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The Unnamed - Prequel to the Haedyn Chronicles

A power-hungry demon. An experiment gone wrong. Sometimes surviving is all that matters.A power-hungry demon. An experiment gone wrong. Sometimes surviving is all that matters.The demon Azazel will stop at nothing to collect more souls, but his greed results in an abomination more powerful than he imagined: The Unnamed. Now he must survive their wrath or be permanently eliminated.Haedyn has always known she was different, and not just because she’s blind and an orphan. Her pale skin and deep red eyes make her an outcast. But when the orphanage is attacked, she discovers the truth – she’s the last Unnamed, an abomination marked for death. Now, she must find a way to survive in a world where she doesn’t belong.The Unnamed is a short story prequel to The Haedyn Chronicles. If you like your urban fantasy on the dark side and filled with edge-of-your-seat suspense, then you’ll love The Unnamed.Download The Unnamed and start reading The Haedyn Chronicles today!
Views: 266


In Destiny, the fourth and final book in Gillian Shields’s romantic, gothic Immortal series, Helen, Evie, and Sarah, the Sisters of the Mystic Way, must use their powers to battle for their souls. Malevolent forces haunt Wyldcliffe Abbey School for Young Ladies, the girls’ elite boarding school on the English moors. Dr. Franzen, an evil man from Helen’s past, has taken over as headmaster. And while Helen longs to believe her mother, the priestess of a coven of dark witches, has reformed, she fears her mother cannot be trusted. At least Helen can cling to the prediction that a love "beyond the confines of this world" is waiting for her. Could this be Lynton, the mysterious music student who visits Wyldcliffe for his lessons?
Views: 266


From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Aleatha Romig comes the thrilling sequel in the Consequences series: Truth, a game of deception, intrigue, and conspiracy where losing can be deadly. Claire survived the consequences. Through strength and compartmentalization, Claire Nichols captivated her captor. Though Anthony Rawlings thought he taught Claire to behave, his domination became desire, and his obsession morphed into love. Or was it? When her choices pushed Anthony's relentless vendetta too far, Claire barely survived the consequences. Discover the truth. Now, armed with new information and more questions than answers, Claire works to uncover the truth behind the dangerous game at play. As she begins anew, she must decide whom she can truly trust, especially with a new set of players on the move. New set of rules. With everything to lose and a manipulative game master controlling the board, Claire and Tony duel by a new set of rules. When thrust together once again, can they learn to trust each other to overcome new dangers? Or will this be Tony's second attempt at domination? Can Claire resist the man she'd never before been able to resist? Hatred and love. Deception and truth. Old habits and new beginnings. As this real-life game of chess plays out, past sins will come to light and new secrets will be revealed. With so much riding on each move, the stakes have never been higher. All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The trick is to discover them. - Galileo
Views: 265

Home Sweet Home

A young family falls in love with a beautiful house at the edge of a picturesque village.The house is being sold by an adorable elderly couple and the family could not be happier. But, even before the moving in day arrives, the children discover that the house has a much darker side than they could ever have imagined.A young family falls in love with a beautiful house at the edge of a picturesque village.The house is being sold by an adorable elderly couple and the family could not be happier. But, even before the moving in day arrives, the children discover that the house has a much darker side than they could ever have imagined.A short extract:-..... his curiosity made him go right up to the back of the house and even in the half-light it was clearly derelict. Window frames were empty of glass, a rear door was hanging from one hinge and even the bricks were loose in places. He thought of Jackie waiting and knew he mustn’t be too long but he seemed almost compelled to enter into the house. This actually proved quite easy, as he only had to swing the door slightly to one side and step through. *******
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The Lost Gold of the Montezumas: A Story of the Alamo

William Osborn Stoddard (Cortland County, 1835–1925) was an American author, inventor, and assistant secretary to Abraham Lincoln during his first term.
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Glory of the Amazons

Bagwar's Run is the largest, filthiest, most dangerous city in the world. The council of gangs has as much influence over goings on as the lord mayor. The meanest, dirtiest, spittingest gang in the Run is The Wizards. Enter Glory, fresh from the frigid north. She finds herself at the head of The Amazons, an all-woman gang, and consequently right in The Wizards' sights. A Bagwar's Run short story.Bagwar's Run is the largest, filthiest, most dangerous city in the world. The gangs control the streets, and the Wizards sit at the head of the council of gangs. These mean tempered mages are the roughest, dirtiest, belchingest, spittingest spell-casters around. Their iron horses fly through the streets, causing the cobbles to shake with the rumble of thunder. They're a contrary, sexist bunch with tight control of magic in the Run. And they've locked the ladies out.Enter Glory. Only nineteen and fresh from the frigid wastes of Angren, she finds herself in charge of The Amazons, an all-woman gang that's closer to the bottom of the pecking order than the top. It's also in The Wizards cross-hairs. Glory has no time to enjoy her position. The streets are vibrating. The Wizards are coming.The first of the Bagwar's Run short stories.
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Lethal Outlook

The New York Times bestselling author of the “enthralling thriller” Vision Impossible* is back with her newest Psychic Eye mystery, in which psychic Abigail Cooper must rely on her inner vision to search for a missing woman…When a mysterious client approaches Abby with a cryptic message about a young mother who has vanished, Abby is more than willing to get involved.  After all, it’s the perfect distraction from dealing with the headache of her sister Cat – who has flown into town and turned Abby and Dutch’s impending nuptials into Weddingpalooza. After Abby recruits her business partner and BFF, Candice, to assist, they meet with the parents of the missing woman.  But the parents refuse to put their faith in a psychic. What’s worse, due to a grave misunderstanding, the family suspects Abby has a connection to their daughter’s husband – the man they believe to be responsible for her disappearance. So while the family may be blind to the truth, with a potential killer in her sights, Abby is determined to keep her eyes wide open... Genre Go Round Reviews
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Professional Investigations: Ethical Considerations for the Professional Investigator

