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The Lazarus Plot

The Hardy Boys stumble across a twisted technological plot creating perfect replicas of human beings for the survival of a top secret government intelligence organization.
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Call to Arms

The attack on Pearl Harbor swept America into the raging heart of the war. The stormy South Pacific presented a daring new challenge, and the men of the Corps were ready to fight. An elite fraternity united by a glorious tradition of courage and honor, the Marine Raiders were bound to a triumphant destiny. Now, the bestselling author of the acclaimed 'Brotherhood of War' saga continues the epic story begun in Semper Fi. A story of lovers and fighters, leaders and heroes - the men of the United States Marine Corps.
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William Carries On

William Brown wants to do his bit for world peace - after all, sweets and cream buns are in such terribly short supply during war time! The trouble is, William Brown is not known for his tact and diplomacy! When William tries to reconcile two quarrelsome neighbours, they prove strangely immune to all his efforts. And with Violet Elizabeth, William's own arch enemy, lending a hand, the road to peace seems very rocky indeed.
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Agents of Innocence

From Library JournalThe factional strife in Lebanon feeds on rumor, deliberate lies, and half-truths, and spawns mercenaries and agents of every ideological stripe. Most share a harsh morality that allows terrorism to advance. A very few others are committed to relationships built on trust, honesty, and a sense of mutual responsibility. One such is Tom Rogers, a CIA agent who penetrates a prime Palestinian unit and makes a secret agreement with a young deputy chief of Fatah intelligence. This first novel is a suspenseful account of the excruciating ambiguity of the undertaking. Ignatius, a former Middle East correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, writes with a fatalistic affection for his subject and deep understanding of its complexity. As a storyteller, Ignatius deploys drama, pace, and character to make this a spy novel of formidable power. Barbara Conaty, Library of CongressCopyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc. ReviewAn uncommonly informative and intriguing espionage thriller. (_Time_ ) An unparalleled and hauntingly accurate portrait of how the intelligence game is really played. (Bob Woodward ) A first-rate achievement in the best tradition of Graham Greene. (_Los Angeles Times_ )
Views: 59

It's All In the Playing

The fifth volume in one of the most extraordinary personal odysseys of the twentieth century. Don't Fall Off the Mountain, You Can Get There From Here, Out on a Limb, Dancing in the Light and now the most intimate and compelling book of all, It's All in the Playing. Oscar-winning actress, social activist, singular entertainer, best-selling author Shirley MacLaine has the courage to be both candid and controversial. In this book, she casts herself in her most challenging role yet--as seeker of personal and metaphysical truth. It began in Peru ten years ago and ended in Peru ten years later. But the steps along the way were the real story. In filming the miniseries Out on a Limb, Shirley MacLaine was forced to recreate herself ten years earlier. to journey back from Malibu to London, from Sweden to the mysterious landscape of Peru... to the places, the perceptions and profound emotions she experienced then. And to journey...
Views: 58

Metal Fire

An alien fortress had crashlanded on Earth. But the most recent arrival from the galaxy's more sinister side had been brought down deliberately. Now it sat silently overlooking Monument City, as though daring someone to penetrate its dark mysteries. And who better to test the mettle of that ship than Dana Sterlings 15th Squadron ATACs -- after all, they had brought the thing down to begin with! The mission read like a one-way ticket to doom; but for Dana it was a chance to get a glimpse of the glories of her ancestor race. And perhaps a chance to glimpse at the pilot of the red Bioroid who haunted her dreams -- an alien called Zor........**
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Soldier, Sail North (1987)

The gunners on the Golden Ray were a strangely assorted bunch. The seamen were more of a type, but the soldiers seconded to the job could hardly have differed more from one another. There was the professional, Sergeant Willis, in love with his job, Vernon the intellectual, and Miller the tragic communistic misfit who found his Russian Mecca not quite what he expected. The background and past of each character in the book are skilfully woven into the narrative of the ordeal at sea in both directions, and experiences on Russian soil at Murmansk.
Views: 57

A Country Wooing

Anne Wickfield welcomed Alex Penholme’s return from the Peninsular war, but it was his older brother she’d given her heart. Charles was dead now, and as the evidence of his spendthrift ways mounted, Anne realized she’d revered a spectacularly selfish man. But her growing love for Alex was still threatened by Charles’s legacy of debt. Regency Romance by Joan Smith; originally published by Fawcett Crest
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Rude Astronauts

Fifteen stories and essays from a modern master of Heinleinian science fiction In Rude Astronauts, Allen Steele presents some of his finest stories—including the Diamondback Jack Trilogy and his first published story, “Live from the Mars Hotel”—along with excerpts of the nonfiction science writing with which he made his name. In Steele’s universe, the stars are cold, space is big, and it’s the normal people who make things interesting. 
Views: 57

The Bird

The last ten years had been unhappy for David Culpepper. His wife had ruled his life like a prison warden. Now that he's free, his only problem is Patty. She nags and insults him as much as his wife ever did. But why is that such a problem? Patty's only a mynah bird.
Views: 56

The Forge of God tfog-1

The 1990s present humanity with a dilemma when two groups of aliens arrive on Earth. The first invaders introduce themselves as altruistic ambassadors, but the second warn that their predecessors are actually unstoppable planet-eaters who will utterly destroy the world. The American president accepts this message as the ultimate judgment and calls for fervent prayers to appease the Forge of God. Meanwhile, military men plot to blow up spaceships, and both scientists and lay people help the second alien race preserve Earthly achievement. Nominated for Nebula Award in 1987. Nominated for Hugo and Locus awards in 1988.
Views: 56

Storm Glass

With stunning virtuosity, the stories in Jane Urquhart's dazzling first book of fiction unearth universal truths as they reach across countries and eras. A woman runs away to a cottage in the English moors to escape a love affair; shards of glass reconcile a middle-aged wife to her husband's estrangement; a grandmother makes a startling confession from her youth; a young woman discovers herself through the life of an Italian saint; and, in a spellbinding story of artistic jealousy, we enter the mind of poet Robert Browning at the end of his life. In these beautifully crafted stories, ordinary objects brim with meaning and memories radiate with significance as Jane Urquhart illuminates the things that lie just beneath the surface of our lives.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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Agnes Day

SUMMARY:Gideon, an unemployed ex-football player finds himself a hero and is needed by the town of Chey to destroy a wicked woman's threat to destruct everything to gain control. It's up to Gideon to win the game in the last two minutes.
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