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Beautiful Assassin Page 7
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Page 7
“Oh, I’m sure of it. Trust me, when Brian needs me, and he will, I’ll be the best thing you’ve ever done for him.”
“My father always said when a person asks you to trust them, don’t.”
Carter smirked. “Your father is a smart man, but there’s always the exception.”
Carter sat back against the tub and lifted her leg. Sade watched her movements, bubbles sliding down her thighs and disappearing into the water. Carter glanced toward her, taking notice of her observant eyes.
“Want some?” she asked.
Sade’s eyes left her legs and went back to her face. “You wish, bitch.”
Laughter erupted from Carter. “Don’t act like you don’t want it. Besides, everybody’s out of the closet these days.” Sade turned to leave. “You could even invite Brian. He might trust your judgment more often if you offered him appetizers.”
This made Sade pivot on her heels. “He has everything he needs with me, trust and believe.”
Carter smirked. “Now who’s asking for trust?”
“Who were you talking to on the phone?”
Carter handed her cell over to Sade. “Why don’t you call and find out?”
Her eyes fell on the cell phone in her hand. “I’m not playing games with you.”
She turned and left the guest house with doubts about her newfound friend.
Chapter Ten
Thirty minutes earlier
“I need you to do something else for me.”
Carter shifted her cell phone from one ear to the other. “Anything.”
“I want a meeting with Brian, and I need you to put it together.”
Carter frowned. “That would mean I would have to reveal to him who I am and why I’m here.”
“You don’t have to reveal shit. The only thing he needs to know is that I am someone you’ve run across and we’re on speaking terms. That’s it. You understand.”
“Good. Now, tell him that I’m interested in having a face to face with him.”
“If you shut up for a second and let me finish speaking, you’ll know.” Carter swallowed and tried to calm her racing heart. “Thursday, at 2 p.m., on mutual grounds. Write this number down I’m about to give you, then pass it to him.”
“I’m in the bathtub. Give me the number I can remember it.”
There was an eerie silence on his end.
Apprehension tensed up Carter’s shoulders. “Hello?”
“What have you been doing?” he asked, his voice controlled and steady.
“Nothing, besides standing outside for hours, waiting to be checked out before they let me inside.”
“Is that right?”
“What procedures did he go through to check you out?”
“I never made it into the main house. We were outside in a different part of his estate. He took his gun out and questioned me. I thought he would kill me then, but I could tell he couldn’t figure out what to do with me, so he put me in a guest house.”
“That’s where you are now?”
“Yes,” Carter hesitated, not knowing how much she should reveal about her actions last night. He had told her to do what was necessary to get in and she’d had to shoot some of Zeus’s men to make that happen.
“There was a shootout at the club last night,” she added. “I’m sure you’re aware.”
“What about it.”
“I was caught in the crosshairs, so…”
“So, what?”
“I had to shoot back.”
“So you killed some of my men?”
“I don’t think I killed anybody,” she said, getting defensive. “But I did shoot a couple of them. Why didn’t you tell me there would be a fight?”
“Because if I would’ve, then you wouldn’t have reacted the way you did. Your actions needed to seem genuine.”
“That could’ve gotten me killed.”
“Then you’d have no business being my bitch!”
Carter shut her eyes tight. She had chosen this life. On the one hand, she was looking for a more loyal organization like Brian’s, but Zeus had come along, and she’d been quick to dive in head first. Now she felt like his slave, only needing her for his pleasures or to do his bidding. Putting up with blatant disrespect and disregard on a daily basis in the hopes that one day he would see how much he needed her and make her his Queen.
That time had not come yet, and Carter couldn’t deny she was tired of waiting.
“The girl that helped you get in,” Zeus said, interrupting her thoughts, “do you think she can be turned if needed?”
This was new for Carter. Zeus never asked for her advice. But she guessed he had no choice since she was the inside man. “Probably not. She has a thirst for pleasing him.”
“Hmmm, I could use someone like her.” It was another one of his jabs. Almost as if he needed to belittle her to entertain himself.
“You don’t need her because you have me.” Carter didn’t do much talking when it came to Zeus, but there were many times she’d wanted to speak her mind, so she took the openings she could from time to time.
“Maybe you’re right,” he spat. “Maybe.”
“You don’t need her,” Carter repeated for good measure.
“Then you’ll make this happen for me. If he rejects the meeting, our war will continue no holds barred. If that’s the case, he probably will kill you then.”
Zeus was telling Carter something she already knew. “I can take care of myself.”
His exasperated laugh took her by surprise. “You can take care of yourself? Since when?”
Carter bit back an expletive. “I wasn’t always with you, ya know. I know how to handle my own.”
Zeus’s laughter died down. That’s one thing he was trying to shake her of, her independence. He needed her to need him, then and only then would he have full control over her.
Carter figured by his awkward silence that he wasn’t pleased with her response.
“Remember the number,” he said, spitting out the information so fast she almost didn’t process it. “You got it?”
