God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible Read online

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  When I finally accepted living with the titles forced on me by Anti-Christians—being called a “Christian Fundamentalist,” “American Islamophobic racist Kaffer,” “divisive and xenophobic bigot,” I gladly received my badge of honor, and decided to speak in churches and find other like-minded “bigots.”

  One Sunday I sat in a pew and listened to the choir sing, “Behold He Comes.” The lyrics “There’s no God like Jehovah,” reminded me of the Islamic creed uttered by every Muslim in the world who, throughout history, has marched forward wielding the force of the sword, singing “There is no god but Allah.” Yet the song in church was not saying that no one else in the world has the right to worship their own gods, simply that there is no God like Jehovah—all the others are unqualified claimers and unworthy imposters.

  The song reminded me of my journey in 1993, a quest to find the truth, and then choose between Allah and Jehovah. I will share my diary and findings here to demonstrate why I believe that God is Jehovah and why Allah is not God.

  I can already hear some of you grumbling with all sorts of complaints that what I just said sounds bigoted. Perhaps you are one who thinks that I need to prequalify everything. Why should I? Unlike you, bigots do not have to prequalify anything. This is what I don’t understand—if I was a terrorist, and the Bible helped tame me, why do the leftists still complain? Why argue with what works? But I’ve found that it usually takes a bigot to point out another bigot. It is rare to find those who are innocent pointing out bigots. Yet, in the West when I express that “Allah is not Jehovah,” I always get the standard response: “we all worship the same god.” I hear this nonsensical politically-correct rhetoric every time I get into a discussion about theology. I am, at times, even tempted to abstain from carrying out any further discussion, after all, how does one object to such a “unifying creed?”

  But I learned, now that I am an American ‘bigot’ who has lived in the U.S. for so many years, that we can thumb our noses at anything that doesn’t suit our fancy, even to the point of believing there is no God at all. Such freedom, to think and critique anything we want, was exactly what so many Christians in America spilled their blood and died for, only to have to endure sneers by the haters of Christianity—all in the name of freedom.

  Instead of attacking Islamic books that declare Jihad by the sword, and blame all world evils on Israel, and call for the killing of all Westerners; most of today’s sophisticated politically-correct commentators simply aim their biggest guns at evangelicals such as Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church or Pat Robertson of the 700 Club. According to the elitists of the American left, it is “the Christians” who are the source of all the evil.

  Are we?

  We have more courage than you leftists could ever muster. I dare your Christopher Hitchens, author of God is Not Great, to write a book titled “Allah is Not Great.” It would be interesting to see how long a book like that would stay in print. Indeed, if these people are honest about what they say, why are they simply giving “lip service” to Jihadists, and at the same time keeping the real thrust of their war aimed at fighting one book—the Bible. Yet somehow they want us to sing in unison that we all worship the same God—only they demand that it be their god!

  Do we all really worship the same god? Of course not! So why do they expect Christians to worship their god? It is apparent that evolution has skipped through the realm of science and become a religion—and beyond that, it has become the educational standard which is taught in our secular schools. Allah has skipped the realm of personal devotion, and has become a mandated constitution. So, if the new creed is true, that we all worship the same god, should we also hold hands with the Wiccans (those who practice a form of witchcraft)? Should we all declare ‘Heil Satan?’ After all, Satanists worship Satan as their God. And if we all worship the same god, does that mean they too worship the same God as everyone else, or are they the only exception? If so, just how many exceptions are there? Where do we draw the line? Or, perhaps they are all correct—they all worship the same god—and this god is Satan disguising himself as the true God.

  We the Christians choose to stand alone and be resolved to never bow to your Baal. You’re being hypocrites attempting to force us to say that “we all worship the same god.” It would probably be an offense to everyone if we agreed to such a statement.

  Do you see my point? I am damned if I agree and damned if I do not, for Jehovah is different from all other gods and idols you have erected.

  NO, there is no God like Jehovah. He describes Himself as our Father and He is the Holy Spirit. Allah in the Qur’an is neither a father nor the Holy Spirit. In fact, Allah rejects such titles. I should know since I was a Muslim myself. So to insist that we are all worshipping the same god, by the liberals’ own logic, would be to force 1.3 billion Muslims to believe that Jehovah and Allah are the same deity. That would be pushing Muslims into accepting the Christian concept of the Biblical God. Would they do that? Not a chance!

