Winner Takes All Read online



  Marie Harte

  © copyright by Marie Harte, April 2005

  Cover Art by Eliza Black, © copyright April 2005

  ISBN 1-58608-575-1

  New Concepts Publishing

  Lake Park, GA 31636

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author's imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.

  Chapter One


  "But Gren, you haven't heard--"

  "No." Gren shook his head. "Not yes, not maybe, but no." Stretched out on a lounge chair by the side of the pool, the stubborn man sighed and closed his eyes, shutting out the rest of the world.

  Sernal of Mardu clenched his jaw. Why had he expected the damned mercenary to hear him out? He glanced around at the tropical paradise surrounding them and grudgingly acknowledged Gren's refusal. What could Sernal offer to compare with a few weeks in paradise?

  The resort overlooked Aflera's largest ocean, blushing under the noon sun. Not a cloud marred the sky, creating a scene of almost unreal perfection. Large, green leafed palms surrounded the resort, framing the ocean's beauty. From Sernal's vantage, he overlooked the lavender pool in front of him. Beyond the pool lay white sand so soft the grains felt like silk under one's feet, and the pale rose-colored ocean water teamed with finwhales, mraun fish, and a myriad of delectable marine food available on the resort's high-priced, gourmet menu.

  Sernal sighed. This wasn't going to be easy. "Can I at least buy you a drink?"

  Gren eyed him suspiciously before nodding. They sat in silence for a moment before an extremely attractive woman joined them. Gren leaned back in the lounger, sighing under the ministrations of his personal thraia, one of the resort's legendary massage therapists.

  As her many hands crept over Gren's neck, shoulders and arms, Sernal repressed a wave of envy to have those gifted hands over his body. Native to the planet, the thraia had an innate skill for pleasure. With six hands and eight digits on each hand, they made a simple massage orgasmic. And the sex, he paused and stared at the thraia's sensual eyes half-closed in concentration, the sex was rumored to be indescribably erotic.

  "I'll take the drink, Sernal, but nothing else." Gren murmured something unintelligible to the thraia that had her giggling before she left. "Talk about wainu," he said with a groan as he rolled his shoulders. "I've found utter peace without sex. I wouldn't have believed it possible before now."

  Sernal waved down a server and ordered them two Aflera Ambrosias. As he watched the server leave, he wondered how best to reintroduce his needs to the wary mercenary.

  If he hadn't needed Gren's particular skills so badly, he would have left the overtaxed man alone. But with so many women gone missing in so little time, he needed the legendary Thesha's gifts, and the sooner the better.

  Staring at Gren's form clad in swimming trousers and nothing else, he subtly approved Gren's musculature, earned from years of harsh discipline and training. Sernal's gaze wandered to Gren's only imperfection, a jagged scar that ran from his left hand up his forearm. Gren had never offered the story behind the scar, and Sernal knew it best not to pry.

  Though friends with the Thesha, Sernal instinctively sensed the danger surrounding the larger man. Gren had earned his reputation as a fierce warrior and tenacious adversary, one who had never been beaten.

  Gren sighed and rolled his eyes at Sernal's intense gaze. "Sernal, you're steadily becoming a royal pain in my ass. The first time in three years I'm finally able to take a break, and I find you blocking my sun just hours after my arrival. What is it with you Mardu?"

  "What can I say? It's in our blood to be persistent."

  "I think you mean obnoxious," Gren muttered and accepted the drink the server handed him. He took a long swallow and smiled, the action drawing the stares of several nearby women.

  Sernal noticed and shook his head. "Can't you turn it off?"

  "You're persistent, I'm desirable." Somehow Gren uttered the words without sounding conceited. "What can I say? It's hereditary." He guzzled his Ambrosia and set the empty glass by his side.

  Sernal stared at the glass, amazed Gren had imbibed the strong liquor so quickly. "I'd say your metabolism is nothing short of amazing too."

  "I'm surprised you didn't know that." Gren lowered his voice. "Alcohol doesn't affect my kind the way it does others. We have a natural tolerance for fermented fruits. Certain drugs, however," he paused, his expression darkening, "can be lethal."

