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The Golden Knight #3 Rainna Falls Page 4
The Golden Knight #3 Rainna Falls Read online
Page 4
“Do not fear!” Marsonee assured the crowd. “It is not judgment that you see. It is salvation!”
The angels marched in perfect unison down the beams of light. As they reached the ground, they spread out in equal columns behind the Golden Knight. Both armies stood facing one another. Beshtar carefully guided his winged horse to gracefully land beside Marsonee. The handsome archangel dismounted.
“My dear friend,” Beshtar said. “I had heard that you and your company might be in need of some assistance.”
“You have never failed to make a grand appearance,” Marsonee replied with a smile.
Outside the city walls, waves of arrows fell down on the fire soldiers guarding the catapults. Angels swooped down from the sky and attacked. After a brief fight, the fire soldiers melted away in panic and ran.
“Your King has violated the laws of the Ancient Book!” Flar growled. “This transgression against the natural order shall not go unpunished!”
“What would you know of the great law?” Beshtar demanded. “All things work for the greater glory of our King.”
“Destroy them!” Flar roared.
The fire soldiers rushed forward.
“Attack!” Beshtar commanded as he drew his sword.
The angel army surged forward led by the chariots. The townspeople, led by Marsonee, rushed into the battle with a yell. Angels darted across the sky. The two armies collided in the middle of the town square with a crash of metal and wood. Swords and pitchforks locked in battle. The Golden Knight fought his way toward Flar. The tide of battle slowly began to turn in favor of the angels of Beshtar and the townspeople.
“You shall not escape your justice,” the Golden Knight said. “You shall be held accountable for your sins.”
“You would dare to challenge me?” Flar retorted. The fire lord extended his black clawed wings. “Then you will fight me in my own element.”
Flar rocketed up into the sky.
“Wings,” the Golden Knight whispered. Angelic wings materialized on his back in a flash of light. The Golden Knight flew into the air in pursuit of the fire lord.
“Your stupidity knows no bounds,” Flar remarked.
“I could say the same for your arrogance,” the Golden Knight replied.
The Golden Knight and the evil fire lord exchanged sword blows. They darted and dodged one another’s attacks as they flew across the sky. Gradually, they found themselves fighting above the city walls on the outskirts of Rone.
“There is no victory here for you,” Flar growled. “You have already been tarnished with defeat.”
“Hardly,” the Golden Knight replied.
Their weapons locked in a fiery explosion. With a quick and skillful parry, the Golden Knight knocked Flar’s fire sword from the fire lord’s hand. The sword plummeted to the ground below. The flaming blade hit the ground and dug into the dirt. Immediately, the ground began to tremble and quake with a groan. The ground opened and separated into a gapping crack hundreds of feet long. Dirt and rock fell into the crevice as it widened. Flames and smoke erupted out of the dark abyss. Flar laughed in delight.
“What in the Kingdom’s name?” the Golden Knight gasped.
“Where is your precious Princess Rainna?” Flar taunted. “Who has protected the Keeper of the Ancient Book from my dark magic? Every moment that you are engaged with me, you lose her.”
“If you have harmed her, monster...,” the Golden Knight angrily said. He placed the tip of his sword blade against Flar’s throat. “...It shall be your end.”
“You would strike me down, boy,” Flar growled, “even though I am now unarmed? It seems hardly fitting and just for the knight’s code that you swear to uphold. You cannot triumph over me. I will always be a part of this world.”
The Golden Knight lowered his sword. “It will take time,” he said, “but we will change their hearts and lead them back to their King.”
“You fool,” Flar retorted. “How can you protect them all from me? You are only one. The Great Divide has stood for generations. As long as you remain, I will continue to attack and terrorize the people of this realm.”
The Golden Knight clenched his gloved fist. With a mighty blow, he struck Flar’s dark helmeted head.
“Away from here, Flar!” the Golden Knight commanded. “Return to the netherworld from whence you came!”
