A Cowboy’s Destiny: The McGavin Brothers Read online

Page 8

  “Ah. I don’t know much about any of this, but since Rory’s set on makin’ me an uncle in the next couple of years, I need to learn.”

  “Rory told me they had a long-range plan. That’s exciting.”

  “It is, but I’m still gettin’ used to the idea. He’s my younger brother. Can’t picture him as a father.”

  “I can. He’ll be a great one. You should see how he acts around Licorice’s foal, Eclipse.”

  * * *

  “Aye, right. He wants me to meet that wee horse. Maybe tomorrow.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged.” He rinsed out the hot chocolate pan and put it in the dishwasher. Then he pulled a container out of the refrigerator and opened the lid. “Want to put the whipped cream on?”

  “Sure. Is that the real stuff?”

  “It is. I was in luck that Mom had some made. I didn’t have time to do it myself.” He got a spoon out of a drawer.

  “Could you?”

  “Yeah, it’s easy.”

  “If you say so.” He picked up the container and spooned a dollop of whipped cream into each mug. “Never tried it. Rory learned to cook, but I never did. Kind of wish I had, now.”

  “We didn’t have a choice. Mom insisted we all learn how to cook a simple meal, clean a house and operate a washing machine.”

  Aleck nodded. “Sounds about right. Your ma is somethin’ of a legend in our family. My folks marvel at how she raised five boys on her own.”

  “She’s a legend in our family, too.” Zane said it without smiling. “I only hope I’ll be half as good a parent as she’s been.”

  Aleck met his gaze. “I wouldna worry about that. That wee bairn is lucky to have you.”

  “Thanks, buddy.” He took a breath. “It’s an incredible experience. I’m still absorbing the impact of it.” Then he glanced at the mugs sitting on the counter. “Better get those delivered before the whipped cream melts.” He picked up two mugs and headed out of the kitchen.

  Aleck took the other two mugs and followed him into the living room. Tansy had built up the fire and it crackled merrily away as she sat in a chair near the couch talking to Mandy in low tones. Likely they were murmuring so they wouldn’t disturb the bairn, who was now on Mandy’s other side.

  Tansy leaned closer, her gaze on the invisible bairn nursing under the blanket. The tenderness in her expression made him smile. Emotion flowed easily in this town and in this family.

  What was it Rory had said today? You feel the current movin’ around you. Makes you eager to dive in and be part of it.

  Aye, it certainly did.


  By now Tansy thought for sure she’d have kissed Aleck. Instead she wasn’t even in kissing distance, let alone free to indulge. He’d taken the chair at the opposite end of the couch and Zane sat next to Mandy and the baby.

  The little guy had finished nursing and lay on his tummy, fast asleep and securely wedged between his mom and dad, on his teddy bear blankie.

  Since kissing Aleck wasn’t an option, she focused on the baby. “So it’s Rhys, is it?”

  Mandy grinned. “Probably.”

  “Probably? I heard you call him Rhys when we first arrived.”

  “It’s down to Rhys or Teague. We decided to call him Rhys for a couple of hours and then switch to Teague and see which one resonated. I’d been practicing the name Rhys before you got here and it just came out.”

  “Huh.” Aleck rested his mug on his knee. “And here I thought you’d be exhausted. Instead you’re wide awake and testin’ names.”

  “All three of us had a nap after dinner.” Zane took a swig of his hot chocolate. “But since then, we’ve been too excited to sleep. We’ll pay for that tomorrow, but right now everything’s new and shiny.”

  “I get it,” Tansy said. “The adrenaline’s still pumping. Teague’s nice.”

  Mandy looked at Zane. “It is, but…I’m not sure it’s right for him.”

  “Me, either. I know we said we’d switch off, but I like the way you say Rhys.”

  “I like the way you say it, too. Besides, it has the perfect meaning.”

  “What is it?” Tansy grabbed another cookie.

  Mandy gazed down at the baby. “It’s not so obvious now when he’s fast asleep, but remember when Ryker said he was so eager to get here that he rushed the gate?”

  “I remember that,” Aleck said. “Great description.”

