Naughty Bedtime Stories: First Taste Read online

  Naughty Bedtime Stories:

  First Taste


  Jackie McMahon, Ethan Radcliff, Elodie Parkes, Jen Raygoza, Aurelia Fray, Trixie Taylor, Sabina Bundgaard, Lexi Ostrow, Zoe Adams, Inger Iversen

  Published by Hot Ink Press

  This Book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, duplicated, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  ©Text Copyright 2014 Hot Ink Press

  Cover by Rue Volley

  Edited by Olivia Harper and Elizabeth A. Lance

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious and are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual events, or locales or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.


  The First Kiss – Jackie McMahon 4

  Her Night

  Ethan Radcliff


  Elodie Parkes

  Tackle Me

  Jen Raygoza

  Before the Fall

  Aurelia Fray

  The Proposition – Jackie McMahon

  The Wrong Number

  Trixie Taylor

  The Rescue

  Sabina Bundgaard

  Irish Sweets

  Lexi Ostrow


  Ethan Radcliff

  For The First Time

  By Zoe Adams

  The Encounter – Jackie McMahon


  Brothers in Sin Short

  Inger Iversen

  The First Kiss – Jackie McMahon

  Her Night

  Ethan Radcliff

  When she walks into a room

  On the arm of her Dom

  Eyes travel over her, zoom

  Envy of all in their dungeon

  He adores the beauty on his arm

  She can do no evil or no wrong

  St. Andrew’s Cross this night

  Will show them all her might

  He’ll tie her arms and legs

  To the cross so very tight

  So far calm no quiet begs

  The blindfold will go on next

  The games begin so does the trek

  Into the pleasure of the flesh

  And the exquisite pain so fresh

  She’ll get so excited and sexually charged

  They’ll enter that zone unable to dodge

  The luscious euphoria their play brings

  Others watch and sexual tension rings

  As his flogger comes to touch her skin

  She moans out in delight, ready a win

  Again the snap cracks in the air

  Tether fingers run wild and fair

  Her voice cracks as she now begs

  As the flogger hits her bare legs

  Her Master sweats, his body heated

  He untied his very aroused pet

  And to the leather bench he sets

  Her body open and ready he gets

  He enters her, pumps and forgets

  Her screams of pleasure egg him on

  He thrusts hard and now the bomb

  They cum, they yell out their release

  Urging those to play, display, and tease

  Her night complete, her Dom proud

  A pet has shown her strong rebound


  Elodie Parkes

  Chapter One

  Lizzie regretted going Christmas shopping the moment she hit the crowds heading into town. Crowds meant packed stores, jostling pavements, and queues. Lizzie hated queues. Always so busy at work, she resented the time wasted in queues. She almost turned back, but this was her only Saturday off in a month, and there wouldn’t be another for three more weeks. Lizzie didn’t want to shop at the height of the season…no thank you.

  She swiped her multi-ride pass at the subway gate, and joined the throng of people on the platform. As she waited, she glanced around at the other travelers. There were the inevitable couples, some clutching each other’s hand, some with their arms around each other, and small groups of people, obviously friends, or families. Lizzie always saw couples first. She longed to be part of a couple. She couldn’t recall the last kiss she shared with John, her last boyfriend. She tried sometimes at night when she flopped exhausted into bed. She tried to picture him next to her, his hands around her face and his lips descending on hers, but even if she saw it, she couldn’t feel it. The feeling, like John, had fled…long gone. Two years without a kiss was a long time.

  The subway train drew up and everyone surged forward into the cars. At that time of day, and that station, few passengers alighted. Lizzie watched a solitary man fight his way off the train before she followed the crowd on. No seats remained by the time she’d packed into the car. She grabbed at a strap to hang onto as the doors swished closed, and the train took off. An express, there were few stops before it reached the terminus.

  Lizzie closed her eyes to the semi-dark walls of the subway as they flew by. She considered the gifts she wanted to buy for her family. Lizzie especially wanted to treat her mom and her sisters. It never failed to annoy her how their gifts from their husbands were domestic. She cringed as they opened brightly covered boxes disguising the pressure cooker, toaster, iron and other impersonal additions to the household.

  Lizzie always bought pretty things for them. She enjoyed the way their eyes sparkled as the foil and tissue wrap revealed her gifts to them. This Christmas her mom’s present would be lingerie, her sister Meg, perfume, her sister Angie, the biggest and most luxurious bottle of body lotion ever, and they would all have a small box of handmade chocolates. These things reminded them they were women, sexy, lovely, soft women who had another side apart from the one, which kept their homes running more or less like clockwork. Lizzie was what her mom termed ‘a career woman.’ She loved her job, but it didn’t stop Lizzie wanting love, and it sometimes hurt when her mom asked her if she’d met anyone yet.

  The huge brightly lit terminus woke her from her daydream. New posters, depicting delighted people greeted her eyes as the car drew up alongside the huge advertising billboards already decorated with seasonal trim. Lizzie trailed along with the crowd until she reached the sidewalk. She shivered in the blasts of cold November air, and buttoned her coat as she hurried along to her first stop, the largest department store on the high street.

