Spark of Intent Read online

Page 5

  “Let go of Ryder, Ciar.” Kill’s face hadn’t lost any of its flush as he scowled at his brother.

  Ciarán bounced off Ryder and leapt forward as if to engulf me in affections next. My Gargoyle hissed, warning him off, but it didn’t seem to phase the idiot for a moment. “Enough!” Kill’s voice was a roar as he grabbed his brother by the scruff of the neck. “Leave my friends alone. What the hell are you doing in Alaska, Ciar? Last I heard you were in Maine or England or some shit.”

  Ciarán pouted. “You never pay attention, bunny boy.” Killian growled, cuffing his brother upside the head. “Ow!”

  “Don’t fucking call me bunny boy.”

  Ciarán blinked at him slowly, his eyes wide. “But that’s your nickname! Ryder said it!”

  “I don’t fucking care if Ryder said it! He’s an idiot. It’s not my nickname. Stop the stalling.”

  “How’d you get past the wards?” The question slipped from my lips before I could stop it, and I fought the urge to wince.

  Ciarán grinned at me. “I walked!” Kill groaned and rubbed his temple, and I nearly emulated the move myself. This man was exhausting.

  “I highly doubt you simply walked.” Theo’s voice was dry and unexpected as I spun to look behind me. He could be so fucking quiet when he wanted to, I hadn’t even realized he was home. “Those wards were strong. Extremely strong. Yet there were no alarms about a nearby presence; no alarms showing the wards were violated or broken. You walked through them as though you didn’t exist.”

  Ciarán grinned broadly, bobbing his head as if agreeing. “Oh, yeah. I just walked. Didn’t see any wards at all.”

  Kill put his brother in a chokehold from behind. “Focus. Why are you here?” Apparently, the chokehold had no effect on him because his expression didn’t falter in the slightest. Nor did the moronic song and static emanating from his mind.

  “Ma sent me. Wants me to stay with you for a while. Said to tell ya if you’d answer your calls and keep in contact you’d know.”

  Kill, what’s with him? I can’t get into his mind. It’s all static and annoying ass songs. How the hell did he get past the wards?

  That’s just Ciarán. Even Kill’s mental voice was exhausted. It doesn’t really surprise me. He’s been odd for the past several years.

  He hasn’t always been this way? Theo cocked his head, intent on the issue at hand. From the time he was young?

  Nah. He was, well, normal for quite a while. He was still little when I left home, he’s two years younger than me. His powers hadn’t started yet. Ma said this side of him seemed to come out once his powers began to flourish. I wasn’t around to see the transition.

  He’s amusing. Ryder’s mental voice was wry. I don’t appreciate being manhandled. I held back a snort. I highly doubted if Hiro or Nix had wanted to “manhandle” him he would have had an objection. However, I do like that he pisses you off, Kill. Killian growled in Ryder’s direction.

  “You all mind chatting, then? Don’t mind me.” Ciarán bobbed his head, mouthing words as if he was speaking silently to himself or someone else.

  You say you can’t read his mind at all? Theo’s voice was intense as he stared at the odd man in Kill’s arms. Kill, have you been keeping track of him over the years?

  I’ve got nothing from him. Just static and songs. I opened the link so they could hear what I could. Theo and Kill winced and Ryder laughed as the chorus to “I Will Survive” began to play on repeat in their head, interspersed with large periods of static.

  He’s travelled all over. It’s why he seems more American. He’s extremely intelligent. He passed all of his A-levels by 14. He makes friends easily so he travels around, hopping from person to person. He calls it his ‘wanderings’.

  Your mother’s okay with that? Ryder sounded incredulous.

  Pretty much. He stayed in Scotland at first. By then she was used to it, so when he said he was heading to America or Australia or wherever, she didn’t really blink. He never really developed much in the way of powers, Killian explained. He can shift. I think Ma says he prefers to stay in horse form, but it takes a lot of energy. As far as I know, he never showed any signs of visions or illusions. The Council monitored him for years, hoping he’d share some of my traits. I guess he never did.

  That’s rough. Ryder’s voice was sympathetic, and I could tell he was warming to the younger man. Well, the Council obviously doesn’t consider him an asset or a danger. What do you think, guys? You know Nix will want him to stay once she realizes he’s Kill’s brother.

