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"We need his help, Temis. I wish it weren't so, but it is. Your attitude and insults earlier were directly counter to gaining the man's cooperation." He frowned and she could almost hear her father's sigh of disappointment.
How hard had he taught her to shield her emotions when in battle? When working, Temis had to assume a warrior's mindset. That ideology had made it possible for her to attain her current position. At the direction she headed, however, she could see her future going up in flames.
She swallowed her pride, a lump that lodged deep in her throat, and said quietly, "I apologize, Lead Sernal. I had no thought but to salvage your standing. It was prideful and unnecessary, I realize now. It won't happen again."
Sernal stared at her for a moment before nodding. "If you're set on working this case--"
"I am," she quickly interrupted.
"--then you have to learn when to speak and when to stay silent." He shook his head and she felt her cheeks redden. "Temis, you continually score higher on tests than your peers, you can take down a man twice your size in the blink of an eye, and your weapon rating nearly matches Rafe's."
She could feel Rafe's gaze burning into her back. Sernal's brother couldn't have made it plainer how he felt about being partnered with a woman.
"But for all your accomplishments, you continually push your limits with your attitude. Quite frankly, were it not for my brother's assessment of your strengths, I wouldn't have agreed to assign you this mission."
She glanced at Rafe in surprise. He said nothing, merely stared back at her. Apparently she'd been wrong in assuming Rafe had a bias against her.
"You seem to think everyone is against you, Temis," Sernal said in a quieter voice. "That may have been true in your last duty station, but on my watch everyone is treated fairly."
She nodded, something within her easing at his words.
He turned to Rafe and murmured a few parting orders, then left them both in the small conference room. Silence settled over them before Temis cleared her throat and turned to directly face Rafe.
He and Sernal shared the same exotic golden-glimmering eyes. And he looked at her with a similar disappointment. "I didn't ask to partner with anyone Temis, let alone a newly promoted peacemaker from another district. But I'm trying to make things work. If you won't at least meet me halfway, I suggest we request reassignment before our lack of trust results in field injury."
Temis bit her lip. She really had misjudged Rafe. "I'm sorry." The rusty words fell from her lips in a hoarse growl. "I'm sorry," she said more firmly. "The precinct I left had an aversion to female peacemakers, and I'm afraid I took out my resentments on you."
Rafe nodded. "Apology accepted. I have no problem working with women. I like women." He grinned and his face lit up with a sensuality she'd seen only once before. It still made her uncomfortable. "I'm not suggesting anything between us save a working relationship. But hell, Temis, I'm a man. If you shove your breasts in my face, I'm going to get distracted. Especially since I'm not on my guard with you. Now if a female suspect pulled something like that...." He shrugged.
His genuine humor took some of the sting out of his words, but she flushed nonetheless. "I'm sorry I did that." She still couldn't believe she'd nearly flashed Rafe of Mardu to steal into Gren's room. "My eagerness to tell Gren to go to hell overcame my good sense."
"Not that I didn't enjoy it," Rafe said with a wink. "The view or your insults to Gren, but rushing to Sernal's defense wasn't necessary. He and Gren have known each other a long time. There's more to Gren than the rumors would have you believe. You'll see once we start working with him. He's a hard man, a dangerous mercenary, but his heart's in the right place." His stomach grumbled and he rubbed his abdomen. "Now what do you say we get something to eat on this ship? I hear Sernal runs a tight little galley."
Temis laughed and grabbed the hand Rafe held to help her to her feet. "I can work with you, Rafe, but don't ask me to trust a man like Gren. With the bodies he's left in his wake, it's a wonder he can sleep at night."
Rafe smirked as he walked with her to the galley. "I highly doubt Gren has problems sleeping."
* * * *
"Ah, ah, more," Jahnja panted as Gren thrust deep inside her. He gritted his teeth at the sheer pleasure the thraia afforded. On her hands and knees before him, her breasts swaying to his pummeling thrusts, she cried and clenched at his welcome intrusion.
She moaned his name as she came, her body flooding him with waves of tremendous energy.
