The Conclave is a confederation of four hundred alien racesmany of whom would like to see the Colonial Union, and the humans inside of it, blasted to extinction. To avoid a conflict that neither side can afford, Conclave leader General Tarsem Gau appoints Hafte Sorvalh to resolve an emerging diplomatic crisis with the humans, before the only acceptable solution is war. Views: 847
Shit is going down on the phaseship Lelantos as the interdimensional bountyhunter Vel finds his Mark and steps away from his calm. Someone will suffer greatly.Vaslus is a doomed world orbiting an unstable star. It could be weeks or it could be centuries away but their world will eventually succumb to its unpredictable solar prominences. To preserve their civilisation the Vaslusians are embarking on the greatest colonisation scheme ever imagined. In the first of this short story series follow Jump Master Tanlen and his new apprentice Relv as they embark on a jump to bring colonists to a new world only to find more than anyone had bargained for waiting at the other end. Views: 847
These poetic gems were found like pebbles on the sands of my life. Poems of love, joy, fact, fiction, depression and inspiration. Stories of romance and tragedy, war and peace, and father and motherhood. All born from my overactive imagination and I call them "My Kinda Poetry." And I hope they are your kind too.Hell Hill Island is what I would call a place of beauty and a place of death. Any visitor or resident that stepped out of line were sure to find themselves, swinging from the Gallows on Hell Hill Island. Hell Hill Island was founded in 1863 by Marshall Sam Tucker that didn't believe in a fair trial because of his short fuse. If you back talked the Marshall he would shoot you in both legs, then drag your wounded body with a rope he held as he rode his horse up to the Gallows to be hung high and when the Marshall was through watching the dead body swing back and forth on the Gallows he would set their body on fire and light his cigar from the flames off their body. Marshall Sam Tucker would leave the charred body hanging from the Gallows and ride his horse back to town to bring the residents to see the aftermath and let them know this is how they would end up if they stepped out of line. Views: 847
It’s a new year, and Harley has her spirits set on a spot of self-improvement. Things change when an acquaintance is involved in an accident, shaking things up at home and at school. Harley becomes focused on doing the right thing, which can be hard when certain people are treading all over her dearest beliefs.Will she be able to single out the source of all her worries?It’s a new year, and Harley has her spirits set on a spot of self-improvement. She knows she’s unfit, and that’s the right reason to get a bit of exercise – right?Things change when an acquaintance is involved in an accident, shaking things up at home and at school. The Hartley kids, who might just have distanced themselves from the notion that life’s too short, become focused on doing the “right” thing.But something else has been bothering Harley, and it’s about time she identified it… Views: 847
The last summer picnic turns into an astonishing disaster! Middle grad humor and adventure.Book 1, "Time Before Color TV" seriesThe last summer picnic turns into an astonishing disaster! What was supposed to be a fun day at the new state park becomes a life and death struggle with creatures right out of a science fiction horror movie. Middle grade humor and adventure.Book 1, "Time Before Color TV" series Views: 847
Want to know what is haunting the attic in Abasteron House by the sea, at low tide … in a dead calm?Readers' comments: "Great tale. If you like ghost stories, worth reading this short but chilly tale. Love the little scare tucked neatly into the final line, and an effective one at that.”“An electric atmosphere from the opening lines.”Short story originally published by Every Day Fiction.Come to the Abasteron House by the sea … at low tide … in a dead calm … Is there something haunting the attic?Readers' comments: “I loved this–the writing, the pace, the detail, the word choices. A haunting tale with an underlying thread that stays with you.”"Haunting is certainly true of this piece.""Great tale. If you like ghost stories, worth reading this short but chilly tale. Love the little scare tucked neatly into the final line, and an effective one at that.”“Very good indeed, creating an electric atmosphere from the opening lines.” "An engaging read."“Brilliantly depicted.” This short story (flash fiction) was originally published at Every Day Fiction. Paula Cappa is the recipient of an Eric Hoffer Book Award, Readers' Favorite International Bronze Medal for supernatural suspense, and a Gothic Readers Book Club Award Winner. Views: 846
FREE short story about a woman stuck in a dead end marriage until she meets a talking tree.So what does a radio DJ's salad and Schrodinger's cat have in common? Absolutely nothing, unless you consider if one of them decides to go on vacation, the salad that is, then all you have is a cat all alone with nothing to do except ponder its existence. So what about the salad? Legend of the Salad Traveler is a lighthearted story of a salad that weighed 5.5 ounces, and it decides to go on vacation; a man unexpectedly ends up in your shower and tells you he knows how to find it. Just make sure you keep enough rocks in your pocket. That's explained later, and it has something to do with moving from universe to universe as this is a story of epic proportions - well not epic, maybe whimsical proportions and fun nonetheless. Views: 846
Part human, part otherworldly, the Breed has lived among humankind in secret for thousands of years . . . and now fans of the popular, best-selling Midnight Breed Series can delve deeper than ever before into this hidden, seductive race of vampires and the dark, thrilling universe they inhabit.
