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Dirty Doctor X2 (True Love X2) Page 2
Dirty Doctor X2 (True Love X2) Read online
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“Well, that’s what we wanted to talk to you about,” Brendan says. “It’s the whole reason why Chris asked you to his office at the end of the day—after Sandra was gone—so we could speak to you in private about this.”
She always leaves early, so it makes sense. Ms. Freeman is the first to arrive and the first to clock out.
“Oh,” I say, sweating worse than a whore in church—and I feel like one! “I’m very sorry for my inappropriate behavior. I promise to never make that mistake again.”
“Mistake?” Chris asks. “We invited you here to make your wildest wishes come true…IF you want them to.”
I glance back and forth between the two of them to see if this is a joke or not.
It’s definitely not. They’re dead serious and waiting for my answer. I wish that I had the ability to shrink up and disappear because that’s what I want to do right now. This can’t be happening. Just to make sure I’m not dreaming, I dig my fingers into the palm of my hand. It stings like hell so I know this is real.
Oh. Em. Gee. I’m so embarrassed. How could I be so stupid? I should’ve never written that email nor should I have sent it from my work computer. At this point, I wish I would’ve just texted her and taken the risk of getting caught with having my phone out. It would’ve been much less embarrassing.
“What do you mean?” I ask, my mouth drier than sand. There’s no way he’s insinuating what I think he is. My mind must be in the gutter.
“The three of us,” he cocks his head waiting for my reaction. He’s calm, cool, and collected, like it’s not phasing him one bit.
“The three of us?” I ask, repeating his question. Is he serious? In all honesty, my mouth begins to water as I stare at both of them and think of all the possibilities.
“All of us,” Brendan says.
I stare in disbelief. I could have them both?!
“You do realize that Utah is notorious for poly relationships so threesomes, or more, happen quite frequently, right?” Chris says, arching his eyebrow.
As I try to process his words, I suddenly realize that it makes perfect sense! Anytime I’ve gone someplace, I’ve seen huge families but have never been quite able to tell who was the couple or mom/dad of the bunch because they all look around the same age with their children in tow. There have been a few times when I’ve gone to restaurants, I’ll see multiple women with one man or just the opposite—multiple men with a few women. I naively thought they might’ve all been co-workers, or random family members, or maybe various support groups.
“I had no idea,” I whisper. What in the hell is going on here?
“What do you say?” Brendan asks, leaning forward as he invades my space. “I’ve got a big swimming pool and we could all get together this weekend to have some drinks and a cookout, and see where things go.”
Biting my lip, I’m scared to answer because what if this is a setup or a test of some sort. It could all be a joke—at my expense. Or maybe they don’t like me and this is their little way of getting me fired. They could take everything to Ms. Freeman.
“We’re being serious,” Chris says, almost reading my mind again.
My heart races as images flash through my mind, along with a million thoughts of how scary and exciting it could be. “Is this some kind of setup or joke? I ask. I have to know the answer.
“No,” Chris says. “No joke. No setup. No teasing. We want to hang out with you and see if we all click.”
I glance to Brendan to gauge his response. “Like Chris said, we want to see if we click and if there’s something there. The worst thing that could happen is we hang out over the weekend and enjoy some food, drinks, and each other’s company. There aren’t any expectations.” I stare at him, not sure if I believe him. “Promise.”
“Okay,” I agree. What could it hurt? Food, drinks, and company. Like he said, even if we don’t take things further, at least I’ll still have a fun weekend and get out of my stupid townhouse.
“I’ll text you my address and send you the details,” Brendan says.
“And Leah?” Chris stops me as I’m about to get up. “We hope you’ll show up.”
“I’ll be there,” I smile. My heart is still pounding in my ears and my nerves a complete wreck—but for an entirely different reason now. “Promise,” I say, using Brendan’s word.
I grab the doorknob, eager to exit so I can decompress all of my thoughts but I’m stopped one more time. “Leah? Make sure you bring your appetite because we’ll be sure to bring ours,” Brendan says. But I know he’s insinuating on more than just my regular appetite.
Taking one last look at them before I leave, I can’t believe that this might actually happen. By this weekend, I might have both of their dicks inside of me and see what they’re like in bed. My stomach does a few somersaults as I make a beeline for the parking lot.
Did we just really have that conversation?
Turning the key in my ignition, I realize that I have a giant smile plastered across my face that won’t go away no matter how hard I try. As nervous as I might be, I’m looking forward to this weekend and am very excited.
There’s just one problem: I’ve never had a threesome or a menage before! I’m not sure that I’ll be able to handle it.
Chapter 5
Brendan and I have went through great lengths to ensure that Leah is comfortable when she arrives. We bought plenty of food and a ton of booze, and we even sat down to figure out what kind of music she likes so that we can have some playing in the background while we’re hanging out. Let me tell you, it was no easy task to figure that out either.
Her social media accounts are semi private so we couldn’t see which concerts she’s gone to or what bands she likes but I had a genius idea. One thing that we noticed while searching her online is that all of her accounts share the same username/URL. I took that information and looked for her on Spotify. Bingo! All of her playlists were public and, luckily for us, she likes a lot of the same music that we do.
