God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible Read online

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  NEVER BOW. Listen to me, don’t go to Mecca, and don’t accept my challenge. If they searched your car and found the sign that reads “We all worship the same god–Allah—Jehovah—Buddha” you would be given a choice: either bow to Allah, adopt Islam and seek forgiveness, or instantly receive a razor-sharp, hand-held, crescent-shape pendulum that will send your head bouncing into “chop-chop square.” This is a real place in Saudi Arabia and this is its real name. This may be too graphic, but I’ve heard that people still have a few seconds to hear and see even after they have been decapitated. Maybe the last thing you would hear is the sound of a multitude shouting, “Allahu-Akbar.” In that case, if your mind is still functioning, make sure to quickly invite Jesus into your heart and don’t worry—in the end He will reunite your body parts for a glorified resurrection.

  So are you willing to bow to Allah? I think I already know your answer—“We are Americans. No one tells us what to do or what to believe.” Maybe you are feeling some spark of patriotism. If so, possibly the issue for you is freedom—the very thing that your grandfathers bled and died for? Now you’re beginning to remind me of William Wallace in Brave-heart. Just before king Longshanks ordered Wallace’s head cut off, he cried out one word “f r e e e e e e e d o m.” I can sense that patriotism is all around now. You might even sing “God bless America.” Have you ever asked yourself what these songs mean? Now you are in danger of becoming like me, an American ‘bigot.’ We are Americans, or at least I began to believe that, once I dumped my old bigoted beliefs, that Mohammed is a messenger of God. Is it bigotry to believe that Mohammed was commissioned from Allah, not Jehovah? If it is, then we are both bigots—may I suggest that you do what I did and go into a church with the rest of us sheep? You should find out what your destiny is before you end up in a box six feet under.

  What you need to learn before you die is how evil works, lest you get eaten by wolves in sheep clothing. Christ said that He sends us out as sheep amongst wolves, so if you have no wolves in your life, it is because you are not one of His sheep. This diary will help you get out of your sheep costume and teach you how to have the Lamb of God in your innermost being. It will also teach you how wolves think and act. You might wonder, “Why become a sheep at all? It’s better to be the wolf, a predator on top of the food chain.” If so, then don’t complain about us sheep whose only shield and sword is the Bible.


  I am not a push-over. I know I am supposed to be afraid of releasing what I am writing here. After all, some fanatic Muslim might kill me. Well, as my fifteen year old son Theodore said “we are all dying, we can either die for something, or we can die of something.” Leftists are chickens; at least this ‘bigot’ chooses to risk it all. Show me one leftist who confronts Islamic fanatics and I can show you a thousand Christians in the heartland of Islam risking their lives to save your hide—and the hide of millions of Muslims as well. Yes, and we even love Muslims more than you falsely claim to love them. However, true love doesn’t coddle—it tells the truth. So what are you dying for? Or dying of? Everyone dies—sooner or later. So, come on in, and at least read all about my song, then decide freely if you want to sing along with the rest of us “bigots.” Just don’t forget, to leftists and Muslim apologists, you are already a bigot. Stop singing the lie that we all worship the same god and try my song for a change:

  These are the days of Elijah

  Declaring the Word of the Lord

  And these are the days of your servant Moses

  Righteousness being restored

  And though these are days of great trials

  Of famine and darkness and sword

  Still we are the voice in the desert crying

  Prepare ye the way of the Lord!

  Behold He comes! Riding on the clouds!

  Shining like the sun! At the trumpet call

  Lift your voice! It’s the year of Jubilee!

  And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes!

  And these are the days of Ezekiel

  The dry bones becoming as flesh

  And these are the days of your servant David

  Rebuilding a temple of praise

  And these are the days of the harvest

  The fields are as white in the world

  And we are the laborers in your vineyard

  Declaring the word of the Lord!

  Behold He comes! Riding on the clouds!

  Shining like the sun! At the trumpet call

  Lift your voice! It’s the year of Jubilee!

  And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes!

  There’s no God like Jehovah!

  There’s no God like Jehovah!

  There’s no God like Jehovah! Words and Music by Robin Mark


  On the night of His capture and then trial, Jesus went to pray, and came back to find His disciples sleeping. Today, again, the church is asleep! Even their childish dreams can be easily guessed by listening to the prayer requests in a typical Sunday school. I call most of these prayers, “Hemorrhoidal prayer requests.” They are the typical petitions for healing from ailments and freedom from all pain or trials, as if Jesus’ sole purpose is to heal the lame and the blind without us carrying our crosses.

  I can see I’m pre-qualifying my statements here, because if I don’t, I’m afraid you’ll be offended and close this diary. I want to keep your attention in this fast-food world. Let me go on: I’m not saying that prayer for healing is wrong. What I am saying is that we have so many prayers without taking an iota of action. We pray about things we can easily take care of, so maybe we pray because we are lazy or afraid to deal with real situations. Every time I enter the lion’s den, I hear people tell me they will pray for me, but no one helps me fight the lions.

