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Valley of Flowers

The story opens high up in the famed Valley of Flowers, or 'garden of the gods' in N. India. It follows the trek of a 17-year-old Indian youth, named Nicolas Kumar, who is made to go into the Himalayas to give his 'ego a death.' It is a modern retelling of the Bhagavad Gita.
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The Clone Wars: Wild Space

The Clone Wars have exploded across the galaxy as Republic forces and Separatists struggle to gain the upper hand. But while the Jedi generals work tirelessly to defeat Count Dooku and his rebels, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is hatching his own dark plans. The Separatists have launched a sneak attack on Coruscant. Obi-Wan Kenobi, wounded in battle, insists that Anakin Skywalker and his rookie Padawan Ahsoka leave on a risky mission against General Grievous. But when Senator Bail Organa reveals explosive intelligence that could turn the tide of war in the Republic's favor, the Jedi Master agrees to accompany him to an obscure planet in the Outer Rim to verify the facts. What Obi-Wan and Bail don't realize is that they're walking into a deadly trap concocted by Palpatine... and escape may not be an option. Inspired by the full-length animated feature film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and brand new TV series, this thrilling adventure is filled with provocative, never-before-revealed insights into the characters of Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padmé, Yoda, Count Dooku and many other Star Wars favorites.
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The Truth of the Matter

From a National Book Award winner comes a masterful novel set in the 1940s about a woman finding a new life for herself and her grown children after her husband's death.From Publishers WeeklyStarred Review. Dew returns to the Scofields of Washburn, Ohio, for a minutely observed, lucid and lyrical examination of family ties, the second in a trilogy (The Evidence Against Her). By the early days of WWII, widow Agnes Scofield (her husband, Warren, died in a car accident in 1930) has raised four children. Financially pressed and emotionally repressed, Agnes has learned to rely on her schoolteacher's salary, her lifelong friends Lily and Robert Butler, and her ability to keep her thoughts to herself. The Scofield household is first disrupted when the now adult children leave to join the war effort, and then again when they return with spouses, children and ideas of their own. Dew details inner turmoil with delicacy, wit and precision; she focuses on life's ordinary moments, studying them from various points of view and revealing layers of feeling. A Fourth of July picnic gets rehashed by town gossips; family myths are traced to their unlikely origins. As Washburn's postwar expansion casts the Scofield home into shabby respectability, the Scofields likewise change with the times, and Agnes returns to the Maine vacation house of the first novel to come to terms with truths she has spent a lifetime avoiding, in a moving yet unsentimental culmination to a remarkable personal journey. (Nov.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From Bookmarks MagazineAn old-fashioned novel in the best sense, The Truth of the Matter follows the evolution of a complex woman from wife and mother to independence in the 1940s. Elaborate family ties, centered on Agnes's familiar emotions and changing relationships with her children, form the heart of the novel. But Truth also convincingly juxtaposes the minutiae of daily life against a panorama of wartime America. The novel's unhurried plot concerned a few critics, who cited the first half as limp. Other reviewers compared Agnes's rich characterization to her more stiffly portrayed children. Either way, critics look forward to the third installment of the Scofield family saga.Copyright © 2004 Phillips & Nelson Media, Inc.
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Floss's parents are divorced, and she divides up her week, spending five days with her mum, her new stepdad and her baby half-brother. The other two days Floss spends with her dad, helping him to run his greasy spoon cafe. But their simple arrangement is thrown into disarray when Floss's mum decides to move to Australia. Making the difficult decision to stay at home, Floss moves in permanently with her dad and they muddle along happily together, surviving on chip butties and enjoying visits to the local funfair. But disaster strikes - Dad's money troubles catch up with him and they have to move out of the cafe. They're homeless - but can their new fairground friends help out?
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The third book in the Fate's Forsaken series follows Kyleigh and Kael as they set out to free the Unforgivable Mountains. They'll fight their way through a shaman's battle, awaken an ancient clan of dragonslayers, and march in battle against Earl Titus-- the man who brought the Kingdom to its knees.
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The Blue Diamond

The Congress of Vienna provided international society one party after another. But Lord Moncrief had more diplomatic duties to do in restraining his cousin from purchasing the famed (and stolen) Blue Tavernier diamond. Would the mysterious but suspicious Frenchwoman, Cécile Feydeau, or the enchantingly lovely Austrian heiress, Maria Kruger, win Moncrief's heart in this dangerous intrigue? Regency Romance by Joan Smith
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Zylar's Moon: Selven Refuge

