A Cowboy’s Destiny: The McGavin Brothers Read online

Page 7

  “Aye, right.” He glanced at her. “I guess you would be very familiar with that habit.”

  “Ohh, yeah. Our family dinner table conversation was something to behold. Five people in the house loved it, calling it a stimulating environment.”

  “But you hated it.”

  “I didn’t understand that for the longest time. I thought I just needed to get better at debate. Law school would teach me how to hold my own. Then the light dawned. I had no interest in getting better at debate so I could hold my own in those family free-for-alls. So I dropped out.”

  “And went to bartending school?”

  “I did, but I had the job first and the training later. I faked my way through the first six months because I’d become friends with the owner when I was a student.”

  “What school?”


  “Hey, now.”

  “I know. A girl who turns her back on a Harvard education is either crazy or stupid, right?”

  “I wouldn’t consider you either of those things, lass.”

  “Thanks. I wasted a lot of my parents’ money, though. I’ve paid most of it back, although they haven’t cashed a single check I’ve sent them.”

  “They’re savin’ it for when you get this out of your system.”

  “That’s my guess, too, although the smart thing would be to bank it and at least collect some interest.”

  “That wouldn’t send much of a message. Not cashing the checks is more dramatic.”

  “There you go. Gamesmanship. I’m no good at that, either. Okay, brace yourself. We have another curve to navigate and then we’ll be there.”

  He gripped the armrest. Good thing, because the truck swerved a couple of times before she got it straightened out. She wasn’t driving back tonight alone and that was final.

  At the end of the road, the outline of the ranch buildings was blurred by the heavy rain. Dusk to dawn lights cast a faint glow from the barn area.

  “I’ll park as close to the walkway as I can without knocking over a fence.”

  “I appreciate the effort, but I’m still soaked. If I pick up more moisture on the way to the house, I doubt I’ll notice.”

  “Okay.” She brought the truck to a halt when it was even with the flagstone path leading to the porch. “Looks like someone left some lights on in the living room. At least we won’t be stumbling around in the dark.”

  “Guess not.” Although he wouldn’t have minded. Stumbling around in the dark had possibilities.

  “Kendra has hardwood floors, so we won’t want to stand and drip in one place. One large puddle does more damage to the floor than several smaller ones, so just keep moving toward the kitchen and on into the laundry room. We’ll mop up later.”

  “Got it. Sounds like the way Ma used to organize us when we managed to get wet and muddy.”

  “If you stick to the flagstone path, you shouldn’t get muddy.”

  “But it’s safe to say your wee purple truck is covered with it.”

  She shrugged that off. “It’s happened before. When we leave the truck, make a dash for the porch. Don’t wait for me. Just go for it.”

  “And then what?”

  “We’ll rendezvous when we get there, maybe empty our boots before we go inside. Then we’ll…wait a minute.” She rolled down her window about an inch. “Aha! I thought I smelled smoke. Zane must have made a fire. You’ll get to sit in front of a blazing hearth after all.”

  “I hope they’re not havin’ difficulties with the bairn.”

  “You and me, both. What I know about babies would fit on the bottom of a shot glass. Maybe they just wanted the ambiance on this rainy night. We’ll find out.”

  “Aye.” But one thing was certain. The kiss he’d been hoping to steal at the end of this journey had just been denied him.


  Tansy had looked forward to having the living room to themselves, but that wasn’t to be. Tucking her keys in her small purse, she glanced at Aleck. “Ready?”

  “If you are.”

  “Meet you on the porch.” She scrambled out of the truck and ran around the hood to the walkway, her boots splashing through water and mud. They’d be a mess, but at least Aleck’s wouldn’t take the same abuse.

  He made it to the porch ahead of her. As she ran up the steps to join him, the front door opened and Zane came out.

  He was barefoot and wearing an unbuttoned shirt over a worn pair of jeans. “Thought I heard somebody drive up. Rain’s coming down so hard I wasn’t sure.”

  “We’re a mess.” Tansy gestured to her boots and mud-spattered jeans. “Especially me. I don’t want to get your mom’s floor dirty.”