“Say it back to me.”
Carter rattled the number off, pronouncing each syllable like a child learning how to count for the first time.
“That’s a good girl.”
“Someone’s coming down the hallway.”
The line went dead, and she pulled the phone away from her ear just as Sade entered the bathroom door.
When Celine emerged from her slumber, Brian was no longer in her clutches. Stretching her limbs, she rolled from side to side before tossing her legs over the side of the bed and coming to a sitting position. The room was dark, but she could make out details of its layout. Scooting down, Celine sauntered over to the window and pulled back the drapes. Piercing sun rays sent a trail through the darkness, and Celine took a step back, blocking herself from the bright light.
What time was it, she wondered as she padded over to a bag sitting in a chair next to her side of the bed.
It was her purse. Her eyes moved to the bags that surrounded it on the floor and she dug in. It was the rest of her belongings. She grinned. Brian had taken it upon himself to move her things into his room.
Celine didn’t have many things. After Caleb died, she put the house up for sale and sold everything in it. Including his and her personal items. The only thing she held on to was his and her wedding ring, which she kept on a necklace in her jewelry box.
Celine pulled clothes out of her bags and made her way to the bathroom. She showered, dressed, and left the room. It was quiet, and she had grown used to the noise. Celine wondered what was up, but the growl coming from her stomach led her to the kitchen, where she opened the refrigerator to look for something to eat.
The clock on the wall said it was midday, but it felt like she slept for years. She was stuck in a daze when a voice behind
her spoke.
“It’s good to see you up and about. Had me worried for a minute there.”
Celine turned to Marcus and shot across the room, throwing her arms around his waist. She dug her head into his chest.
“Whoa!” he said, thrown off by her response.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“Oh girl, I’m made of steel.” He pulled back to get a good look at her face. “I should be asking if you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. Brian took care of me, but he told me you got us home. Ugh, I’m so sorry. You tried to warn me. I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, you’re hard-headed, but it’s cool. I’m just glad to see you up and moving.”
She hugged him tighter. Finally, he returned the embrace. It was instinctive that he kiss the side of her forehead. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
“I’m good, I swear it.” He led a soft hand up and down her back.
Celine sighed and lifted her head, meeting him face to face, “I couldn’t see, I could only hear your voice. When Brian told me some people were wounded…”
He peered at her. “You thought it was me.”
She nodded. “I did. And you’ve grown on me already. I’ve got to watch your back from now on. I won’t be so distracted next time.”
The hold she had on him didn’t loosen, and his thoughts were taken down a forbidden path. To rid himself of them, he peeled her arms away and took a step back. But it only allowed him to get a full view of her long shapely legs, coke bottle hips, and bare belly. The halter top she wore was becoming a habit. It was like her wardrobe was full of them. He reached out and touched her hair, ignoring his thoughts.
“Next time? You know something I don’t?”
She grabbed his hand and tossed his arm over her shoulder, pulling him back toward the refrigerator. “I’m sure by now Brian has put something together. I know you know, so spill it.”
He chuckled. “Brian’s been held up with you most of the day. He sent everyone home so you could have some peace and quiet.”
“Everyone but you, his right-hand man!” she smirked.
“I live here. Well not in the main house but have you had the chance to venture out back?”
“No, I haven’t had a chance to do much of anything.”
“I’ll take you on a tour then.” He pulled out food in plastic containers and sat them on the counter.
“Mama Devereaux’s leftovers,” Celine said, smiling. “Time to dig in.”
“Eat up. You’re going to need your energy for this tour.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Chapter Eleven
“Wow, this is huge. Why would you want to live in the main house when you have your own castle on the same land?”
Marcus laughed. “I wouldn’t call it a castle, but it’s the way Brian does things.”
“Do you ever get tired of living here?” Her eyes landed on the luxurious surroundings, furnished living space, plush carpet and fireplace.
“I have a place outside of this estate. It’s not as lavish, but it’s pretty close.”
Celine folded her arms. “You’re keeping something from me. Do you have a side hustle mister?”
“We all have our side hustles. I don’t need it, but nevertheless, it’s my own thing.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Oh, you don’t want to hear about it. It’s nothing like what we’re doing here.”
“Try me. I could use the distraction, trust me.”
He rubbed the stubble on his chin and watched her plop down on his sofa.
“Come sit,” she said.
Marcus strolled to her and sat down in a chair across from her.
“Why are you over there? I don’t bite.”
It’s not you I’m worried about, he thought. Reluctantly, he rose and sat next to her, getting comfortable on the couch. He threw an arm over the top, and she sat back against him.
“I’m a collector.” At the worried look on her face, he chuckled. “I don’t collect body parts.” His laugh increased, and she gut punched him.
“I collect cars. I purchase the originals and bring them back to their full originality.”
“Oooh, nice! So where do you keep them all?”
“I don’t keep them all. Just ones that I’m particularly interested in. I have a warehouse a few blocks from here. The rest are sold at auction.”
