The girl was dead, and no fooling...Another Gene Genie taken by her addiction – by a plague tearing the world apart. Sasha is a cop. Though, now-a-days, he mostly cleans up messes. There are plenty of those. To Sasha, the girl looks like just another mess, until her body mysteriously vanished from the morgue..."You know that Nietzsche thing?” the girl asked, “about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?Well, let me tell you, he got that all turned around...”The girl was dead, and no fooling...Another Gene Genie taken by her addiction – by a plague tearing the world apart. Sasha is a cop. Though, now-a-days, he mostly cleans up messes. There are plenty of those. To Sasha, the girl looks like just another mess, until her body mysteriously vanished from the morgue. Turns out the girl was the daughter of some rich and powerful East Coast NeoCon...Turns out the girl is a mess that even Sasha can't easily sweep under the rug... Before long, a Federal occupying army has descended on Seattle, hellbent on a roots-to-branches cleansing of America...Turns out the girl is one serious mess, indeed. But a deeper mystery lurks behind the girl's death. A mystery that connects the Geneing epidemic with an obscure doomsday cult and the last, encrypted novel of a long dead, half-forgotten sci-fi novelist. Views: 839
Самое надежное в мире хранилище золота находится в одном лондонском банке...
И ты, конечно, уже начинаешь понимать, о чем пойдет речь в этой книге. Правильно: о величайшем в мире ограблении банка. Может быть, ты знаешь кого-то, кому под силу совершить столь дерзкое преступление? Ну разумеется, это все та же бесстрашная троица: один тощий, высокий и почти безумный профессор, одна замечательная девочка с кларнетом и один крохотный мальчик с огненно-рыжими волосами.
Но почему из всех людей на свете именно доктору Проктору, Булле и Лисе поручено сделать это? Да потому, что совсем недавно они уже спасли мир от неминуемого конца, вступив в схватку с лунными хамелеонами. А на этот раз все обстоит гораздо хуже. Намного хуже. Настолько хуже, что тебе, скорее всего, уже никогда, никогда не захочется съесть ни кусочка сыра пармезан! Ты спросишь: а какая тут связь с финалом Кубка Англии по футболу? Прочитаешь эту книгу — тогда узнаешь. Views: 839
Can a road trip repair a romance gone wrong? Find out in this standalone companion to Lauren Barnholdt’s Two-way Street.
Here are Peyton and Jace, meeting on vacation. Click! It’s awesome, it’s easy, it’s romantic. This is the real deal.
Unless it isn’t. Because when you’re in love, you don’t just stop calling one day. And you don’t keep secrets. Or lie. And when your life starts falling apart, you’re supposed to have the other person to lean on.
Here are Peyton and Jace again, broken up but thrown together on a road trip. One of them is lying about the destination. One of them is pretending not to be leaving something behind. And neither of them is prepared for what’s coming on the road ahead… Views: 839
Donal's school trip to the zoo turns into anunexpected journey across space. Accompanied only by a lofty camel and a lemming, he finds himself hurtling towards a distant planet, a crowd of little green aliens - and a deadly mission!Thrills and laughs for readers of 8 and over.Donal's school trip to the zoo turns into an unexpected journey across space. Accompanied only by a lofty camel and a stowaway lemming, he finds himself trapped on a alien spaceship which is hurtling towards a distant planet.The little green Meerie who greet him look friendly enough. But when they send him on a quest to find their missing space fleet, it means a dangerous journey across the desert where far more terrifying aliens live... An exciting and humorous science fiction story for ages 8 to 12. Views: 838
It's 1957 and aliens that resemble us but say very little about their origins are trading technology and advanced machines for some of our soil.Quickly companies form partnerships with the extraterrestrials and single mother, Lydia Meyer is convinced by a slick salesman that used to sell vacuum cleaners to purchase a new Solomon series robot to be a companion for her lonely son. It goes badly.This story was inspired by Brian Aldiss' Supertoys Last All Summer Long. But instead of exploring what happens when a couple recieves a child that is a robot this story explores what happens when a child recieves a surrogate parent that is a robot. It's done with alternate history, the year 1957, and aliens that resemble us but say very little about their origins are trading technology and advanced machines for some of our soil.Quickly companies form partnerships with the extraterrestrials and single mother, Lydia Meyer is convinced by a slick salesman that used to sell vacuum cleaners to purchase a new Solomon series robot to be a companion for her lonely son. It goes badly. Views: 838
A mysterious woman and her nursing home friends take a liking to a college boy working as a janitor.A traveler arrives in Farbank with information leading to ancient runestones that are said to have great mystic powers. Mesmerized with intrigue, Thorik and his parents venture out to find the treasure which will end up costing several lives to acquire.This short story is the prequel to the start of an Epic Fantasy Adventure series that will lead you on a journey like none before. All new creatures and species inhabit this unique landscape as events unfold before your eyes that will change the civilization of the Kingdom and the Altered Creatures forever. This fast-paced character-driven series is filled with magic and mystery.Series Synopsis: The Brothers of War were the twin heirs to the Mighty Dovenar Kingdom. Now weakened by the great civil war, which the twins unleashed upon the land, both