  “I’ll get some towels. Be right back.” He ducked through the door. “Honey, it’s Aleck and Tansy,” he called out. “I’m getting them some towels and stuff.”

  “Okay.” Mandy’s voice came from the back of the house. “I’ll be out in a minute with Rhys.”

  Tansy glanced at Aleck and grinned. “Did we just hear the name they picked for the baby?”

  “I believe we did, lass.”

  “We could be the first ones to know.”

  “I’d bet on it.”

  “That’s kinda cool.” She gestured to the rockers on the porch. “They’re wet, but so are we. Have a seat so you can take off your boots.”

  “Aye, right.”

  She took the rocker next to his. “Ugh. Mine are covered in mud. I’m gonna try to get them off without touching them.” Bracing the toe of one boot against the heel of the other, she worked her foot out.

  Repeating the process on the other side meant getting her sock muddy, but at least her hands stayed clean. After pulling off her clean sock, she used it to remove the muddy one. “Done.”

  “Me, too. I can’t remember the last time I was this wet.” Aleck wrung out his socks and laid them over the arm of the rocker. “Pretty toes you have there.”

  “Thanks.” She looked down and wiggled them. She’d alternated red, white and blue for Independence Day. “Those colors would look awful in my hair, although I considered it. I settled on making my toes patriotic, even if hardly anybody will know since I wear boots most of the time.”

  “Well, I know and I’ll think of your toes even if you’re wearin’ boots.”

  “That sounds kinky.”

  His eyes sparkled in the glow of the porch light. “Aye, it does, doesn’t it?”

  “You have nice toes, too.”

  He laughed. “Dinna think anybody’s ever said that to me.”

  “It’s true, though. Some men’s feet aren’t great to look at, but yours are nice.”

  “I’ve got supplies!” Zane appeared with his arms full.

  “Thanks so much.” Tansy met him by the door and relieved him of the towels. “Glad you brought plenty.” She glanced at what else he’d carried out. “Did you bring clothes?”

  “For you. Mandy donated a pair of her sweats and a t-shirt.”

  “She doesn’t need them?” She handed two towels to Aleck.

  “Nope. When Aunt Jo and Uncle Brendan brought back the stuff for the delivery, they also loaded up on extra clothes for Mandy and me. We probably have enough for three or four days, but we won’t be here that long.”

  “Then I’ll be happy to accept the loan.” She wiped the nearest rocker with one of her towels and draped it over the back. “You can set them right there.”

  “Good deal.” He laid the bundle on the chair and turned to Aleck. “Hey, buddy, if you don’t mind me rummaging through your suitcase, I could bring you some dry clothes, too. Changing out here will keep the water and mud to a minimum.”

  “It’s brilliant. If you’d bring me a t-shirt and jeans, that’ll do it. Oh, and a pair of briefs. I’m soaked clear through.”

  Tansy sighed. “So am I. I don’t suppose Mandy—”

  “She tucked a pair of panties in with the t-shirt and sweats. And a camisole.”


>   “Then I’ll fetch Aleck’s clothes.” He started toward the door.

  “Wait.” Aleck took off his hat. “Would you please take this and my boots in for me? Tansy said the hat will be okay if it dries brim side up.”

  “It will. I’ll put it in a safe spot. And I’ll stuff some newspaper into your boots.”

  “Much obliged.”

  “Happy to help out. Be back in a sec with your clothes.”

  “Well, now.” Tansy gazed at Aleck. “Undressing out on the front porch. Is that a new one for you?”

  “Nay, do it all the time.”

  She smiled. “I’m so sure. How are you holding up?”

  “Are you askin’ if I’m ready to drop from exhaustion?”


  “Not yet. I’d like to sit in front of that fire for a bit. And I also—”

  “Here you go.” Zane came back out and handed over Aleck’s clothes. “I’ll leave you guys to it.” He started back in. “Oh, Mandy said to tell you she’s making hot chocolate. Do either of you want some?”

