God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible Read online

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  I had been an ally of the Philistia crowd. I hated Israel and attempted to kill Jews every chance I had. I had planted a bomb that exploded, and was part of the terrorist network in Israel, and in the United States. But in reality, I was fighting against God. Now I began to learn something new—that the Lord God Almighty will come down from His throne. This reality is evident throughout the Old Testament: “Arise O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance.” (Psalm 82:8) God Himself arises from His throne?! But which nations does He rouse Himself to fight? The nations that He wars against are well defined in Psalm 83 as a confederacy of Muslim nations allied against Israel: “They form an alliance against you—the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, of Moab and the Hagrites, Gebal, Ammon and Amalek, Philistia, with the people of Tyre. Even Assyria has joined them to lend strength to the descendants of Lot.” (Psalm 83:5-8) When I looked at the several battles that Israel had fought against the Muslim countries from 1948 until today—some of which I personally witnessed first-hand, Israel always came out on top. If we Muslims were the good guys and Allah was on our side, why did we consistently lose against the “evil” Jews? As a radical Muslim and PLO terrorist, I knew that this is precisely what we were dreaming of doing—killing all Jews. I know I’m supposed to couch this in a more politically correct, moderate tone. Let me just say it again, without pre-qualifying my statement, all we wanted to do was, kill Jews. However, I’m afraid that the West will only learn this through more painful experiences with Islam. In the meantime, the West will continue asking the same old tired questions and will continue to apologize for its own existence, while it desperately believes against all hope that Islam is peaceful. I refuse to keep drinking that politically correct Kool-Aid—that everything will be just fine, that the Neverland Ranch awaits us all.


  A World Gone Stupid

  It is said that there are no stupid questions; that the only stupid question is the question that is not asked. That’s true, but it depends on two conditions: 1.) if the question is basic, such as what is 1+1? 2.) the one asking the question is still a child. Yet the most common question I get does not fit either category, it comes from so-called intellectuals, show hosts, professors, and students, all of the same feather. That question is: “If you were a PLO terrorist why are you not in prison and why is the FBI not arresting you?” These allegedly well-educated students don’t seem to understand the very nature of their enemy. It is an enemy that is bound and determined to defeat the United States and rid the world of both the Christians and the Jews. The very enemy that has planted 150 pro-terror Muslim Student Associations in the top 150 universities and colleges across this nation, that are paid to carry out their activities by funds from student tuitions. Yet the leaders of the Muslim Student Associations are never asked the kind of inquisition-like questions with which I am constantly being barraged. And, the Muslim Student Associations are never questioned, even though the evidence for terror supported by them is demonstrable and extensive. They want me in jail, and they want to release all of the terrorists who are enjoying gourmet meals, soccer games, snorkeling and outings in Guantanamo. George Orwell, eat your heart out! Well, let me answer the question that was just raised for some of you sitting-ducks who still don’t get it. The reason the FBI has not arrested me can be explained in the images below. I was from the terror group that says “approved,” and the only difference is the badge on their foreheads.

  The terrorist on the left has a badge on his forehead that says “Hamas” the one on the right says “Fatah.” Courtesy of Cox and Forkum

  If you don’t get the message in the image then you need help. But that’s ok, we all must start somewhere. I am no better. I had really believed that dying as a terrorist would send me to paradise. I had a much bigger log in my eye, so who am I to pick on the speck in yours? Fatah is the PLO and the PLO (changed after Oslo to PA) is recognized by the world as no longer a terrorist group. Even though they do exactly the same things that Hamas does—exactly—bombings, killings, assassinations, and terror funding from everywhere on the globe. So, nothing has changed. But since the Oslo Accord, PLO terrorists have the seal of approval from the White House. They enjoy visits from the top of the terrorist chain and funding to the tune of hundreds of millions. They even receive training by the United States. “War on Terror?” you might ask. Well, all I can say is, “War on Terror, my foot.” Only God will fight that battle. Mankind will bend and fall for false peace with terrorists and liars. But why is the U.S. in bed with them?