brothers are nowhere to be found. Outside the kingdom’s safe harbor and strong fortress walls, the Altered Creatures are prepared to conquer the kingdom in its leaderless and weakened state. The magical Alchemists have chosen sides with the Altered Creatures and against the few E’rudites who still honor the prior regime. Word of the vulnerable people has made it to the three demons that rule the Underworld, Land, and the Air, who have all decided to join the battle for their own supremacy. The future looks bleak for the civilized lands. Yet, there is one young hunter who believes he can still save the Kingdom. These are the tales of this individual and his friends whose very faith in their values challenges the vast domination of the naturally powerful. The land’s destiny is in Thorik’s hands, while his confidence in himself and conviction to his beliefs will define his own fate. Join Thorik on the ultimate journey to save the world from those who strive to control it. Views: 838
Sent back in time to Victorian England in order to change the future, Helen Foster thought it would be complicated. Little did she know she'd be lucky to survive the night!Sent back in time to Victorian England to stop the invention of a deadly weapon, Helen Foster knows the job looks too easy: All she has to do is go to an auction, buy the weapon plans, destroy them, and she’ll save millions of people back in her own time. And even if she spends the rest of her life as a spinster stuck in the English countryside with a plethora of cats, changing the future is worth it. Then she meets Edward Clifton, Duke of Somervale, the man she’s supposed to blackmail. He is one of the most powerful men in the land, so handsome and cold that debutantes have been known to faint in his presence. After one meeting, Helen will be thrilled to never see his royal (and quite spectacular) backside, ever again. But as her mission falls apart and danger closes in, Helen has no choice but to turn to the one man powerful enough to help her not just change the future, but survive the night. Views: 838
In the future, people are disease-free and thin, but physically weak and increasingly lazy. Intensive exercise is viewed as the primary risk factor for accidents and injuries, and is all but outlawed by powerful health insurance corporations. This is the story of one man who leads an underground running club as its members prepare for an upcoming race they are determined to win at any cost.A local amusement park seems the perfect setting for seven-year-old Jack’s birthday party. The adults alternate between socializing with each other and chaperoning their children playing throughout the park. It seems like a fun time for everyone, but apparently not. Mandy would rather be finishing her homework than participating in her little brother’s escapades, especially when she considers his classmates in attendance that would make better company for him. It’s safe to say when Jack appears to go missing in the theme park she finds it more believable he is somewhere he shouldn’t be rather than lost or worse. She is right and wrong in the worst ways possible. Views: 838
The Slug Invasion is a 114,000 word humorous, non-serious, science fiction novel, primarily aimed for young adults. It is the second novel of a trilogy, and continues the story where the first instalment, The Slug Rebellion, left off.The Slug Invasion is the second novel of the trilogy, and is (as usual) comprised of a prologue, ten intermediate chapters, and an epilogue. Each chapter is split into several scenes, with each being told from the first-person perspective of one of the three main characters.This is the part where I say that this is the perfect starting point for new readers, and that you should totally just jump right in! That would be untrue however. Yes, you can start at book two if you really wanted to, and I suppose that you’d get most of it, but it wouldn’t be the same. If you want to read these books properly, go back and start at The Slug Rebellion!Here’s what you can look forward to reading in The Slug Invasion:- A lot more on the anatomy, culture, and lifestyles of the Slugs and Cyborgs.- A complete and utter lack of any form of love triangle.- More Phill!- A glimpse at Slugenis, and another place too.- Further descriptions of the technological and biological workings of the two races.As the first book before it, this is still a somewhat serious, somewhat humorous work, so be prepared. It is much longer than the original, and the third and final instalment will be longer still.If you like science fiction that doesn’t take itself too seriously, then you may like these books. If you like novels that go into a lot of effort to describe and explain the things and people around them, then you may like this. If you liked the first book, then you should definitely like this one; if you thought the first was ‘meh’, then I think you’ll like this one better; if you hated the first book, then why are you even reading this?Enjoy. Views: 838
