Unspeakable Truths Read online

Page 14

  This makes going to sleep naked completely worth it, I think to myself as my body recovers. Before I can so much as move on my own, Luca grabs hold of one of my legs and uses it to flip me over onto my stomach. He spreads my legs apart, grabs my hips, and pulls them up, planting a hand on my spine so that my torso is still firmly on the mattress. He places a kiss on the small of my back, and his fingers begin to play within my wet folds quickly he pulls one in and out of me.

  “Beautiful,” he says, withdrawing his finger. His hands slowly circle my ass, massaging me, making me relax further into the mattress. I let out a sigh of contentment just before I feel the palm of his hand come down on my ass HARD.

  “Luca,” I yell out in shock just as he smacks me again, this time eliciting a cry from me.

  “Shh,” he says, slowly rubbing the spots where he hit me, making the stinging reside. He begins to play with me again, using his fingers to spread my juices over my clit, circling it with just the perfect amount of pressure. I’m shocked at how quickly he can build me up again bringing me so close to the brink of an orgasm. He gets me close, just within my reach, before he stops.

  “No,” I plead, wanting him to go on until I feel his hand come down on me again, slapping one cheek then the other. I don’t cry this time, the mix of my body recovering from a near orgasm and the sting of his hand feels good. Too good. I have no idea what he’s doing to me, but I push my ass out to him, silently indicating that I want more.

  Luca likes to play—he plays in bed in a way that I’ve never experienced. But each time he leaves me hungry for more, wondering what else he can do to my body. His fingers resume their ministrations, skillfully taking me higher and higher till I’m on the brink again. Letting me fall flat only to strike out on me once again. This time when he smacks my ass, he slides his cock into my pussy making me cry out at the welcome invasion. I take what I can from him, as much as possible, because Luca feels phenomenal, makes me feel phenomenal.

  He strikes my ass one more time before speaking. “My good girl deserves to come right?”

  “Yes,” I breathe out, not recognizing the tone of desperation in my voice.

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes Luca.”

  He uses one hand to grab hold of my hair, pulling so that I’m up on all fours. His other hand snakes around my waist, and he reaches down applying pressure to my clit.

  “Is this mine, Everly?”


  “Say it.”

  “It’s yours Luca.”

  He releases my hair and thrusts harder, deeper, making me feel like I may come apart at the seams, all the while welcoming every exquisite second of it. His finger circles my clit one final time before I let go, letting the orgasm shatter me into a million tiny pieces. I feel him thrust, one, two, three more times before he’s coming too, the familiar feel of his cock pulsing inside of me making me shiver.

  We collapse onto the bed, still panting, coming down from the intensity of what just happened.

  “Are you alright?” he asks, looking at me, I can see the question linger in his eyes.


  “Did I hurt you, was it too much?”

  “You didn’t hurt me, it was different.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, it was good different Luca. I like that you’re creative in bed,” I say with a smile.

  He reaches over and runs his fingertips gently across my cheek. “I like to have fun but I never want to hurt you or scare you okay, you can tell me if it’s ever too much.”

  “Are you like a dominant?”

  “No,” he replies with a chuckle. “I’m just a guy who likes a little adventure in bed. How I smacked your ass before…that’s about as much as I’ll ever do. I’m not into whips and chains or anything.”

  “I love how you make me feel.”

  “How do I make you feel?”


  We shower together and Luca dresses in his clothes from yesterday then heads into the kitchen to make coffee while I get myself ready for work. He brings me a cup into the bathroom once it’s done and then turns on the news, patiently waiting for me to finish. Once I’m done we drive back to his place where I hop in my car and drive to work, leaving Luca at home to change into his work clothes.

  We both have busy days so even though it was nice to see his face around the office, we didn’t actually interact. There’s no clear cut rule about dating coworkers here, but it’s best for everyone involved if we don’t make our relationship public knowledge, so I’m fine with keeping our distance.

  My office phone rings late in the afternoon, and I can tell by the caller ID that it’s Morgan.

  “Hey chickie,” I say when I pick up the receiver.

  “Hey, how was your weekend?”

  “It was pretty good how ‘bout yours?”

  “It was bleh. Did you have time to think about the Luca and Janine situation? You’re not still mad at him are you? Did you talk to him today?”

  “I’m not mad. He told me he kissed her but that was it and I believe him.”

  “So you straight up asked him at work if he slept with Janine?”

  “No. I asked him on Friday night when I confronted him like a crazy person at his house.”

  “Everly!” she says, clearly astonished by my insanity.

  “I know.”

  “Oh. My. God.”

  “I know.”

  “Was he pissed?”

  “Yes. Right up until the point that I threw myself bodily at him.”

  “WHAT?” she shrieks, making me think that I may have just blown an eardrum. “Tell me everything.”

  “I can’t talk about it here. Come by my house after work, I’ll make you dinner.”

  “I’ll be there at six, and I want to know everything!”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later,” I say just before disconnecting.

