God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible Read online

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  As a Muslim who fought to build my previous utopia by crushing the Judeo-Christian world, I was always taught that the Bible had long ago been corrupted by Christians and Jews. If this is true, then how did the Bible accurately predict what we Muslims were so clearly planning? Why is Allah, if he is indeed God, so afraid of us touching this manuscript? If indeed we had the truth, why were we so afraid of the Bible?

  The Bible never warns Christians to run in fear from the texts of other religions. In fact the Bible says quite the opposite—“be as wise as serpents” (Matthew 10:16). In other words, Christians must understand how evil works, they must be aware of the evil that exists in the world. For some, this means actually studying the Qur’an and other Islamic sacred manuscripts in order to give insight to the rest of the Church. What one finds when reviewing Islam’s prophetic worldview, is that Satan’s best response to the Bible is to steal God’s prophetic declarations.

  Satan takes a shred of truth and then twists it, ultimately influencing lost souls like Al Gore, nudging him to predict global warming. Yet Global Warming was already predicted in Scripture long ago. Satan simply added his little twist to force America to sacrifice its industrial strength. Global Warming has nothing to do with the ‘Lala-Land’ of Al Gore or CO2 emissions. Any real Global Warming is caused by the heating of the sun itself. The Bible says that the earth will heat up from the sun: “Moreover, the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun; and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold—as the light of seven days!” (Isaiah 30:26) Global Warming has nothing to do with fossil fuel emissions, but is the result of so many drinking Satan’s chalice “And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.” (Revelation 16:9)

  How could people still blaspheme God even after they experience this “plague of heat?” Most Westerners read this and assume that it is merely mankind’s stubbornness and hatred of God. To a certain extent this is true. But the real answer is that these peoples will be clinging to the satanic Allah, thinking that he is God and begging him for mercy, when instead they should be begging Jehovah, the One True and only God. In their mindset, they are already pleading to God. In other words, begging and praising Allah is already the greatest blasphemy. This stubborn attitude is right in front of us. All of the Muslim nations continue to be defeated by the little nation of Israel. So, the Muslims cling even harder to Allah and Islam when they should be praying to Jehovah and asking for His forgiveness. It is Satan’s tactic to take bits and pieces of the Bible’s prophetic insight, then add his own story in order to flip the ending upside down. Instead of being the nations that are judged by Jesus for attacking Israel, the Muslim apocalyptic prophecies portray the Muslims as eventually gaining victory over Israel for Allah. Do you see how the devil has setup the Muslims? They are in so deep, that they will never figure it out until the end.

  Islam is such a barrel of contradictions. On one hand many Muslims will openly deny the Holocaust in front of Westerners and even deny Islam’s roll in it. Yet on the other hand, they will secretly plot to achieve Mohammed’s Final Solution. Beware of anyone who denies history, for if someone denies the Holocaust, they are also likely to deny the Crucifixion. It is very important that you understand what I mean by “deny the Crucifixion” since so many Christians also deny the crucifixion.

  Are you stunned at what I said, that many claiming to be Christians deny the Crucifixion? Don’t be, there are many Donovans and smart fools. Many are no different from Muslims. Please get one thing straight: Muslims DO NOT deny that a crucifixion took place, they simply say that it was Judas or someone else who was crucified instead of Jesus. Satan has tricked the Muslims into believing that it was his disposable pawn, Judas Iscariot who hung from the tree as a scapegoat to save Jesus’ hide. As insane as it sounds, that is what Muslims believe.

  But here’s my question: Who do you put on that cross? Hanan Ashrawi, Arafat’s right hand advisor before Arafat died, chose a Palestinian revolutionary “Jesus” to have been on the cross instead of the King of the Jews. If you don’t believe in the Crucified King of the Jews, then you don’t have the real Messiah. You might as well crucify Judas Iscariot. It doesn’t matters how much you adore or wear your crucified Iscariot around your neck; all your praises and worship are in vain.

