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This engaging series of childhood recollections tells about an ideal school in Tokyo during World War II that combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. This unusual school had old railroad cars for classrooms, and it was run by an extraordinary man-its founder and headmaster, Sosaku Kobayashi—who was a firm believer in freedom of expression and activity.In real life, the Totto-chan of the book has become one of Japan's most popular television personalities—Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. She attributes her success in life to this wonderful school and its headmaster.The charm of this account has won the hearts of millions of people of all ages and made this book a runaway bestseller in Japan, with sales hitting the 4.5 million mark in its first year.
Views: 263

Kathie's Soldiers

"Hurrah!" exclaimed Robert Alston, swinging his hat in the air, as he came up the path; "hurrah! there\'s going to be a draft at Brookside! Won\'t it be jolly?" The group assembled glanced up at him,—a fair, fresh, rosy boy, without any cowardly blood in his veins, as you could easily tell, but given, as such natures often are, to underrating the silent bravery of others. "What will there be so jolly about it, Rob?" asked his uncle, with a peculiar light in his eye.
Views: 263

Modern Art

A short story about a celebrated restoration artist who comes to the Vatican to work in the Sistine Chapel during renovations in the mid 1980s. He keeps to himself, but is soon unable to keep his secret from spiraling his life out of control as his time in the holy city goes on.This short piece follows a restoration artist who arrives in the Vatican to work on frescoes during renovations in the mid 1980s. While there has been mild controversy over the restoration of the famous ceiling that was done back then, little has been said about the other activities that took place in the walls of the holy city, and that may be continuing to this day.
Views: 262

Seduced by a Pirate

Sir Griffin Barry leapt out of the bedchamber window at age seventeen after a very disappointing wedding night, drank a bit too much at the pub and woke to find that he'd joined the crew of a pirate ship! Years later, he has become one of the most feared pirates on the high seas, piloting the Flying Poppy, a ship he named after the wife whom he fondly (if vaguely) remembers. What happens when a pirate decides to come home to his wife — if she is his wife — given that the marriage was never consummated? And what happens when that pirate strolls through his front door and is met by... well, that's a surprise!
Views: 262

A Whispering Soul

The book is comprised of 40 poems, which vary from passionate romance, excruciating pain, to blissful hope. Rearrange scrambled words to paint vivid pictures of daily occurrences. Readers in the world should somehow connect with at least one poem.Santa’s Ninja Elves: two short stories depicting elite elves whose missions are to protect Santa against all enemies using an assortment of cinna-bombs, candy cane bullets, tinsel traps and throwing bells and intelligence from the fortune-telling Mrs. Clause. After years of dedicated service, Santa decides to reward them by helping them find love on Christmas.Past retirement, Natasha is sent from the North Pole to Ohio on a final mission to identify a threat to Santa. Natasha runs the lead to ground, only to find Santa sent her there for an entirely different mission. She’s been set up with a handsome stranger, a final gift from Santa to his favorite Ninja Elf.Hunter gets drunk on eggnog one day and beheads an innocent snowman. His punishment: he’s banished from the North Pole to work at a mall in Arizona, managing a fake Santa’s long line of kids. When the fake Santa sheds the fat suit to reveal a beautiful woman, Hunter falls fast for the woman who makes him feel the thrill Christmas Eve with one look.
Views: 262


Gabriel Merrick plays with fire. Literally. Sometimes he can even control it. And sometimes he can't. Gabriel has always had his brothers to rely on, especially his twin, Nick. But when an arsonist starts wreaking havoc on their town, all the signs point to Gabriel. Only he's not doing it. And no one seems to believe him. Except a shy sophomore named Layne, a brainiac who dresses in turtlenecks and jeans and keeps him totally off balance. Because Layne has a few secrets of her own...
Views: 262

A Dear Little Girl's Summer Holidays

It was a very warm morning in June. Edna and her friend Dorothy Evans were sitting under the trees trying to keep cool. They both wore their thinnest morning frocks and had pinned their hair up in little pug knots on the tops of their heads. They had their boxes of pieces and were trying to make something suitable for their dolls to wear in the hot weather. "It\'s too sticky to sew," said Dorothy, throwing down her work. "Marguerite will have to go without a frock and sit around in her skin." "You mean in her kid," returned Edna. "Well, isn\'t kid skin?" asked Dorothy. Edna laughed. "Why, yes, I suppose it is, and Ben says we are kids, so our skin is kid skin. Oh, dear, it is hot. I wish I were a fish; it would be so nice to go slipping through the cool water." "Yes, but it wouldn\'t be so nice to be in a frying pan sizzling over a fire." "I feel almost as if I were doing that now. There comes the postman, I wonder if he has a letter from Jennie. We promised one another we would always write on blue paper because blue is true, you know, and that looks as if it might be a blue letter the postman has on top. I\'m going to see." "I\'ll wait here," returned Dorothy. "It\'s too hot to move." She sat fanning herself with the lid of her piece box, watching her friend the while. Once or twice Edna stopped on her way back, and finally she began to dance up and down, then ran toward Dorothy, calling out, "Oh, there\'s a lovely something to tell you. Oh, I do hope it can come true." "What is it?" cried Dorothy, roused out of her listlessness.
Views: 262

