Dirty Doctor X2 (True Love X2) Read online

  Dirty Doctor X2

  Vivian Ward

  Copyright © 2020 by Vivian Ward

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is for all of my readers who love menage romance and can’t get enough of it! I hope you enjoy!


  Vivian Ward Newsletter

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  True Love X2 Series

  Vivian Ward Newsletter

  His Best Friend

  Vivian Ward Newsletter

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  About the Author

  Also by Vivian Ward

  Vivian Ward Newsletter

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  Chapter 1


  “Tell me more about those two doctors you were talking about,” my cousin Nikki texts me as I make my way back inside from my lunch break.

  If my office manager, Sandra Freeman, catches me with my phone out, I might not have a job. She might seem nice but I can see right through her phony smile, her artificial laugh, her dyed hair and false nails and eyelashes. I doubt she ever misses an appointment at the salon. Everything about her is too perfect and so superficial. She reminds me of one of those cougars who chase the twenty-year-old men but doesn’t realize they’re old.

  The best way I can describe her is a fifty-year-old Barbie. She’s thin, somewhat tan, dark brown hair—not a single streak of gray—, perfect white teeth, and moderate makeup. Everything about her is impeccable, and it’s obvious that she spends a fortune on skin care products.

  Or, maybe I’m completely wrong and she just has great genes, or maybe it’s the Utah water. Who knows? Ever since I moved to this place, nothing seems right. Almost everything seems a little off but I keep telling myself that this isn’t St. Louis and a lot of things are probably different. I promised myself that after I graduated, I’d try something new and everything seemed so beautiful here but I can’t help shake the feeling that this place is very different—not in a bad way, though. Whatever it is, I can’t put my finger on it.

  “Leah,” Sandra spots me sliding my phone into the pocket of my scrubs. I’m met with a glaring look of disapproval from her as we make eye contact. Does she see EVERYTHING?

  “Yes, Ms. Freeman?” I ask her, pretending that I didn’t just have my phone—even though I was returning from break—as I straighten my lab jacket.

  “When you return to your computer, I need you to run some insurance claims for the Robertson’s. I believe the wife will need a prior authorization before we can refer her to a specialist and her husband will need pre-approval for his physical therapy.”

  “Sure,” I smile at her. “Is there anything else you need me to work on after that? Or should I ask Amanda or Tammy if they need help?”

  A heavy sigh escapes her lips as she rolls her eyes. “I’d suggest you see if your doctor needs any help before asking the other assistants,” her lips purse as though I just asked her the most offensive question imaginable.

  “Right. Sorry,” I apologize, heading to my desk.

  I don’t know why I call it a desk because it’s not. The clinic where I work is comprised of three wings—one for each of the doctors that work here—, the front desk area where patients check-in, and the waiting room. In each of the hallways, there’s a computer in the center of the corridor and depending which doctor you work for will dictate which computer you’ll use.

  So far, I’ve worked for all three doctors: Dr. Michaels, Dr. Thompson, and Dr. Prior. My least favorite is Dr. Makayla Michaels. She has a cold personality, a dry sense of humor, and, generally, isn’t very friendly. I’m not sure why she became a doctor because she doesn’t seem to like people.

  The other two doctors? Oh. Em. Gee! They are fucking HOT! Today, I have the luck of working with Dr. Thompson. He doesn’t know this, but I like to call him by his first name, Chris, when I’m thinking about him or talking about him to my cousin. Actually, I call both of them by their first names when I’m talking to her. It sucks that she still lives all the way in St. Louis but I know it won’t take too long to make local friends. I just need to find the time, but for now she’s all I’ve got.

  Dr. Chris Thompson has the body of a football player, dark hair—I haven’t decided if it’s dark brown or black because it looks different in various lighting—, and the smoothest voice I’ve ever heard. I could listen to him talk all day.

  And Dr. Brendan Prior? Holy shit! Tall, blonde, and also built like an athlete. He’s not quite as broad and husky as Chris but I can tell that he takes excellent care of himself.

  Once on the computer, I submit the prior authorizations to the Robertson’s insurance company and see if Chris—I mean, Dr. Thompson—needs any assistance since I’m working with him today.

  “Ummm,” he says, glancing up from a chart that he’s carrying. “Could you please clean Exam Room A? The patient just left so we need to get it ready for the next person.”

  “You’ve got it!” I reply, eager to please him.

  “Great. When you have a minute, can you also record these vitals in the computer?” He asks, pulling a second chart from his arm.

  “No problem,” I smile at him, trying not to stare as I look at him.

  With a quick nod, he disappears into Exam Room C to see another patient. I glance out into the waiting room and see that it’s empty.