  “That’s when I decided it would probably be Rhys.” Mandy stroked the baby’s back. “It’s Celtic and it means enthusiastic.”

  “Teague’s a Celtic name, too,” Zane said. “It means handsome poet.”

  “He’ll definitely be handsome,” Mandy smoothed his shock of dark hair. “He may or may not be a poet. We already know he’s enthusiastic, though.” She gazed at Zane. “Have we made our choice, then?”

  “We have.”

  “Wow, and we’re part of that special moment.” Tansy lifted her mug. “Here’s to Rhys McGavin.”

  “Rhys Ian McGavin. To honor my dad.”

  “Well done,” Aleck said. “My da will like knowing that. And my gran and grandpa, too.”

  “Then here’s to Rhys Ian McGavin.” Tansy lifted her mug a second time. “May he continue to live enthusiastically.”

  “Aye.” Aleck raised his mug in the baby’s direction. “Enthusiasm is a very good thing.”

  Mandy and Zane touched mugs and smiled. They’d clearly reached the stage in their relationship where words were unnecessary.

  Tansy admired the heck out of that. “Since you didn’t expect to have kibitzers during this process, we can keep this to ourselves until you’re ready to make a big announcement.”

  “Aye, we can.” Aleck reached for another cookie. “Our lips are sealed.”

  Speaking of lips, he had sexy ones, firm on the top and sensual on the bottom. No telling when she’d get a chance to find out if they felt as good as they looked, though.

  “I’ve been thinking about how to do the name reveal.” Zane took a swig of his hot chocolate. “It’s not like we have a planned gathering tomorrow where we could create some drama. What’s your take on it, Mandy?”

  “I say we write a cheerful text and send it to everyone.”


  “Might as well do it now. Some are still up, and the ones who’ve gone to bed will see it first thing in the morning.” She picked up her phone from the coffee table. “Sending something in writing has the added benefit of letting everyone know how we’re spelling it R-H-Y-S.”

  “That was my guess,” Aleck said. “Then again, I’m from that part of the world. Will everyone know how to pronounce it?”

  “I think so.” She started typing. “But I’ll say it sounds like Reese so there’s no question.”

  “It’s a great name. He’ll fit right in with all the other enthusiastic McGavins.” Tansy glanced at Aleck. “You should have seen Aleck arm-wrestling Ryker before—”

  “Wait. He did what?” Zane stared at her before turning to Aleck. “I can’t believe Ryker would suggest such a thing.”

  “He didn’t.” Aleck stood and picked up his mug and plate. “I challenged him.”

  Zane sighed. “I doubt that was a lot of fun for you.”

  “Aye, it was fun. We ended in a stalemate.”


  “It’s true,” Tansy said.

  “That never happens.”

  “It did tonight.”

  “Incredible. You must be a hell of an arm-wrestler, Aleck.”

  “I do all right.”

  “Don’t forget he was jetlagged,” Mandy said. “Sounds like if he’d been rested he would have won the match.”

  “Nay, I wouldn’t go that far. But now that I’m on my feet, I’ll admit I’m ready to call it a night.”

  Tansy stood. “Me, too.” She glanced at Zane. “Did you say something about sheets?”

  “Sure did. I’ll fetch them.” He got up from the couch.

��I’ll come with you. And for the record, I’m honored that I could be here for the official naming moment.” Tansy’s gaze encompassed the adorable new family. “It’s been a special treat.”

  “For me, too.” Aleck came over to collect her dishes. “I’ll take these and put them in the dishwasher.”

  “Thanks for that.” She turned to Zane. “Lead the way.” She followed him down the hall.

  He gestured to the first room on the right. “That’s where Aleck’s staying.”

  “The room with the chicken-coop view.”

  “Exactly. I imagine you already know where the bathroom is.”

  “Found it today during the festivities.”

  “Your room is right across from it.”

  And next to Aleck’s. Not that it made any difference. No secret rendezvous would take place tonight.

  Zane walked past the bathroom and opened a bi-fold door just beyond it. “Linen closet.”

  “Just toss the sheets in my direction. I can make my own bed.”