  I glance at the clock on my computer screen, thankful that I only have a half hour longer to work. I catch movement out of the corner of my eye and look up to see Luca standing over my desk.

  “Hi,” he says, before taking a seat.


  “How’s your day been?”

  “Productive. Yours?”


  “Is there something I can help you with Mr. Jensen?”

  He slides a hand over his tie and grins at me. “I was hoping I could take you to dinner after work.”

  “I can’t, Morgan’s coming over to get all the sordid details of our weekend together.”

  “Ohhhh she is, is she?”


  “Okay, it’s good that you spend time with her. I know she’s happy to have you back in her life.”

  God he’s such a good guy. “Are you sure, I can cancel.”

  “No. Do your gossipy girl thing. I’ll call you tonight.”


  “Alright seriously, I can’t take it anymore. Please tell me what happened.”

  Morgan and I are halfway through dinner, and I’ve been putting off talking about me and Luca—partly because I want to torture her but also because I don’t know what to say.

  I look up from my plate, tilt my head, and avert my gaze focusing instead on the small window just over her shoulder. “Well you know I was obviously pissed off when Janine said what she did, and I felt the overwhelming need to confront him. I needed to know the truth.”

  I move my head back to look at her as she waves her hand around, indicating that I should get on with the story. “So what happened?”

  I let out a sigh and slouch down in my chair, kind of wishing that I could disappear. “He was pissed and he got in my face. I got in his and then I threw myself at him. Literally.”

  Her eyes go wide with astonishment. “What did he do?”

  “He carried me into his room, stripped me down, and screwed my brains out.”

  “You’re lying,” she challenges, shaking her head.

  I take a si
p of my wine. “No, I’m really not.”

  “You had sex with Luca?” she questions, not even trying to hide the disbelief in her voice.

  I cover my face with the palms of my hands and peek at her through my fingers. “Multiple times.”

  “Oh. My. God.”

  “I know.”

  “Did you have to do the walk of shame?”

  “No,” I answer, dropping my hands back down to my lap. “I spent the night and then we hung out the next day, and then he asked me to spend the night again.”

  She smiles so wide I’m afraid her face might actually freeze. “So you spent two amazing nights at Luca’s”

  “Yes and one amazing night here.”


  “He took me to the aquarium yesterday. He remembered that I’d always wanted to go,” I say with a smile on my face. “By the time we got here it was late, sooo he spent the night.”

  “So are you guys like together now?” she probes.

  “I don’t know. I mean, yes. I guess so. Yes, totally,” I stutter.

  “Alright, you know I have to ask… How is he in bed?”

  I laugh at her question, knowing that it was only a matter of time before she asked it. “Honestly? He’s unbelievable,” I reply dreamily.

  “Eek… I wanted you to say that. You deserve unbelievable Ev.”

  “I’m a little scared.”

  “That’s normal, you’ve been through hell and back, opening yourself up to anyone is going to be scary, but Ev, I think it’s going to be worth it. You deserve the chance to move on and if Luca is the one that gives you that chance then so be it.”

  “It’s just that sometimes I feel guilty, like I find myself comparing things that Luca does to Tyler.”

  She nods her understanding. “And what’s the verdict?”

  “I’m not saying that Luca is better, I’m not, I’m just saying that he’s very different and the way he’s different, I like a lot.”

  “If Tyler were still here, you’d never have explored those things. You’d never know that there are things that Luca does that you like more, so you have nothing to feel guilty about. This isn’t cheating, it’s not betrayal. You have been alone for a very long time, and it’s natural for you to make those types of comparisons since you only ever knew Tyler, he was your only boyfriend. The comparisons will eventually stop.”

  This is a typical Morgan speech, always finding the positive, always telling you that things will work out the way they’re supposed to, that everything happens for a reason, and right now that’s exactly what I need to hear. “You’re right.”


  “Just don’t let it get it your head,” I say, and she smiles, making me so grateful that she waited around for me to stop being a bitch for the past four years.

  I’m lounging in bed reading a magazine but not really reading it. I’m thinking about what Morgan said about moving on with Luca. About how amazing spending the weekend with him was—how natural it felt, how explosive it was. He’s got a hold of me now, and I’m sensing that he would not let me go without a fight, not that I want to go. I don’t. But the magnitude of how badly I want to be with him is a little bit frightening. I’m thinking about how no matter what I do, I can’t stop thinking about him, when my phone rings. My stomach flutters, I don’t even bother looking at the caller ID, knowing that it has to be Luca.


  I smile at the sound of his deep voice. “Hey. How was dinner with Morgan?”

  “It was good,” I answer honestly, unable to hide the excitement in my voice.

  “Did you tell her all about our hot sexual exploits?” he questions with a chuckle.

  I giggle and throw myself back against my pillows feeling more like a teenager than an adult. “I’m a little more discreet than that.”


  “Meaning that I told her all about it without giving her all the seedy details,” I tease.

  “Seedy? We’re not seedy babe, our sex is hot.”

  “It is hot,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, my body temperature spiking.