  I remember when I arranged to bring the terror-bombed Bus #19 from Israel and have it shipped to my church, the North Creek Church in Walnut Creek, California, to be “publicly displayed” as a wake-up call concerning terrorism. My pastor, John McNeff, had it moved to the back of the church where it could hardly be seen. “Why hide it?” you might ask. Well, he was afraid of reprisals. The church officials preferred to gather in the back of the church, make a speech, and pray. Even using the Xerox-machine to make copies about abortion was a problem at my first church. The pamphlet I wanted to copy, called for political action, and the elders were afraid of losing their 501(c)(3) tax exemption status. They chose to rather “just pray about it.” On another occcasion, at Fair Oaks Baptist Church, I was commissioned to plan a day to honor Christian Martyrs. Instead of my elaborate event to honor these martyrs, my pastor Dennis Beaty objected—he wanted a simple evening event with a prayer vigil for the families of the dead martyrs. Frustrated with these things, I locked heads with my pastor, who told me that he is German and no one can “out-stubborn him.” I told him that I was an ex-terrorist who had once been willing to die for Satan, and is now willing to live or die for Jehovah. I told him that I would fast from all food and drink until I died unless he changed his mind.

  On the third day, the elders learned that they would have a dead-man on their hands and so they decided to stand by my plan instead of the pastor’s desire. I organized an event and brought a speaker from the Voice of the Martyrs. Everyone from the church came and learned about the suffering Christians overseas. The next year, my ‘German’ pastor chose someone else to do the event—almost no one showed up. I’m convinced God is looking for ‘crazies’ who trust in Him. For Moses to take a million Jews and march them through the Red Sea was crazy. Yet Moses trusted in God. For Elijah to challenge the prophets of Baal was crazy. Yet Elijah trusted in God. For David to challenge Goliath was crazy. Yet David trusted in God. For Israel to enter the Promised Land and fight the giants was crazy. Yet they trusted in God. For Christ to carry His cross was crazy. Yet He trusted His Father. However, when I became Christian and chose to walk into a church, I realized fairly quickly, that most Christians are content to pra
y, praise, and sing—and do nothing more. This is fine, but do they even know what they are singing about? Moses was commanded to go for a prayer and worship service in the wilderness, but was stopped by Pharaoh. Like my German pastor, Pharaoh was stubborn, yet Moses, trusting in God, would out-stubborn anyone, including Pharaoh. How stubborn and crazy for God are you?


  Throughout my years of speaking to millions across this great nation, I’ve sung many songs with Christians in the West. Each time we’ve sung “Behold He Comes, Riding on the Clouds,” I’ve asked the question, “where is He was going?” I haven’t heard a correct answer to this question yet. How are these the days of Elijah, and why are the dry bones becoming flesh? Elijah fought the prophets of Baal, yet how do Christians resemble Elijah today, especially when odds are against Christians to bow down to Baal? Is there Baal worship today? I would argue that there is, but rather than taking action and fight these modern day worshippers of Baal, most would simply rather pray about it.


  Putting Things Together


  Speaking to the people in the West, I began to see how the U.S. is oblivious to what is about to come upon her. They sing songs and worship often without understanding what they are even saying. The songs become traditions. So far, only a handful of individuals have been able to answer the questions that I always ask: for what reason will Christ come to judge the nations? and what does the Lord do when He comes riding on the clouds?

  As a Muslim, I spent a whole year trying to refute the Bible as a book that had been corrupted by the Jews and Christians. I believed the corruption was making God a Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yet, during my long search for the truth, instead of finding the alleged corruptions, further reading of the Bible made my head spin. It was like hammering an anvil. Though I thought I would only encounter lies, I was able to find the truth. And within the pages of the Qur’an, which I had thought was truth, I found as many lies as the grains in a pool of sinking sand. Was I able to find all the truth? Of course not, but enough truth to make me think, and re-think. There are so many things I can never prove or disprove. I was not able to dissect God in order to find out if He was three in one. But I came to realize that rather than the Christians, it was in fact, us, the Muslim world, who were spinning our heads trying to discover the unknown. But we had failed to consider the obvious realities that were right before us.


