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Who Killed Bob?

Bob is dead. He appears to have died in his study, alone and with the doors locked. On his desk are a pen and a photograph of his family - which are usually there.What are not usually there, are the ice pick, claw hammer, kitchen knife and bottle of prussic acid which have been arranged on his desk. A lot of questions need to be answered. The main one is WHO KILLED BOB?A giggling blue fairy takes Zoe on a journey to find her soul. She discovers the power of silence inside herself and it changes her life.
Views: 738

101 Blogs

101 blogs written from March 29th 2011 (from www.khorumahmed.com), including: BLOGS, CURSES OF TIME, CONTINUMENTAL, PRIME WORLDS, MATTER-FABRIC and OF THINGS TO COME.Hints of plots to come, adventures to witness and journeys to unfold all in the wake of the next Master of Time. Who will take the seat?BLOGS‘I can honestly say that I am the most laziest person you could ever find. I never attempted to do anything meticulous, nor muster the energy to get something done.’CURSES OF TIME‘The idea was to write something that had a fresh take on what people knew to be Time Travel. It came to me after one scrapped idea to another and then through numerous rewrites and changes in the overall plot.’CONTINUMENTAL‘To create such an extensive universe of brave new marvels and wonders, it would not be the same without its own form of intrinsic qualities ... its own identity.’PRIME WORLDS‘From Earth to Anselopha, an Alliance between the Prime Worlds were formed to enforce Law and Order. Bureaus were put in place to aid each of the worlds of the Continuverse.’MATTER-FABRIC‘With its nature laid bare, ready to be taken unwillingly by force without Bearers. Time will not last forever and with no hope of guidance, time’s endangered nature will come to an end.’OF THINGS TO COME‘In the light of the coming Master, there are those who will stop at nothing to ensure that he is taken down, so that they can command their own rule – Who will take the Seat?’
Views: 738

The Carrier - Episode Three

Teanne’s decision to trust someone with her secret presents her with new allies, but also brings a greater burden as she learns the importance of the stone she carries. Jacobs revelation to the Queen of Aelia about the journey Chev and Teanne were asked to do, brings more questions about his Head Elder and a need to learn more about the truth behind why they were sent.A retelling of the classic Russian folk tale about the prince who must complete three challenges in order to bring the firebird back to the king. He has help along the way in the form of a white wolf. Even if he finds the firebird, will he be able to bring ot home?
Views: 738

Cavers: A Vampire Tale

When Allie Carter starts her new school, curiosity leads to the discovery of vampires and a new job.Intrigue and danger lurk around every corner. Which will propel her to new unimaginable discoveries? Which will seal her fate?Cavers: A Vampire Tale (Cavers#1)Looking forward to her fifteenth birthday and a new school, Allie Carter finds that all is not as it seems. Curiosity leads to the discovery of vampires at her school, in her classrooms, and in her town. More curious is the fact that her new best friend, Sara Johnson, is in league with them or a vampire herself. As she seeks to prove her friends role, Allie is drawn into an unforgiving world of power and death. Instead of running for her life, she joins a secret society dedicated to helping the vampires remain hidden. Allie becomes a caretaker to the adorable five-year-old Lila and must teach her to blend into human society, but if she fails, the young child will be killed.To navigate the vampire world and educate the children, Allie (and girls like her) receives injections: she runs faster, leaps higher, hears and sees better with increased strength and agility. These girls are one-step away from becoming vampires themselves, influencing their children, fighting in their wars, and becoming the hallmark for integrity and dedication as they help to shape the future of the vampire world. Will Allie have so much fun that she forgets the danger or to educate and protect young Lila or will she rise to the challenge before her? And what of the parents she loves? Will turning her back on them be worth risking all when the vampire princess wants to kill her for pure pleasure? Only time will tell.
Views: 737

Shadow Weapons of Doom

The Khy'Meir tribes posses few weapons with which to combat the Alhambran Empire. The tribes cannot match the empire's swords, nor do they have the stones with which to build walls. The tribes' only weapon is fear, wielded by their shadows infiltrating the enemy's homeland. But the tribes underestimate how deeply the fear cuts, realizing too late the doom shadows help to summon.The Alhambran Empire has captured a shadow agent of the Khy'Meir tribes. Though they would be happy to murder an agent responsible for casting so much fear through their empire of glowing temples and paved roadways, the captors must stay their hand, for the warlock has told them the shadow agent must be kept alive and lucid. The warlock and his king have forged from the legends of the Khy'Mier tribes a weapon of unparalleled power, a weapon with which to finally scatter the enemy tribes to ash. But the warlock and the king find they cannot put that weapon back in its cage, and so the fate of two enemies hinge on whatever answers a shadow is able to voice.
Views: 737

The Horror From The Blizzard

Any scientific expedition to the Arctic expects plenty of risk. However, Dr. Welham of Miskatonic University's survey uncovers far more than the usual geologic and ethnographic samples. In the severe, rock-scouring blizzards of the far north, the team comes across a hideous object from an elder age. A relic that brings earth shattering terror in its wake...Any scientific expedition to the Arctic expects plenty of risk. However, Dr. Welham of Miskatonic University's survey uncovers far more than the usual geologic and ethnographic samples. In the severe, rock-scouring blizzards of the far north, the team comes across a hideous object from an elder age. A relic that brings earth shattering terror in its wake...  This story is loosely inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's short story, Polaris, which was written in 1918. In that story, a modern man is troubled by recurring dreams, gaining in intensity. During these visions, he assumes the role of a sentry guarding the pass against the invading Inutos people from the west. However, under the malign influence of the pole star, the watcher falls asleep. This time, when he awakes, screaming, the sentry wakes as a modern man and realises that he has failed the marble city of Olathoe in the lost land of Lomar.
Views: 737