A book that's been years in the making, the Midnight Breed Series Companion includes insider info on all of the novels, author notes on the creation of the story world and how the eleven-book (and counting!) series has evolved since its beginning as a contracted trilogy, a complete character guide, series trivia, questions from readers and more.
This special series companion also includes "A Touch of Midnight"--an all-new, never-before-published, original novella featuring Gideon and Savannah, which finally reveals the story of how this reader favorite couple met and fell in love, and answers many questions that fans have been curious about since the series began! Views: 846
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Hamlet, William Shakespeare A land of shadows, of mystery, of obfuscated Truth. Welcome to the Greylands, that strange world, within the bounds of Time, peopled by mortal men. We cannot see truly, only as through a glass, darkly. Discover a collection of stories inspired by such imaginings.A land of shadows, of mystery, of obfuscated Truth. Welcome to the Greylands, that strange world, within the bounds of Time, peopled by mortal men. We cannot see truly, only as through a glass, darkly. There are things that move and have their being completely beyond our ability to perceive them. There are things beyond our mortal ability to comprehend. There are hints and glimmers hidden within the body of revealed Truth, but there is much we do not know, cannot yet understand, and could never dare dream. These stories are mere fancy, with a seed of Truth at their core. They play with the ideas of mortality and Eternity, Time and things beyond it, and of course the epic battle of Good against Evil. Each stands alone, and though there are common themes, threads, names, and concepts, each story is an entity unto itself and should not be seen as occurring in the same world or mistaken for installments of a series. These are random musings, not Gospel Truth, and should not be taken as such. Joy, hope, and encouragement are hopefully a byproduct, but certainly not sound Theology. If you would know more of the true world beyond these Greylands, one must be a careful student of the Scriptures, not of silly stories such as these. Views: 846
Are you afraid of the monsters lurking in the shadows of your closet? What about the ones skulking nefariously under your bed? I bet you are. You should probably be more worried about the ones hiding in your head. So lock your doors, bar you windows, and pray to whatever god you choose. Because Here There be Monsters.Those twisted voices screaming in the back of your head, the ones urging you to slash that moron's tires when he won't get off your ass or the ones telling you to bleed your neighbor's dog dry when the little thing won't shut up at three AM, the ones you try so hard to silence and to ignore, are getting sick of you not paying attention. Oh, don't look so surprised; we all have those monsters within us. In the following collection of short stories and poetry, A. Mims lets some of her monsters loose. Her words are full of the darkness inside us all. So beware, because Here There be Monsters. Views: 846
Imagine Life without Fear, and now enter your greatest fears by spiritual trials with cognitive senses guiding you through your darkest days, survival is your questions in this dreamed nightmarePlant your thoughts ~SEEDFollow up to the original "Planet Me". Very little to do with Whisky, or even the Scottish. Simply "a book with some more stuff in it". A large glass of red should make the words go down easier. A humorous philosophical look at life in general and incompetence in particular. Check out the full original book Planet Me. Views: 846
A princess should be as good as she is beautiful.
So says The Art of Being a Princess, which Princess Imogene is supposed to be reading. But since she is neither particularly good nor all that beautiful, she skips her homework to visit the pond. There she meets a talking frog who claims to be a prince under a witch's spell. Imogene kindly kisses him to remove the spell - and gets turned into a frog instead!
Now the only way for the princess to un-frog herself is to convince someone else to kiss her. But before she can figure out a plan, Imogene gets kidnapped and becomes the unwilling star attraction in a third-rate traveling theater company. Can she find a way to undo the witch's spell - or will she be frogged forever? Views: 846
Niclas is a Nazi, and he's good at what he does - in fact, rumor has it he's in line to be promoted soon. His superior and inferior officers alike both admire him, and his record is entirely unblemished...of course, that could all change if he can't get rid of the voice in his head and his attraction to a Jew. Incubus is seventh story in the Bestiary Tales.The PA is a humourous short story about the world post-apocalypse (PA). It is 1182 words. Views: 846