communicated with a sea beast I did not know.

  He hummed again. “I’m going to take that as a yes.” I grinned, and ran a finger over a full line of suction cups.

  All at once, pink and teal lights began to glow in the water all around me. Each of those rectangular, gel-like patches suffused with one of the neon colors. I smiled widely as he began a rhythmic patterned light show, apparently able to control the radiating colors. He didn’t realize it, but he was alluring and otherworldly, and I was enthralled with him.

  Wet hair dripped down my back and a cool breeze chilled us as we took our time savoring each other. We were like the air and sea, meeting at the horizon line.

  Water suddenly flew at him as I reached down and splashed him playfully.

  Before I knew what was happening, a large tentacle rose and smashed back down in the water, creating a wave so large the boat rocked precariously and water washed over my head, leaving me looking like a drowned cat. Or bird, as the case may be. Thank fuck for waterproof makeup that helped to keep me from looking like a raccoon.

  He chuckled in his Kraken’s deep baritone, and I arched an eyebrow. “Think that’s funny, big guy?”

  The ring of muscle around his giant eyes looked like it arched at me, answering me via body language. “Your face is oddly expressive in this form.” I grinned, swiping water from my face. “I like it.” He pulled me closer, and I reached a hand toward him.

  “You afraid I’ll bite?” I smirked when he paused with my body still at least four feet away from him.

  When he brought me closer, I laid my hand between his eyes, and rested my forehead against his. “You’re magnificent. Powerful. Never doubt yourself, your place in our family, or my feelings for you—in either form.” I kissed him then, petting as much of his head as I could reach.

  My Phoenix finally had enough, squawking loudly in my head as our magic vibrated together. “Put me back on the boat, please.” Everything about my tone was lower, huskier, smokier as my Phoenix pressed incessantly against the barrier she was stuck behind when I was a human.

  The Kraken disappeared under the water completely as I started shedding my bathing suit. Even shifted Theo was a gentleman. Given how much I loved it, I wasn’t about to let it get ripped to shreds or burnt when I shifted. Standing naked on the ship’s deck was a freeing experience. It made me feel bold and brave. Her sparks overheated my insides, and I let go of my hold on her, allowing her magic to crackle and consume as she emerged. Fire licked along my body as I transformed into my alter.

  My Phoenix spread her wings wide the moment she was free, stretching as she soared into the air. Fiery sparks trailed behind us as we flew, dipping and diving around the vicinity where Theo was. The lumberous Kraken poked his head back above the water and simply watched, his large eyes tracking our dips and tricks while his tentacles flicked through the water in excitement. My Phoenix preened. He was enjoying our show and was just as thrilled to meet my alter as she was to meet him.

  Fluttering to him, she rested her head onto his just as I had done, careful to tame her flames and protect the creature who called to her soul.

  Rolling over in the water and nearly creating a tidal wave, the Kraken played with us. Using his tentacles, he propelled himself through the water at speeds that I hadn’t thought possible given how big he was. He was fast and strong. He was deadly too. It was easy to see where the legends about their kind sinking ships must have come from. One accidental move and our small vessel would have been a goner. True to my train of thought, Theo rolled in the water, disappearing completely from sight before he thrust his tentacles into the air just like one of those movies where the kraken was about to consume some poor, unsuspecting ship. Each movement was purely innocent. At first, I didn't realize what he was do
ing, but my Phoenix squeaked happily and wove in and out of the obstacle course he had created, and the two played together happily.

  Our antics soon evolved into racing, me in the air and Theo in the sea. Surprisingly, we were equally matched, although I’d had to work harder to reach our appointed finish line because the Kraken was easily as long as a football field and my Phoenix was small. I liked to think that meant I’d truly won.

  Mate. The word was thrust to the forefront of my mind. Branded. Definitive. It felt like more than a choice. Theo more than fixed my broken soul. He filled it. As did the others.

  My heart ached to get back to Theo myself, and I directed my Phoenix so that we dove straight into the sea, her fire extinguishing as I shifted back into being human.

