Naughty Bedtime Stories: First Taste Read online

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  The sound of female voices, laughing, talking excitedly, two, maybe three women, and then Ryan held back the curtain and stepped into the cubicle with Lizzie.

  Lizzie moved for him. His tall frame and muscular body filled the place considerably and she shivered from the cold mirror pressing against her upper back. She gaped at him. Words simply failed in her dry mouth.

  Accompanied by an apologetic expression, he whispered, “Sorry. I thought I should hide. I just reacted instinctively. I’m not going to hurt you, or anything. Sorry. You have to think the worst. I don’t usually do this stuff. I’m harmless. Please don’t scream.”

  The concerned frown on his forehead, and the way he shrank a little away from her, told Lizzie he was sincere. She nodded silently and looked down. She could see the lace and ribbons of the new bra and her own dark-blue lace panties. She was semi-naked in a confined space with the most desirable man she’d ever met. A smile snuck onto her face, laughter threatened, and she raised her eyes to his face.

  His expression of worry faded, and he gazed at her, desire written all over his face. He took a deep breath and leaned on the nearside wall of the cubicle. “You are so pretty and kind. I can’t pretend I don’t find you very appealing, because I do. I have this strange compulsion to hug you close. I’d like to kiss you. I won’t…unless you want me to.”

  His dark velvet voice lulled her. Her pussy creamed and clenched. Her nipples grazed the black lace of the new bra and peeked out of gaps where the flowers in the pattern joined. Her heart beat hard, her chest moved, she nodded imperceptibly. “I want the kiss.” The words stole out. She waited.

  Ryan dropped the pink carrier bag he held. The paper rustled softly.

  Then his hands were around her face, gentle, and his fingertips on her ears sending tingles down her neck. His face a breath away, slow moving, the stubble on his jaw grazed her chin, sexy, his soft lips on hers, and she closed her eyes. Hungry, searching kisses, soft and firm, then the tip of his tongue on her bottom lip, and every muscle in her body melted with desire.

  She molded to him, pushed her arms around his neck, and a soft sound of pleasure escaped her even as she dimly remembered they were in a public place.

  He moved his hands, traced his fingers down her neck, over the bare skin of her shoulders, down her spine, to cup her ass and grind her against his hard body.

  Their faces pressed against each other’s. Their mouths merged. Their murmurs mingled.

  Lizzie clung to him. Every inch of her skin tingled, overwhelmed. His overcoat sleeves warm around her waist, the bulge in his pants hard against her stomach, the sexy rasp of his jaw on her cheek as he rubbed his nose against hers, and she moaned.

  He drew back to look into her eyes. “If you need me as much as I need you, let me know. Tell me what to do, because I won’t force or hurt you,” he murmured, and quickly kissed her.

  Lizzie slowly moved her lips over his, to feel his mouth, the perfect shape of his lips, and the softness of kisses she’d missed so badly. She kissed him soaking up the pleasure, savoring it, as sexual need surged up her body.

  “I do need you. I want you. How…where?”

  Ryan’s voice was low and barely audible. “Here and now.” He loosened his hold on her ass, turned with her in his arms, and then let go. He unzipped his pants and pushed them down his thighs.

  A gasp escaped Lizzie when she saw his cock, big, hard, and such a perfect shape, so enticing, she held herself back from kneeling and licking all the way along it.

  He moved the garter belt on its hanger to the floor and sat on the brocade stool. He held out his arms.

  Lizzie pulled her panties off and left them on the carpet. She stepped into his arms, bending to slide her hands over his shoulders, and meet his delicious lips with hers.

  The gentle stroke of his fingers up her inner thighs sent more cream rushing to her pussy.

  She muffled a groan against his lips.

  His fingertips inched into her, then pushed deeper.

  She kissed his mouth, sucked his bottom lip. “I need…”

  “I know,” he murmured as he lifted her to straddle him.

  Lizzie grasped his cock. The feel of him, granite hard with satin skin brought her nipples in high peaks through the gaps in the lace of her bra. She guided him into her pussy and slipped down on his cock until every luscious inch filled her.

  He groaned against her mouth.

  Her stomach tensed at the sex in his voice. “Someone will hear.” She put her hand over his mouth.

