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Master Wolf

GREYHAWK...A caravan on a mysterious mission ...A sleeping beauty, stalked by evil...A young shaman of the fierce wolf Nomads, cast out by his ancient tribe, must come to grips with his manhood and a family legacy of magic...Travel the wondrous—and deadly—lands of the wolf Nomads on a perilous Odyssey threatened by a host of monstrous Creatures—the warlike kobolds, a terror force of hyenas and gnolls, brute giants and dark magic-users, the roving criminal scum, and above all, the dread Iuz...... in a chain of fantastic events that may destroy Master wolf and his savage wolf companion, TamTur!Master Wolf is the third In a series of novels about the WORLD OF GREYHAWK game setting. Rose Estes is the creator of the classic ENDLESS QUEST series of Interactive hovels published by TSR.
Views: 70

The Man in the Green Coat

Gabrielle Darcy and her brother Gerard must escape France on the brink of war. A dying English spy gives Gabrielle a message for The Man in the Green Coat, who turns out to be Mr. Everett. Though Gabrielle and Everett are attracted, they are also suspicious of each other. Once again Everett aids the Darcys and Madame Aurore, only to find them all embroiled in adventure. Regency Romance by Carola Dunn; originally published by Walker
Views: 70

Conan the Swordsman

From Library JournalTor continues its reprints of the Conan stories with this 1981 short story collection, which finds the barbarian in eight adventures including "Legions of the Dead," "Shadows in the Dark," "The Ivory Goddess," and "Moon of Blood." This also includes a map of Conan's world and an essay on the character by de Camp. Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. Review"The enduring popularity of Conan is undeniable."--_Kirkus Reviews_
Views: 70

Bitter Medicine

Private eye V.I. Warshawski knows her friend Consuelo's pregnancy is already risky-she's sixteen and diabetic. Despite V.I.'s efforts to provide Consuelo with proper care, both mother and daughter die in the local hospital. Suspecting malpractice, V.I. begins an investigation- and a reluctant romance with an ER doctor. But deadly complications arise when a series of vicious murders and an attack on a women's clinic lead her to suspect a cold-blooded cover-up. And if V.I. isn't careful, she just might have delivered her final case...
Views: 69

Force of Arms

Supreme Commander Dolza had amassed the largest fleet of Zentraedi warships the Universe had ever seen . . . and all their weapons were aimed at Earth!**
Views: 69

(9/13)The School at Thrush Green

From Publishers WeeklyThe latest Thrush Green novel by the prolific, pseudonymous "Miss Read" will undoubtedly satisfy those who enjoy simple and undemanding narratives largely about, and from the perspective of, the elderly. Having reached their 80s, the two village primary-school teachers Dorothy Watson and Anges Fogerty decide to retire and buy a new home at Barton-on-Sea. Dorothy alarms Agnes by determining to take driving lessons and Agnes disconcerts Dorothy by adopting a cat. Introducing a cast of stock village characters, the author pokes gentle fun at their foibles while tacitly disapproving of permissive child-rearing and the messily self-indulgent lives of the younger generation. Miss Read's worldwide popularity in translation is understandable in view of the clarity of her prose. Beneath the deceptive simplicity, however, there is arch humor and perceptive character analysis. Goodall's illustrations, having been culled from earlier novels, occasionally strike a slightly discordant note. Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. Product DescriptionWhen two beloved primary school teachers, Miss Dorothy and Miss Agnes, decide to retire, the townspeople are aflutter, musing about the teachers’ replacements and seeking an appropriate farewell gift.
Views: 68

The Course of True Love

She didn't know the rules of engagementGetting engaged to Marc van Borsele was the last thing Claribel wanted. Marc was the most annoying and exasperating man she had ever met! But, as the engagement was only pretense and she did owe Marc a favor, Claribel agreed. She soon discovered that make-believe can come true, even if you don't want it to! Before she knew it, Claribel found herself head over heels in love with her pretend fiancé. The course of true love never did run smooth....
Views: 67

Fireshaper's Doom

FIRE, FLAME, AND REVENGE There are worlds above the earth and under the sea, mystical kingdoms of silver and light, known only to those who can see beyond . . . and there is the unknown place of fire frozen in time . . . FIRESHAPER'S DOOM Mortal boy David Sullivan had discovered the mysteries of the other world. Indeed, he was put to the test, triumphing over the wily schemes of the Windmaster. But in that evil game, an innocent Faerie lad fell dead. Now his mother, bent on vengeance, has kidnapped David from the earthbound world and brought him to the land of flames. Here he will be forced to do her bidding in an adventure dark and fateful. Once more, he will cross swords with his archenemy, the Windmaster. And in so doing, David will know the great Power of the Fireshaper . . .
Views: 67

A Nice Class of Corpse

Brett introduces Melita Pargeter, his newest detective. Melita is a rich and vivacious widow whose mystery-solving talents come in handy when a murderer stalks a hotel for retirees. "An amusing caper . . . Mr. Brett is in top form".--The New York Times Book Review.From Publishers WeeklyThe British author's new mystery features Mrs. Pargeter, an amiable and rich widow who rivals Brett's Charles Paris as an appealing amateur sleuth. This continually surprising, witty story starts with Mrs. Pargeter moving into a "nice" hotel for "nice" elderly men and women. They conduct themselves according to a routine set by the prim owner, but which the new guest ignores. Interested in and curious about everyone in the place, Mrs. Pargeter ponders events following the fatal fall of one harmless old lady and the odd behavior of another. The forthright widow asks questions and gets answers that uncover startling facts about both the innocent and the guilty. Subtle hints on the source of the late Mr. Pargeter's fortune, a legacy to his beloved, add to the story's neat twists. Mystery Guild alternate. Copyright 1986 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Views: 67

The Urth of the New Sun botns-5

The final volume of  Book of the New Sun series. Severian, formerly a member of the Torturers’ Guild and now Autarch of Urth, travels beyond the boundaries of time and space aboard the Ship of Tzadkiel on a mission to bring the New Sun to his dying planet. Wolfe demonstrates his mastery of both style and content in this complex, multilayered story of one man’s eternal quest. Nominated for Nebula, Hugo, and Locus awards in 1988.
Views: 66

Memory of Departure

Vehement, comic and shrewd, Abdulrazak Gurnah's first novel is an unwavering contemplation of East African coastal lifePoverty and depravity wreak havoc on Hassan Omar's family. Amid great hardship he decides to escape. The arrival of Independence brings new upheavals as well as the betrayal of the promise of freedom. The new government, fearful of an exodus of its most able men, discourages young people from travelling abroad and refuses to release examination results. Deprived of a scholarship, Hassan travels to Nairobi to stay with a wealthy uncle, in the hope that he will release his mother's rightful share of the family inheritance. The collision of past secrets and future hopes, the compound of fear and frustration, beauty and brutality, create a fierce tale of undeniable power.
Views: 66