The Golden Knight #3 Rainna Falls Read online

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  “We are.”

  “Let me protect the princess,” Franco insisted. “I will find that crazy, old priest, Demetrius, to help me.”

  The Golden Knight thought for a moment.

  “You have no weapon,” he said.

  “Do not worry,” Franco said. He turned and started to run down the street. “I will make do. I am very resourceful.”

  “Yes,” the Golden Knight whispered. “You certainly are.”


  Flar raised his flaming fire sword over his massive armored body. Marsonee struggled to his knees.

  “Beg for my mercy,” the fire lord commanded.

  “In you, there is no mercy,” Marsonee replied.

  “So be it then,” Flar growled. He swung his fire sword down toward Marsonee’s head.

  Without warning, the Golden Knight raced into the courtyard, drew his sword and deflected the fire lord’s blade away.

  “What?” Flar roared.

  “Stand back,” the Golden Knight said firmly.

  “How dare you try to command me,” Flar hissed. “You have no power over me.”

  The Golden Knight raised his armored hand. A powerful gust of wind struck Flar in the chest and threw him across the square into a stone wall. Rocks toppled down onto the fire lord.

  “That should give us enough time to get you to safety,” the Golden Knight said.

  “Your timing is impeccable, boy,” Marsonee commented. “But do not be concerned for me.”

  The Golden Knight helped Marsonee to his feet. He reached down and collected the archangel’s sword.

  “I am concerned for all my friends,” the Golden Knight said. He handed Marsonee his weapon.

  “There is still much fight in me,” the archangel replied.

  “I shall fight Flar,” the Golden Knight said.

  “There is a storm overhead,” Marsonee remarked, noting the dark twirling clouds over Rone. “They are centered on the ancient cathedral. Princess Rainna, is she the one?”

  “Franco and Demetrius shall see that she and the Ancient Book are safe.”

  The Golden Knight guided Marsonee to one of the villager’s houses. Three women ran out of the door and helped the archangel inside. He sat down on a straw bed.

  “He is injured,” the Golden Knight said. “Please care for him.”

  “We shall,” one of the women replied. “If it be needed.”

  They immediately began to tend to the archangel’s wound and wipe his forehead of dirt.

  The Golden Knight took a final look at his angelic friend before he exited the house. Marsonee gently brushed the three women aside.

  “Your kindness is welcomed but unnecessary,” Marsonee said, rising to his feet. “Where are the men of Rone? I wish to lead them in battle.”

  The three women smiled.

  Chapter Five

  Franco darted across the town square toward the cathedral. Looking up, he saw the dark clouds twirling like a cyclone above the highest tower on the ancient church. Lightning bolts flashed out. Then Franco saw the large flaming stone pierce through the clouds and descend directly at him. He rolled to his right, barely avoiding the burning rock as it impacted into the ground. Franco rose to his feet and brushed off the dirt.

  “I do not know what is worse,” he muttered to himself, “that monster or the flying rocks.”

  Demetrius was directing the women and children as they rushed to find shelter. The men of Rone were grabbing pitchforks and organizing on the far side of the square. Franco saw the old priest and motioned to him.

  “Demetrius!” Franco called out. “I need your help! We have to save Princess Rainna from the sorcerer!”

  “Where is she?” the priest said.

  “Up there,” Franco responded, pointing to the high tower on the cathedral. “The Golden Knight said that the sorcerer would try to destroy the Ancient Book. He said that Rainna was the key.”

  “Murlox is powerful,” Demetrius responded. “He will not be defeated easily.”

  They arrived at the cathedral steps. Franco noticed the horses still tied to the posts outside the main entrance, and he tossed the short sword to Demetrius.

  “You are going to need this old man,” he said as he walked over to the horses.

  “And what of you, Franco?” Demetrius asked. “We stand little chance if you have no weapon.”

  Franco began rummaging through Rainna’s saddlebag. He pulled out the fire sword and activated the flaming blade. He cut the ropes holding the horses. Twirling the sword above his head, Franco rushed the horses away to safety.

  “This sword should do just fine,” Franco remarked. “Let us go.”