  I don’t like that I can’t read him, I admitted. I’ve never gotten static from someone before. Nor have I gotten non-stop music. It makes me uncomfortable.

  I agree, Theo added. He has to have some powers, and strong ones at that, to have passed all of the intense warding we have here. He’s obviously not dumb, yet he seems to play as though he is.

  It’s not an act, guys. Kill’s voice was weary. It’s just Ciar. He would never hurt anyone. He’s not fucked up in the head, not really. He’s just odd. He can get into trouble though. Nothing dangerous to anyone but himself. I’d rather he stay where I could keep an eye on him.

  I looked at Ciarán who was still happily mouthing words to himself, unfazed by his older brother’s headlock. I glanced at Theo behind me, whose expression was as grim as my own.

  He’ll need monitored, Kill. Theo’s voice was firm. Tightly. I don’t like the idea of him near Nix until all of this is sorted out, but we won’t prevent you from having family at your own home. Do not leave him alone with her. Kill’s scowl deepend, and I could feel the anger rolling off him, the disgust at the idea that anyone in his family could ever hurt Nix.

  Hurts, doesn’t it? My mental voice was dry but intent. He froze for a moment, realizing what I was thinking. They might not always have gotten along with my father, but they never would have expected the flash of information I had received from him. Slowly, he nodded.

  Damien, I know you’ve got a lot of shit going on. We’ve been patient. Keep this link open. We’ll talk about all of it later. As long as Ciarán is here, we need this link open all the time. I know you can’t focus on him, especially with that music playing, but we all need to be aware of each other. I winced, but I couldn’t disagree. I couldn’t justify leaving Nix or my brothers open to a potential danger just so I could keep my feelings and my confusion to myself for longer. I would deal with their disgust soon.

  It’s done. Kill, release him. Let’s get inside. He’ll sleep with you.

  Kill groaned. “Fine, Ciarán. You can stay for a while. Why the hell you want to is beyond me. You can stay in my room.”

  “More time with my loving brother? Of course!” Ciarán straightened, brushing his hair back, his own “mental conversation” apparently finished. “I did bring cookies, but I think the Gargoyle broke them when he kicked my bag. It was a fairly rude way to welcome a visitor, you know.” Killian squeezed his eyes shut, and I could feel him begging for patience. As the pounding strains of “Who Let the Dogs Out” began to echo in my head, I did the same. I really hoped he didn’t plan to stay for long.



  Nix seemed slightly more relaxed as she stared out the window on our drive home from her visit with Rini. Her scent was driving me wild, but I tried to keep my mind off the way her jeans hugged her thighs, the dip of her top, and the curve of her breasts. I longed for her to open up as much as I longed for her. She’d obviously been going through something today, and I wished she would come to me with whatever it was. Instead, she watched the scenery pass by on our drive home, the pink of her cheeks giving away the direction of her thoughts as much as her rich scent did. I stifled a groan.

  I’d tried to call ahead and let the guys know what we were up to, but only received a cryptic message in response. I wasn’t sure if I should be worried, or if everyone was just wrapped up in their own things. We had been so separated lately, each busy with our own insecurities, our own worries, ou
r own projects. I missed our family time—the game and movie nights. I really missed seeing Nix’s smile. That she had reached out and kissed me when we had been on campus had been a balm to my aching heart. She had already been through so much, I would hate to think it was the execution of her tormenter that would break her.

  Hiro? Surprised at hearing Damien’s mental voice for the first time in weeks, it took effort not to slam on the brakes. Keep your link open. Tell Nix to do the same thing. We’ve got a visitor.

  My Kitsune barked. A visitor? We didn’t get visitors. Council? That was my only thought as to who would be at our home, since we had just left Rini and the guys.

  Ciarán. The name was filled with exasperation and worry. If it was supposed to mean something to me, it definitely didn’t.

  Do I get more of an explanation than that?

  I don’t think there’s any way to explain him. Theo this time. Calm, level-headed Theo even sounded frustrated.

  He’s my brother. Killian’s burr was tired. He—takes getting used to.

  Getting used to my ass. Ryder’s mental voice was as frustrated as the rest of my brothers. More like he takes alcohol.