  I’ll clean that exam room in just a minute, I think to myself. First, let me get this stuff entered into the computer and shoot Nikki an email so Sandra a.k.a. Ms. Freeman—my office manager—doesn’t catch me with my phone.

  Chapter 2


  Unable to find Leah anywhere, I’m forced to enter the last set of vitals for the patient that I just saw. Normally, I’d wait for her to do it since she’s my assistant for the day but I want to get out of here so I make it home in time for tonight’s big game.

  Tonight is the season opener and I’ve never missed watching the first game of a season, so I’m not about to start now. Everyone else has already left for the day so I can’t even ask one of the other assistants to do it for me.

  Walking down the corridor to my office, I notice Leah’s computer is on and unlocked. Perfect! I can just access the patient files from here real quick to get this done instead of waiting for the computer in my office to boot up.

  With everything minimized on the task bar, I have to click on each icon in the tray because I can’t remember which one is for the patient files since I rarely use it. Accidentally clicking on the e icon, I open Internet Explorer. Annoyed, I start to click on the icon next to it but something catches my attention.

  It’s her personal email and I see the subject line that says: The Two Hot Docs!

  I know I shouldn’t read it but, come on! Who wouldn’t? I have to know what it says. Gl
impsing over my shoulder, I make sure that no one is around and begin reading.


  Sorry I didn’t respond to your text. If my office manager catches us with our phones out, she goes totally ape shit but let me tell you about the two of the doctors that I work for.

  Oh. Em. Gee! So they’re both really hot! I can’t decide which one is my favorite to work for because I could stare at both of them all day long. They’re both pretty tall and extremely attractive but one has dark hair and the other has blonde hair. Both of them are muscular with a solid build.

  I’d totally fuck either one of them if I had the chance…or BOTH! HAHA! Why stop at just one, right? I’d let them do anything they wanted to me. But we have to remain professional and blah blah blah. Work policy and all that, so there’s no way that I could really approach them. Ya know? It’s not like I could casually stroll up to one of them and ask them to go out or if they’d like to fuck. Could you imagine that? LOL

  When I get home, I’ll send you the link to our website so you can see what they look like. You might end up moving here after you see their pics! Anyway, I have to get back to work because I need to go clean an exam room but I’ll call you when I get home tonight.



  My eyes bulge as I read Leah’s email. Well, that’s pretty interesting, I think to myself. I know I shouldn’t do this but I find myself hitting the print icon before I can stop myself. I have to show Brendan this!

  Just as I’m pulling the email off the printer, I find Leah making her way out of the exam room that she’d been cleaning.

  “Hi, Dr. Thompson. I entered the patient’s info that you asked me to and finished cleaning the exam room. Is there anything else I can do for you before we go home?” She asks sweetly.

  Grinning, mostly to myself, I smile back at her. “No, I think you’ve done enough today.” If only she knew about Brendan and I. Or does she know? Does she even realize that most of Utah is a poly state? At least, predominantly in our area.

  “Okay, then. I’ll just grab my things and head out.”

  “I’m about to do the same,” I tell her.

  Picking up her purse, she fishes her keys out of it and wishes me a good night.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow,” I say but she doesn’t quite catch the we reference that I used, probably because she has no idea that I’ve read her email. This is going to be so much fun and tomorrow won’t come fast enough. There’s no doubt that we’re going to confront her about this. A hot little number like Leah wanting to fuck both of us? We’ll make all of her dreams come true.

  Chapter 3


  The minute I walk into the clinic, Chris is following close behind, practically barging into my office as I set my briefcase down.

  “Good morning to you, too,” I tease.

  He quickly shuts the door and strides toward me. “You’re not going to believe this!” He says.

  “What’s that?” I ask, halfway paying attention as I begin to fire up my computer so I can see who’s on my patient list for the day. It’s something I do every morning because I like to be prepared for what my day is going to be like before I get started. Chris just wings it or asks one of the assistants to print him a copy.

  “This!” He says, unfolding a paper from the pocket of his white lab jacket. Lowering his voice, he hands it to me but doesn’t allow me to begin reading it before he starts sputtering about it. “This is from Leah’s email,” he explains. “I found it and printed it off last night.”

  Without looking at the paper, I already have questions. “How did you get to her email and why did you print it out?”

  Rolling his eyes, he says, “Just look at the paper!”