  Franco and Demetrius entered the cathedral. Despite all the chaos outside, the sanctuary was quiet, almost peaceful.

  “How did you remember the fire sword was there?” Demetrius asked.

  “I was a thief,” Franco answered. “You learn how to notice and remember things. How do we get up to that tower?”

  “There is a staircase. Come quickly, this way,” the old priest said as they raced off. “I fear we have little time.”

  “Let me go!” Rainna screamed. She struggled vainly against the chains holding her hands and feet. “Who are you? You will never succeed with terror and fear!”

  The old sorcerer hobbled across the tower platform and leaned over her. He stroked her hair and ran his bony fingers down her arm.

  “Do not touch me!” she said, struggling to move away.

  “You are the key, my dear princess,” Murlox said. “But you are not the door. Does my face frighten you? Does it remind you of a time from long ago?”

  “I do not know you!” Rainna called back.

  “No,” Murlox replied. “I imagine in this form that you do not.”

  He stumbled over to the Book.

  “You stake your hope on ancient stories,” Murlox angrily said. “But even you cannot imagine the horrible things that I have seen in this world and the next. Flar cannot be defeated in this realm. It is not in our nature to seek the King.”

  He walked back over to Rainna. Murlox raised his staff over his head. The staff and his hands glowed with red energy. Lightning and thunder roared across the dark sky.

  “The words of the Ancient Book are eternal!” Rainna cried out. “They cannot be destroyed! You need only to reach out your hand to the King to be saved!”

  “Where is your King?” Murlox sarcastically said. “Why would He not save the Keeper of the Ancient Book? Your faith has failed you. Good-bye, princess.”

  Murlox placed his glowing red hand on her stomach. Rainna gasped. Her body was covered in a red haze. She struggled, her eyes and mouth wide open. She tried to speak, to scream, but she could not.

  “Do not resist,” Murlox said. “Feel your life force leaving you.”

  Rainna slowly turned her head and gazed at the Book. It sat motionless. A tear fell from her face. She gasped again and closed her eyes. Her body went limp. The red haze disappeared. Murlox removed his hand from her stomach.

  Demetrius and Franco burst through the wooden door leading out of the tower. Murlox turned to face them.

  “Step away from the girl, Murlox,” Demetrius forcefully said.

  “Demetrius, I should have known you would still be alive after all this time,” Murlox groaned. “You are too late. Princess Rainna is already gone. She has fallen into the eternal sleep.”

  “If that is true,” Franco angrily said. “You are going to pay for that, old man.”

  “Be wise, my young friend,” Demetrius whispered. “Do not let his outer appearance fool you. Murlox is a powerful warrior regardless of the form he chooses to take.”

  “You have failed, Demetrius,” Murlox said. “Your city is being destroyed. The Book now belongs to me.”

  “It shall serve you no purpose,” the priest replied. “You cannot open it.”

  “But neither can you or your companions,” Murlox retorted. “And that is what matters the most, is it
not? You cannot have faith without its foundations.”

  “I have had enough of your talk, you crazy wizard,” Franco said. “I am taking back the Book and Princess Rainna.”

  “Come and take them,” the sorcerer said. Murlox slowly began transforming into his younger bodily form. Franco gasped in amazement. “Surely you do not fear an old man such as I. Come, if you dare my young fool.”

  Franco lunged forward with the flaming sword. He threw several quick blows, but Murlox easily deflected them with his staff. Murlox jumped back, twirling the staff over his head. Franco threw more thrusts, but once again Murlox brushed them aside.

  “Do you really think that you are a match for me, boy?” Murlox remarked. “I have walked every battlefield on this world for a thousand years.”

  Murlox pointed his staff at Franco. A beam of energy shot out. Franco raised his sword. The energy beam struck the flaming blade, throwing Franco across the tower platform. Franco quickly rose to his feet.

  “Lightning, consume him!” Murlox roared.

  Bolts of lightning rocketed down from the sky. Franco dove and rolled across the stone flooring as the electrical blasts exploded around him.

  “You are quick,” Murlox observed, “but are you faster than the wind itself?”