  My turning point from being a Muslim terrorist began the day I spent the best ten dollars of my life to purchase a Bible. Perhaps the most crucial discovery I made was that the Bible is not simply a book filled with wise sayings and deep thoughts for personal meditation as is commonly thought. The Bible is many things, including a roadmap of destiny with many details concerning the future of humanity. For me, it was exciting to also realize that much of its focus is on the Middle East, where I was born and grew up. On a personal level, the Bible was also a mirror that showed me everything that was wrong in my own soul. You can only imagine what it did to this pride-filled Muslim when I studied detailed scenarios of the future rise and fall of Islamic nations and coalitions. I have taken courses during my college days in Psychology 101, English 101, and Sociology 101, but I never imagined taking a course, Futurology 101. Here I am not only talking about the predictive elements of the Bible. Pride is a disease worse than anything else that we could ever deal with. The effects that Hitler and Nazism had on the German people were far worse than the effects that the drug epidemic is having on modern day America. Today we see the rise of a similar pride epidemic that is growing on an international level in 55 Muslim states across the globe. As a result, we could very shortly be dealing with several Islamo-Nazi wars on numerous fronts around the world. Does the Bible predict such a cataclysmic event with so many Muslim nations? The answer is absolutely yes!


  In this diary, you will find an extensive course on the subject of Islam as predicted in the Bible. I will provide you with a fresh understanding of Biblical prophecy from an Eastern perspective and insight into the Bible as viewed by an ex-Muslim terrorist. I realize that these are not the greatest qualifications, particularly because I am not even a seminary graduate—but neither were many of Jesus’ disciples. He chose Paul, a terrorist against Christians, and He transformed him into one of the greatest Christian ambassadors that has ever lived. Like Paul, I persecuted God’s people, and like Christ, I was born in the same village as the King of Kings. I was born in the lowly area called the Shepherds Field, and like Jesus I was born on the first day that my parents arrived there from the United States. Don’t worry, I am not here to declare that I am the One, I am but a “voice that cries in the wilderness,” warning of things the Bible says are to come. I have walked where He walked and have breathed the air of the Middle East throughout my youth. My paternal Grandfather was the Muhktar, or chieftain, of the village. He was a friend and associate of Haj-Ameen Al-Husseni, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and a notorious friend of Adolph Hitler. My Maternal Great Grandfather, F. W. Georgeson on the other hand, was the Mayor of Eureka, California, and a close friend of Winston Churchill, who wanted nothing more than the destruction of Hitler and Nazism. I was born from parents who were from opposite ends of the spectrum—both geographically and ideologically.


  All I can provide is my diary and my findings. In these, my course can only offer one guarantee: You will never read anything like this. You will read it again, and again, but never be bored of the subject. Throughout this course, you will also learn how to analyze the world around you and gain radar-like ability to recognize the rising evil that has lain dormant for a few decades: an evil that will dwarf Nazism. However, it is an evil that bears many parallels to Nazism—it even caused me to become bent on destroying Israel and attempting to kill Jews. It is not surprising then that I used to love Hitler. My heritage had a connection with Hitler’s henchmen. They conspired with him on the Eve of the Final Solution to kill the Jews everywhere on the face of the globe. In the end they failed and, as a result, Israel was born. It was the world of hatred that caused the creation of the State of Israel. Now the world of hatred wants to destroy what they have created. In this detailed diary, you will discover how Islam is the missing link to the prophetic puzzle. Through the Bible, I came to understand that the world of hatred is its own enemy, and eventually this world of hatred became my enemy. What we need in such a world is to have our spiritual radar installed—fairly quickly. Or simply take out the old outmoded one and upgrade it. Consider this diary as an installation manual. It will never show you how to achieve health or wealth, but it will help you get your radar squeaky clean so you will never again fall for charlatans and snake-oil salesmen.

  By the time you finish this course, you will thank God you took it for the rest of your life. And, I want to walk you through this journey with this book. In many ways, it was through understanding how real this prophetic knowledge that I discovered is, that I personally came to make the most important of all decisions—I, a Palestinian Muslim, determined from childhood to fight against Israel and the West with all of my being, chose instead to repent of my sins, and to become a follower of Jesus, the Messiah.


  I believe that as you journey into these findings with an open mind, you will find that the facts presented here make more sense than many of the wild and sensational ideas about prophecy that now dominate Western thought. When I began my research, I prayed continually for God’s guidance, and then followed hermeneutical guidelines:

  1. Gather much of the literal prophetic references to build the mold for End-Times events.

  2. Apply the literal-mold over allegory and symbolism. This will give us an accurate picture of prophecy.

  3. Follow a strict guideline by obtaining the meaning for all the symbolism in the Bible, from the Bible itself.

  What I discovered was shocking. When I compared
Islam, its purpose and eschatology, with all the prophecies in the Bible, not only did I discover that Islam was the antithesis of the Biblical faith, but that Islam also fits both the literal and the allegoric mold. Only after such extensive research is done, do we begin to find the perfect match to this Antichrist spirit. I will first present the spirit of Antichrist and compare Islamic prophecies with Biblical End-Times prophecy. Then I will take you on an extensive journey into the literal world of the Bible. Finally, I will apply these to the allegoric Books of Daniel and Revelation. The evidence you are about to examine is powerful.