  Sernal saw a golden opportunity and charged forward. "You know how it feels to be powerless all too well, don't you?" It might not have been smart, but reminding Gren of his imprisonment years ago would have more of an impact than a simple entreaty for help. "Imagine helpless young women undergoing what you suffered. Except they don't escape. No one rides in to their rescue."

  "I wasn't rescued," Gren said between clenched teeth. "I was two seconds from killing that bitch Cari when you entered the scene, running late as usual." Then he cursed under his breath. "I'm just not going to be rid of you until you tell me what's on your mind, am I?"

  Sernal drained the rest of his glass, feeling overly warm as he did so. Unlike the Thesha, the Mardu were susceptible to alcohol. "Nope. So you might as well hear me out."

  Gren stared at him for a moment before he stood abruptly, flexing his massive arms as he whipped a towel around his neck. "Fine then. Follow me."

  Sernal trailed Gren to the most expensive section of the resort. Whistling as he followed Gren into a suite, Sernal stared in appreciation. "Being a mercenary must pay pretty well."

  A small water fountain greeted them when they entered, and the room's soothing hues of amber and pale green blended with the tropical environment directly outside.

  Through two open doors leading to an outside balcony, Sernal could clearly see a finwhale leaping in the air before it disappeared beneath the water. The wind blew, rustling the silken drapes framing the balcony doors, and the sweet smell of florantes teased his sensitive nose.

  He almost felt bad for what he was about to do to Gren.

  "Spill it," Gren ordered and wandered outside on the balcony.

  "We have a total of fifteen missing women, all grabbed within the past month. All are from affluent families, and all from different provinces in Mardu."

  Gren shrugged. "So tap system law. What do you need me for?"

  "There's something about these crimes that smacks of peacemaker corruption."

  Gren turned to stare at Sernal. "How so?"

  Finally, a spark of interest. Sernal prayed to Flor his luck would continue. "The culprits have kidnapped five of the women from their own security. Eyewitness accounts paint our kidnappers as organized, controlled and possibly military.

  "They cover all their bases a little too well. Neither Rafe nor myself has detected a trace of evidence at any of the crime scenes."

  The picture Sernal drew intrigued Gren on several levels. The idea of women being misused made him itch uncomfortably to rectify the problem. And the idea that peacemakers were involved, lawmen who--with the exception of Sernal and Rafe--went out of their way to make his life miserable, made Gren's mouth water.

  Yet he desperately needed a break. While he stared longingly toward the ocean, his conscience warred with his fatigue. "You say only women are being kidnapped?"

  Sernal nodded. "All unusually beautiful and within child-bearing age."

  Gren's eyes widened. "You don't think it's another Ebrellion Ring?"

  "We don't think so. System Observation Posts report normal Ebrellion activity, all from outside sys
tem boundaries. No, these crimes point to an internal threat."

  "Any evidence to support that?"

  Sernal frowned. "Yes and no. Let's just say it's not enough to prove without a doubt, not yet. I've got my suspicions and a clear direction to begin the hunt, one lead peacemaker in particular. I can tell you these criminals have connections above my pay grade."

  Gren stared at him. "So you come to me asking for help."

  "You've got the perfect reputation for the job I need done. Your abilities with women will make getting information a cinch. And with your resources you can easily plant one of my people undercover. Don't worry. Rafe will be on hand to assist."

  Gren grimaced and saw Sernal's patience thinning.

  The lawman narrowed his eyes. "Gren, we're talking about saving the lives of at least fifteen women."

  Gren shook his head as the wind whispered, stay. "No." His principles tugged at him while the ocean beckoned a second glance. He stared at the rippling water, imagining himself floating without a care, rebuilding his strength and peace of mind. He would never admit it aloud, but his imprisonment two years ago had taken a toll on him from which he had yet to recover. His nonstop assignments hadn't helped matters either.