The utter power of the moment shattered his control and he shot inside her, showering her with pleasure upon pleasure.
His body thrummed with sensuality and he gently withdrew from his bedmate. Jahnja closed her eyes and curled into a contented ball on the bed, her steady breathing indicating the slumber she would need to gather her expelled energy. He still couldn't believe she'd lasted a whole night with him.
Gren rose beside the bed, glowing with vigor and unbridled power. He could feel her gift inside him, a new light kindling the flame that had begun to fade under old hurts.
Knowing her gift wouldn't last but grateful to have received it, Gren kissed her gently on the cheek, dressed, and left her a hefty tip for services rendered.
Humming under his breath, he collected his belongings and took an aerotransport to the shuttle that would ferry him to Sernal's legal vessel. Jahnja's coupling had brought him the respite he'd need to deal with the annoying peacemakers waiting on Lady Justice. At least now thoughts of Temis didn't make his dick rise every three seconds.
He found the shuttle standing by, waiting for his arrival. The copilot grabbed his bags and pointed Gren to a seat. Fond memories occupied Gren until he was almost smiling. Damn, but he would definitely have to visit Jahnja once he finished this mission. Who knew the thraia had the staying power to withstand Theshan lovemaking throughout the night?
Few women could sustain one of his kind for that long. Oh, women had done so for much longer. But those women were special, and could only sustain certain men. Take his fellow Thesha Lurin and his wife, Mara. Made for each other, perfect complements to one another's souls.
His grin faded as he thought about his own life. Gren had lived far longer than his peers, and only slightly less than the elders of his race. He had long since given up hope that he would one day find a lifelong mate. He genuinely believed in true love, but knew such a fate would not fall on him, not in this life.
He swore under his breath as the shuttle landed. No, Gren had committed far too many sins to believe such a tremendous blessing might one day be his. Despite his work to protect the Theshan way of life, despite his resolve to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, he knew he fell far short of deserving when it came to true happiness.
Dark memories intruded and he ruthlessly suppressed them as he stepped out of the shuttle. To his surprise, Sernal stood surrounded by at least a dozen armed and angry-looking peacemakers. The shuttle behind him rumbled to life and left, leaving him at the mercy of Sernal's hospitality, which at this point looked less than inviting.
"You're late." Sernal aimed his phaser at Gren's heart.
"Do you shoot all your late guests?" Gren crossed his arms and leaned casually against a support beam. He read the tension in Sernal's frame and knew this was no game he played. Something had gone very wrong. Eyeing the dozen peacemakers focused on him, he expected to see Rafe or Temis. Instead, twelve strangers glared at him, waiting for him to make a wrong move.
"Gren, you're under Mardu arrest for the illegal weapons trade you conducted with Melan rebels three months past in the southern province. Don't bother denying it," Sernal forestalled with a warning, "because I have at least four witnesses that saw the whole thing."
Gren stared at Sernal, trying to piece the puzzle together. Since he'd never sold illegal arms to Melan rebels on Mardu, he and Sernal both knew the statement to be false. So what did Sernal have to gain by this little drama?
"However did you come to expect wel
come aboard a peacekeeper vessel?" one of the peacemakers nearest Sernal asked.
His head tilted at an arrogant angle, complementing the superior glint in his light blue eyes. Long black hair flowed to his shoulders, gleaming under the ship's Eyran crystals. Gren noted the man's obvious vanity, as well as his experienced, combative stance. The peacekeeper eyed Gren and then Sernal, a contemptuous sneer on his face, and in that moment Gren understood.
Though Sernal hadn't liked admitting it, the internal strife among the peacemakers was not a huge secret. Apparently those not worthy of Sernal's trust had somehow interfered in his plans. And now, for the sake of the mission, Gren would have to play along and see where things led.
"Well, Gren? Have you nothing to say?" The dark-haired man shook his head in disgust.
"I thought I was here to discuss payment for information I might have on the Melan rebels." He glared at Sernal for effect and saw the peacemaker's tension slightly ease. "I should have known you peacemakers are all scum and liars."