With the food grilling and the liquor on ice, we can hardly wait for her to arrive. Almost 15 minutes passes and the two of us start getting worried.
“Do you think she’s too scared?” Brendan asks. “Maybe we freaked her out by confronting her.”
“Nah,” I shake my head, taking another swig from my longneck bottle of beer. “I’ve seen girls like her. They portray that good-girl act very well but, in reality, they’re a complete freak. She wouldn’t have written that email if she hadn’t had those thoughts.”
He nods in agreement. “Wonder if she’s ever had a threesome before? She could be nervous if it’s her first time.”
“Maybe,” I shrug. “But we’re doctors, we know how to make EVERYTHING feel good.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Brendan says and the two of us clink our beer bottles together as we laugh.
No sooner than we swallow the ice cold beer, the doorbell chimes inside the house.
Our eyes grow wide. “That’s her,” he says, closing the lid on the grill. “Let’s go greet our newest friend.”
Pulling the large wooden door open, we find Leah nervously looking around the neighborhood as though she’s strategizing an exit plan.
“Well, hello,” Brendan says. “Come on in.”
Sheepishly smiling, she nods and makes her way inside the house. “I wasn’t sure if this was the right house or not,” a small laugh escapes her sweet lips.
Oh, the things I’d love to do to those lips. Like fuck them right off her pretty little face.
Too busy taking in her curvy little frame, imagining all of the possibilities with her, Brendan cuts in and says, “We’ve got the grill going outback. Follow me and I’ll show you around while we make our way out there.”
He knows me too well. This isn’t the first time we’ve shared a girl before and he knows exactly what I’m focused on. He’s more the analytical type—always thinking of what to say and do next. I’m more the animalistic type—always think
ing of how we can fill and fuck every hole that her glorious body has to offer.
Carrying a large white knitted bag, I ask her what’s in it as we make our way through the house.
“Oh, Brendan—is that okay if I call you guys by your first names?” She stops herself.
We both get a good chuckle out of her question and answer, “Yes,” simultaneously.
“Good,” she smiles and her shoulders seem to drop a bit as some of the tension leaves her body. “Well, Brendan said that he had a pool so I brought my swimsuit and some sunscreen,” she explains.
“That, I do,” he winks at her. “So, this is the living room,” he says as we pass through it. “And this is the kitchen and dining area, and the back patio is right through these doors.”
Sliding the double glass door open, he allows us to enter the backyard. It’s easy to see that everything is overwhelming her by the way her wide eyes dart back and forth while her mouth is slightly parted.
“What’s wrong?” I ask her.
“It’s just that….everything is so nice! I’ve never seen such a big house or enormous yard! And the swimming pool! Wow!They must pay you guys a lot better than us assistants,” she teases.
“We do all right,” Brendan smiles at her. “Would you like a drink?”
I open the cooler to show her all of the options. “Wow! You guys have everything in here!”
Smiling at each other, I say, “Go ahead and take whatever you’d like. Make yourself at home.”
Grabbing a Smirnoff, she takes a pull and relishes the flavor. “Oh, that’s so good!”
Drink up, baby, because we’re going to have some fun tonight. Brendan and I have spent a lot of time planning a very naughty evening with you.
Chapter 6
Everything is going according to plan. It didn’t take long for Leah to loosen up which is a very good sign. It means that she feels comfortable around us which is important to both Chris and I, and that’s important to us. Whether or not she’s done this sort of thing before, we want her to feel at ease with us or it won’t work.
“That was so good,” she says, swallowing her last bite of food. “I’ve NEVER had BBQ like that!”
“Thanks,” I say, taking pride in her compliment. I put a lot of effort into my cooking and I like the fact that she noticed.
Chris stands up and begins clearing the table while he casually suggests we get in the pool. Leah swallows so hard that I can see the lump in her throat move but she eagerly agrees—another good sign.
“I’ll just go get changed,” she says.
“Sure,” I say, pointing my finger. “If you make your way through the patio door and hang a left in the kitchen, you’ll find a bathroom just before you enter the living room. The house does a big circle so if you get lost or don’t see it, just loop back around.”
“Got it,” she says. “I’ll try not to take too long.”
Chris and I grin at each other as she excuses herself to get ready for the pool. “This is going to be fun,” I say, keeping my voice low so that she doesn’t hear me.
“Very,” he says, cocking an eyebrow. “I think she’s still a bit nervous but we’ll fix that. Won’t we?”
“For sure!” I say. “She was super nervous when she got here earlier but I think the alcohol has helped take some of that edge off. We’ll have her out of that swimsuit faster than she can get into it.”
A few minutes later, Leah returns wearing a sexy two-piece bathing suit. The top hugs her full breasts, covering just a bit more than her nipples and the bottoms are high-waisted, accentuating her legs and hips. Forget the pool, I’d like to bend her over and pull those tiny little bikini bottoms to the side and fuck her right here!
“Damn!” I say, unable to keep my thoughts to myself. Now I’m starting to sound like Chris, I think to myself. He’s usually the one who can’t control himself but I see that she’s affecting me quite a bit more than most girls.