  “It’s not as easy as it sounds.” He handed her sheets and a pillowcase. “It’s a bunk bed.”

  “Unless you’re going to grade me on neatness, I’ll be fine. Like I said, it’s one night.”

  “Guess so. Blankets are already in there. Here’s a bath towel and a washcloth.” After adding them to the pile in her arms, he glanced toward the ceiling. “Still coming down. Thanks for not giving me an argument about staying.”

  “I saw the light. By the way, how’s this weather affecting Raptors Rise?”

  He closed the bi-fold door. “The sanctuary’s covered. I brought in extra personnel in anticipation of the baby, and now that our road’s paved, they can get in and out.”

  “That’s good.”

  He glanced at her. “The match with Ryker was really a stalemate?”

  “Scouts honor.” She gave him a brief description that had him shaking his head. “No telling how long it would have gone on if Bryce hadn’t asked them to call it a draw.”

  “Ryker would have won it eventually.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure. Aleck—”

  “I would have lost that match.” He appeared at the end of the hall and walked toward them. “That’s what you’re talkin’ about, right?”

  “Zane wanted more detail.”

  “Bryce saved my bacon by intervenin’. Another minute and I would have gone down in flames. That’s why I should give Ryker a rematch.”

  Zane grinned. “No, you shouldn’t. A small dose of humility won’t hurt my brother at all.”

  “And Rory was so proud of you,” Tansy said. “Did you see his face?”

  “Aye. Sometimes he overestimates my abilities, though. I swear he thinks I can do anythin’.”

  “Of course he does.” Zane shoved his hands in his pockets. “I think that about Ryker. If you’d beat him, I would be all for a rematch because I’d know how much he needed one. But a draw? That’s only a small blow to his ego. I hope you let it lay.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay.” Zane extended his hand. “Glad you could be here today, Aleck. The bagpipe lullaby meant a lot to me. Brought my dad closer.”

  “I’m glad.” He gripped Zane’s hand. “Meant a lot to me, too.”

  “I’ll leave you two to work out the bathroom schedule. Tansy, help yourself to anything you need. Mom keeps all sorts of toiletries in there for situations like this one.”

  “Do you have unexpected company a lot?”

  “More than you might think. Make yourself at home. I’ll go see how Mandy and Rhys are doing.”

  “Thanks, Zane,” she called after him. Then she glanced at Aleck. “Such a good guy.”

  “They all are.”

  “That’s for sure. Tell you what. I’ll go dump these sheets and then take my turn in the bathroom. I’ll make the bed afterward. That way I won’t hold you up.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Because you’re a good guy, too.” She flashed him a smile before hurrying into the room she’d been assigned. Standing around blethering only made her want to kiss him. Making out in the hall when Zane or Mandy could show up anytime wasn’t the venue she preferred.

  She flipped the wall switch and a lamp on the dresser came on. The base was a model of a covered wagon, the sort of thing two young cowboys in training would think was cool.

  Tossing the sheets on the lower bunk, she grabbed the washcloth and towel before going across the hall to the bathroom. Aleck had left his door open and rustling noises indicated he was unpacking. Probably the first chance he’d had.

  She took Zane at his word and rummaged around in the vanity. She found a new toothbrush still in its package and a tube of toothpaste. After using those, she washed her face and finger-combed her hair. Some lotion from a pump dispenser on the counter and she was good to go.

  When she came out, Mandy and Zane’s laughter drifted from the living room. Judging from bits and pieces of their conversation, they’d received plenty of texted comments on the name choice. The McGavin clan wasn’t shy about stating an opinion.

  She walked into her bedroom and stopped short.

  Aleck’s back was turned as he put the finishing touches on her bed. “Thought I’d make myself useful.”

  “Thank you.” Her heart beat a rapid tattoo. She hadn’t expected to encounter him again tonight, yet here he was, very much in her space. Bold move.

  He turned. “This evenin’ didn’t end quite like I expected.”

  She took a shaky breath. “Not like I expected, either.”