The value and importance of our professional ethics cannot be overstated. Ethics are often seen as morals, they are not, though one will impact the other. Morals behavioral guides that are personal and individualistic. Ethics are rules of behavior for an individual through a group – such as an association or profession.This article is adapted from various articles that have been introduced as a single topic and read in newsletters and magazines of multiple associations throughout the United States and internationally. The value and importance of our professional ethics cannot be overstated. Ethics are often seen as morals, they are not, though one will impact the other. Morals behavioral guides that are personal and individualistic. Ethics are rules of behavior for an individual through a group – such as an association or profession. Because of the importance of ethics, this article will always be free to our colleagues and continue to be included, in relevant form, in all of our books or comprehensive articles.It is often said that a professional is only different from their adversary because of the morals and ethics, and using their honed skills for the betterment of others and not themselves. The same is true of professional investigators.Our goal for this article, and all that we do with our articles, books, courses and social networking, is to do what was not done for me when I started – sharing useful and valuable information that will benefit you as a professional.
Views: 265

No Rhyme or Reason, Volume Two

The journey of unimaginable terror continues in volume two. One person is set to find out what terror truly is. (highly recommend to read volume one first for free).The fast-paced journey continues to haunt everyday people who come face to face with kind eyes and the blade. Will someone find out who Mr. Beautiful is and why he is determined to cause the most inflicted pain anyone can imagine? (highly recommend reading Volume One first for free).
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Software Evolution

Arriving in the big city one may find oneself lost, especially if one is to come across an elusive man like the baron, who never reveals himself. Yet there is no escape from destiny as the events unfold, and the protagonists confront each other for multiple showdowns that are to change their lives and the course of history.John FajoSoftware EvolutionAbstractAs the title indicates this is a book about software evolution. Software evolution has two meanings and consequently the novel has two continuous parallel themes, one is thriller-like and its main purpose is to give a supportive framework for the other, which is about development in the thinking manner of a person at childhood’s end, this being called software evolution. Besides these, the book attempts to pinpoint the misconceptions people have about the main essence of science, any science for that matter. Here the second meaning of software evolution emerges.The book is organized into four parts and follows the classical scheme: introduction, main theme, interlude and conclusion. The events are depicted more as slides or short footages, the time elapsing in-between is irrelevant, and time hasn’t the usual meaning due to the second theme; it’s linear from the characters’ point of view, but has non-linear aspects otherwise.In ‘The inspector’, we have a build up to the main theme. The protagonist, the inspector arrives in a big city, where he is faced with a different world, his ideas are challenged.In ‘The scientist’, the main theme unfolds. We step into the world of a scientist, not a joyful inventor or a forgetful genius, but an emotionless and well-organized person on an island secluded from the rest of the world. Most of the events are presented from another character’s point of view, which allows perspective to be obtained. It is also vital for the second theme, for this other, nameless person is the one the scientist talks to, presents his ideas, fears, love and hate.In ‘In deserted nowhere’ our nameless character is banned, has to travel to a far away planet. He is entirely alone, only a dream world helps him survive his solitude. Romanticism is defended; romanticism the scientist criticized in ‘The scientist’. This part also allows the thriller theme to continue several years later than it had ended, without any abrupt jumps.In ‘The beggar’, we have the conclusion, childhood’s end. The two main characters confront each other for the last time.John Fajo, 1996
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Tales of Secret Egypt

THE duhr, or noonday call to prayer, had just sounded from the minarets of the Mosques of Kalaûn and En-Nasîr, and I was idly noting the negligible effect of the adan upon the occupants of the neighboring shops—coppersmiths for the most part—when suddenly my errant attention became arrested. A mendicant of unwholesome aspect crouched in the shadow of the narrow gateway at the entrance to the Sûk es-Saîgh, or gold and silver bazaar, having his one serviceable eye fixed in a malevolent stare upon something or someone immediately behind me. It is part and parcel of my difficult profession to subdue all impulses and to think before acting. I sipped my coffee and selected a fresh cigarette from the silver box upon the rug beside me. In this interval I had decided that the one-eyed mendicant cherished in his bosom an implacable and murderous hatred for my genial friend, Ali Mohammed, the dealer in antiques; that he was unaware of my having divined his bloody secret; and that if I would profit by my accidental discovery, I must continue to feign complete ignorance of it.
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The Nocturnal Voice

This short story is the third in a series. Unique to the others, the inspiration and story line follows Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity. The story opens in a mental institution just as a group therapy session is about to begin. It is the moment when Daryl, an intelligent and eccentric young man finds the purpose behind a haunting voice speaking to him in his dreams.This short story is the third in a series. Unique to the others, the inspiration and story line draws from Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity. The story opens in a mental institution just as a group therapy session is about to begin. It is the moment when Daryl, an intelligent and eccentric young man meets Ali, an unhappy victim of life's cruelty. This chance meeting that brought them together gives the final answer to the haunting voice within Daryl's dreams.
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Beijing 03 - The Killing Room

When the mutilated and dismembered bodies of 18 women are discovered in Shanghai, Detective Li Yan is sent to establish if the corpses relate to an unsolved murder in Beijing. What she finds is the most horrifying catalogue of killings ever uncovered.
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