  When I surfaced, I wiped at my eyes and a laugh bubbled up from my chest. I couldn't stop, and my stomach ached from laughter as salty tears mixed with the salt water still clinging to my skin. Before me was my giant sea monster with a tentacle thrown over his large round eyes, allowing me modesty after my shift which had left me naked and skinny dipping.

  "Don’t you want to skinny dip with me?" I offered, emboldened from this whole day, the freedom I’d experienced during my shift still providing an endorphin high.

  Adrenaline thrummed through my veins, making me feel more alive than I had in weeks. Laboriously, he lowered the tentacle, peeking one eye open and then the other.

  I kicked my legs, trying to remain as lady like as one could without clothes on, keeping my head above the water line. I knew the water wasn't hiding much from view, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

  He swam closer, and I reached for the tentacle that had held me earlier. The rubbery soft skin was red from where he’d held me, and I realized the heat I’d used to keep myself warm earlier must have irritated the sensitive bottom of his tentacle, burning him slightly. I dropped my fire, letting the cold assuage me. The plunge from hot to cold had me gritting my teeth, trying to keep the chattering to minimum.

  “I’m so sorry.” I told him as I carefully looked over his injuries. I gulped, hating that I’d hurt him in any way.

  I traced a birthmark near the end of the tentacle, running my fingers over the small sun-like shape as I swallowed back my tears, and worked to ignore the saddened grumble from the beast trying to get my attention. I pressed my lips to the small mark, wishing I could kiss away the pain I’d caused him. My heart sank to the bottom of the ocean as fears ran wild in my head. What if I wasn’t meant to be with Theo? What if our creatures weren’t actually compatible together? What if I hurt him?

  Power sizzled between us and then he was gone from my hands.

  “Don’t.” His creature was still near the surface, adding thunder to the word. “My Kraken is perfectly fine. I am fine.”

  “I burned you.” I shook my head, wiping my eyes which didn’t help—only leaving sea water in their place.

  “Barely. I never even felt it. I could have easily crushed you.” He swam closer. “It took every atom of my being not to make a mistake and use too much strength, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it. I know what you’re thinking.”

  “We have to work so hard to be together.”

  “Relationships are never easy. They’re work. Always. The question is, are you willing to put the time and effort in? I am. My brothers are. Shifting isn’t a luxury you and me will get often. And even if it was, I thought that went incredibly well, in comparison.”


  “To how it could have gone. How I pictured it going. You… you didn’t reject me.” He looked away and cleared his throat, trying to dislodge the last remaining gravel.

  “I would never.”

  His gaze shot to mine. “You were doubting when I shifted back.” His eyes burned into mine, not letting go.

  “Because of me, not because of you. I’m worried about being what you need. I never want to hurt you.”

  “The only way you could hurt us, Nix, is by not trying. Not trusting us enough to know our own limits.” I nodded, blinking back tears for another reason entirely. Theo was being so sweet, even through his logic.

  “Nix.” My name was like a prayer on his lips as he swam nearer. Blue eyes turned navy as they darkened, seeing all I had on show.

  “You’re…” He reached for me, pulling me through the water until I was right in front of him. “ … freezing.”

  I snorted. “It’s like ice in here.”

  “Why did you put out your fire?” He started pulling me back toward where the boat was anchored, and I kept my eyes above the water line.

  “I was worried about hurting you again.”

  “So you let yourself freeze to death?” Theo reached the back of the boat and lowered the ladder. I quickly realized that he was about to get an eyeful as I climbed out, but my modesty was quickly taking a back seat to the hypothermia that was setting in.

  He must have recognized why I paused, because he flushed, the rosy hue tinting his ears, cheeks, and down his neck. “I can… I’ll just…” He gave me his back, and I couldn’t help but to skim my gaze down to his sexy taut ass. He had small dimples that sat low on his back, and I wanted to reach out and run my hands over his body.

  I was sure I was flushed my own deep pink shade as I climbed out—inelegantly—and rushed into the cabin to look for a towel.