  The most common U.S. tactic has been to choose one bully over another in the hope that the least-worst of the two bullies takes control and that country would become slightly more moderate. In Afghanistan, the Northern Alliance was the preferred bully to fight the Taliban. But if the Northern Alliance is indeed “moderate,” why would they also call for the killing of Christian converts? When Russia was advancing into Afghanistan, the United States helped the Muslim fanatics against Russia, thinking that fanatical Muslims were better than Communist Russians. This simplistic approach of the United States to Middle East problems has been devastating. Ever since the day they began aiding Islamists against Russia, the error of their ways has become increasingly obvious. The defeat of the Russians only served to bolster the radical Muslim confidence, which in turn sparked the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. This level of cockiness was especially evident when President Carter did nothing to help the Shah of Iran and allowed the most Radical Shi’a to take over the nation. For now, the U.S. sees the PLO as moderates, yet anyone who has ever heard of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade should know that it was created by the PLO and is still funded by them as part of the global Islamic Jihad movement. The PLO is no different than Hamas. Remember, if it quacks like a duck, it is indeed a duck. Those in Lebanon are no different either; Hezbollah’s militia can be seen doing the “Step March” imitating the Nazis. The only difference between Hezbollah and the Nazis is their chant—instead of Heil Hitler in German you hear Heil Allah in Arabic.

  Additionally, Israel has a revolving door due to pressure from America and Europe. They have released more terrorists than any other nation on earth, despite the fact that throughout history, Israel has suffered from terrorism more than any other nation on earth. I am not sure if this is sheer stupidity or just plain evil.

  To illustrate this stupidity, let me give you an example. Imagine a hundred terrorists storming into the Vatican and holding everyone hostage in the Pope’s headquarters including all clergy and priests, exchanging fire with the authorities, ransacking the place, destroying ancient relics and such. What do you think should be done to these terrorists after they are caught? Yet something far worse than this has already happened.

  To Catholics, the Pope is the Vicar of Christ. Yet the Church of the Nativity is THE place where Christ Himself was born. But all of the PLO terrorists who desecrated the birthplace of The King of Kings have been released from jail. What is most ironic about this story is that the Vatican itself called for the release of the gang that defiled the second holiest place for Christians worldwide. This type of minimalist response when it comes to terrorism in Israel is quite a pathetic phenomenon. To me, it is simply shameful. When I lived in the Holy Land, my whole family was involved in the Palestinian mockery and blasphemy of Jehovah God. Now that I live in America and see how the U.S. aids terrorism, at times I wonder why they have “In God we trust” on their money. It seems that American foreign policy displays more trust in the PLO than it does in God.

  Consider the case of terrorist Atef Abiyat; one of the most wanted Palestinian PLO terrorists and fugitives in the West Bank. He was from my village of Beit Sahur in Bethlehem. He was directly responsible for the deaths of five Israelis. Abiyat was known as the “Commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade” in the Bethlehem area. There he was not a fugitive however, for in reality, these terrorists gained the support of the extended neighborhood. At his funeral, the entire community showed up to show support for
his life as a terrorist and his success in killing Israelis. The whole city was there. It’s an unwritten rule that anyone who blows up Jews gets the full support of the community, regardless if he is Hamas or PLO. Abiyat and two associates were killed after a car in which they were riding exploded in my village when the Israeli snipers hit him with a missile, in response for his responsibility in the deaths of three Israeli soldiers. Yet the Palestinian sources claim that Abiyat’s death was another example of an innocent Palestinian who was randomly killed by the evil Israelis. Atef was related to Hussein Abiyat, one of the first Palestinian gunmen to be killed in the Intifada. He and two women bystanders died after helicopter missiles hit his car. The two ladies were relatives of mine, and another man who was injured in the strike was my first cousin who was with me when I bombed Bank Leumi in Bethlehem—the bank which sits adjacent to the Church of the Nativity where Christ was born. Abiyat, along with many of his family members helped suicide bombers purchased chemical compounds or explosives, planned the suicide bombing at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, occupied the Church of the Nativity, Christ’s birth place, desecrating it, and holding all the priests hostage. They even lit fires in the Church. Does anyone else wonder how the Islamic world respond if Jewish terrorists kidnapped some Muslim clerics in Saudi Arabia and occupied Mohammed’s Masjid Al-Nabawi Mosque? The world saw how they behaved over a simple cartoon.