Not only is she smart and downright gorgeous but that body! And she has the perfect personality to boot, too. She’s a sweet girl who seems a bit shy but I’m no fool. I read that email over and over. She’s as naughty as they come; it’s up to us to unleash that side of her, and we’re going to do exactly that.
A smile spreads across her face. “Thanks,” she giggles, her cheeks glowing by the second.
“Damn is right!” Chris chimes in. “Holy shit! Those scrubs don’t do you any justice!”
She eyes both of us and says, “Yeah, they don’t do a whole lot of justice for you guys either.”
Chris begins making his way into the pool with the two of us following him. The shimmering moonlight reflecting off the gentle waves in the water looks gorgeous. “I don’t know,” he says. “You seemed to have gotten a pretty good look at us before tonight, judging by your email.”
A loud sigh escapes her lips, “I’m still so embarrassed about that. I had no clue that you would see it, much less read it and print it out! Are you two sadists or what?” She teases.
“We can be,” I wink at her, smiling at Chris who’s nodding in agreement.
“We can be whatever you want,” he says, invading her space. “If you want rough, we can do that. If you want sensual, we can be that, too.”
Leah doesn’t back away from him one bit as he closes in on her. She stays firmly planted against the wall of the pool, listening to him talk as if she’s mesmerized by his words. Even as a guy, I have to admit that he does have a sexy voice, so I can’t say that I blame her. It’s deep and smooth as honey. Who wouldn’t want to listen to him talk?
“What if I don’t know what I want?” She whispers, having a bit of difficulty getting her words out.
Moving in closer to the two of them, I answer her. “Then we’ll figure it out for you.”
Chris wastes no time as he leans in to kiss her and just like that, their lips are locked. Her long, thick lashes look beautiful against her hooded eyes and that’s when I decide that I’ll join in, too.
Chapter 7
I don’t know what it is about these two but even though I thought I would be nervous, they seem to put me at ease. There’s no pressure, no embarrassment, and not a single thing to worry about. That’s not to say that I’m still a little on edge about having a threesome with them tonight—because I am—but it’s nothing like I imagined it would be.
Being around them feels….right. It’s like I’m supposed to be here with the two of them. I thought things were going to be awkward but it’s the complete opposite. Even when they talk about sex—what I want or don’t want—they make me feel comfortable. This might sound strange but it’s like having any other ordinary conversation with them.
The second Chris’s lips came crashing down on mine, I knew that they belonged there. And while he began to consume me, Brendan followed suit right along with him. The sensation of being kissed while having my neck kissed on seemed odd for a split second—but only because I’ve never experienced something like that before—and the feeling went away almost instantly as I felt their hands beginning to touch my body.
Owning me.
Possessing me.
And we’re just getting started.
Having both of their strong, muscular bodies pressed against mine in the gentle water seems surreal, yet so natural at the same time. Opening my eyes as Chris and I continue to kiss, I’m curious to see whose hands are where because they feel like they’re everywhere. I could feel them on my breasts, stomach, waste, and now on my ass.
Chris has one hand on one of my breasts while his other hand has a firm grip around my waist. It’s Brendan’s expert hands who are exploring all over my body. Fuck, he should’ve been a massage therapist with the skills he has.
Sensing that my eyes are open, Chris breaks our kiss and looks straight into my eyes. “Everything still okay?” He murmurs.
All I can think is how I want his lips against mine and how I already miss them there but before I c
an speak, Brendan’s lips press firmly against mine. As we begin to kiss, I feel a hand sliding inside my bikini bottoms.
I open my legs to grant further access—regardless which one it is—as I continue kissing Brendan. I don’t ever want this to stop. It’s so fucking hot and erotic.
“Mmmm, I think that answers my question,” Chris’s hot breath tickles my neck as he whispers in my ear as he refers to his question about asking if everything was still okay.
My eyes open for a second to acknowledge him but Brendan quickly pulls my attention back to him as his hands pull my face toward him, forcing me to focus on him. Sucked deep into both of their worlds, I let them takeover and go along with whatever their plans are.
I’m putty in their hands.
Chris’s fingers slowly strum my clit and Oh. Em. Gee! I thought Brendan had the expert hands but now I’m rethinking my earlier thoughts. Maybe he was a musician—a guitarist or pianist—before becoming a doctor, or maybe they studied some really sexy books but I’ve never been touched like this before. With just the right amount of pressure and the perfect pace of strokes, I can hardly stand still.
Slipping a finger inside of me, my knees buckle for a second but both of them support me, holding me in place. Brendan breaks our kiss, giving my swollen lips a much needed break, and begins trailing kisses along my neck. Sucking, licking, and biting as he makes his way down to my breasts.
Placing a hand on my back, I feel him pull the string of my bikini top and watch it gradually float in the water, exposing my breasts to both of them. They each take a nipple into their mouth, sucking and biting them while Chris continues stroking my clit. It’s sensory overload, making my body feel as though an electric current is buzzing through my veins.
“Fuck,” I hiss, exhaling a breath that I didn’t realize I’d been holding. My lungs desperate for oxygen, I take in another deep breath and try to breathe again.