  “I do,” Tansy said.

  “Sounds great.”

  “Good. I’ll tell her.” He went in and closed the door.

  Aleck gazed at her. “I’ve never done this in my life.”

  “Neither have I.”

  “How about if I go to the end of the porch and you stay here?”

  “Afraid I’ll jump you?”

  He chuckled. “I only wish.”

  “Tempting as you are, I can’t see myself doing that when there’s a potential audience inside the house and the possibility of someone driving up. You don’t have to go all the way to the end of the porch. Halfway will work.”

  “Okay.” He started down the row of chairs, paused in front of one and wiped it off with one of his towels. “And I promise I won’t look.”

  “I won’t, either.”

  “Then you might want to turn around.” He started pulling off his shirt.

  Much as she hated to, she did. She was a woman of her word, damn it. “Are you facing away from me, now?”

  “Aye. Like a good boy.”

  “Alrighty, then.”

  “You know, I see what Rory means.” Aleck pitched his voice low, which made it sound even sexier than usual.

  “About what?” She rubbed a towel quickly over her hair.

  “The way this family takes care of each other. My family’s the same.”

  “I gathered that.” She pulled her t-shirt over her head and tossed it on the arm of the rocker. After a moment’s hesitation, she took off her wet bra, laid it over her t-shirt and toweled off.

  “There’s not as many of us,” he continued in the same easy tone, “but we watch out for each other like this, too.”

  “That’s nice.” Talking to him while topless was a combo guaranteed to ignite lust. She quickly located the camisole in the pile of clothes and pulled it over her sensitized breasts. “Does that mean you’ll need to make lots of trips over here?”

  “I’m thinkin’ so.” The buzz of a zipper meant he was shucking his jeans.

  “Rory will be glad to hear that.” She pulled the t-shirt over her head.

  “Are you?”

  “I’m thinkin’ so.” She unfastened her jeans and shoved them off along with her panties.

  “This is pure torture.”

  “Is it?” She pretended not to know what he meant as she grabbed the towel and made quick work of drying off. Being half naked with a gorgeous man only a few feet away, one she wasn’t supposed to approach but desperately wanted to, was indeed torture.

  “I heard you takin’ off your jeans and I’m…”

  “You’re what?”

  “Havin’ trouble zippin’ mine.”

  “Wish I could help you out.”

  “Wish you could, too.” He took a deep breath. “Done. Are you?”

  “No. Will be in a minute.”

  “Need any help?”

  “Not now. But when I do, you’ll be the first to know.”

  His soft groan was music to her ears.


  Much more of that routine and Aleck would have recommended himself for sainthood. A perfectly logical plan had quickly transformed into a hormonal catastrophe. He never wanted to do such a thing again.

  When he was finally allowed to turn around, he had to stand still for a minute and catch his breath while he gazed at Tansy. Otherwise he would have marched down that porch and kissed her.

  Her hair was tousled as if she’d been rolling around in bed doing the kinds of things that he’d fervently wished they could…no, better not revisit that scenario. He was in control again.

  She smiled. “That was fun.”

  “Was it? I didn’t notice.” He gathered up his clothes and made sure they weren’t dripping. “Ready to go inside?”

  “If you are.” She’d wrapped her clothes into a neat bundle, too.

  “What about your boots?”

  “I’m leaving them out here for now.”

  “Then let’s go.” But he approached her with caution. “If we head straight inside, I’ll be fine. If we stand here and blether, I make no promises.”

  “Blether?” Merriment danced in her eyes. “That sounds naughty.”

  “It isn’t. It’s chatting.”


  “Which is exactly what we’re doin’, and if we keep it up, I’m liable to forget myself and kiss you.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “We’ll go in now. I’m in the same fix.” She turned away and headed for the door.

  “Hearing that doesn’t help.”

  “Maybe hot chocolate will.”

  “Doubt it.”

  “Me, too.” She opened the door. “Hey, guys, the drowned rats have arrived.”

  “Come on in.” Mandy looked over her shoulder from her spot on the couch facing the fire. A light blanket with teddy bears on it lay over her shoulder and covered her left breast.