"Quite the ruse, Lead Sernal. Well done." The dark-haired man twisted his lips in the parody of a smile.
Sernal nodded. "Thank you, Lead Rorn. I knew there was no other way to garner Gren's attention, unless of course I had a few naked whores lying about."
The other peacemakers laughed, an ugly sound that chafed Gren's ears.
"Well said." Rorn slapped Sernal on the back and sheathed his phaser. "My men will provide assistance in securing the prisoner, Lead Sernal." He turned to his men. "Make sure he doesn't escape."
Gren eyed the men cautiously approaching. His reputation preceded him, obviously, since they thought they needed a dozen men to put him in a cell. Damned if he'd disappoint them.
In a burst of lightning speed he dove for the ground and rolled into the men in front of him. He knocked down several and continued to barrel ahead. Those flanking him wanted to fire but now chanced hitting their comrades.
Sernal had of course leapt to the side, his Xema reflexes holding him in good stead. Rorn, however, fell hard, and found himself tangled in Gren's attack.
Hands yanked at him and feet kicked at him, but Gren refused to give in too easily. Besides, his aggravation at the whole mess Sernal had involved him in grew to new heights and he needed to vent his anger.
He lashed out, using all of his strength to break free of the bodies atop him. He steadily rose to his feet only to meet Sernal face to face.
"Go ahead, peacemaker." Gren seethed and knocked the phaser easily from Sernal's hands. "Take your best shot."
Sernal frowned at his antagonistic tone but honestly, did he really expect Gren to take a beating just to go along with this stupid mission? In hindsight, Gren would have been better off finding the women and rescuing them without Sernal's interference. But it was too late now.
* * * *
Temis and Rafe entered the loading dock expecting to find Gren waiting impatiently to begin mission indoctrination. Instead he was surrounded by peacekeepers from another district, a few of Sernal's handpicked peacemakers, Lead Sernal and Lead Rorn.
Temis scowled at Rorn Fenhal, a man she despised like no other. He had been responsible for her rude and unprofessional treatment at her last duty station. Thank Narok she'd evaded his advances and transferred before he'd been promoted to Lead.
Now she watched with confusion as he and his men held Gren at bay with their weapons drawn.
"What the hell?" She took a step forward when Rafe latched onto her arm.
"Stay here. Don't get involved."
"What's going on?" she asked in a low voice. The tense group by the shuttle bay still had not noticed them.
"Sernal has reason to believe some of Mardu's peacemakers have turned rogue. Well, his number one suspect boarded us by surprise." Rafe cursed under his breath as he glared at Rorn. "This puts the whole mission at risk." He turned to Temis. "Whatever you do, don't let on you know Gren."
Just as she was about to ask another question, a round of explosive action burst. Gren rolled into the mass of armed peacekeepers, knocking several to the ground. Rorn, she noted with satisfaction, was one of the men laid flat.
Gren rose fighting, his arms and legs flowing like the wind through the great Canfer willows of Zephyr. She watched in awe as he moved gracefully but with purpose. Each strike, every movement hit its target. That he exercised economy of energy, assaulting and defending himself in a mixture of techniques she found hard to identify only increased her admiration.
After decimating half the peacemakers around him, Gren turned to confront Sernal. Before the situation could grow any uglier, a pulse from Rafe's phaser brought Gren to his knees.
Dazedly slumping on the ground, Gren gave little protest to the many kicks and curses thrown his way. Temis noted the lack of discipline in Rorn's men, as did Sernal. Scowling at the peacemakers kicking the disabled mercenary, Sernal barked at his men to see Gren to one of the holding cells.
"I'll see him secured," Rafe volunteered.
Sernal glanced over at his brother and nodded, then blinked, noticing Temis for the first time. Rorn had risen to his feet and was glaring at his men when he chanced to look up and see Temis. His entire demeanor changed, from cruel and demanding to arrogant and hungry.