  A massive reindeer with strings of colored lights wound around its antlers embellished one side of the entrance to the department store. The other side had shelves of Thanksgiving items, topped with a cardboard turkey. Stores decorated and brought in Christmas items earlier and earlier each year. Lizzie enjoyed them mid-December, but mid-November she silently railed against the sight.

  She wove through the group of slow moving customers in front of her to reach the escalator. The whole second floor housed ladies wear, and Lizzie headed for the lingerie department, thankful it wasn’t crowded.

  She carefully skimmed the hangers of beautiful silk slips along the rail. She smiled at the sight of matching bra and panty sets in sumptuous colors, row after row, until she reached black. Black satin, black lace, sheer black backed with ivory, or dove gray, and Lizzie picked up a set. She knew her mom’s size and yet the thought of the
bra not being a good fit for her mom stopped her from considering it after the first enjoyable moments. Another young woman picked up a set. Lizzie abruptly turned to walk back to the rails of slips and nightdresses, and she bumped right into someone.

  Her face level with a glimpse of blue shirt visible through the gray overcoat swinging open, Lizzie guessed this was a man. She raised her eyes simultaneously apologizing, “Sorry,” and then she registered his face.

  Brown eyes sparkled, perfect lips parted to speak. “No, it’s my fault.”

  His voice as dark and sexy as bittersweet chocolate flowed over Lizzie. She stared at him. Her heart suddenly racing, she stepped to one side. This man messed with her equilibrium just by standing there in front of her. He ranked as one of the most gorgeous men she’d seen so far in her twenty-eight years. Lizzie knew her gaze was laden with desire.

  “I saw you pick out a lovely set of underwear, beautiful, but a little big for you I’d say.” He hesitated over the description of the bra and panty set, and a delicious expression of amusement appeared in his eyes. He moved to stand in front of her again when another customer elbowed him aside.

  Lizzie’s heart hammered, her nipples tightened, and she sighed inwardly at her strong reaction to the man. Tall, very handsome in a rugged manly way, his jaw darkened by a shade of stubble, a wash of longing waved over Lizzie as she drank in the sight of him.

  He grinned at her mischievously and a dimple appeared in his left cheek. It made him even more attractive. “We’re in the way, but I’m trying to buy a gift. I’d love to have your help if you have the time to give.”

  Lizzie’s stomach muscles tensed. Her heartbeat showed no signs of slowing. I’d give him anything. What the hell, I’ll help him. He’s so yummy. Her thoughts tumbled in her head and she nodded. “Sure, what can I do for you?”

  “Thank you.” The warmth in his expression was fit to melt Lizzie, the rail of underwear, and probably anything within a five-yard perimeter. “I need something pretty for a woman about your build, but here’s the catch, nothing sexy, pretty, but not sexy. This is all sexy.” He waved his hand around at the sales floor of lingerie.

  Lizzie suppressed her amusement. “Not everything. Have you asked a store assistant?”

  He shook his head and his lovely dark hair fell endearingly forward onto his forehead.

  “I’d rather not do that. I don’t think they’ll get what I mean.” He ran his hand through his hair.

  Lizzie admired the display of muscled arm in his overcoat sleeve, and the way his shirt moved over the muscles in his chest. She sighed audibly as her thighs clenched.

  He must have heard it. His look apologetic, he half-turned as if to go. “I’m sorry, maybe you’re too busy.”

  “No, it’s okay.” She walked to the rail of slips and he followed closely. She soaked up his proximity. The faint waft of woody cologne, his tangible sexuality, and his masculine presence coated her with longing. Lizzie yearned to press against his hard body and have his strong arms around her. She fought down her sighs of appreciation for this delicious man.

  Lizzie stopped at the rows of lemon underwear, pretty, fresh, and enticing, but not sexy, not screaming out ‘take me’. She chose a camisole in her size, adorned with lace and satin ribbon threaded along the neckline. It was just what she’d choose to feel pretty, young, carefree. She held it up for him to see.

  Excitement fluttered in her stomach at the look he gave her, and she swallowed, shocked at the drench of wet heat slipping into her panties.

  “That’s perfect. Is there a longer version too, sort of knee length or something?” He checked along the rail and found a similar item, a nightdress. “Here’s something. What do you think?” He gave it to Lizzie.

  “It’s great, the same size, so you want both?” Lizzie asked. She handed him the items, feeling just a little as if she was a store employee.

  “Yeah, this is good. Thank you so much. Can I help you now?” His fingers brushed hers as he took the hangers and he glanced down at her hand.

  A strange feeling waved over Lizzie, as if all her strength melted away when his fingers touched hers. It confused her. His question startled her. She’d expected him to turn on his heel and depart to the sales counters. Deep down she’d love to have his company. It was so tempting the words came out of her mouth before she’d thought them through. “I’m looking for a Christmas present for my mom.”

  He dazzled her with his smile. “Sounds good, sorry, I’m being rude. I’m Ryan.” He held out his free hand.