  Yet with all of this (and more), the Vatican and the U.S. pressured Israel to set the terrorists who violated the Church of the Nativity free. These terrorists now reside in Italy, Greece, Ireland, and Portugal. Meanwhile, the Danish cartoonist and his family are living in hiding, moving from place to place, to avoid being assassinated.

  In May 1985, over a thousand terrorists were released in exchange for three Israeli soldiers as part of the “Jibril deal.” The terrorists who were released became the ideological and operational foundation for many terrorist activities in the years that followed. These releases are occurring constantly as a part of our war on terrorism; all the while Al-Qaeda is being hunted, PLO terrorists are being released to roam the streets. But this shouldn’t be much of a problem, since these terrorists are only killing Jews! Whoever said that the Holocaust is over is a liar.

  Now Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is entertaining a request to allow all of the terrorists who hijacked the Church of the Nativity to return home. After all, these poor souls are really not hijackers; they are simply victims whose religion has been hijacked. My cousin, Mahmud Khalil Awad-Allah, was also one released from prison after being given a life sentence for bomb planting and terrorism. This story is repeated a thousand times. The Israeli prison doors have become revolving doors, and the terrorists know it. International pressure eventually becomes too much, and Israel buckles to it, putting the terrorists back on the street to kill more innocent Jews. “Are we are fighting a War on Terror?” you might ask. Well, all I can say is, “War on Terror, my other foot.”


  Israel, A Thorn In The Flesh

  We wanted to destroy Christianity, America and every Jew. But it was my enemy’s book that finally began my journey into critical thinking and led me to dig into my inner soul. What saved me were not deals, land concessions for peace, tolerance, inter-faith dialogues, better jobs, secularism, or education. What saved me was conversion to believe in the God of the Bible. I kept asking myself over and over, how did the Bible perfectly predict all of our plans to destroy Israel and Christianity thousands of years in advance? Why was Jehovah defending Israel in the Bible? Why was it that whatever Allah loved, Jehovah hated, and whatever Jehovah loved, Allah hated? Allah hated Jews, Jehovah loved them. My life at this point was turning upside down and my head was spinning. But what disturbed me the most was the fact that in the end, Israel always won. What America needs is a victory just as they had when they crushed the Taliban. Israel needs to apply the same methods to Hezbollah. The destruction of Hezbollah needs to be complete until the stones and trees cry out, “Nasrallah is hiding behind me, come and kill him.”

  Yet the West has a long way to go to move beyond the fear of being labeled Islamophobic and realizing that the real phobia has always infected Muslims who fear Allah’s threats as they occur in every other verse in the Qur’an. Even the terrorists are terrorized by the Qur’an. Yet the accusations of phobia are only cast upon the Christian nations who allow Islam to build mosques and Islamic centers by the thousands across their lands.

  But Christianity is not the only problem for Islam; in reality, Israel is a thorn-in-the-flesh to Muslims worldwide. Yet, to God, Israel is His response to all the modern prophets of Baal. As terrorists, Israel drove us crazy! Allah didn’t provide us with the favor of proving himself. But he promised that the stones and trees would “cry out” and betray the Jew hiding behind them so that we could come and kill him. The Gharqad tree, also called the Jewish “snitch” tree, is believed by Muslims to expose the hiding places of the Jews so that we can go and decapitate the last Jewish man. (The women we would keep alive as sex slaves.) Yet no Gharqad tree ever shouted during the 1948 war, the 1967 Six Day War, or the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Instead it was the Arabs who were all shouting for mercy after the surrender. So what went wrong? Where was Allah?

  Egyptian born Sheikh Qaradawi, perhaps the most prominent and influential Muslim cleric in the Sunni world, responded to this issue in Kansas City speaking at a conference for the I.A.P (Islamic Association of Palestine). In an open forum supporting Hamas the terror organization, Qaradawi declared a common Muslim fundamentalist slogan—La Tu’adu Filisteen Illa Bil-Islam “we can never re-take Palestine unless we revert to Islam [completely].”2 Qaradawi basically said what every Islamist is preaching—that we need to kick it up a notch. In other words, our Islam is not pure enough, not good enough, and not fundamentalist enough. We need to turn up the heat. Qaradawi declared to the Muslim crowd in Kansas City that Arab secularism and nominal Islam were the reason that we have lost all of our battles against the Jews. Our way of dealing with this dilemma was to argue that we were not serious enough with our Islam—we need to become even more aggressive. This is how Muslims chose to deal with the situation and thus, this is what much of the Muslim world is doing today.