Mica knew almost since Tala's birth that she was his mate. He waited to call the chains from her body and claim her as his, until he felt she was ready. Now he has waited too long… Tala had loved Mica forever. But he would have claimed her long before now, if she were his link mate. Wanting to be tied to no other man, Tala leaves to take vows with the Selven Goddesses. The links will be forever removed from her body. No man will be allowed to claim her. Not even Mica!
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Firewalkers: Dreamer

Somewhere far in the future, a young woman dreams…and her dreams too often become reality. She is a touch-empath, psy, and a dreamer-her gifts, and her burdens-living in a world of danger and deceit. Alone and lonely, she dreams of a man who is more than human, a lover who is able to bond with her heart and soul as he loves her body. When her dreaming pulls her fantasy lover from his world to hers, Caris is certain her every wish will become reality. Jax is a powerful, physically beautiful specimen of male perfection…vampire. In the blink of an eye, he finds himself in another time, another dimension, with the bright rays of a mid-day sun shining down on him. Expecting death, he opens his eyes to see a woman standing before him. A woman who offers him the world and changes his life when she touches him, giving him the freedom his kind has not known for millennia. Caris' dreams have finally come true, she has gotten what she's been wishing for. But her dreams become her nightmares when her commanding, fearless lover joins the battle her people have launched against the World Government, and pulls her into it. It is more than Caris can survive.
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Not Really the Prisoner of Zenda

Kethol is an adventurer with an easy smile, a man who is quick with a quip and quicker with a sword.His partner, Pirojil, the ugly one, looks impressive and deceives people into thinking he's stupid to their sorrow-for his might and loyalty are worth a kingdom.And the fledgling wizard Erenor, a man who tries to stay two steps ahead of his enemies, as well as one step ahead of his friends.Loyal retainers they are, sworn to Jason Cullianane, a man who walked away from a crown, and who has been trying to convince all the almost-warring factions that he doesn't want the job back. Their lives aren't very easy, what with keeping Jason from getting killed by yet another conspiracy, rescuing some damsel or whatnot in distress, and squirreling away something for the ever-diminishing prospect of retirement. And now it looks like our heroes might wind up succeeding in none of their schemes, for there are plots within plots, and Kethol has been forced into a disguise not of his own making. There is magic aplenty in the air (and on the ground), and in order to save a kingdom, they may have to pull off a complicated scheme that could kill them all--or land them in positions of supreme power. But, hey, whoever said that a soldier's life was a cakewalk? Set in Joel Rosenberg's bestselling Guardians of the Flame series, Not Really the Prisoner of Zenda is the third adventure of the journeymen soldiers of Castle Cullianane (and their sometimes ill-fated leader) in all their raucous glory. A fun, fast-paced read, it's a rollicking roller coaster of a book that will have fantasy fans reaching for more.
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Caging Caitlyn

Erotica. 41560 words long.
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Father of Two

Book Three of the Daddy School series, originally published in 1998. Dennis Murphy's rambunctious seven-year-old twins swear he's the best lawyer in Arlington, Connecticut. They don't make his job easy, however. When the nanny he hires to watch the twins walks out on them one afternoon while Dennis is meeting with the opposing attorney concerning a libel case, Dennis is forced to bring his work home with him.Gail Saunders is a lawyer in the public defender's office. When her former client, a Russian immigrant who's had a few scrapes with the law in the past, implores her to sue the city's newspaper for libel after his name appears in a front page article in connection with a series of thefts, she agrees to represent him, even if it means going up against Murphy and his prestigious, wealthy law firm, and even if it means she has to deal with his wild children once their nanny goes AWOL. Gail isn't the sort to become all warm and fuzzy around children—especially imps like Sean and...
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No Greater Love

Drifters, Book 3, after A Song For Josh and Promises. Jessie Wheeler's hard choice reverberates around the world. She once told Josh, the man she loves, there is always hope, but now she clings to that advice herself. Her world implodes when she must reconcile the old with the new. In the end her stalker fuels the flames of betrayal while inadvertently revealing the true meaning of sacrifice.
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