  She might collapse in a damp heap if she actually shook hands with him, but she held out her hand anyway, and waited for the onslaught of sensation. “I’m Lizzie.”

  He took her hand in his, gripped it firmly, and gazed into her eyes. “Good to meet you, Lizzie.”

  She couldn’t even smile. Her hand in his strong, cool grip, blazed with jolts of sensation that burst up to her nipples, and brought them into peaks, begging for his fingertips. A huge throb ran through her pussy, and Lizzie pulled her hand away from his. It must be obvious I want him.

  His gorgeous brown eyes filled with emotion as he gazed at her for a whole minute.

  Captivated, she stared right back into his eyes. He’s so gorgeous. He likes me too…he does. Wow. The idea filtered through her daze of lust. Exhilaration brought her voice back and she remembered her shopping list.

  “Good to meet you too, Ryan. I want something for my mom, black and sexy, but classic.” She led the way to the rows of black lingerie.

  A sales assistant waylaid her. “Can I help you today, ma’am?”

  Lizzie smiled her thanks. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  The assistant turned her attention to Ryan. “Will I pop those items into a changing booth for your wife, sir?”

  He answered the store saleswoman with a smile. “I’m still looking, but thanks.”

  Lizzie turned away, a grin flickering on her face. Is he still looking for a wife or lingerie? He hadn’t denied she was his wife, and it brought a glow of pleasure. She chose an ankle-length, black satin nightdress for her mom and checked the size.

  Ryan stood close. Silent now, he waited beside her.

  Lizzie felt his gaze on her. She didn’t have to check to know he watched her. The space between them magnetic with mutual attraction, she felt drawn to him. She turned to Ryan and saw something in his eyes she’d never expected.

  His expression was incredibly tender, as if he’d known her for a long time, as if he already cared for her.

  She moved closer to him. Her body just did its own thing. Her breasts suddenly heavy as she pictured his mouth on them, delicious pulses in her pussy set her dreaming of his fingers pushing into her. She stopped herself from standing on tiptoe and kissing him, just as he spoke.

  “Are you buying that for your mom?” He indicated the black nightdress she held.

  Lizzie’s voice failed and she croaked. “Oh, yes.” She walked with him to the counter to pay. Sadness scurried into her mind. He’ll just go off and I’ll never see him again. We’re just two shoppers and the pretty lemon things will be for his girlfriend.

  Ryan politely steered her ahead of him in the line to pay, and so, as he laid the lemon lingerie on the countertop to be gift wrapped, she wandered slowly away.

  Lizzie trailed by the rails of black bra and panty sets. She picked one up in her size, so pretty and so sexy too. On a whim, she decided to try them on. The adjacent rail contained matching garter belts, but after a quick yearning glance, Lizzie left it hanging there. Garter belts are for girls who have a man in their life to unclip sheer stockings and slide them off. I’ll stick with hold-ups.

  The lingerie was to soothe her disappointment at her single status, soothe the ache in her stomach left by those unbelievably strong reactions to a gorgeous stranger.

  She walked swiftly to the fitting room. Usually an assistant hung around there handing out tags that signified how many items a customer carried, or bringing them a different size
when something didn’t fit. Right now, there was no one in sight. Lizzie glanced around. She shrugged and went to the far cubicle in the row, next to the huge wall mirror. If she wanted a bigger view of herself, she could step out quickly and not be on display for other customers arriving to try things on.

  Lizzie closed the pale-blue brocade curtain hanging on a rail across the cubicle entrance. She undressed to her underwear and took the lingerie from its hangers so that she could quickly try it on. A big sign with red letters proclaimed the need to try panties on over your own. Lizzie grinned, naturally. She unclipped her bra and hung it on the hooks provided. As she reached for the new bra to try it on, a male hand pushed back the curtain an inch or two, at about shoulder height. Lizzie whipped around to check what was happening and held the new bra to her breasts.

  “Lizzie, it’s Ryan, don’t be afraid. I saw you come in here and I thought…I thought maybe you should try this too.”

  Lizzie’s heart raced, she swallowed down the fear that arose when she’d first seen the male hand. Calmer, she discovered he held the matching garter belt.

  “I don’t need it, thank you anyway, and this is the ladies fitting room.”

  Ryan shook the garter belt at her. “It would suit you. Give it a try, just for me.”

  Something strange happened to Lizzie at this request. Tears burned behind her eyes ready to slide down her cheeks and wreck her eye-makeup. She took the garter belt and dropped it onto the brocade-covered stool that occupied a corner of the fitting cubicle.

  Ryan withdrew his hand. “Thank you for your help earlier.”

  Lizzie listened intently. Is he leaving? The thick carpet in the fitting room muffled footsteps. Lizzie put on the new bra quickly, adjusting the straps to fit. She stared at the curtained doorway. Prickles ran up her spine. Her heart hammered. Her stomach clenched and to her dismay, a drench of wetness throbbed from her pussy. Her body told her Ryan was still behind the curtain, but her head said he’d gone. Why would he stay? There’ll be other customers soon. Oh hell, what’s going on?