  Murlox threw up his arms. A powerful gust of wind surged forward hitting the chest. Franco fell backwards, dropping his fire sword. He toppled over the stone ramparts.

  “Franco!” Demetrius called out.

  Franco hung from the tower wall. He struggled to maintain his grip. Murlox walked over to the edge and looked down at him. Franco glanced down at the ground below him.

  “This is not good,” he muttered.

  “You are strong,” Murlox remarked, tapping his staff next to Franco’s hand. “Your heart has not been corrupted. A worthy adversary you might have been. Enjoy the fall.”

  Demetrius bolted through the air with a yell. Murlox turned and deflected the priest’s sword thrust. They exchanged several blows as they moved across the tower surface. Demetrius moved quickly, leaping and tumbling as he threw sword thrusts. Murlox was equally fast, turning and blocking as he went.

  “Time has not failed your fighting skills,” Murlox said, “but warrior priests are a relic from another age. The great crusades are over for this world. Men have chosen their own foolish way.”

  Murlox pointed his bandaged hand at Demetrius. A blast of energy shot out and hit the old priest. Demetrius cried out in pain, dropping his short sword. He stumbled backwards and fell beside the stone altar where Rainna’s body lay.

  “Look at her, Demetrius,” Murlox grinned. The sorcerer bent down and picked up the short sword lying on the ground. With the sword in his left hand and his staff in his right hand, he pressed the edge of the blade against the old priest’s chest. “She was so young and naïve. What has her faith given her?”

  “There is a power that you could never understand,” Demetrius stammered out. “And this power will ultimately save her from your darkness.”

  “Will it save you, too?” Murlox laughed.

  Franco braced his legs against the stone tower and pulled himself back over the stone wall. He crawled forward, grabbed the fire sword, and rose to his feet.

  “Murlox!” he cried out. Lightning crashed over his head.

  The surprised sorcerer turned at the sound of Franco’s voice. Franco hurled the fire sword through the air with one easy motion. The flaming blade sliced through Murlox’s bandaged left hand. Murlox screamed in pain and stumbled back. Patches of dust fell from the wound in Murlox’s hand.

  “What have you done to me?” Murlox gasped. “I cannot be defeated! I have destroyed the Keeper of the Ancient Book!”

  Suddenly, the Book was bathed in light from a sun beam which had penetrated the twirling dark clouds. The stones underneath Murlox’s feet started to shake and rumble. Murlox stumbled back as he lost his footing. A bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and struck him.

  “No!” he cried out. Murlox slowly began changing back to his older form. “What is happening? I control the forces of nature in this realm!”

  A second blast of lightning and then a third bolt hit him. His robes were smoking. A powerful gust of wind rushed across the tower. Murlox reached out, but there was nothing for him to hold. He fell backwards with a yell and disappeared over the tower ramparts. Demetrius and Franco ran to the edge. They peered over the walls but could see nothing.

  “We won,” Demetrius muttered out. “We defeated the sorcerer.”

  Franco turned away and saw Rainna’s body lying on the altar.

  “Did we?” he asked.

  Chapter Six

  Murlox, shaped as a young man, hobbled through the barren fields outside of Rone. The evil sorcerer still clutched the bandaged stump where his hand had once been before his battle with Franco and Demetrius on the cathedral tower. Grey dust trickled out between his clinched fingers. Outside the city of Rone, Flar’s mighty fire army stood in formation firing catapults of flaming boulders into the town. The flags of Lord Flar flapped in the wind. Murlox made his way over to the fire soldier commander. A black armored stallion uneasily rested nearby. Murlox struggled as he slowly mounted the war horse. The horse, its red eyes glowing, snorted black clouds of smoke as it adjusted to the weight of its new rider.

  “You may cease your bombardment of the city at once,” Murlox commanded.

  The fire soldier commander turned to his troops. He raised his armored hand. The fire soldiers manning the catapults immediately stopped loading their weapons.

  “Move your infantry forward and take the city,” Murlox instructed. “The townspeople are trying to organize a resistance. Destroy them all.”

