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The Plantagenets: The Kings That Made Britain

Plantagenet is the name given to the English royal house descended from the union of Queen Matilda of England and her second husband Geoffrey of Anjou. The name derived from Geoffrey's nickname, which came from the sprig of broom (planta genet) which he wore in his hat. The Plantagenets ruled England for more than three hundred years, from the accession of reign of the dynasty's founder, Matilda and Geoffrey's son, Henry II, in 1154, to the death of the last Plantagenet, Richard III, at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.
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Madison Johns - Agnes Barton Paranormal 02 - Ghostly Hijinks

Driving up Highway 50 through Nevada, said to be the loneliest road in America, sure would make a body nervous—unless, of course, you’re Agnes Barton, who welcomes the challenge and the chance to check out a real ghost town. But before she even arrives in Silver, Nevada, a mystery has unfolded in the form of a lost little girl, Rebecca, who has become separated from her family who are searching for the elusive Leister’s gold.The real kicker is that Agnes saw it all in a dream, but when they arrive at the Goldberg Hotel & Saloon, she realizes so many things about her dream are real, like the details of the inside of the hotel. It isn’t long before she learns that the hotel is haunted by various spirits from the past, further making for an interesting vacation.Agnes is determined to find the missing family, insisting that it simply wasn’t just a dream as she learns that a family with a young daughter had indeed disappeared in the middle of the night just before they had arrived.
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Alien Home

True love trying to survive against galactic dangers. Through a maelststrom of intergalactic intrigue, cosmic danger, and terran peril, Mike Carlson, intrepid waiter madly in love with a man from another planet, must navigate between extremes of familialjoy and hate balanced against the intrigues and wiles on Earth and out among the vast stars of the universe. Will Mike and Joe's love survive the perils that surround them, from a raging blizzard, to an interstellar abduction, to a debate over their very existence? Mike and Joe and their love hurtle through adventures that no one on Earth has ever been through. Can their love survive the demands of the universe? **
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The Fateful Day

A compelling new mystery for Libertus, set against the backdrop of the Roman Empire in turmoil and fighting for itssurvival . . .Libertus is passing the villa of his patron, Marcus Septimus Aurelius, when he sees an elaborate travelling carriage which has pulled up outside and is now blocking the road. Recognising that this may be an important visitor, Libertus approaches the carriage, intending to explain that Marcus is away, gone to Rome to visit his old friend Pertinax, who has recently been installed as Emperor. However, for his efforts, Libertus instead receives a torrent of abuse and the carriage-driver almost runs him down as he departs.Libertus is badly shaken, but goes back to the villa the next day to find out why there was no gate-keeper in evidence to deal with the stranger. There he finds a gruesome discovery: the man is dead and hanging in his hut, and none of the other house-slaves are to be found. Worse things are to follow as news arrives...
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Madison Johns - Agnes Barton 05 - Treasure in Tawas

The last thing Agnes Barton expected was to be slapped in cuffs alongside her best friend and fellow-sleuthing buddy, Eleanor Mason. All they had wanted to do was to verify if a painting at the Butler Mansion had indeed been stolen. How were they to know that they had tripped off a silent alarm—or that Agnes’ nemesis Mildred Winfree’s body would be discovered when the cops showed up? It didn’t help that they had entered the mansion illegally—using a key Agnes had pilfered from her daughter Martha who was working as a real estate agent to sell the old place.Word has it that a treasure map was hidden in the back of a painting at the Butler Mansion, and it was just too juicy a story not to investigate. So here Agnes and Eleanor sat in jail as prime suspects, brought in for questioning.The tabloid, Tall Tales, printed a treasure map in its most recent edition, and soon East Tawas becomes a point of interest as treasure hunters began tearing up the town looking for treasure. Agnes and Eleanor join in the foray, but she wondered just who was behind this tall tale, and what did it have to do with Mildred’s murder?
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A criminal analyst with no social life fascinates a superhero during a hostage taking where she was the hostage, until she wasn’t. Beryl lives a quiet life taking online classes and working on solving cases for her brother when he needs a second pair of eyes. Her skills gain her the notice of the Volunteer Project, and she is encouraged to go and get a life of her own. Working as a criminal analyst is incredibly rewarding and she thinks she has everything she needs until her path collides with that of one of the local Guardians and her life takes a sudden turn. Toyo sensed Beryl before he met her, but watching her disable a criminal cemented his interest. Her blood called to him, her scent drove him wild, and when she knocked him on his butt, he knew it was the first of many encounters to come.
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