Celine’s eyes were as big as saucers, “This is the part where you invite me to an auction so I can see this live and in person.”
Marcus stared at her for a moment. “You really want to go?”
“Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Most women don’t care to spend hours looking at cars. It’s not their thing.”
“The more you get to know me, the more you’ll find I’m not like most women.”
He shook his head slowly. “Sho you right.”
“I want to see the warehouse, too.”
He pushed her slightly to the side. “Girl, I don’t know you like that to be all up in my business. I done told you enough as it is.”
Celine’s mouth popped open, and she slapped him across his arm. He got up laughing, trying to escape her. Celine followed him through the hallway into the kitchen where she caught up with him.
“Ouch, girl, come on now!”
“Take it back!” she said.
“What? I don’t know you.”
She punched him again. “Take it back!”
“Okay, okay, no need to be violent!” He wrapped his arms around her, blocking her fists. Celine lurched forward and bit down on his neck hard.
He returned the favor, his teeth sinking into her flesh. “Ssssh ah!” Her yelp turned into a moan as a shiver coated her. “Okay…” she sang, her voice now lowered. “You win.”
Still hovering over her, he removed his mouth from her neck. They stared at each other, both wondering what was going on but knowing the answer at the same time.
Marcus moved first. “I take it back. I was just playing anyway.”
There was awkward tension in the room. “I know.” She smiled sheepishly.
His phone beeped with an incoming text message: Take the day off.
It was from Brian. Marcus looked back to Celine. “Let me show you the guesthouse.”
Celine folded her arms. “I still want to see your warehouse.”
His eyes lit up. “Follow me.”
They left and made their way to the guesthouse.
“Does anyone stay here?”
“Not anyone in particular. Depends on who the guest is for the night.”
Celine arched an eyebrow. “For the night?”
Marcus shrugged. “Maybe two.” He chuckled.
“Boy, you’re a trip,” she said. Marcus unlocked the door. “I see you’ve got keys for everything. That means Brian trusts you.”
They watched each other for a beat. “I would say that he does.” Marcus pushed open the door, and she stepped past him into the foyer.
The scent of vanilla filled the air. “It seems like someone’s in the kitchen,” Celine said.
Marcus frowned and strolled in the direction of the sweet smell.
Inside the kitchen, Carter danced in front of the stove with an apron covering the front of a mini dress that looked more like a shirt. From the back, Celine’s eyes roamed over her from top to bottom. Carter was humming a tune, unaware of her visitors.
“Whatever you’re cooking, girlfriend, smells good, but who the fuck are you?”
At the sound of her voice, Carter turned around. “Oh, I didn’t realize I had company.” She held out her hand and walked forward. “I’m Carter, Brian’s friend.”
Celine scowled. “Since when?” Celine didn’t take her offered hand. “Wait a minute.” Celine pointed to her. “Your face is familiar.”
Carter arched her eyebrows. “I don’t think I know you.” She took in Celine’s rich mocha skin, doe eyes and full lips. “I would surely rem
ember you if I did.”
Celine snapped her fingers. “No, what the hell are you doing here?”
“I’m Sade’s confidante. She introduced me to Brian. Who are you?”
Celine folded her arms. “I’m the head bitch in charge.”
Carter leered. “Is that right?” Her thoughts ran rampant. “That explains a lot,” she said, almost to herself.
“Excuse me?”
“Uh, oh nothing, what did you say your name was again?”
“I didn’t say. Where’s Brian?”
Carter turned from her, traipsing back toward the stove. “I thought you were the head bitch in charge,” she tossed over her shoulder, “aren’t you supposed to know where your man is?”
Celine snapped. “I have no problem cutting you up and sticking your high yella ass in that oven. You could use a good baking, bitch.”
Carter giggled. “She’s an aggressive one ain’t she?” She turned her question to Marcus, but he didn’t respond, only looked at her like she was crazy.
“Get Brian on the phone,” Celine snapped. “No, you know what? I’m going to get him. Don’t let her out of your sight.”
“Oh, I’m not going anywhere,” Carter said. “That you don’t have to worry about. Make sure you bring Brian back. I have a message for him.”
Celine glared at Carter then turned her focus to Marcus. He gave a slight shrug and head nod. He was just as clueless as she was.
“I got you,” he said.
Carter smiled. “My Celine, you’ve got your hands full. I understand though. Two is always better than one.”
Celine turned her nose up and marched across the room. On her trail, Marcus grabbed her waist with one hand and her arm with the other.
“Chill out, go get Brian first, then we’ll figure out what to do with her.”
Celine pointed at her. “He just saved your life, bitch.”
“Is that right. Well, I’ll be sure to show him my appreciation while you’re gone.”
Celine slipped out of Marcus’s grasps long enough to lay a fierce palm against Carter’s face. The slap stung Celine’s hand, so she knew Carter felt it.
Carter’s hand slid to her burning cheeks, and she took a step back. Celine tried to wiggle free of Marcus, but he held firm. “Celine, chill out!”