  But if you reject what I am telling you, you’re not all alone. Hundreds of millions of Muslims are on your side, you could all worship together. But worship some place hot to get used to the heat, because in the end there will be no air-conditioning—in hell.

  For Muslims the dilemma will remain: if Allah is the truth, then Islam must be victorious over the Jews. The frustration that is experienced by so many Muslims is that these Islamic predications have not come to pass. Several battles against Israel and all have resulted in losses for Islam. The prophetic evidence for the truthfulness of their Allah has been tried and found wanting.


  So Who Corrupted The Bible?

  Ignorance of Satan’s evil schemes encompasses Muslims who do not realize that their Jihad eschatology only fulfills Biblical prophecy—while claiming that the Bible is corrupt! Ignorance also infests Christendom, for not seeing Islam in the Bible, in fact throughout the whole manuscript, as you shall see. After I respond with much prophetic evidence to the accusation leveled by Muslims against Jews and Christians as corruptors of Scripture ask yourself this question: Who really corrupted the Bible? Who really has attempted to change God’s words? With the monumental amount of evidence presented, the conclusion will be clear: It is the very ones who accuse the Bible of corruption who are the true corruptors. You will see that they took select portions of Scripture and after they twisted it and laced it with deadly cyanide, they concocted a whole new Bible that they call the Qur’an and claim it is the final Word of God. Like their god, the accuser, the corruptors accuse the virtuous of corruption, the murderers accuse the innocent of murder, the haters accuse the righteous of hate, the warmongers accuse the peaceful of war, the lovers of death accuse those who love life with cowardice, while cowards who promote instant death are given the title of the brave. Murderers are martyrs, their funerals are weddings, and their victims are criminals unworthy of even a funeral. Their heaven is debauchery and their earth is a hell devoid of even the most innocent music or wedding dance. Everything is turned upside down. They can’t see any of this until they are permitted to think—deeply—and exchange their holy cloak, these phony religious cellophane wrappings, with the fruit of love and longsuffering, in order to offer life as a living—not a dead—sacrifice. Scripture already proclaimed this phenomenon: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).


  Even Western Experts Don’t Get It

  Westerners love to bank on Muslims who do not agree with Osama. But what these Western experts fail to realize is that for many of these so called “moderate” Muslims, their only disagreement with Osama is his timing. Here is my challenge to the West, which I know that no one can refute: Westerners do not understand that when it comes to the Muslim world, even the most “moderate” of Muslims, if they are religious, all believe in the coming of the Mahdi and the establishment of the Caliphate to rule the entire Globe by changing world laws to adapt the Islamic Sharia. The coming of the Mahdi to religious Muslims is as holy of a belief as the coming of Messiah is to Christians and Jews.

  To many Muslims, Osama has simply acted in haste and did not gain the proper permission from officially sanctioned Islamic jurisprudence. According to orthodox Islamic jurisprudence, only a sitting Caliph has the authority to declare a global Jihad. Thus to many Muslims, Osama jumped the gun, if you will, he acted in haste. But thinking that someone acted too soon is very different than thinking that what someone did was actually evil.

  I can share many examples of what the proble
m is with Westerners who don’t know how to deal with Islam and Muslims. Every time some Westerner has tried to argue with me about Islam, I have clearly demonstrated to them that every devout or even semi-devout Muslim believes in the coming of the Mahdi.

  One example occurred in Long Island, New York, at a Jewish-Christian conference during the lunch break. A Messianic Jewish rabbi and I were taken by a pastor to a restaurant across the street from the church. “I have been visiting this restaurant for so many years, it’s owned by Muslims and never once did I experience any bad treatment” commented the pastor. “Really” I asked? Then the waiter came and handed us our menus. “Assalamu Alaikum” (peace be upon you) I said to the waiter, “Wa-Alaykum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,” replied the waiter, in English this means “and peace be upon you, Allah’s mercy and His blessings.” Once I gave the official Islamic greeting in perfect classical Arabic a degree of trust developed and we began our private chat in Arabic while the other two who knew no Arabic were chatting alone. He thought I was Muslim and we had a few laughs. I asked him in Arabic, “Do you believe this; I am sitting here with a Christian pastor and a rabbi?” I then began to quote Mohammed’s famous End-Times prophecy of the trees and stones that cry out for Muslims to kill the Jews. “So what do you think?” I asked him, “Is it valid then to kill Jews?” “No,” he replied, “the time is not ripe.” Then he added, “We need to wait for the Mahdi!” and this was his last remark. Then he left. “So what did he say?” asked the rabbi who knew no Arabic, I replied, “For a Jew, today is your lucky day, you’re not on the menu—yet.”