Flar reeled back in shock and pain. The Golden Knight struck the fire lord in his armored chest. Flar plummeted downward toward the flaming abyss. Suddenly, two flaming arms rose out of the fiery crevice and wrapped themselves around Flar’s body.
“No!” Flar pleaded as he struggled. “No, I can defeat him!”
A demonic laugh echoed from the underworld.
“I will return for you, Golden Knight!” Flar roared. “I will return to destroy all of you!”
The Golden Knight watched as Flar, the mighty fire lord, was dragged down by the flaming hands and disappeared into the burning darkness. The ground shook violently, and with a cloud of dust, resealed itself. The crack in the earth and Flar were now gone. The Golden Knight slowly descended over the city walls of Rone. He landed in a deserted street. The angelic wings on his back disappeared in a flash of light. In the distance, he could hear the sounds of battle still raging in the city. The Golden Knight started back toward the town square.
Chapter Seven
The Golden Knight returned to the town square fighting his way through Flar’s fire soldiers. The army of Beshtar the archangel and the townspeople of Rone were pushing the fire soldiers back. The angelic archers raised their bows. A volley of arrows flew through the air. Rows of fire soldiers fell to the ground. A group of townspeople maneuvered to the left and surprised a division of fire soldiers. A brief struggle ensued before the fire soldiers went running for the main gate. Without their evil leader, the fire army was rapidly losing ground. Beshtar continued to direct the angels with impressive skill. Carefully finding the weak points in the fire army’s formations, Beshtar was able to send his angelic forces to strike at key points creating chaos and confusion within the fire army’s ranks.
The Golden Knight saw Marsonee. He was engaged in a sword fight with four of Flar’s soldiers. The angel’s wing was still slightly smoking from the sword wound that he had received earlier. The Golden Knight fought his way toward him. Marsonee brushed the fire soldiers aside, throwing them through the air with one motion of his hand.
“You are still hurt,” the Golden Knight said.
“Yes,” Marsonee answered, “but still able to fight.”
“The King’s army can continue this battle without us,” the Golden Knight replied. “We must get to the cathedral and make sure Rainna is safe.”
“Agreed,” Marsonee said.
They rushed across the town square to Beshtar. Two angels stood beside him.
“Can you hold them?” the Golden Knight asked.
“Hold them?” Beshtar laughed. “We are going to defeat them.”
“Of that my friend,” Marsonee grinned, “I have no doubt.”
The Golden Knight and Marsonee raced toward the church of Rone. Franco carried Rainna’s body out the cathedral doors. Demetrius followed him carrying the Ancient Book. Franco slowly descended the steps. Marsonee’s eyes widened in shock as the Golden Knight slid to a halt.
“Oh, no,” the Golden Knight whispered. There was a flash of light and he was transformed back into Justin. “What happened?”
“We tried to save her,” Franco gasped. “We were too late. Murlox had already gotten to her before we arrived.”
Franco placed Rainna’s lifeless body on the ground. Justin knelt down and cradled her in his arms. Tears welled up in his eyes.
“Is she…?” he asked.
“She is gone, my son,” Demetrius answered. “I am so sorry.”
“It cannot be right,” Justin said. “She was the protector of the Ancient Book.”
“Where is the Book now?” Marsonee questioned. “Has it been kept sa
fe from the clutches of Murlox?”
“We have it,” Demetrius answered. “It is safe.”
Justin wept. He raised his fist toward the heavens. “My life for her life!” Justin called out. “I offer myself in sacrifice for her! Can you not hear me?
Take me and not her!”
Justin closed his eyes in sadness and embraced Rainna’s body. Overhead, the dark clouds slowly began to disappear and move away. The sky was clear and blue. The sun was shining. A lone white dove descended from the heavens and landed beside them. Justin opened his eyes. He reached out his hand. The dove pranced over to him. The bird spread its wings and flew away. A rain drop fell from the sky and struck Rainna’s face. The tiny drop of water ran down her forehead, across her nose, and touched her lips. More rain began to fall. Soon it was a downpour.
“How?” Franco asked. “There are no clouds.”