  The fire soldier commander nodded. He raised his flaming sword. Seconds passed. The fire soldier commander lowered his sword in a swift movement. Several fire soldiers, using long bones as drumsticks, began to beat their red drums in a slow, monotone cadence. The fire infantry drew their swords in unison and activated the flaming blades. They raised their shields and let out a strong, demonic shout. The infantry divisions of Flar’s fire army moved silently forward in six rows of six columns with six fire soldiers in each.

  “Concentrate your assault on the main gate,” Murlox ordered. “When you have secured the perimeters of the city, massacre the main body of natives that are forming in the town square. Lord Flar will not tolerate defeat. There is only victory.”

  The fire soldier commander nodded. The sorcerer pulled the reins on the horse’s harness and galloped away.

  “Away from me, you annoying stone!” Flar roared as he burst free from the pile of rocks. He brushed his dark armor off with a swipe of his massive arms. “Surely, you did not believe such a simple trick of the wind could stop one such as I.”

  “End your attack, fire lord,” the Golden Knight said. “You have done enough damage to these innocent people and their homes.”

  “No. I will not cease,” Flar replied. Balls of fire formed in his fists. “I will see you surrender to me first!”

  Flar threw the fire balls with fury. The Golden Knight deflected and chopped them to pieces with his sword. The fire lord drew his fire sword. The blade burst into flames.

  Marsonee, followed by the townspeople of Rone, flooded into the town square. Simultaneously, the fire soldiers of Flar rushed through the main gate and began falling into formation behind their demonic leader. Flar’s eyes glowed an intense, evil red. He chuckled.

  “Is this what you want, boy?” Flar grimaced. “You know that my fire army will butcher these pathetic peasants.”

  Marsonee stepped forward to the brave knight. “They will fight for you,” he whispered.

  “I cannot ask the people of Rone to sacrifice their lives for me,” the Golden Knight replied.

  “These people, poor as they may be, do so willingly for their city and King,” Marsonee said. “Just as all of us have done for you on this journey.”

  “I await
your answer, Golden Knight!” Flar shouted out across the courtyard. “Will you lead the lost people of Rone to their ultimate doom?”

  The Golden Knight drove his sword into the ground and knelt down on one knee. The townspeople waited. The Golden Knight rose. He pulled his sword out of the dirt and raised the weapon over his head.

  “Look,” one of the townspeople called out as he pointed up to the sky.

  A ray of bright, pure sunlight penetrated through the dark storm clouds over the city of Rone. Another ray of light followed and then another beam after that. Within moments, thirty or more sun beams of radiant light were shining down on the devastated city.

  “What form of treachery is this?” Flar angrily roared. The fire lord shook his flaming sword at the heavens in defiance. He turned and gazed back at the Great Divide crackling in the distance. “You cannot interfere in my realm!”

  A white winged stallion covered in sparkling armor galloped through the dark clouds on a beam of sunlight. A young angelic figure, also adorned with battle armor, rode the beautiful creature. The angel’s mighty wings powerfully flapped in the wind behind him. He raised his sword over his helmeted head. The stallion reared upward on its hind legs.

  “Forward!” the angel ordered. “In the name of your King, I command you forward!”

  “Who is it?” the Golden Knight questioned.

  “It is Beshtar the archangel,” Marsonee replied. “And I promise you, he did not come alone.”

  A trumpet sounded followed by another musical blast. The entire sky trembled with the beautiful sound of orchestrated music. The trumpets stopped. The sound of marching feet resonated in the sky. A calvary cohort of hundreds of flying angels darted out from among the clouds. They carried swords and shields. Several of the angels were armed with bows and arrows. One of the angels landed next to Beshtar.

  “Take the catapults in the flank,” the archangel ordered. “We cannot have them bothering us in the future.”

  The angel and his soldiers soared away.

  “Infantry division advance!,” Beshtar shouted.

  Horses, pulling golden chariots, emerged on each of the rays of light. Behind each chariot, rows and rows of angelic soldiers armed with swords and spears marched forward. The townspeople of Rone gazed at the mighty army with confusion and fear.

  “It is judgment!” someone called out. “It is judgment for the deeds of our past!”