The heated gaze he shot her as his eyes swept her from her head to toe burned uncomfortably. Nothing showed on her face, however, and she approached Sernal at his nod. She barely glanced at Gren when the others led him away, though it took an effort to pretend indifference.
"Peacekeeper Freya." Rorn's voice oozed with practiced charm. "How good to see you again."
Sernal stared from her to Rorn with a polite expression, but she could almost see the kernel of suspicion growing.
"Lead Sernal." She bowed in greeting. "Lead Rorn was one of my peers when last I worked in the northern district."
Sernal's face cleared. "Of course. And congratulations again on your promotion, Lead Rorn. Quite impressive for one so young."
Rorn pursed his lips in displeasure. "And yet I'm a mere year younger than you. Not young or inexperienced, obviously."
Yes, but Sernal had no relatives to see him advanced. Your father bought your promotion, you woman-hating drun, Temis wanted say. She held her tongue instead and waited for Sernal.
He laughed, easily brushing aside Rorn's arrogance. "We are only a year apart, aren't we? Where does the time go?" Rorn's ego restored at Sernal's humor, the two laughed together over Gren's easy capture.
She watched the leads leave the shuttle area, uncomfortably aware of Rorn's private guards ogling her openly before trailing out the door behind their lead officer. No doubt his men later planned on carousing in the common quarters, she thought with a scowl.
She'd hoped for some time there to confer with Rafe, but now they would have to rethink their entire strategy.
She followed after Sernal silently, wondering just how this new development would unfold. As she trailed, she couldn't help dwelling on Gren's impressive skills.
His battle moves had been more than that of a man defending himself. With his techniques, he must have experienced some training on Zephyr, a planet that prided itself on training only the best and brightest fighters in the system.
A native of Zephyr, Temis was no stranger to combative training and fighting skills. Nor, apparently, was Gren.
She glanced at the timepiece on her wrist. Since Sernal was engaged with Rorn and Rafe was busy securing Gren, she had time for some invaluable fight sequencing. Lately the mission had occupied much of her spare time. Now that she had the opportunity for physical training, she would be a fool not to use it.
As she approached the conditioning room, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to fight against someone with Gren's skills. Oddly enough, the challenge appealed to her, on several levels.
Scowling at her wayward thoughts, she focused her mind on the physical disciplines that had thus far served her well in life. As she struggled to attain fighting perfection, she ignor
ed the inner battle not to think of Gren, of his battered body, of what he must be feeling in the narrow holding cell directly below her room.
Chapter Three
Temis felt refreshed after her workout, so much so that she joined Rafe for dinner and a drink before returning to her quarters for some much-needed rest.
Because of the visitors on board, talk of the mission remained unsaid. Rafe had whispered to meet him first thing in the morning in his room, where Sernal would be waiting with new plans. Until that time, however, Temis planned to rest both her mind and body.
She undressed and slid beneath the sheets of her narrow bed, and just as easily slid into sleep.
Comforted by her earlier physical training, her mind readily grasped the familiar dream of her home world.
Zephyr's lavender skies faded into dark black, stars shining like beacons around the planet's brightly glowing moon. The sound of grunts and thuds mingled with the scents of clean sweat and tangy blood, and she smiled at the memories of her upbringing.
Chula, Zephyr's most famous training ground, had given birth to the warrior within her. In sleep, Chula continued to reward her, giving her the peace she needed to combat the fatigue of her day.
Controlling the dream, Temis nodded to her father and master trainer who suddenly appeared, then accepted the hack-staff that materialized at her feet. A faceless opponent shimmered into existence, and for the next few hours she managed her dream, fighting with passion and the determination to succeed.
Reliving her training refreshed her, as it always did. The sweat slid down her body, washing away the mental grime and exhaustion from the day.
Garbed in a slim loincloth and protective breastplate made of rak-hide, Chula's heat comforted rather than oppressed as she fought man after man.
Only one other woman had ever been trained on Zephyr, and she had no desire to fight her daughter. Temis' mother gladly left her daughter's training to her husband, content to raise her children and manage the family estate.