  He smiled against it and grabbed her hips to help her rock on his cock.

  Their mouths close together, they fucked. Hips rolled, knees shook, thighs clenched.

  Lizzie’s orgasm rippled over her, deep and satisfying from the core of her pussy to her convulsing clit. She ground down on Ryan’s cock, taking the last waves of pleasure, her breath coming in gasps.

  Ryan held her hips, and pounded up into her pussy with deep hard thrusts. He buried his face in the soft part of her shoulder.

  His moan as he came vibrated on her skin, and she pressed to his lips for more of the lovely tingly sensation it brought.

  They crushed against each other, sighing.

  “Lizzie, I…I want you to know…we should dress.” He tenderly stroked her hair.

  She smiled seeing affection in his eyes. “I know.”

  Ryan eased Lizzie up, holding her waist to help her balance. He stood and pulled his pants into place, zipped them, and ran his hands through his hair. “This is so great. You’re so sexy. You should have these things.” He slipped his arms around her, opened the new bra, and let it fall down her arms. He bent his head to kiss each nipple. “I wanted to suck them through the lace, but it’s not even bought yet.” He smiled softly. “Lizzie, let me have the stuff, I’ll go buy it. You stay here and dress.”

  An after fucking glow blanketed her senses, and she handed Ryan the hanger with the panties still displayed on there, slipped off the matching bra, and gave it to him as well.

  He bent to pick up the separate hanger for the garter belt, and his carrier bag. He ran his tongue over his top lip as he gazed at her. “I’ll be back soon.” With those words, he left.

  Lizzie heard a woman’s voice. “Sir, this is the ladies change room.”

  Ryan answered, “I know. I was helping my girl.”

  She started to dress, hurriedly dragging on her panties. The words, ‘my girl’ sent sparks of happiness through her as she clipped on her bra. She stopped, eased her damp panties off again, and stuffed them in her coat pocket. She’d have to go commando in her jeans, the panties felt awful. Lizzie found tissues in her purse and soaked up the remains of lovemaking from between her legs. She smiled, slid her jeans on, dragged her sweater on, stuffed her feet back into her boots, and shrugged on her overcoat. The feel of heavier fabric under her fingers reminded her of Ryan’s shoulders clothed in his coat as they fucked. Her pussy throbbed at the memory and she closed her eyes in pleasure. Lizzie picked up her shopping and her purse, then with a furtive peek around the curtain, she left the cubicle, stalked past the attendant now in place at the entrance to the fitting room, and stopped. Maybe he’s not coming back.

  Lizzie approached the lingerie counter. No sign of Ryan. She looked around. A few shoppers drifted around the department. To the left, through a wide arch, the evening dress section buzzed as customers perused the rails of lovely dresses. To the right through two arches, the coats and jackets sales area hummed with customers. Lizzie slumped a little. Not only is he not coming back, he’s made off with the bra and panties I wanted to buy. She headed for the escalator and the first floor perfume counters. Might as well do the shopping I came to do before the most delicious, sexy, man, ever, swept me off my feet. That was such a great orgasm, holy hell, I needed it…I really did. She stepped onto the escalator and grabbed the handrail.

  Floral notes and tangy citrus undertones drifted up as the escalator passed close to the perfume counter. Lizzie st
epped off, rounded the corner, and strode to the shelves and counters. Colored bottles, crystal and opaque, in all kinds of shapes and sizes, greeted her eyes. She knew what she wanted. She’d seen an advertisement on TV for a new perfume, a clean, fresh scent that conjured up the ocean, aqua waves, long stretches of white sand and lovers.

  Lizzie bought the perfume and had it gift-wrapped. It joined the slim box containing her mom’s nightdress in the store’s distinctive pink carrier bag. She bought a bottle of luxury bath oil for her other sister, and then disappointment crept over her, dampening the happiness that bubbled up after meeting Ryan. He must have left the store. The handmade chocolates shop was in the mall. Lizzie buttoned her coat and set off out of the department store.