  Right now you might want to accuse me of being divisive. Perhaps you think I should sing your song, and then all worship the “same god.” But just because you believe in this creed and song that so many politicians are now singing, doesn’t make it right for you to push your faith on 1.3 billion Muslims. And if not on them, why push it on me?

  You might think that I am being a Christian fundamentalist bigot. Well, maybe I am. My diary will make my case as to why I chose this path; I believe in the America founded by Christians who spilled their blood in order that others might live. There is no country that I know of on earth that believes in this freedom and liberty more than America. This is truly a land where people “live and let live.” What is ironic is that the left wants to protect the rights of the world’s most notorious killers in Guantanamo while at the same time they promote the wholesale slaughter of the most innocent little lambs that God has to offer in the womb.

  Many claim that the ‘beautiful and peaceful’ religion of Islam was “hijacked” forgetting that it was American airplanes carrying the living that were hijacked. Now some of those leaders, and their compatriots sit in Guantanamo enjoying Halal lamb chops—men whose creed is to “kill and let kill.” Someone stole our Constitution and flipped it upside down!

  It’s a known fact that Christians spend and donate more than any other group to help feed the world’s hungry. We are the ones who fight slavery. We are the ones who defend women’s rights while leftists sit silently on their backsides. As I write this, there is a story running in the news about two young girls killed by their Muslim father for not wearing Hijab in Texas! Yet I hear no outrage from the left wing—for this story does not fit the template that liberals follow in their own war on Christianity. Indeed a devil must exist—how else can one explain the unity of beliefs between the leftists and Muslims? Leftists, like the Islamists, will never understand the fury they cause within me. They want to self-destruct at my expense and the expense of our national security. Leftists create a frustration that would cross a rabbi’s eyes ‘yada dada da.’

  So, leftists, do me a favor, get out of my way, I have a country to save. Instead of labeling me as a conservative extremist, you need to label yourselves with such a title; while I am busy saving lives, you love to conserve energy, and collect plastic bottles and cans for recycling. Even though I agree with you on such issues, I, the bigoted Christian, have higher goals. I am not against people who want to use windmills and conserve fuel and natural resources, but don’t ever become so extreme as to think that’s all there is to life and eternity. Can’t you see the hypocrisy and lies you promote?

  Why do so many of the leading advocates of the global-warming-worry-warts drive cars the size of a tank, and then they have the ‘chutzpa’ to preach to you about conserving fuel! Why are you always so gullible as to believe them?

  It is I, the one you call a “Jesus Freak” with the ministry of rebuke, telling other Americans who drive SUVs that they are addicted to Ar
ab oil. This is what is aiding and abetting terrorism and funding the Wahhabist Saudi Arabia. While we try to find a better solution, leftists have prevented America from getting a temporary fix to our common addiction by simply digging for oil in Alaska. If global-warming is the issue, why not care about the entire globe. Why don’t you focus on the Saudi Arabian environment instead of only that of Alaska?

  Westerners confuse the terminology by calling leftists, liberals, when in fact we are the liberals. In this diary I will show how Americans read Eastern expressions and terms within the Bible yet interpret them through a Western lens. I will show how the West has misunderstood many Eastern allegories and riddles. The Christian Right doesn’t seem to get it either. This critical analysis of Islam is dangerous; the subject that the anti-Christian books so carefully avoid.

  Perhaps I should begin by being moderate and politically correct and state that I still agree with Muslims, Mohammed is indeed the prophet of Allah.

  Does that ease things a little?

  Okay, Mohammed is a prophet of Allah—but not of Jehovah. How is that for a start? Are you grinding your teeth now? I guess you are going to say that I should seek peace and not “divisiveness,” another issue I have to deal with. Well, in this case I must choose divisiveness; Muslims are not my spiritual brethren. But generally it is the other way around—I am for peace, and you are divisive. I like peace, and it would be easy for you to create peace for me—just live and let me live.