  So, now we are seeing several radical Muslim nations preparing for yet another attempt to destroy the nation of Israel. Meanwhile, the West only emboldens the Muslims by giving in to their demands of more “land for peace.” After doing this, the West then has the gall to demand that Israel refrain from fighting back when they are assaulted daily by radical groups like Hamas or Hezbollah.

  Neither land for peace or peace treaties will work, because according to Islam, in order to prove their Allah to be true, Israel MUST be destroyed. Since this is written in the Islamic prophecies it must take place, otherwise Allah is not God.


  I Am Not Alone

  What I was discovering in the Bible was beginning to open my eyes—Allah was not an awesome god, but Jehovah is. I also learned that I was not alone in my discoveries. Many Muslim converts from all over the world, upon becoming followers of Christ, and upon studying the prophecies in the Bible, also see many of the things that I saw.

  Robert Livingstone, a Christian missionary to the Muslim World, recounts the occasion of going to hear the story of an Arab woman who had recently converted from Islam to Christianity. She had purchased a Bible from a book fair and hurried home to read it. Because she was accustomed to reading Arabic—which is read from right to left—she assumed that one should begin reading at the back of the Bible first. Thus, this women’s first encounter with the Bible began with the Book of Revelation. Livingstone recounts this woman’s experience: “As she began to read the book of Revelation, she was quickly astonished, and was shaken to the very core of her being. Suddenly the scales fell off of her eyes as she began to understand that everything she had believed her whole life was radically wrong. The shock was overwhelming, but the message of Revelation was clear to her
. Its truth and power was so penetrating, she could not avoid the obvious conclusion. She would have to deny Islam, and whatever the consequences, become a follower of Jesus Christ. Fatima became one of the growing thousands of Muslims who are finding new life in Jesus Christ.”3

  This was not only a revelation for Fatima, but for Livingstone as well. Listening to Fatima’s conclusions, Livingstone realized that perhaps his Western lens had clouded his perception of the Book of Revelation and Biblical End-Time prophecy in general. Over the next several years, with his understanding of Islam, Livingstone attempted to study Biblical prophecy through a different lens—through Eastern eyes. Not surprisingly, Livingstone’s conclusions and mine are very similar.

  Do you think this is simply an anomaly? I’ve got news for you. Some of the best and the greatest thinkers in Christian history have also seen Islam as Antichrist. In this diary we will examine some of these who supported the concept that Islam was Antichrist. There was Hilaire Belloc, Bishop Fulton Sheen, Gregory Palamus of Thessalonica, Vernon Richards, Sir Robert Anderson, Cyril of Jerusalem, Sophronius the Patriarch of Jerusalem (560-638), Maximus The Confessor (580-662), John of Damascus (676-749), Eulogius of Cordova, Paul Alvarus, and the Martyrs of Cordova. Even John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards the great American Revivalist both saw Islam as playing the major roll in the End-Times. With all of this, do I have your attention now?


  Be As Wise As Serpents

  Satan is quickly approaching his final check-mate. He must destroy Israel to stop the Messianic Kingdom, yet with all his attempts to create his own kingdom on earth, and muster his forces as pawns against Israel, he is only fulfilling the very prophecies in Scripture that he so much wants to prevent. While Allah, who is Satan in disguise, thinks that stealing bits and pieces of Biblical prophecy is clever, he is unaware that he plays right into the very prophecies that were written thousands of years ago regarding his ultimate defeat. So instead of completely destroying the Jews to prevent the establishment of this state, they end up fulfilling Ezekiel 37, the valley of the dry bones, which explains how Israel will arise out of the ashes, and instead of Islam winning eternal life and destroying Israel, they will stand on Lucifer’s side by attacking Israel, and without intention, usher in the Kingdom of Christ, while he goes the way of the dodo bird.