  Chapter Two

  Ryan scanned the lingerie floor. Where is she? Normally calm, the flutters of anxiety in his stomach disconcerted him. He rapidly searched the second floor. She’s gone and I have no way of finding her. His already heavy heart contracted with sorrow as he came to this conclusion. He didn’t have any trouble getting girls, but he’d never wanted a girl the way he wanted Lizzie. The moment he saw her flicking the hangers along the rails of lingerie, the way she moved enticed him. Her hair falling down her back shone under the sparkling seasonal lights as she passed the store’s mix of Thanksgiving and Christmas décor. He’d longed to kiss her lovely lips, longed for the softness of her body against his. The ridiculous way he’d acted proved she was special. He’d been lucky she wanted him as much as he did her. She could have screamed the place down.

  Instead of buying the lingerie and going right back to the fitting room where he’d left her, he’d gone off and bought black stockings to go with the garter belt. Two pairs of stockings now resided alongside the gift-boxed, lemon lingerie in his store carrier bag. One pair had a lovely flower pattern up the seam. He’d seen them displayed on long plastic legs in the hosiery department beyond the evening dresses.

  Ryan sighed heavily. He left the second floor in a mist of distress and hurriedly purchased a ‘get well soon’ card from the greetings card and wrappings department. His sister Josie was sick in hospital. She’d been rushed there a week ago having a miscarriage. The doctors found something they didn’t like, and Ryan didn’t fully understand, when his mom had told him about the operation. Josie’s devoted husband, in some kind of stressed fugue, brought her things from home three days after the operation. He forgot her nightdresses and she’d been tearful when Ryan went to see her, plucking at the hospital gown and wishing she had her own things.

  Ryan instinctively knew her sadness was for the lost baby. He had no words to express how sorry he was, but he wanted to cheer her up somehow. The pretty lemon nightdress was for Josie, the camisole too, though he had no idea what she might do with it since it would only come down to her waist. He grimaced, stormed through the double doors to the stairwell, and took the steps two at a time back to the second floor. He raced to the rail where Lizzie had picked out the camisole and discovered matching shorts. He looked at the size. Who knows? They look okay.

  At the counter, he asked the assistant to check if they were the same size as the items he’d already bought. He fleetingly felt stupid when she happily told him the size and the description of the things he’d bought was on the receipt. It was store policy and saved a lot of hassle. He fished in his wallet for the flimsy papers and she showed him the numbers on them. He bought the shorts. Then lost in thoughts of how he might find Lizzie again, he left the store.

  Ryan hadn’t driven into town that morning. He’d taken the subway from the station near home, having had no sleep. He’d delivered two breech calves in the night, gone home, showered, gulped down coffee, and caught the subway.

  Maybe exhaustion contributed to his overwhelming attraction to Lizzie, or maybe he’d finally fallen in love. His sister had told him she and her husband knew right away that they loved each other. Fatigue fogged Ryan’s mind and he walked the short distance to the subway station not noticing the flurries of snow in the wind. He wouldn’t bring the lingerie to Josie without washing it first. He planned how to take the gift-wrap off so as not to crease or tear it, wash and dry the stuff then wrap it again.

  Ryan took a seat in the car at the end of the subway train, and closed his eyes for a moment. He wanted to take the gift to Josie the next day. He wished he hadn’t lost Lizzie. He so liked her. He wanted her. He’d told the fitting room attendant that Lizzie was his girl and as he said the words, he knew he needed to make it true. Be mine, Lizzie.

  His head nodded and he jerked awake. Crap, I’m falling asleep. Bet it’s the incredible sex with Lizzie that’s finished me off, simple, but fucking amazing sex…his eyes closed. ——

  Warmth along one side of his body, and cool air playing on the top of his head, woke him. He put up a hand to the air-con ‘eyeball’ and swiveled it to send the air at the windows. He looked out. Low lit brick walls outside. The train had stopped. Where are we?

  He checked the passenger alongside him who nestled against his body and was responsible for the warmth along that side. “Lizzie.”

  His startled call woke her.

  She blinked at him. “Where are we?”

  Ryan’s smile spread over his face as he gazed into her pretty face. “On the subway, but it’s not moving.” He bent his head and kissed her softly. Her lips were cool and the tip of her nose where it touched his cheek put a little spot of cold there. All the same, his insides shifted at the kiss, and his cock stirred as he remembered the slow warmth of her pussy surrounding it.