  Everywhere I go to speak I always get heckled by tree huggers and leftists. But I wonder… Was Russia better off with its type of god? Was the Middle East better off with Allah? Were the Japanese better off worshipping the emperor? Where Hindus better off believing in reincarnation? Are we better off worshipping the environment instead of having this earth serve some of our needs? Why not call all these divisive, and take that title away from me?


  Okay let us have peace your way; let us not offend the Muslims. You might ask, “How do we do this?” Well, I believe I know how. Are you ready? The whole concept of peace with Islam can be achieved in one day when all Americans, perhaps on the “4th of July” gather in football stadiums for an international peace rally. After singing the National Anthem, they must acknowledge the peace declaration the Muslims have been seeking for hundreds of years. You might ask, “What declaration?” All that Americans need to do is utter the Muslim creed for peace. Sounds simple. You might ask, “why not?” Okay, here it is, just say, “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His messenger” (the Shahadatan). Then everyone will place an emblem or a badge on his or her forehead, as Muslims do at every demonstration or gathering you see around the world. The emblem can be seen here:

  If you do that, you will have instant peace, and I mean instant. Here are some photos of Muslims carrying the Shahadatan banners to give you a glimpse of what else is ahead for you. Maybe you could open a factory to produce such banners so you’ll be ready for the next 4th of July.

  Osama Bin Laden made this point quite clear. So did Ahmadinejad and thousands of Muslim leaders. I can provide you with thousands of peace requests from Muslims. They all say the same thing: “we invite you to accept Islam.” This is really the crux of the whole issue. One statement, that’s all: “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His messenger.”

  If America collectively would recite this, you would see hundreds of millions of Muslims demonstrating peacefully for a change. So why are these anti-Christian leftists not declaring this peace-creed in their books? Actually, they are already half-way there when they agree with the Muslims who blame Israel and America for all of this world’s evils. “Is it really possible historic wars with Islam raged over one bloody sentence?” you might ask. Yes!

  This offer, in fact, was the norm throughout Islamic history. The historian Edward Gibbon writes, “While the Persian monarch [Chosroes] contemplated the wonders of his art and power, he received an epistle from an obscure citizen of Mecca [Mohammed], inviting him to acknowledge Mohammed as the apostle of God. He rejected the invitation, and tore the epistle.” Mohammed also sent a letter to Hercules the king of the Romans saying “Bismillah (in the name of Allah) from Mohammed the son of Abdullah, the Messenger of Allah, to the Hercules of the Romans. Peace upon the one who follows the guidance, I call you to Islam, ‘aslim taslam’ (embrace Islam and you will be saved), or have a treaty (covenant of security) with the Muslims, you will be saved.” The year 629 was marked by the conquest of Arabia and the first war of the Muslims against the Roman Empire. Both the Persians and the Romans rejected Mohammed’s peace offer. Eventually both fell to Islam. The Muslims persisted until they defeated them. Ahmadienejad and Bin Laden are very serious. The West has a choice to make peace or make war. To the Muslims, there are only two choices. Do you want peace? Then declare the Islamic creed and live in peace. Is this tempting or what? So then, why are you not saying it? Why are you being so ‘bigoted’ and against peace? Just declare it and you’ll be spared the wrath. Choose this glittery golden chalice; Islam could be the truth after all. According to the Muslims, Islam is peace, peace, peace, and eternal life. There is one way to find out, just “dip and drink.”


  STOP! Do not become another Donovan. I was only playing the devil’s advocate with you. If you drink this cup, you will have chosen poorly! You might be someone who knows nothing about life, maybe you are a student activist who simply objects to everything you can complain about: the environment, cultural diversity, interfaith dialogue, or maybe you want to fight Christians who believe in spanking and not sparing the rod. Perhaps you need to know that in Islam they do not believe in sparing you the sword. Maybe you are still in denial. If you are, may I suggest that for your next vacation you go to Mecca and carry a poster that says “We all worship the same god—Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Buddhists are all one—and Allah, Jehovah, God, and Buddha, are but the same God.” You will learn that when it comes to God, Muslims will not simply draw a line in the sand, but on your neck. They will not spare you either the rod or the sword. You don’t believe me? If you decide to accept my challenge, when you arrive at Mecca, you will see a sign with four arrows pointing to the city. There is a wide lane with a sign that reads: “Lil-Muslimeen Fakat” which means “Muslims only.” The right lane, which is narrow, has a sign that reads: “Ghayr Al-Muslimeen” which means “Non Muslims.”