Catholic Guilt and the Joy of Hating Men

Nine Women. Nine Stories. And nothing ordinary about them. From the slightly askew mind of Regan Wolfrom comes this collection of hilariously dark tales of love, death, and horrible timing.Nine Women. Nine Stories. And nothing ordinary about them. From the slightly askew mind of Regan Wolfrom comes this collection of hilariously dark tales of love, death, and horrible timing.Heather SmythePretty. Shy. About as lapsed as a Catholic can get.Heather's trapped in the a cult of killer succubi with a taste for East Hollywood douches.("High Times at the Sixth Annual Succubus Sisters Garage and Bake Sale")Amanda HackensackSomewhat tall. Can't dunk. Never knew her father.Amanda wakes up in a world of voodoo and zombies that she knows shouldn't exist.("The Zombification of Amanda Hackensack")Marguerite FrunkelLonely. Awkward. Painfully ginger.Marguerite finds two strange little gnomes who show her just what she's been missing.("Gnome on Girl on Gnome: A Love Story")Laura DanielsPolitical outsider. Maverick. Avowed crazy cat lady.Laura learns the sinister truth behind her unexpected electoral success.("The Siamese Candidate")Stephanie MunroHard working. Hard drinking. Hard to please.Stephanie comes to regret taking a trip on the edge of the world with people she knows she shouldn't trust.("The Raven's Head Dagger and the Custom of the Seas")Marie-Claire GrimsonPink hair. Pretty smile. Like to eat people.Marie-Claire may soon discover that meat is murder no matter how you slice it.("Vegans Are F**king Delicious")Maddy McKayA little lonely. A little self-conscious. Starving to death.Maddy's trying to slim down to starving model size, but her little housemates don't seem all that supportive.("Maddy McKay and the Elves in Her House")Vanessa DervoeSoftball legend. Proud Yooper. Breathes underwater.Vanessa's strange gift has gotten her nowhere in life, stuck in a sad amusement park and surrounded by death.("The Ocean Goddess and The Home Run Queen")Kara HerminMysterious. Troubled. Loads of fun at parties.Kara's lived a long and dangerous life, and may be forced to live it all over again.("Born Again at Granny's Cave")
Views: 262

Snow Angels

While the rest of the world lives in a time where young people are often discredited, unheard, and underestimated, "Snow Angels" takes you on a journey into the lives of two seemingly broken young adults, who find love, each other, and most importantly, an everlasting faith. Though cancer is the battle these two were chosen to fight, the underlying message is to believe in the power of God.In “Conversations with Clete,” Cletus Rossiter, a man in his mid-sixties, is concerned about his snoring and sleep apnea, and records himself while sleeping in order to find out how bad his apnea is. But he gets far more than he bargained for when strange voices show up in the recordings and he even hears himself speaking German, a language he doesn’t know. He encounters Kruger, a Nazi soldier; Zeralda, a widow from the 1880s, and a club boxer, Kid Pierpont. Clete is left to wonder if these are dreams or if he is dealing with ghosts from the historic past?
Views: 262

Mary Lee the Red Cross Girl

Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a digital version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience.
Views: 262

Falling Off the Face of the Earth

Pevan has caught up to the fugitive Van Raighan. The thief offers her a deal: he'll reveal his secrets to her if she goes with him to the Second Realm before she turns him in.It's a dangerous bargain, but Pevan's beginning to learn that Van Raighan's dark reputation may be undeserved. He may only be a puppet of far stranger forces, forces that care nothing for mankind.Funnier than Kelly’s Heroes, darker in places than Catch-22, and more irreverent than M*A*S*H, this satirical WW I Royal Flying Corps memoir will leave the reader in stitches and historians shaking their heads. The most aggressive pilot wins. Lieutenant-Colonel Tucker racks up quite a score, and it's not just enemy aircraft either, for the tall and heavily decorated Will Tucker. He likes the ladies and they like him. The fact that he flies against the Red Baron and lives to write his memoirs is just a bonus.
Views: 262

Unforeseen Help (Breaking Away part 2)

Kreft Way and Samuel Parker chance to meet up with a man who may just hold a common enemy with them.As Parker and Way work to get a-hold of transportation for their mission, the good that may come out of repaying new supporters starts to seem questionable.
Views: 262

The Ice Queen

This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
Views: 261