“The rain will save the city,” Demetrius remarked. He turned to look at the burning homes of Rone. “It will extinguish the fires of destruction wrought by the armies of Flar.”
Justin remembered the old man that he had helped at the well that he had met just days ago. He reflected on what the old man had told him: Water is life.
“The King does not abandon his faithful,” Justin humbly whispered. “If it be thy will…”
Rainna opened her eyes and saw the bright glory of the Kingdom. The skies were blue and clear. There was no Great Divide. Angelic creatures flew overhead and darted across the sky in an effortless motion. The castle walls were a dazzling white and the streets were paved with bricks of gold. The sound of beautiful music played. Rainna rose to her feet and moved forward. She felt as if she had no weight.
“Where am I?” Rainna called out. “Is this the Kingdom?”
There was an orb of bright light before her. It radiated a warmth that Rainna could not describe. In the center of the light, the King stood in royal glory.
“It is not your time, my dear one,” the King said. “Where you are, you were not meant to be.”
“I do not wish to leave,” Rainna replied.
“Reach out for my hand, precious Rainna, and you will be saved,” the King said. He extended his arm out to her.
Rainna hesitated. “Am I the Keeper?”
“Oh, yes,” the King answered. “You are the Keeper. And you are so much more.”
Rainna reached out and took the King’s hand. There was a blinding flash of light followed by darkness.
The Prince appeared before them, transfigured in robes of dazzling white. The rain could not touch the Prince. He remained perfectly dry. Marsonee and Demetrius knelt down on one knee.
“My lord and my prince,” they said.
Franco stood paralyzed in amazement. The Prince walked over toward him and gently placed his hand on Franco’s cheek. Franco fell to his knees in the mud.
“Your way has been restored to you,” the Prince calmly spoke. “Peace be with you. Not the peace of this world do I bestow unto you, but a peace that only I can give to you.”
“Will you not save her?” Justin asked. “She was the Keeper of your ancient Word.”
“I am the Word made flesh that came into this world ages ago,” the Prince replied. “I dwell inside of her as she dwells inside of me. You must keep my words so I shall remain with you and so that you may have life eternal in the glory of your King.”
The Prince knelt down and rubbed his hand against Rainna’s soaked hair.
“She believed in you,” Justin said, water streaming down his face. “We all believe in you.”
“Marsonee, my faithful servant,” the Prince commanded. The archangel rose to his feet. “Give to me the ring.”
Marsonee was momentarily startled. He reached into his jacket pocket. He handed the Prince the simple, gold band.
“I would trade my life for hers,” Justin said.
“Your life is her life,” the Prince replied. “You are bound together in a circle which can never be broken. This ring, the ring of life, is a symbol of that circle.”
The Prince slid the ring onto Rainna’s finger. He placed Justin’s hand onto Rainna’s hand.
“As the King has sent me to you, I now send you out into this world,” the Prince instructed. “All things work in time for the glory of the King.”
The Prince stood and raised his arms toward the heavens. He vanished from their view. Suddenly, Rainna gasped for breath and opened her eyes. She softly smiled.
“You are alive,” Justin said. He embraced her. “Thank the King, you are alive.”
The rain stopped.
Chapter Eight
The battle for Rone had ended. Flar’s fire army had been defeated and was in retreat. There was much damage and destruction to the city. Despite the rain that had fallen, many of the buildings and straw homes were still burning and sending large black clouds of smoke into the air. Beshtar had instructed his angel army to help the townspeople battle the fires. Angels darted across the evening sky dropping buckets of water on the rooftops. The townspeople were working together helping those who were hurt and saving what possessions they could from the rubble. Women and small children were being flown to safety. Others had made shelter and were preparing food.
Beshtar and Marsonee stood by the cathedral steps. “You have fulfilled the wishes of your King,” Beshtar said. He placed his hand on Marsonee’s shoulder. “You are free to return with us to the Kingdom.”
“But I am wounded, my friend,” Marsonee replied.
“All wounds do heal,” Beshtar said. “You have fought bravely, Marsonee. Your skills as a warrior have not diminished. Your place among the mightiest archangels remains.”