  Make sure you choose “right lane” towards the narrow-gate, while you still have a chance to obtain eternal life. If you take the wide lane at the fork, you could die. And I mean eternally. Jesus said the way to eternal life is through the narrow gate. It is so easy to lose your life not only on earth, but eternally as well. I am trying to save lives. Muslims might kill you for making the wrong turn. So who is really a racist? Is it me or is it them? Ask yourself “how come you can’t visit Mecca?” They will tell you it is because you are not Muslim. Actually, that is only half the truth. The full truth is that you are an unclean Kaffer. Do you ever wonder why no one in the world but Muslims want to visit Mecca—and only out of duty, never for a vacation?

  Yet, when I hear of pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem, every cell in my body and soul cries out. Even Muslims long to go there these days. If Allah loves Mecca so much, then where is its spiritual electricity? If you removed the black stone, no one in the world would ever visit this arid desert city. Again, why is Jerusalem so attractive to the soul? The Jewish Temple has been destroyed twice, and still it is alive with electricity that comes from God! Jehovah God who said that He will even “make Jerusalem a trembling cup to all the surrounding peoples” (Zechariah 12:2). The fight is over beautiful Jerusalem not the arid Mecca. Allah cannot bring an electric charge that would cause non-Muslims to love such a place as Mecca. I see all sorts of signs “I love New York,” “I left my heart in San Francisco,” “Next Year in Jerusalem,” but Mecca??? When we use the term “Holy Land,” the whole world understands that is Israel, not Mecca.
Even the Muslims who live in the Holy Land will go to Mecca once, yet deep in their hearts, they prefer Jerusalem, and visit it often.

  In the 70s, I once asked my father about his pilgrimage experience to Mecca. His answer was a shock to my ears “Terrible, there were not enough rest rooms to accommodate the multitudes at mount Arafat and one would have to skip stepping on the human excrements, I felt nothing and saw nothing but a stampede of hundreds of thousands of people chanting and roaming round-about the Black Stone. By the time I was ready to kiss the holy object, a guard was whipping the frenzied mobs that were climbing on top of each other to reach the silver opening to the window in the Black Stone.” Yet when I asked him about Jerusalem…when I was a boy, he would take me to a special place called the “Dome of the Spirit” on the Temple Mount, he said that he could not feel the presence of God in any place on earth as he did there. Every Friday he would go and cling to that spot. I used to joke with him that maybe he was a Jew whose ancestors converted to Islam long ago. In fact, there is some truth to that. We have F.M.F (Familial Mediterranean Fever), a genetic problem that originated in Israel thousands of years ago, and is also found among Armenians, Arabs and Turks, but it is most common amongst the Sephardim (Eastern Jews). I suspected something in my father’s genes caused him to love that land and that spot. After all, the Shoebat clan stems from Shmuel bin Ādiyā, a Jew known for his exemplary courage. So why deny our Jewish connection. Many so-called Palestinians were originally Jews. In the village of Yatta near Hebron, for example, all were converted to Islam by force—originally they were all Jews. During demonstrations against Israel, Yattans would throw rocks harder than their Arab neighbors in Hebron, in an attempt to rid themselves of the stigma of having once been Jews. They chose to bow to Allah instead of Jehovah. This is why I do not agree with Rabbi Maimonides who said: “if Jews were given the choice of Allah or death, they should utter the creed of Islam and live.” Did the Rabbi really believe this would save Jewish lives? Those who converted eventually saw their children absorb Islam, and the rest is history—their grandchildren and great-grandchildren stoned or killed other Jews. How is that saving Jewish life? Do you know how the Muslims were able to create the Janissaries, an elite fighting group who stormed the ancient world and forced nations to submit to Islam? This Turkish military group was comprised primarily of Christian children, who were kidnapped from their parents, then forcibly converted to Islam and made to fight Islam’s battles against the Christians. It was simply easier for the liberal Christians to submit—fundamentalists usually chose the blade.