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Father of Two

Book Three of the Daddy School series, originally published in 1998. Dennis Murphy's rambunctious seven-year-old twins swear he's the best lawyer in Arlington, Connecticut. They don't make his job easy, however. When the nanny he hires to watch the twins walks out on them one afternoon while Dennis is meeting with the opposing attorney concerning a libel case, Dennis is forced to bring his work home with him.Gail Saunders is a lawyer in the public defender's office. When her former client, a Russian immigrant who's had a few scrapes with the law in the past, implores her to sue the city's newspaper for libel after his name appears in a front page article in connection with a series of thefts, she agrees to represent him, even if it means going up against Murphy and his prestigious, wealthy law firm, and even if it means she has to deal with his wild children once their nanny goes AWOL. Gail isn't the sort to become all warm and fuzzy around children—especially imps like Sean and...
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No Greater Love

Drifters, Book 3, after A Song For Josh and Promises. Jessie Wheeler's hard choice reverberates around the world. She once told Josh, the man she loves, there is always hope, but now she clings to that advice herself. Her world implodes when she must reconcile the old with the new. In the end her stalker fuels the flames of betrayal while inadvertently revealing the true meaning of sacrifice.
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Murder at the B-School

This riveting debut novel probes murder, pretension, and conspiracy in the halls of Harvard University's famed graduate program.From Publishers WeeklySome fine description helps offset plot weaknesses in this competent first mystery from former Harvard Business School administrator and financial writer Cruikshank (The Greenspan Effect). When Eric MacInnes, a handsome, rich student at the business school, turns up dead in a whirlpool bath in a campus building, Dean Jim Bishop asks Wim Vermeer, a low-level finance professor headed nowhere, to keep the MacInnes family informed about the investigation. That the dean should select the rather lackluster Vermeer for such a sensitive task isn't particularly plausible. Nevertheless, Vermeer goes to the powerful MacInnes family, whose members are predictably hostile when he tries to placate them. Vermeer bumps into Capt. Barbara Brouillard, the Boston police detective assigned to the case, and they agree to work together, an arrangement that again feels forced. Before they've gotten too far, Eric's purported girlfriend, Jeannette Bartlett, jumps off a bridge and another murder follows. The relationship between Vermeer and Brouillard is feasible up to a point, but the leap it later makes leaves the reader behind. The entertaining picture of the world of academic finance and university politics gives the story a bit of an edge. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From BooklistCruikshank's debut mystery novel is impressive. The protagonist is a Harvard Business School, soon-to-be-untenured assistant professor who is the descendant, many generations past, of the painter Vermeer--but without any aesthetic inclination of his ancestor. Assigned to help "investigate" the murder of one of his finance students, Wim Vermeer gets caught up in the lives of the rich and famous, is implicated in a second homicide, and, finally, tracks down the killer in a sleepy Puerto Rican village. The main scenery--eastern Massachusetts--rings true, as do the solemn caricatures of the afflicted and affluent MacInnes family. What remains to be a bit more fleshed out, pun intended, is the portrait of the female cop--and, indeed, all the other women in this whodunit. It's not hard to figure out the ending, but the story is engagingly entertaining. Barbara JacobsCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
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Cold Burn ccsi-3

Remote. Peaceful. Picturesque. That's how the Mumford Mountain Hotel bills itself in its brochure, and it lives up to its billing--most of the time. But this year, the hotel is hosting a prestigious conference for the study of forensic science, and the organizers have extended CSI head Gil Grissom an invitation he can't refuse. Joined by fellow investigator Sara Sidle, Grissom leaves the department in the capable hands of Catherine Willows and heads east. But he and Sara soon find themselves in all too familiar territory--and back in Las Vegas, Catherine, Warrick Brown, and Nick Stokes have uncovered trouble of their own.
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The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn

In this "energetic" (Kirkus Reviews) re-creation of Anne Boleyn's tragic life — and death — Robin Maxwell offers a pitch-perfect version of a bawdy and exuberant time filled with lust, betrayal, love, and murder. When the young Queen Elizabeth I is entrusted with Anne Boleyn's secret diary, she discovers a great deal about the much-maligned mother she never knew. And on learning the truth about her lascivious and despotic father, Henry VIII, she vows never to relinquish control to any man. But this avowal doesn't prevent Elizabeth from pursuing a torrid love affair with her horsemaster, Robin Dudley — described with near-shocking candor — as too are Anne's graphic trysts with a very persistent and lustful Henry. Blending a historian's attention to accuracy with a novelist's artful rendering, Maxwell weaves compelling descriptions of court life and devastating portraits of actual people into her naughty, page-turning tale. The result is a masterpiece...
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Sinners & Saints