  "Look, Sernal," he tried, "you have resources far beyond mine. You have an entire planet of lawmen at your disposal, not to mention you're the damned head of Peacemaker Central. Order your most trusted contacts to help you."

  Sernal swore. "I'm not the head of 'Peacemaker Central,' as you like to call it. And weren't you listening when I told you we've got rogue peacemakers? They could be anyone, men and women I trust," Sernal muttered with disgust and ran a hand through his hair. "You call me a pain in the ass? Hell," he growled, "it's taking what little control I have not to order you to assist us."

  Gren crossed his arms over his chest and locked gazes with Sernal. All the peace he'd felt under the thraia's hands disappeared as the tension that had been building since Sernal stepped into the suite came to a head.

  Sernal must have sensed the strain for he straightened, no longer at ease but now on edge, ready to spring into action if necessary. Gren had to hand it to the Mardu. He was a pain in the ass, but a dangerous pain in the ass.

  Even so, Gren didn't bow to anyone, not even the Elders. "I dare you to order me to do anything," he said quietly, hoping Sernal would lose his cool so he could legitimately toss him out of the room.

  Suddenly, the door to the room flew open and a woman entered in a huff, followed closely by Sernal's brother, Rafe.

  "What the hell?" Gren's anger grew as more unwanted guests intruded on his vacation.

  "For Narok's sake, Lead Sernal, you should just order him to assist us and be done with it," the woman said, disdain in her voice as she eyed Gren. "It's not as if we don't have enough to worry about without begging for this drun's help."

  Gren had to blink at the vision standing before him. He gathered his focus, immediately wary at the strong effect she had on him. He subtly looked to Sernal, wondering if the beauty was part of some plot to snag him into helping. But Sernal didn't look pleased at the interruption. Instead he glared at his brother.

  Rafe shrugged. "She distracted me and before I knew it, she was busting in."

  The woman glared at Rafe over her shoulder. "If you let a little thing like breasts distract you from your mission, you need remedial training."

  Rafe glared back at the icy beauty, but before he could say anything, Gren began to laugh. For the first time since he could remember, a woman responded to the Mardu brothers with scorn rather than passion.

  All eyes swung to him as he continued to chuckle. Rafe swore. Sernal closed his eyes, seeming to pray for patience. The woman, however, seethed with resentment. He could almost feel her animosity as she glowered at him.

  "She does have a point, Rafe." Gren grinned and fell into a plush, oversized chair. Though the woman's attitude amused him, he decided to needle her for her earlier insult. Drun, indeed. "But, honey, those breasts you're carrying are enough to drive a man crazy, even a drun like me."

  The woman stiffened her spine and narrowed her eyes, like an angry she-wolf prepared to attack. The combination of long, silken blonde hair and unique purple-gray eyes drew his gaze like a magnet. And her tempting body, long, lean and full of womanly curves, made him contemplate luring her for sex, something he hadn't done in a long time. Women came to Gren of their own free will. He hadn't needed to coerce a woman to his bed since, well, since Mara two years ago. And that had been for the sake of the mission.

  Sernal spoke before the prickly woman could reply. "Gren, I'd like you to meet Temis Freya. She's one of my top peacemakers. Rafe you already know."

  "A peacemaker?" Gren ignored Rafe to study Temis. "She looks more like a pleasurer. Though her attitude needs work."

  The first words out of Temis' mouth were obscene, yet impressive in their creativity.

  Sernal shot her a sharp look that immediately stilled her clever if barbed tongue. "We've been working on her attitude. It seems we've still a long road ahead of us." Her glare subsided at Sernal's rebuke.


  "I'm sorry Temis interrupted us," Sernal continued, "but she has a point. We're running out of time and we need your help. According to my sources, the women will be sold at a secret slave auction in little more than a week's time."

  Slave auction. He inwardly flinched.

  Gren glanced over his shoulder to the balcony. A raptor flew over the sea, snagging a mraun fish from the water. That reminded him he had yet to eat.