The first book in the After post-apocalyptic thriller series from an international bestselling author. A massive solar storm erases the world's technological infrastructure and kills billions. While the remaining humans are struggling to adapt and survive, they notice that some among them have...changed.Look for the other books, After: First Light, After: The Echo, and After: Milepost 291."Nobody thrills like Nicholson does. Nobody." - J.A. Konrath, OriginThe first book in the After post-apocalyptic thriller series from an international bestselling author. Look for the other books, the free prequel After: First Light, After: The Echo, and After: Milepost 291.After: The ShockA massive solar storm erases the world's technological infrastructure and kills billions. While the remaining humans are struggling to adapt and survive, they notice that some among them have...changed.Rachel Wheeler finds herself alone in the city, where violent survivors known as "Zapheads" roam the streets, killing and destroying. Her only hope is to reach the mountains, where her grandfather, a legendary survivalist, established a compound in preparation for Doomsday.Other survivors are fleeing the city, but Zapheads aren't the only danger. Rogue bands of military soldiers want to impose their own order in the crumbling ruins of civilization. When Rachel discovers a 10-year-old boy, she vows to care for him even if it means her own chances of escaping are lower.And the Zapheads that were once simple to evade are evolving, developing communal skills even as they lay waste to the society they will eventually replace.---Scott Nicholson is author of more than 30 books, including The Home, The Harvest, Creative Spirit, and Speed Dating with the Dead. Views: 838
At the end of a bad day Gilbert's still got to help David Liffey at a Valentine's Rave?It's Valentine's and Gilbert's night is not going well. They are walking into Vampire Territory. The music is worse than what Kerry and Struan play.And Gilbert knows he stands out like a sore-thumb, not just because he's human... Views: 837
Ben Soul comes to the City from the mountain hinterland to find love (twice) and fulfillment on the coast. His story has whimsy, and a few puns scattered through it. As his life progresses, he moves from the City to a coastal village, and eventually defeats Vanna, the villainous villaness.Reckless, the sequel to Finding Ava: The decision seemed so innocent in the beginning, exciting even. How could I have ever known what was going to happen? How could I have ever know that someone could be so evil, so determined to destroy lives. I chose to ignore the advice of my brother and instead trusted - believed in friendship, believed in a woman I once loved. Now I am paying the consequences and living in hell and I have brought my family right along with me. It all started when the rat entered our lives, and as should be expected - the snake followed.This story dives deep into the making of the movie “Reckless”, and simultaneously takes you on a ride filled with sex, drama, disastrous sabotage, and battles of woman against woman and man against man. You will have to take a breath before you read this story because you won’t be able to take another until after it ends. Views: 836
Turlock gets a text informing him he'll be killed in five minutes. If he can best a near-perfect assassin, he and Marve must find out where it came from--and prevent their mass production.Turlock and Marve go to Tramin, a Podunk town, to let things cool off for a while. They stumble across the perfect assassin. Worse yet, Turlock gets a text informing him he'll be killed in five minutes. If he can survive, he and Marve must find out where the killer came from--and what it will take to keep more of them from being produced. Views: 836
Scarlett Lang is a hit woman turned Interpol agent posing as caregiver to London's biggest drug lord, Armand Sayer. Her resourcefulness as both henchwoman and nurse helps her win much more than Armand's trust. Which brings her to the dilemma of having to choose between being loyal to her profession or her heart.Scarlett Lang always dreamt of becoming an Interpol agent. When her hard work pays off and she's given the chance to work as an undercover agent with London's biggest drug lord, Armand Sayer, she can't help being ecstatic about it.She's employed by Armand's sister (to aid in his recovery from a gun attack) as both caregiver and bodyguard. Her resourcefulness in both areas helps her win much more than Armand's trust, to the dismay of both his right-hand man and her ex-boyfriend / colleague.As she makes her way into the business she swore to help tear down, she's faced with the dilemma of choosing between being loyal to her profession or her heart. And we all know it can't be both. Views: 836
A conversation between The Fates with their younger triplet siblings, The Three Graces and the Three Furies. In three parts, The Three Fates and the Three Graces; The Three Fates and The Three Furies; and finally, The Three Furies and The Three Graces. They discuss happenings around Mt. Olympus, the Gods and Goddesses.Great Story! Had me Hooked from chapter one! ★★★★★ - by KickerAce3My daughter raved about this book. ★★★★★ - by 123lilMonkeysSuperb - a breath of fresh Hawaiian air. ★★★★★ - by Paul Clark If you believe in Children... if you believe in Dreams, then you’ll love the Epic adventures of Ayla and the Dolphins as they explore the magical and mysterious world of Hawai‘i. After moving to this remote island, Ayla discovers the ability to communicate with three dolphins who open a secret world to her that she never knew existed. Follow this young heroine as she tries to save her friends from mortal danger while uncovering mysteries that have been lost in time. With the help of her brother Aslyn, one comical parrot named Pico and a handsome island boy named Kaleo, twelve year old Ayla explores this new found paradise where the secrets of the Spirit world are slowly revealed. Enhanced with videos and rich color images, these adventures are a feast for the senses and will keep the pages turning as you uncover hidden treasures along the way. Whether you are a child, a parent or a grandparent, you will be captivated by the exotic mountains, jungles, coral reefs and the vast Pacific Ocean, encountering humpback whales, giant sea turtles, sharks and more... Begin the first adventure of the ongoing series... Ayla Speaks to Dolphins - Book 1 - Dolphin Dreams. Views: 836