Bestselling and award-winning novelists Victoria Christopher Murray and ReShonda Tate Billingsley bring their favorite heroines together in a novel that will delight their legions of fans.TEAM JASMINE or TEAM RACHEL? Bestselling and award-winning novelists Victoria Christopher Murray and ReShonda Tate Billingsley bring their favorite heroines together in a novel that will delight their legions of fans. Jasmine Larson Bush and Rachel Jackson Adams are not your typical first ladies. But they've overcome their scandalous and drama-filled pasts to stand firmly by their husbands' sides. When a coveted position opens up—president of the American Baptist Coalition—both women think their husbands are perfect for the job. And winning the position may require both women to get down and dirty and revert to their old tricks. Just when Jasmine and Rachel think they're going to have to fight to the finish, the current first lady of the coalition steps in . . ....
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Cadet: The Academy

Humiliation, pain, beatings, bondage and sex were all in a day’s training for the young women selected to be Officer Cadets at the Army’s newest Academy. For Private Bransom, who thought she had been chosen because she was an outstanding soldier, it was a nightmare, but somehow the young women would have to adapt to it. They had little choice.
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Me Myself Milly

What happened to Milly last summer? She can't talk about it. Instead, she's writing in her journal. About growing up in the shadow of her twin sister, Lily. About the American boy who's moved in upstairs. (There's something he's not telling either.)Milly can't keep her secret forever . . . can she?
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Luna--Wolf Moon--A Novel

A Dragon is dead. Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed . The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent's violent deaths, is now a ward—virtually a hostage— of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished of the surface of the moon. Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and more to the point—that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was the Schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey—to Earth....
Views: 9

The Dark Water

"The third novel in an imaginative Victorian series narrated by the young Arthur Conan Doyle. As the inspirational model for Sherlock Holmes, the brilliant and eccentric Dr. Bell properly takes charge of the cryptic codes that figure in this ingenious mystery."-Marilyn Stasio, The New York Times Book Review "Pirie's knowledge of Doyle's biography, as well as of the Holmes canon, makes him an intellectual treat and a downright guilty pleasure."-The Washington Post "I was utterly hooked. It's not just Thomas Harris; it's also Raymond Chandler and Arthur Conan Doyle himself. All of these great writers are echoed in a way that is not merely wonderful and absolutely gripping, but completely original. The series has huge commercial potential."-Sarah Dunant, #1 New York Times best-selling author of In the Company of the Courtesan In a literary tour de force worthy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself, author David Pirie brings his rich familiarity with both the Doyle biography and the Sherlock Holmes canon to a mystifying Victorian tale of vengeance and villainy. The howling man on the heath, a gothic asylum, the walking dead, the legendary witch of Dunwich-perils lurk in every turn of the page throughout this ingenious novel, as increasingly bizarre encounters challenge the deductive powers of young Doyle and his mentor, the pioneering criminal investigator Dr. Joseph Bell. David Pirie is the author of two other critically praised novels featuring Arthur Conan Doyle, The Patient's Eyes and The Night Calls. He lives in Bath.
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People are dying for the new computer game by the software company Monkeewrench. Literally. With Serial Killer Detective out in limited release, the real-life murders of a jogger and a young woman have already mimicked the first two scenarios in the game.But Grace McBride and her eccentric Monkeewrench partners are caught in a vise. If they tell the Minneapolis police of the link between their game and the murders, they'll shine a spotlight on the past they thought they had erased-and the horror they thought they'd left behind. If they don't, eighteen more people will die...
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Not a Moment Too Soon

As a private investigator, jaded Hunter Strahm thought he'd seen every kind of cruelty. But someone had kidnapped his precious daughter, and Hunter would move heaven and earth to bring her home safely -- even if that meant inviting beautiful, bewitching Shauna O'Leary back into his life. Shauna had never forgiven Hunter for dismissing her psychic ability to channel a killer's mind -- and leaving her with a broken heart. But now she was the desperate father's only hope to track down his baby girl. Could she finally prove she'd been right all along -- not only that she had the gift, but also that their love was just as real?
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Walleye Junction

When outspoken radio talk show host Philip Long is kidnapped and murdered, Detective Macy Greeley leaves her young son in the care of her mother and heads up to remote Walleye Junction, Montana to take charge of the investigation. It is initially believed that Long's murder is the result of a controversial radio show he's done on the rise of far right militias in the state. Within days the two kidnappers are found dead following a massive heroin overdose, and the authorities are hopeful the investigation is finished. But there are too many discrepancies for Macy to settle for obvious answers. The kidnapper's bodies have been moved, their son is on the run and a series of anonymous emails point investigators toward the murky world of prescription painkiller abuse. Macy soon finds herself immersed in small town intrigues as she races to find who's really responsible for Philip Long's murder.Meanwhile, Philip Long's daughter Emma is dealing with her own problems. It's been...
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