  Just recently, at a speaking event in Detroit, I was speaking with James Woolsey, the former director of the C.I.A (Central Intelligence Agency). He expressed his admiration of Sheikh Hisham Kabbani, who he said was his favorite moderate Muslim—after all Kabbani openly fights terrorism. I explained to Woolsey that Kabbani is a devout believer in the coming of the Mahdi. He is awaiting the Mahdi to come and establish Sharia law not only in America, but throughout the world. In fact, we will cite many of his comments in this book. But Mr. Woolsey was unable to respond. I believe that he was too shocked. You will find several of Kabbani’s quotes cited throughout this book; as I said, he is a devout Mahdist. The West is encouraged when they see Muslims like Kabbani fighting terrorism, but they do not understand why he is fighting terrorism. For Kabbani, and millions of other Muslims like him, it is just a matter of timing.

  At a speaking engagement in Los Angeles to a Jewish audience on Hanukkah in 2006, a moderate Muslim, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy spoke. After his speech, I took him aside and asked him the question “Did Mohammed massacre the Jews of Banu Qurayza?” In which he answered “Yes, but they had a fair trial.” Westerners would be shocked, this, out of the mouth of a moderate? This in a day and age when even the Pope made amends with Israel, yet for a Muslim it would be difficult. Why? Because the slaughter of the Jews was committed by the founders of Islam themselves—Mohammed, Omar his disciple, Ali his nephew, and the rest of the Caliphs, whether Umayyads, Abbasids, or Ottomans. Muslims always follow the example of Mohammed. When one questions a supposed moderate, it’s always important to ask the right questions: Did Mohammed massacre the Jews of Arabia? Yes or no?

  The question is a double-edged sword; if a Muslim denies it, then he has denied Islamic history and much of the text written in Al-Seera Al-Nabawiyeh (the Hadith), where deeds and works of Mohammed are documented. This would be like a Christian rejecting the New Testament. Unless he is liberal, he is cornered with the reality that Mohammed slaughtered innocent Jews. If they deny it, they are likely more liberal in their faith. If they acknowledge that this slaughter occurred, then they are forced to either justify it or condemn it. I have never heard a single Muslim both admit that this happened yet condemn it.

  Similarly, I had a dialogue with Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, a professor at San Diego University and a member of the board of the Center for Islamic Pluralism. Dr. Khaleel would not denounce the Khaibar massacre of Jews. He refused to apologize for Mohammed who killed or exiled virtually every Jew in Arabia. The Christian Reformation started when followers returned to the Bible and to the founders of their faith, who all very clearly prohibited genocide and murder. As we see in Luke 6:27-28: “But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If one strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.” Yet Muslims cannot have a similar reformation. There is not a single verse in the Qur’an that says “love your enemies.” Islam cannot have a proper reformation because the very founders themselves, Mohammed (the prophet of Islam); the Sahaba (his companions); and the Caliphs all participated in jihad by killing infidels and anyone who opposed the Islamic system.

  Am I saying that Zuhdi Jaser, Khaleel Mohammed, and Hisham Kabbani are pro-terror? No. What I am saying is that even experts like Woolsey, the ex-director of the C.I.A., don’t fully understand this issue. One day he will fully understand, but in the meanwhile, the U.S. will try to find more Northern Alliances which eventually will go south, if and when a Mahdi is declared and accepted by the Muslim world.