“Wounds only fade,” Marsonee said. “They can never truly heal. Do you know of the wound of which I speak?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Then you know it is not my wing.”
“Forgiveness can be found in the Kingdom,” Beshtar reminded him. “There is nothing more that you owe. Surely you do not believe that forgiveness can be found in the mortal realm?”
Marsonee glanced over at Justin and Rainna. “Yes,” Marsonee said with a slight smile. “I believe there is still much to do and to be found in this world for me. I wish to remain.”
“The King shall honor your wishes,” Beshtar said. He extended his hand. Marsonee took it. “I shall wait for the time when you return to us, my old friend. May the King always walk with you on your journey.”
“As He does with you,” Marsonee replied. “Come. Let me properly introduce you to my friends.”
“Not this time,” Beshtar said. “My place is with the angels. We will finish what needs to be done here and then we shall be gone.”
Marsonee walked off alone toward his friends. Justin helped Rainna to her feet.
“I have seen the Kingdom,” she said. “I have seen a world where the Great Divide does not exist.”
“You need to rest,” Justin replied.
“The Book? Is it safe?” she asked.
“Yes, princess,” Franco answered. “It is with us.”
Demetrius placed the Book in her hands. “I believe this belongs to you.”
“It belongs to all of us,” Rainna remarked.
“You have won a great victory today,” Marsonee said. “You have proven yourself worthy of the Golden Knight.”
Justin turned away.
“What troubles you, boy?” Marsonee asked.
“We cannot stay here,” Justin answered.
Demetrius nodded and sighed.
“We may have beaten Flar today,” Justin continued. “We know he will be back. As long as we stay here, we place all of these people in danger.”
“What would you have us do?” Rainna questioned. “Where are we to go?”
“We must find the other knights,” Justin said. “We must build an army to defeat Flar once and for all. Only then, will the people and this land be free.”
“The Book speaks of another kingdom established generations ag
o following the first great trial of faith by the knights of the Prince,” Rainna remarked.
“How do you know that is not some fairy tale someone tells their children at bedtime?” Franco sarcastically asked.
“It is in the Book,” Rainna replied. “It must be true.”
“There is such a place,” Demetrius said. “It is called the Outremer.”
“Outremer?” Justin repeated.
“Yes,” the old priest replied. “It is from an ancient language which means the land beyond the seas.”
“Will you take us there?” Justin said. “Do you know the way?”
“The way will be revealed to you,” Demetrius remarked, “just as all things have been revealed, through the wisdom of the Ancient Book. My place is here in Rone. I cannot join you on your quest.”
“What can you do here?” Franco asked, looking around. “There is nothing left.”
“Ah, my young friend,” Demetrius chuckled, gently slapping Franco on the cheek. “There is much these two old hands can do when joined by the hands and hearts of others. We shall rebuild this city, stone by stone, and it shall never burn again. Yes, we shall rebuild this city and it shall have no walls. And for the first time in countless generations, the cathedral of Rone will be opened to share the joy of the King.”
The townspeople cheered. Demetrius, his hands raised over his head, skipped off to join them.
“You have to admire that crazy old man’s passion,” Franco remarked. He kicked at the dirt with his sandals. “I am going to turn myself in for my past crimes. I am a thief. I have a debt to pay.”
Justin glanced over to Marsonee. The archangel stepped forward.
“It is said that the Golden Knight will choose the ones who will follow him,” Marsonee remarked. “I did not see a thief today. I saw someone who was strong and brave.”
“I have chosen you, Franco,” Justin said. “Tonight your door will be unlocked. You are free to go if that is what you want. I ask you to join us.”
“Me? A knight?”
“We have found the Keeper in an unlikely place. In several hours, we shall know your fate as well,” Marsonee remarked. “But for now, come. Let me prepare my special recipe of wild hog for you.”
The early morning came with the crowing of the rooster. Justin and Marsonee had assembled in the chamber of the stone crosses. Candles lined the walls. Justin moved around the room, staring at the stone statues.