  She held his head to hers, her fingers tunneling into his hair.

  The intimacy comforted Ryan and he lingered over the kiss, wanting more.

  She moved her face away to talk. “I came to get the subway home, grabbed this last car as the others were full, and there you were asleep at the back. You were deep asleep and I snuggled up to you, to keep you safe. Then I must have fallen asleep too. I wonder why we’re stopped?”

  Lizzie’s presence elated him. Pleasure from her kiss coursed through him. He didn’t care why they were stopped, only that he’d found Lizzie again. “I looked everywhere for you. I thought I’d lost you and I was devising all kinds of plans to find you.”

  A dull crackle happened in the speaker built into the car’s curved roof. Mainline is sorry to announce that we are still waiting for the track to clear ahead. Other trains are clogging our route. Owing to the sudden blizzard, we estimate a further hour’s delay in arrival at…and the voice announced subway stations along the route.

  Ryan grinned. “It snowed?”

  Lizzie nodded. “When I came out of the mall it was snowing, but I didn’t expect to be stuck in it.” She sighed and gazed into his eyes. “I thought you’d cut and run after the sex. I looked for you too.”

  He drank in the sight of her. Her full lips, her blue eyes, the way tendrils of her hair stuck to her cheek where she’d rested on his shoulder, and everything delighted him.

  “I was buying stockings to go with the garter belt. When I couldn’t find you I bought a card for my sister and came here.” He watched the play of emotions in her eyes. The best one was happiness. She’s pleased to see me too. I’m not letting her go…ever. She can’t have a boyfriend not the way she responded to me.

  He took her hands. Her fingertips were cold and he brought them to his lips. As he softly kissed each one, he gazed at her.

  “I don’t want to lose you again. Is there anyone special in your life? I hope not.”

  Her eyes darkened at him, the blue almost covered by her pupils. The tip of her tongue touched her top lip, inviting him to kiss her. She whispered, “No one.”

  Ryan gave in to every desire scorching through his body. He let go of her hands to hold her head. His fingers encountered the soft strands of her hair. He grabbed handfuls to keep her against his mouth in a kiss that weakened his thighs and tightened his balls. His cock throbbed and thickened. He moved one hand to unbutton her coat, and search inside fo
r the soft globe of her breast. He kneaded and sighed into her mouth as she continued the kiss he’d started.

  He found the peak of her nipple through her clothes with his thumb, and stroked until his cock was hard and strained against his pants. “Lizzie, you’re so gorgeous. I want you bad,” he murmured a whisper away from her lips.

  She kissed him softly and then shifted in his arms. “I feel the same about you.”

  Ryan traced the curve of her hip, and he settled his hand on her thigh. “If there was no one else around, well, let’s just say I’d like a repeat of the fitting room activity.”

  Lizzie glanced at the four passengers toward the front of the car.

  Ryan looked too. They were occupied in low conversation and reading. An elderly woman sat knitting toward the middle of the car.

  “I want to know all about you. Tell me stuff.” He smiled at her as she turned to face him. He took her hand and traced a finger around her palm.

  “You first, tell me about yourself so that I don’t think this is a lovely dream.”

  Her words filled his heart with tenderness. He leaned to kiss her again, and then told her about his sister, his vet practice, his dog that would be waiting at home annoyed as hell he wasn’t back yet. He saw affection build in her eyes. Savored the delight and relief in her expression when she discovered the lingerie was for his sister. Watched the sadness when she found out about Josie’s operation and then he bent his head to hers and kissed her tenderly.

  Her tongue touched his and his cock, previously wilting as he told his story, hardened again. He groaned softly, unable to squash down his desire. “I can’t believe how great it is to kiss you. This is so amazing, to meet you, to want you so much.”

  Her hand stole onto the bulge in his pants.

  He thrust toward her palm. “If only.”

  She left her mouth against his, and her hands worked on opening his pants.

  Her fingers on his cock when she pushed them inside his shorts were so welcome, the sensation so good, he struggled not to groan aloud. He nuzzled her neck to stop the sound of desire bursting out. He kissed up her neck to her ear. “I think there are cameras in here.”