  Did you warn Nix? The significant silence from all of my brothers had me rolling my eyes. Will she be safe?

  Oh my god. Killian sounded completely exasperated. Ciar is not going to hurt her. He’s just a little odd. Hopefully he won’t be staying for too long.

  He’s staying? More and more surprising.

  Just warn Nix. I told Ciar to leave her alone, but I don’t want her being surprised.

  “Nix?” I glanced over, checking to see if she was still awake. “The guys just called out to me. They want to forewarn us that we have a visitor.” Nix froze, her body completely rigid. “It’s nothing bad. It’s Kill’s brother.” Luckily, Nix was strapped into her seat still or I expect she would have fallen over with how quickly she turned.

  “Kill’s got a brother here?” Her eyes were huge.

  “Apparently he’s in town visiting. None of us have ever met him. He technically lives in Scotland but traveled a lot. Kill hasn’t talked about him too much. I didn’t even know what his name was until just now. It’s Ciarán. I don’t have any of the details, just that he’s staying at the house for now and is driving all of my brothers up a wall.” I saw the corner of Nix’s mouth twitch before she glanced back out the window, and I laughed. “Yes, I enjoy that idea as well, though someone who can irritate all of them may be someone to look out for.”

  Nix unbuckled as we parked the car, shooting me a fast smile. “Thanks, Hiro. For everything today. For knowing I needed Rini to talk to, and not pushing me on it. For helping me to retain some of my ‘normal.’” My Kitsune yipped, proud of himself for helping to soothe her.

  “Let’s go see what we’re up against, hm? Keep your walls down. We need to be able to communicate non-stop.” I leaned over to grab Nix’s bag before stepping from the car and focusing on the house. Despite the cold, Ryder lounged on the porch, wrapped in a blanket. His usually smooth hair was slightly mussed, and he was apparently muttering to himself as he waited for us to get home. He shrugged the blanket off and stood, holding his arms out for Nix as she bounded up the stairs. I saw the momentary pause before she took the comfort he offered, giving her own in return.

  “I hear we’ve got a visitor.” Her voice was laced with humor as she studied a frazzled Ryder, still wrapped tightly in his arms. Ryder rolled his eyes. As the one who usually did the annoying, he seemed lost at being on the other end of the struggle.

  “I don’t know if he’s a visitor so much as he’s loose from an asylum.” Ryder projected a quick run-through of their introductions into our heads, and I bit my tongue. Nix lost her ability to be serious, snorting and then dissolving into giggles.

  “Well, he is Kill’s brother. Even if he’s a little weird, he’s family. Maybe he’s just nervous and trying to be super friendly.”

  Ryder started to laugh before freezing for a moment, his arms tightening around Nix. I searched for a threat before realizing what had gotten his attention. “You smell incredible.” Ryder’s voice had deepened, his hold tight on Nix as he stroked his fingers up her spine and then trailed them back down. His gaze flitted to me, and he winged up a sharp brow. “Were you two taking advantage of your quiet time without me? Did you get another taste of our sweet girl?” His words were nearly a rumble in his chest, and I heard Nix’s sharp inhalation as she leaned closer into his embrace.

  “Oh, she’s definitely sweet. The taste I got wasn’t enough.” I enjoyed playing with these two, heat flashing through me as I studied the picture the pair of them made. “You still haven’t gotten a chance to taste her, isn’t that right?” Ryder’s eyes were fixated on her tempting mouth, and I gave him credit for his ability to resist.

  “I didn’t want our first time to be in front of everyone. I wanted to take my time and savor her when I finally got to taste her.” Nix moaned, arching further to entice him.

  I made a show of glancing around, my exaggerated movements drawing their attention. “Well, I don’t see an audience. It’s just the three of us.” I knew my own voice had lowered, my body tightening as I watched the pair. “What do you think, Nix? Do you finally want a taste of your unicorn? I can tell you he tastes as good as you’ve been imagining.”

  “Please, Ry.” The plea was breathy and soft, her fingers digging into his shoulders. I hissed through my teeth, wanting to guide them. I loved hearing her say ‘please.’

  “You deserve flowers and moonbeams, beautiful.” He stroked a finger down her cheek, dancing his fingers across the lips I knew he wanted to taste. “You’re so hard to resist.” Her hand snaked up to his neck, massaging the base of his throat lightly.