Storm Shells

The only way to move forward was to go back to the very beginning…. After three miserable weeks without Charli, Adam makes the decision to follow her, desperately hoping to find a way of following through on his promise of a happy ending. He finds her back in Pipers Cove, healing her broken heart by spending time with the one person who never lets her down. Both know nothing has changed. They're desperately in love, hopelessly stuck in limbo, and unable to find common ground. When fate offers them a chance at a different kind of ending, it’s a one-shot deal. Running with it means changing their plans – something neither of them has ever been willing to do before, even for each other. Just as one begins to find their way, the other completely loses direction – and neither of them realise that time is running out.
Views: 737

Spirit Warriors The Tunnel Of Light

Long ago certain people of the world were given the power to communicate, merge with and control the spirits so they could protect the good heart creatures of the world. As before throughout time they have come close to defeat at the hands of the dark powers and now again they must make a stand risking all they love for the greater good.Join Caleb, Mace and Lydia the last spirit warriors left in their region as they fight to keep themselves and the noble creatures of light safe from the dark clans and it's leaders. With a little time and less training then the warriors before them they hope to find the legendary tunnel of light so they can not only win but survive, can they find it in time or will they fail losing to the leaders that seem to know what they will do before they do it? Fighting for love, honor and happiness they will give all they have for the good of the world.
Views: 737

A Dance with the Phantom-A Short Story

Halloween will never be the same...Stephanie can't figure it out! Who is 'The Phantom' and why is he leaving gifts in her locker? Should she meet him at the masquerade dance? Is that safe? Is he a stalker? Find out in in Green Crush Minis' first short story...A Dance with the Phantom!Halloween will never be the same...Stephanie can't figure it out! Who is 'The Phantom' and why is he leaving gifts in her locker? Should she meet him at the masquerade dance? Is that safe? Is he a stalker? Find out in in Green Crush Minis' first short story...A Dance with the Phantom! (3306 words)Love Short Stories?Green Crush Minis features wholesome Christian Romance Short Stories. Sometimes you're just looking for a quick read--something cute--something uplifting--something young. Green Crush Minis gives you just that: Young Adult Christian Love short stories that hit the spot!
Views: 737

Just Like You

Oh-Four-Two-See was to be the prototype unit for a revolutionary new line of Syntech models and the promise of a much needed economic boost for a struggling nation. On the night of the nation's elections, a radical anti-Syntech movement assumes power and Oh-Four-Two-See discovers exactly how closely he resembles his human designers.As a synonym for diamond, “blue rock,” promises marriage and an engagement ring. The phrase also evokes music, spanning both the blues and hard-driving rock. “Blue rock” also holds an element of fire, as in anthracite, or “hard coal,” as well as a fiery pounding, as happens with a ritual hammer-stone. Like the process of forming diamonds itself, these 80 love poems compress passion and betrayal, with results resembling fossilized ferns in bedrock as well as the protracted metamorphosis into crystalline jewels or flames.
Views: 736

Human Remains

Human Remains is a deeply disturbing and powerful psychological thriller that will have you checking the locks on your doors and windows. When Annabel, a police analyst, discovers her neighbour’s decomposing body in the house next door, she’s appalled to think that no one, including herself, noticed that anything was wrong. Back at work, she feels compelled to investigate, despite her colleagues' lack of interest, and finds data showing that such cases are common – too common – in her home town. As she’s drawn deeper into the mystery and becomes convinced she’s on the trail of a killer, she also must face her own demons and her own mortality. Would anyone notice if she just disappeared?
Views: 736

I Jonah, The Darkness

Run away from God. Get swallowed by a whale. Preach the Gospel to those you hate. Sleep under a gourd. Go with Jonah down the path to darkness, sink with him into the depth of darkness, know the darkness of the heart and finally see light in the darkness. Travel with Jonah on his dark journey to Nineveh. Be warned for what you find hiding there in Jonah's darkness you may find hiding in you own.This is a fictional account of how Jonah may have felt as he disobeyed God. As you read it you may be surprised to find that often we may have had some of the same feelings. Each of us at some time or the other has had our Jonah moments. As you read ask God to let you see yourself. We all can learn a little about our walk with God from Jonah.
Views: 736


In a small town in the Nevada desert, an alien pathogen has reduced the entire population to a seething mass of black slime. When the Eighth Doctor arrives, he realises this latest threat to humanity is horrifyingly familiar - it is a virus which almost annihilated his entire race, the Time Lords... Eleven Doctors, eleven months, eleven stories: a year-long celebration of Doctor Who! The most exciting names in children's fiction each create their own unique adventure about the time-travelling Time Lord.
Views: 736

All My Life

Seventeen-year-old Kari meets Neil Mars. “Neil as in Armstrong and Mars…as in Bruno.” A boy who beats every vampire, werewolf, highlander fantasy Kari has ever had. But she knows she can’t get close to him. That would mean telling him everything. And Kari can’t bear the idea of changing the way Neil looks at her. His reverence is something too precious to lose. Even at the cost of losing him. Full length New Adult Contemporary Romance.
Views: 736

The Stable Boy

On a journey to meet his fiancé and begin wedding preparations, Prince Diggory is betrayed by his bodyguard, who intends to steal Diggory's life. Left for dead in a river, the last thing Diggory expects is to live. But surviving is only half the battle, and Diggory will have to figure out how to work around the constraints of a terrible curse if he hopes to stop the man who betrayed him.On a journey to meet his fiancé and begin wedding preparations, Prince Diggory is betrayed by his bodyguard, who intends to steal Diggory's life. Left for dead in a river, the last thing Diggory expects is to live. But surviving is only half the battle, and Diggory will have to figure out how to work around the constraints of a terrible curse if he hopes to stop the man who betrayed him and gain back his life. 
Views: 736