  I quickly realize that it’s her personal email to someone named Nikki. She’s immediately explaining our wonderful office manager, Sandra. Most of us can’t stand her. If you’ve ever watched the TV show called House, she very much reminds me of Lisa Cuddy’s character. She’s curt, blunt, to the point, doesn’t put up with any bullshit, almost never bends the rules, and is very by-the-book. Chris and I have been talking about opening our own practice instead of working for her under the Alliance Hospital umbrella. Don’t get me wrong, we love our patients here at the Alliance Medical Clinic, but almost nobody likes Sandra. I think our patients would follow us if we opened up our own practice but Chris has reservations about that.

  Continuing on with the email, it quickly jumps to talking about Chris and I—and, in not so many words, how she would like to fuck us. A smile spreads across my face without me realizing it because Chris catches it quickly.

  “Ahh, I see you’re at the good part,” he says, reading along with me.

  I nod, reading the rest of the email. “What do you think we should do? Act like we never saw it or fulfill her wildest fantasy?”

  With grins plastered across both of our faces, we simultaneously say, “Fulfill her wildest fantasy!”

  “How should we handle this?” I ask Chris.

  “We’ll call her into a meeting in one of our offices,” he replies. “I’ll set it up with her to come see us at the end of the day today.”

  Chapter 4


  I have had the craziest day! Aside from almost every patient needing a blood draw for lab testing, and an elderly woman who needed a fecal occult test where I got to handle tiny cards with her poop smeared on them, and having a 70-year-old man insist that I look at his swollen balls, I was just informed by Chris—I mean, Dr. Thompson—that he and Dr. Prior would like to see me in his office at the end of the day.

  My mind has been racing all afternoon to figure out what I could’ve done wrong but nothing comes to mind. Sure, I’ve made a few minor mistakes since I’ve started but nothing that would warrant a meeting with them. It seems like every five minutes, I’m checking my watch but now I’m getting nervous. I have to be in their office in a few minutes and am not prepared by any means to deal with whatever they have to say.

  I’m so screwed.

  Wiping my sweaty hands on my scrub bottoms, I take a deep breath and knock on his office door.

  “Come in,” I hear him say.

  When the heavy, wooden door swings open, I feel my legs begin to wobble as I step inside and take a seat next to Brendan—I mean, Dr. Prior. They each have a paper in their hand and my heart immediately lurches to my throat.

  Oh, God! Is that my termination paper? I wonder. I can’t afford to lose this job. I’m still trying to pay off the new furniture that I bought for my townhouse and have so many bills to pay.

  “Do you know why we called you in here?” Brendan asks.

  “No,” my voice begins to crack but I clear my throat. “No, not really. Am I in trouble? Did I do something wrong?”

  My pulse is pounding in my ear drums and I can feel myself perspiring.

  Chris holds up a sheet of paper as he sits across from me behind his desk. I’m too focused on what I might’ve done that I don’t realize what’s going on.

  “I didn’t mean to pry,” he begins. “But I needed to record a set of vitals for my last patient of the day yesterday so I used your computer instead of mine since yours was unlocked.”

  Okay? What’s the big deal with that? Is he pissed that he had to do something that I should’ve done?

  Swallowing the dry lump in my throat, I remember that we’re always—and I mean always—supposed to lock our computers to protect our patient’s privacy. Am I in trouble for having my computer unlocked? I quickly begin to explain.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I know that’s my responsibility and I should’ve had my computer locked but I was in a hurry to get the exam room cleaned before Sandra—I mean—Mrs. Freeman found it dirty. From now on, I’ll make sure my computer is on the lock screen and it’ll never happen again,” I apologize.

  They both chuckle for a moment and Chris shakes his head. “Do you recognize this?” He asks, holding the paper out so that I can see it better.

  My eyes lock on the subject line. Oh. Em. Gee! That’s my fucking email! My stupid fucking email! And they’re BOTH holding a copy of it! Oh shit!

  My face flushes with embarrassment and now I feel stupid for apologizing for an unlocked computer when I should be apologizing for talking about them the way that I did. Speechless and stunned, I freeze like a statue, unsure as to what to say or do. Maybe this is where I should get up and walk out. Forget being fired, I should run to my car and GO!

  Brendan watches my eyes as they dart towards the door while I contemplate making a quick getaway, and it’s almost like he can read my mind.

  “Leah,” he says, resting his hand on my arm. “It’s okay; you’re not in any trouble.”

  Shocked, I ask, “I’m not?”

  “No,” Chris laughs. “And we’re not trying to embarrass you so don’t worry.”

  Confused, I don’t know quite what to make of the situation but I’m scared that more than just the two of them know about it. What if their boss—our boss—knows? “Does Ms. Freeman know about the email?”

  “God, no!” Brendan laughs. “She’s the last person we’d ever tell.”

  “Then I don’t understand,” I say, shaking my head. “Why did you print it out and why do you both have a copy? Especially if I’m not in trouble for it?”