  The best way to understand this case is to bring a case-in-point. Let’s even take a different religion altogether—Judaism. Take the Neturei Karta for example. These are the Orthodox Jews who are staunchly opposed to Zionism and the establishment of Israel. Why do they oppose Israel? To the Neturei Karta, the Kingdom of Israel must not be established until Messiah comes. But never before! They will oppose the establishment of Israel regardless of how many Jews suffer from the Diaspora or the Holocaust.

  The Neturei Karta are very similar to the the Kabbanis, the Jasers, and the Khaleel Mohammeds of the Muslim world. These all reject any form of violent Jihad—for now. But when the Islamic Caliphate is established by the coming Mahdi, then it will be an entirely different situation. Then the fifteen percent of violent radicals in the Muslim world will become ninety percent. And the remaining ten percent of liberals who reject the Caliphate will be the first to go.

  Just as the Jewish Neturei Karta is useful to Iran and the Jihadists, our Muslim “Neturei Kartas” are useful to us. But can we really trust these “for-now” moderates? Are these truly of the same feather as us? Yes and No. They are on our side, but only until the Mahdi arrives or the Caliphate is established. Then look out. The Messiah of the Jewish Neturei Karta however is vastly different from Islam’s Mahdi. While the Messiah of Judaism will establish a kingdom in which the lamb will lay peacefully with the lion, in the Mahdi’s world, the Jewish lambs are all slaughtered, as are the Buddhists and Hindus and Christians and liberal Muslims. Need I go on?

  Then you have Jihadists acting like Muslim “Neturei Kartas.” Why are these not openly Jihadists? It’s because diplomatic jihad is every bit a part of the greater jihad. If “moderate” Muslims can influence U.S. foreign policy, to not take action against Islam’s interests, then why would they need to blow anything up? So long as the goal is being achieved, the means is irrelevant. Although one can find liberal Muslims, rarely do we find moderate movements that call for genuine reformation within Islam other than for show in the U.S. and other Western countries. Image control is also a big part of the greater jihad. But don’t be fooled. According to Khaleel Mohammed, as he described in our dialogue on Front Page Magazine, a major obstacle that stops the reformation of Islam is: “The status forced on Muslims by non-Muslim powers, so that Muslims, instead of trying to genuinely reform their religion, are instead forced to defend [it] against horrendous lies.” In other words, according to Khaleel, the reason that moderates don’t have time to fight against terrorism is because they are too busy fighting us, the “Islamophobes”—silencing dissidents is another form of jihad.


  Who Is Ushering In The Apocalypse, Christians Or Muslims?

  One of the most common accusations that self-described anti-Christian experts like to launch against Christians
is that they are awaiting a fantasy utopian kingdom that belongs in “Lala-Land.” But are Christians the only ones who are longing for a utopia? Everyone fights for their own version of a utopia; Communism, Nazism, Islamism, and even the worship of the Emperor in Japan were all founded on a utopian dream that failed miserably. Meanwhile the supposedly backward and hyper-religious, (or alternately wicked) Christian America managed to turn out on top. Yes, America is sinful in many respects. But at least we confess our sins out in the open. And America will continue to survive so long as the other utopian ideologies don’t destroy us from within. I guarantee you that one of the biggest criticisms of this book will be that it emanates from a Christian Zionist who believes in a coming Armageddon. The left always claims that any Christians who are both pro-Israel and pro-Kingdom of Christ are going to inadvertently create an Apocalypse and claim its prophecy. Are we, the Evangelical Christians creating, a self-fulfilled prophecy?

  The question that I have posed to many of these accusers, which none have been able to respond to is this: In order to establish Israel, did we the Christians conspire to orchestrate the Holocaust? Did we create and fulfill this prophecy? Or was it some other greater evil that was behind the effort to destroy the Jews? Who was truly behind the Holocaust which led to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy via the establishment of the State of Israel? Was it not Hitler and the agents of the devil? Of course it was.