  Then he wondered if the missing women were being fed. Were their captors abusing them while he lounged in his overpriced suite? And did Sernal really expect him to refuse to help when images of tortured women began appearing in his mind? The damned peacemaker knew a Thesha couldn't abide harm done to an innocent woman. Damn him.

  "You're going to owe me big for this," he growled at Sernal.

  The lawman visibly relaxed. "Thank Flor you've come to your senses," he praised. "I'll find us transportation to the ship while Rafe fills you in on the basic scheme of things. For the most part it's like every other undercover mission you've worked."

  "For the most part?" Gren's left brow rose, in both curiosity and command.

  "This mission you're not flying solo. Temis will be with you every step of the way."

  Chapter Two

  One day. One lousy day was all he could recoup from a fully paid month-long vacation.

  Jahnja, his personal thraia, walked through the door clad in nothing more than what her creator had given her. Damn, but Afleran geneticists had real talent. Despite his fascination with her unbridled sensuality, hostility lingered over the lawmakers' interruption.

  "Do you want me to come back later?"

  Gren grinned, forcing his anger at those idiot peacemakers from his mind. "I don't have more than tonight, seb," he murmured the thraian endearment. "So why don't you join me on the bed?"

  She smiled and licked her lips, her tongue glazing the ripe fruit of her mouth, accentuating the promise of fulfillment.

  He watched with interest as she fondled her breasts with two hands, while her other hands skimmed her body and fondled the dark nest between her thighs. He'd never before lain with a thraia, and had been looking forward to learning if their reputation was as well-earned as had been told.

  Now however, as the woman neared, thoughts of that viper-tongued peacemaker stole through Jahnja's image. White-blonde hair and flashing, violet eyes seared his loins, and to Gren's dismay his cock buoyed under the peacemaker's imagined ferocity.

  "Ah, such a large gift," Jahnja said with a smile as she crawled up the bed.

  Gren mentally cursed Temis Freya from his thoughts and focused on the woman before him. He waited curiously to see how she'd use her hands, then sighed with pleasure when she wrapped two heated palms around his cock. With her other hands she stroked his body, teasing his nipples with pinching pleasure and reaching low to knead his b
uttocks with a finesse that bespoke practice.

  He throbbed, needing release, wanting to spill himself inside a warm, willing woman. It had been too long since he'd enjoyed himself sexually, way too long, if his reaction to Temis was any indication.

  Jahnja continued to exclaim over his size, and he knew she felt as aroused as he. He could see her aura pulsing in vibrant waves of passion. He inhaled deeply, gratifying his need for untainted energy, for pure, erotic satisfaction.

  He watched through heavy-lidded eyes as she licked her lips greedily. She waited until he looked into her eyes before lowering her mouth to replace her hands on his shaft.

  Warm, wet pressure engulfed his cock until he thought he might burst from the sensation. Coupled with her skilled hands, Jahnja's mouth easily set her apart from the few pleasurers Gren had frequented in the system. Clearly her reputation had been earned.

  "Take the pleasure, Gren, all for you this first time," she ordered as she continued to suck him deep into her throat.

  Her sex smelled like honeyed cream and Gren inhaled deeply, taking not only her scent but her essence into his body. The overflow of energy and desire hit him hard.

  Unable to stop himself, he envisioned Temis Freya on her knees, sucking his cock with desire bright in her eyes, and he came in a rush. Jahnja swallowed him greedily, stimulating him to another orgasm as intense as the first.

  When he could catch his breath, he closed his eyes and prayed tonight's rapacious sexual encounter would cure him of his insane fixation on a certain sharp-tongued woman.

  He heard Jahnja sigh and rose up on his elbows. "What a clever little tongue you have," he said, his voice lower than usual. "Now why don't I show you how clever I can be?"

  She smiled and rolled onto her back, spreading her legs wide in waiting. He gratefully acceded to her wishes, losing himself between her thighs, thoughts of the future fading as sweet, womanly want finally consumed him.

  * * * *

  Temis sat before Sernal, forcing herself to be still. She felt mortified at having lost control in front of her mentor, and all because of that bastard Gren.