  “Oh, shit.” In my haste to leave, I never packed one.

  “What’s wrong?” Theo rushed into the cabin like a knight in shining armor coming to save me. A very naked knight. All air left my body and my core tightened at the sight of him.

  “Towel…” I mumbled, distracted by the deep grooves of his stomach that led to the impressive length of his hard cock. I’d never lusted after a man like I did now.

  “I wish you’d never get dressed again.” It was a murmur I wasn’t sure was meant for my ears, but I heard it nonetheless. My core clenched, and I grew wet from his intense focus.

  With one stalking step, he was standing in front me.

  “Theo.” It was the last word I spoke before his lips were on mine again.



  I kissed her tenderly, unrushed in my affection. I wanted to take my time with her. Savor her. I’d never been so lucky in my entire life as I was standing—freezing—in the boat’s cabin. My creature rumbled internally, happy to once again have his mate in his arms. He hadn’t minded the burn that Nix had been so worried about. Just having her in our domain had been enough for him.

  Her worry over hurting us had been unfounded. It’s not that I didn’t know she was powerful, I did. Yet, I was the one who towered over her small form. It was me who could have seriously harmed her. My sweet girl’s acceptance of me had warmed me through. The bit of fire she’d displayed had nothing on the way my heart blazed when she’d slipped into the water with my Kraken.

  Her easy acceptance had lit up my entire world.

  I had yet to admit it out loud, but Ahmya’s rejection had left a sour taste in my mouth, even though I had never been interested in her as a mate—nor as a human being. I’d worried about mates coming between the others and myself, never dreaming that we’d be able to share one. My Kraken, while impressive in his own right, was nothing special in comparison to someone like Ryder. When Ahmya had rejected me, I worried that other shifter women might feel the same way. Back home in Australia, I wouldn’t have had to worry, but here in Alaska, my Kraken could be viewed as a weakness rather than a strength.

  Nix hadn’t seen me that way, and her seeing and choosing my shifted side as well as my human one had only solidified her as my choice. She called to my Kraken and me in a way no one else ever had. I had the unmistakable feeling that the draw I felt to her was unique to Nix, a pull that I wouldn’t feel with another no matter how many years passed. She was it for me. My Kraken roared his agreement as I teased my lips over hers, lost in the scent of Nix.

  She smelled like the sea and the smoky sweet scent that was all her own. I
reveled that my scent had clung to her body. I wanted to mark her, claim her for myself and my brothers. The thought of her attending the Gala to be courted by others made my stomach tighten unpleasantly.

  I licked the crease of her lips, begging for entrance, and when she parted I dove inside, teasing my tongue against hers. The tentative lick she flicked along the end of my tongue made me crazy, and my body tightened more than I thought possible. Her skin was flush against mine, the hard pebbles of her nipples rubbing against my chest. Smooth as silk, her skin slid along mine as I slowly walked her backwards, farther into the cabin.

  She broke the kiss and gasped my name, “Theo.” Sweet. Honeyed. Husky. I wanted to hear her call my name for the rest of her life. And right now, I had a desperate desire to hear her scream it.

  Our deep breathing added to the sound of the waves lapping around the boat, creating a rhythm and beat as we stared at each other.

  “Nix,” I started. I wanted to take this slowly, but I also desired her. “I never want you to feel pressured, so if you’re not ready fore more—” I swallowed hard, but forged on. “—I’ll walk away and let you get dressed. But if you are—ready for more that is—I’d like to please you. Make you scream my name in pleasure.” She opened her mouth but before she answered I held a finger up to her lips, shushing her while I finished what needed to be said. “I’ll make it solely about you. You don’t even need to touch me. I just want to make you feel good, Nix.” My cock throbbed hard at the thought of her touch, but I only let it fuel my desire for her.

  “Why are you still talking?” She pursed her lips and gave my fingertip a little kiss. My length jumped at the innuendo that I hadn’t meant to create.

  I groaned. “I’m going to take that as a yes.” I waited another second, double checking the permission she was granting me with her body.