  “What are you wearing?” he asks. I can tell by his tone that he’s smiling.

  I laugh. “No, no, no mister. I’m not falling for that trap.”

  “Aw, you’re no fun.”

  “I’m way more fun in person.”

  His voice goes soft making my body melt at the sound of him. “Yes you are. So good in person, I wish you were here right now.”

  I wish I was there right now too but instead of admitting that I say, “I’m going to see you tomorrow.”

  “Work doesn’t count.”

  “I guess you’re right.” I sigh, relaxing my body and closing my eyes.

  “Meet me here after work. I’ll order some dinner, we’ll spend some time together, have some fun.”

  “Okay.” I mentally chastise myself after realizing how quickly I agreed to see him. God maybe I could at least try to play a little hard to get.

  “Bring your overnight bag, because I want to take my time with you.”

  “Okay.” It comes out breathy. So much for playing hard to get.

  “Goodnight Ev.”

  “Goodnight Luca.”

  I didn’t see Luca all day, He was in and out of court and when he did finally make it in to the office, I was knee deep in work, and I couldn’t sneak away to see him. By the time five o’clock rolled around, Luca was already gone. I make it to his house quickly, grab my purse and overnight bag out of my car, and ring the doorbell. I wait a few minutes and when he doesn’t open I ring again. After a few more minutes of waiting I try the doorknob, as I turn it I realize that luckily it’s unlocked. I climb the stairs that lead up into his living room, when I reach the top I can hear water running in the distance so I know he must be in the shower. I toss my keys and purse on the table and head to his bedroom to drop off my overnight bag.

  I toss my bag just outside his closet door and kick off my sandals, deciding to go into the kitchen and rifle through his drawers for takeout menus. Luca walks out of the bathroom just as I turn to leave. My chest compresses as I take in the sight of him wearing nothing but a towel. His dark hair is wet and unruly, drops of water still glistening on his chest and abs.

  “Hi baby,” he says, his green eyes going soft. My heart melts a little when I look at them. They draw me into him, making me forget about everything else, making me want nothing else than to be close to him. I walk across the room to where he stands, getting as close as I can without physically touching him. I go up on my tiptoes, throw my arms around his neck, and hop up. Luca’s arms catch me just in time, hoisting me up as I wrap my legs around his waist, my face in his neck inhaling his scent.

  “Hi,” I murmur into his neck.

  His arms go tighter around me and I revel in the feel of them on me, enveloping me. “What’s this?” he questions softly, placing a kiss on my hair.

  “I’m happy to see you,” I say, with just a hint of vulnerability that I’m sure he doesn’t miss. He doesn’t miss much. I breathe him in one last time before lifting my head to look at him. The look on his face is my undoing, this draw I feel to him is undeniable, unmistakable, unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It excites me as much as it terrifies the hell out of me.

  He places a kiss on my forehead. “I’m happy to see you too.”

  I bend my head, running my nose up and down his cheek, nuzzling into him, making my own desire grow with each passing moment, feeling him grow beneath me.

  “What do you want baby?” he questions, his eyes going from soft to liquid, his voice getting husky and I know what he wants me to say, I know that the air in the room is changing going from sweet to heated.

  “You,” I reply, nipping his ear between my teeth, letting him know that I’m on board for the ride.

  He walks me over to the bed and throws me down. I reach up and take hold of his towel, but he grabs my wrists and pins them down over my head before I can p
ull it off.

  He runs his tongue along the base of my neck, I moan tilting my head to the side giving him more access. “You want me?”

  “Yes Luca.”

  “What do you want me to do to you?” he asks, grinding his hips into mine. I whimper at the feel of him there. “You want me to play with your pretty little pussy again?” he asks on another swirl of his hips, driving me crazy with the mix of his movements and his dirty words. “Or should I play with your ass? Hmm? I can spank you till its red… Would you like that Everly?” he asks just as he bites my shoulder.

  “Oh God,” I say on a breath. How does he do this to me every single time? He has the ability to make me lose all self-control; he makes it so that I would do just about anything he asks, so that I want to do everything he asks.

  “You like it a little dirty hmm baby?” he asks with a grin.

  “Yes,” I cry out. I could come just listening to him speak to me like this.

  “Should I tie you up Ev? Make you use your mouth on me? Play with your clit until you’re so close and then take it away?”


  “No?” he asks, teasing me with his words. “You just need me to fuck you hmm?”


  “I can do that for my girl,” he says with a sexy grin before stripping me out of my clothing painfully slow and finally ditching his towel. When the barriers are finally gone, when it’s just him and me there naked and needy, he buries himself inside of me taking me slowly, uninhibited. Taking his time, giving me exactly what I need, exactly how I want it. It’s heaven.

  The last few months have passed by in a blur. Things between Luca and I have progressed quicker than I anticipated they would. We’ve been spending as much time as we can together, which is pretty much every waking hour outside of work. If I’m not spending the night at Luca’s place, he’s spending the night here in mine, and that’s exactly what happened last night.