  “I just want you, Ry. I don’t need flowers and moonbeams. I’ve been waiting to taste you.” I groaned at the image that painted in my head, Nix kneeling at our feet, needy and wanton, her lips swollen from our kisses as she begged to taste us.

  “I can go inside?” I ground out the offer, wanting desperately to stay and watch the two of them, but willing to give them privacy if that’s what he needed. Ryder put on a sexy front, but he wasn’t as experienced as he liked people to think. I had realized when I kissed him that his experience was limited—probably nonexistent. He wanted the flowers and romance as much for himself as for Nix, though he probably didn’t want to admit it in front of her.

  “I like the idea of you watching us.” Ryder’s eyes met mine, hot and inviting. I wanted to kiss him at that moment nearly as badly as Nix did. I enjoyed this sweeter side of him and the dynamic it added between the three of us. His thumb continued to stroke over Nix’s bottom lip, and her tongue flicked out to lap at it, sucking it into his mouth. His eyes hooded and he swore lightly, watching in fascination as she slid his thumb in and out of her mouth, twining her tongue around it, never removing her eyes from his. Tricky little minx. I kept my distance from the pair, contenting myself with being an observer in this moment rather than a participant.

  “His skin is sweet, isn’t it?” I kept the words soft, a purr in the background of their enjoyment of each other. “Yours is sweeter. I’m going to have fun alternating between the two of you—your smoky sweetness and his spice.” Moans dragged from them both, their eyes remaining locked on each other, their bodies pressed tightly. Nix released his thumb, swiping her tongue across her lips to gather his taste.

  “Kiss me, Ry. Please.” Her words were a groan, her face flushed despite the cool air. Ry leaned down slowly, never moving his gaze from hers, allowing her the chance to back away. She made no move to, her lips parting in anticipation as he slowly glided his lips across hers in a gentle, featherlight brush. His tongue flicked out, pulling in her taste before he repeated the soft caress. Her mouth moved hungrily under his, enticing him to draw the kisses out longer, to go deeper. Her fingers twined into his hair as his gripped her waist hard, digging in tightly, heedless of the blanket they were now stepping on.

  I gritted my teeth, holding myself back from moving to them. I wanted to guide their hands, bite into the sweet curve of Nix’s neck as her mouth was busy with Ryder’s, stroke my hands across his solid shoulders as we sandwiched her between us. Instead, I enjoyed the tableau unfolding in front of me as they finally gave in to their hunger for each other. “Fucking gorgeous.” The words fell from my lips as they pulled apart, both gasping for breath. Nix’s smile was brilliant as she turned her face toward mine.

  “That’s how I felt watching the two of you.” Her lips were swollen from his ministrations, her body still plastered against his as he massaged the base of her spine. I approached them slowly, not wanting to ruin their moment but needing to touch the both of them. I threaded my hand into Ryder’s hair, massaging the base of his skull, and rested my other hand on Nix’s hip, squeezing slightly as I made us a triad.

  “As much as I want to continue this—” My voice was a husky murmur, my self-control strained as I kept my mouth off of them. “—we do have a guest waiting inside.”

  Nix smiled sweetly, her swollen mouth a temptation of epic proportions. I stepped back, allowing her to pull from Ryder’s arms. She stroked her fingers down his cheek, and her smile turned slightly shy for a moment. “Thank you for the kiss, Ry.” Mischievousness replaced the shyness as she added, “He’s right. You really are sweet.” She sashayed her way to the door. “Let’s get in out of the cold so Hiro and I can meet Killian’s brother. Maybe he’ll be a bit calmer now.” She walked inside and all I could do was watch, my eyes glued to her beautiful curves. Ryder was still breathing deeply next to me as he too followed her retreat, both of us wanting nothing more than to keep her outside and to ourselves. Instead, we made our way indoors as well.

  Damien was scowling at the television, sprawled across the sofa as he rubbed at his temples, his eyes crinkled as though in pain. Theo sat rigidly next to him, tapping his fingers in a rapid beat along his thigh as he studied the staircase, his head cocked to the side with the stem of his glasses in his mouth, apparently lost in thought. Neither paid much attention to our entrance, entirely wrapped up in their own heads.