  Movement under the blanket told him what was going on, even though he was a first timer with this situation.

  Mandy confirmed it. “I’m feeding Rhys. Zane’s getting the cookies and hot chocolate ready. Are we domestic or what?”

  “Who wants whipped cream and who wants marshmallows?” Zane called out from the kitchen.

  “I’m a whipped cream girl,” Tansy called back. “Can we help?”

  “Thanks, but I’ve got this.”

  “Whipped cream for me, too, Zane.” Aleck glanced at Mandy. “Where should I put my wet clothes for now?”

  “On top of the washing machine. Laundry room is right off the kitchen.”

  “Got it. Hey, Tansy? Want me to take yours, too?”

  “I guess. I’ll need to remember they’re in there, though. I don’t want to forget them when I leave.”

  “I wouldn’t count on leaving tonight,” Mandy said.

  “Sure I can. Piece of cake.”

  Aleck looked at her. “That road’s treacherous.”

  “Just a little muddy.”

  “But it’s about to get a lot worse.” Zane came in with a platter loaded with chocolate chip cookies and a stack of four small plates. “I had the weather channel on a little while ago and the storm’s predicted to last into the morning.”

  “Then maybe I should take off now.”

  “Please don’t, lass.”

  “I’m with Aleck.” Zane set the cookie platter and the plates in the middle of the coffee table. “I’ve already texted Cody and Rory. They’ve arranged to stay in town tonight.”

  “At the B&B?”

  “Probably not. Nicole and Bryce have room and so do Ryker and April. When we get a lot of rain, that road can turn into quicksand. And if someone gets stuck, I’ll have to go out and get ’em.” He gazed at Tansy. “I’m needed here.”

  “Yeah, okay. You make an excellent point.”

  Aleck sighed in relief. “Thank the Lord.”

  “I can just sleep on the couch, though. I don’t want to
put you guys to any trouble.”

  Zane smiled. “It’s no big deal. This is a four-bedroom house and only two of them are occupied. Take your pick of one of the others and I’ll find you a set of sheets.”

  “In that case, I definitely want the room with the best view.”

  Mandy laughed. “Sorry, but Kendra gave it to Aleck. He has Cody’s old room. It looks out on the chicken coop.”

  “And you can’t beat a chicken-coop view,” Zane said. “We charge a premium for it.”

  “I haven’t slept there yet,” Aleck said. “I can switch with you.”

  “I was teasing. It’s for one night. I’ll take whatever. “

  “Then put her in Bryce and Trevor’s room,” Mandy said. “It’s closer to the hall bathroom. She’ll have a better chance of beating Aleck in there.”

  “It’s not a competition. I’ll let her go first.”

  “Oh, Aleck,” Mandy shook her head. “It most certainly is a competition. Picture the glory days of the bathroom wars, when five teenage boys fought for occupancy. You and Tansy will be carrying on a noble tradition.”

  He looked at Zane. “Is she makin’ that up?”

  “Nope, but she’s leaving out another time-honored tradition—ladies first.”

  “I’ll go with that one, then.”

  “Good choice.” Zane glanced toward the fireplace. “Tansy, if you’ll poke up the fire, Aleck and I will take those clothes to the laundry room and serve up the hot chocolate.”

  Mandy smiled. “Thanks, my love.”

  “My pleasure.” He walked over, leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. Then he placed another gentle kiss on the blanket, right about where the wee one’s head likely was.

  Aleck’s chest warmed. Having a bairn together looked more appealing tonight than it had this afternoon when Mandy was going through labor. Rory might be onto something.

  He followed Zane into the kitchen, made a detour to the laundry room and came out as Zane was pouring the hot chocolate into four mugs. “Does your bairn get enough air under that blanket?”

  “Mandy makes sure he does.”

  “Is the blanket to keep him warm, then?”

  “Not in this weather, and especially since I built a fire. The blanket’s for modesty’s sake. If you guys weren’t here she wouldn’t bother with it.”