  “I counted on Zane and Mandy bein’—”

  “Asleep. Seemed logical they would be.” In this small room he seemed taller and more imposing than he had when they were all sitting by the fire.

  “I’m not complainin’, though.” He moved a step closer. “Because of them, you’re here instead of out in the storm. I was determined to stop you from drivin’ that road tonight, but I couldn’t figure out how.”

  “I see now it would have been a dumb move.”

  “Not dumb.” He moved close enough to cup her face in his hand. “Headstrong, maybe.” Heat flickered in his green eyes. “Not such a bad thing.” He brushed his thumb over her cheek.

  She couldn’t seem to breathe properly. “I…could have caused a lot of trouble.”

  “But you saw reason. You stayed. And I get a chance to steal a wee goodnight kiss.” He lowered his head.

  Trembling with anticipation, she closed her eyes. “Only a wee kiss?”

  His sexy chuckle hinted at intimacies yet to come. “Might be a bit more than that.” And he touched down.


  At last. Surely Aleck had waited days for this moment, not mere hours. Gently, gently… learning the shape of Tansy’s mouth, the perfect bow, the lush fullness…wanting…more. Dizzy. Breathless. Alive.

  Cupping her face in both hands, he shifted the angle, took the kiss deeper, tasted eagerness on her tongue. Sparks…heat...longing…

  She fisted her hands in his t-shirt. Moaned. Rose on tiptoe, clutched the back of his head.

  Ahhh. Holding her, winding himself around her warmth, gathering her in…breathing her in…aching…

  Gasping, she spun away.

  He stared at her through a red haze, chest heaving, gulping for air. “Tansy…” A tortured plea wrapped in her name.

  She pressed a hand to her chest and swallowed. “I…have to…stop.”

  He closed his eyes and dragged in a breath. “Aye.” Another breath, and another. Then he trusted himself to look at her. Even so, he took an involuntary step forward.

  Flushed cheeks, bright eyes, rosy mouth damp from his kiss…how was he to walk out of this room?

  “I think—” She paused to clear her throat. “I was about to take advantage of you.”

  A burst of cooling laughter did the trick. The driving need to hold her eased a wee bit. “I believe it was the other way ’round, lass.”

lieve what you want.” She sucked in more air. “Another few seconds and I would have had you under my spell.”

  “You already do.”

  She held his gaze. “We have a situation.”

  “Aye.” He blew out a breath. “A highly flammable one.”

  “Did you suspect?”

  He nodded.

  “Me, too. But it’s more than I…” She touched her mouth. “You’d better go.”

  “I would if I could.”

  “What’s stopping you?”

  He shrugged. “My feet are nailed to the floor.”

  “Now that’s a problem.”

  “Any ideas?”

  “Hundreds. You?”

  “Thousands. All impossible under the circumstances.”

  “Hey, guys!” Zane’s voice signaled his approach.

  “That works.” He turned to face the open door. “Hey, Zane. We’re in Tansy’s room.”

  His cousin appeared in the doorway looking confused. “Everything okay?”

  “Uh…sure…we were just…”

  “Everything’s just fine!” Tansy’s chipper reply came off fake as hell, but better than his non-response.

  “Good. That’s good. I see you got the bed made. Bunks are tough. Neat job.”

  “Thanks.” Aleck said it out of habit. “I mean—”

  “He was generous enough to make it while I was in the bathroom.” Tansy still sounded like she was high on something.

  “Considerate of you, cuz.” Zane gave him a questioning glance, as well he might. Everyone else in the family had figured out an attraction was brewing. But he’d been so involved with his wife and his bairn that he was out of the loop.

  Aleck shoved his hands in his pockets. “I try.”

  “Yeah, well, Mandy sent me to tell both of you that breakfast will be catch-as-catch-can. We can’t guarantee we’ll be in the kitchen frying up eggs and making coffee in the morning, so you’re welcome to commandeer the facilities and fix yourself whatever you want.”

  “Don’t worry about us,” Tansy said. “Let us know if there’s anything we can do for you guys.”

  Zane smiled. “That’s a nice offer. We’ll see how it goes. I’ll be up early in any case. Gotta feed those critters.”