Beautiful Assassin Read online

Page 6

  Sade glanced over at her compadre, unsure about her.

  “I’m good,” the woman said. “You can call me a cab, and I’ll be on my way.”

  Sade pursed her lips. “Just wait right here. You’re good.”

  Cedric eyed them both. Sade knew better, but it was her ass on the line.


  Doctor Jameson removed the stethoscope from around his neck. “She’s going to be well. Looks like a classic case of a date rape drug.” He stuck the equipment in his carryon bag. “Let her sleep it off. She may wake up with a headache. Tylenol should help, but in case it doesn’t, there’s 800-milligram Ibuprofen in this bottle.” He handed the pills to Brian.

  They stood inside Brian’s master bedroom as Celine lay unconscious on the bed. Brian rubbed his forehead. “I appreciate you being here on such short notice.”

  “That’s what you pay me for, right?”

  “Right.” He held his hand out for a shake and the doctor took it, then left.

  When the door closed, Brian sat on the side of the bed and watched Celine sleep. She was his responsibility. His chest constricted at the thought of losing her. He couldn’t. He’d let it happen once before but no more. Celine had been out like sleeping beauty for the last few hours since they’d arrived. He was worried about her and with good reason. There was a knock at the door. Frustration set in; he didn’t want to be bothered. Not now. When Celine awakened, he wanted to be the first thing she saw.

  The person standing at the door didn’t knock again, but he knew they were out there, waiting.

  Instead of telling them to come in, Brian stood and left the room. “What is it?”

  Cedric took a step back away from the door. “Sade is waiting for you.”

  Brian looked bewildered. “Where is she?” He didn’t feel like dealing with whatever she was going through; his mind was focused on Celine.

  “Outside, with the girl.”

  It was then that Brian remembered he ordered her not to enter until she was cleared. “Bring them both to the hut.” Brian went to the back of the house and exited through the kitchen. The hut was located on the east side of the estate. It was where he kept a separate arsenal should the main house ever be breached. There was a tunnel that ran underground from the hut to a safe room. Only Brian’s voice could open the door.

  These procedures were put in place because of previous battles. Some won, some lost. Growing up, Brian never wanted to be in the business of selling weapons, but the opportunity had presented itself in his early college years. His father Desmon Malik Devereaux was Boss of the Devereaux organization then, but he was malevolent and thoughtless. Desmon assumed he couldn’t be touched and the loyalty of his men would hold firm. But he found out the hard way that everyone had a price. When his organization was taken down, it was from the inside out. He never saw it coming. After his descent, many wannabes came and went, trying their hand at building the same type of union. None rose to the top.

  But Brian had sat idly by and watched every detail of his father’s successes and failures. One day after his last class, he was approached by a former client of Desmon’s. To this day, Brian wondered if his father sent him his way. But he would never know since Desmon didn’t speak of the business anymore. First and foremost because he was unable to use his tongue since it had been cut from his throat during the attack; Secondly, because Brian couldn’t see him in the disabled state he held now at home.

  Brian had succeeded where his father had failed, only allowing close allies he’d come to think of as brethren from childhood. He no doubt became ruthless and intimidating, but only to those he considered replaceable. They needed to know not to try him. Lessons were taught almost daily in the beginning, but now his society was stronger than ever. The real estate office he owned in downtown Chicago was a front for his true business dealings: gunrunning.

  When he entered the door to the hut, Sade and her visitor were already inside along with Cedric. They stood in a room designed for a living space but was only meant for meetings he held through live video. Cedric stood against the wall. Sade was perched on the desk, and her visitor sat in a nearby chair. They both stood when he walked in.

  “We’ve been standing outside for hours,” Sade snapped. “Where have you been?”

  She had gotten too complacent, Brian thought. Sure, she was his rebound chick after Celine left him high and dry years ago, and after recognizing her loyalty, he’d allowed her to act the part of Queen, but it was time he let her know where she stood.

  He grilled her, his jaw clenching, his glare piercing. His look was meant to intimidate, but it only turned her on. She knew he would never do anything to hurt her physically, or so she thought. Sade swallowed slowly and waited for his response.

  Brian glanced at the woman, taking note of her exotic beauty, long eyelashes, slanted eyes, oval face and heavy foundation. Her bottom lip sat slightly fuller than her top. She was dressed to impress in her one-piece jumpsuit that accentuated all of her womanly curves, and the necklace she wore spoke new money.

  Finally, he spoke, “It is not I that kept you outside. It was you.” His eyes roamed between the two women. “Who the hell is this?”

  The unknown woman stepped toward him, and Cedric moved. Brian held his hand up to stop him, a smirk on his face. “If she’s brave enough let her come.”

  The woman’s steps halted. “I’m well aware of who you are.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Is that so? Tell me what you think you know about me.” He interlaced his fingers as he watched her. Sade was momentarily anxious. In her position, she fidgeted. He looked to her.

  “Are you nervous?”

  Sade shook her head, her bun now loose with sloppy strands hanging about.

  “Use your mouth.”

  “No, why would I be nervous?”

  Brian didn’t like when people were nervous around him. In his mind, it was a form of deception. He glanced to Cedric then back to the woman.

  “I’m listening.”

  She hesitated before responding, “Well everyone in the club knew who you were when you stepped through the door.”

  “So, you were there when I entered, huh?” He pulled a gun from his back and held it firm in his hand at his side. The appearance of the weapon made the atmosphere thicken. Both of the women glanced to it then back to Brian.

  “Y…yes, I was.” Lines formed in the woman’s head as she frowned.

  “What is your name?” his voice was comfortable, dark and smooth.


  “Hmmm, does Carter have a last name?”

  She hesitated again, and he pulled the handle back on his weapon. “Rutherford.” It was barely audible.

  “That’s a nice name, right?” He looked to Cedric then Sade, shaking his head in agreeance with himself. “Let me ask you, Carter, are you afraid of me?”


  A dazzling smile surfaced across his face. “No, the woman says. Are you afraid to die, Carter?”


  She held his eye contact, her body language stifled. “Is that right?” he drawled. “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?”

  “Baby…” Sade’s words were cut short by the menacing glare he threw her. It was enough to tell her to shut her mouth.

  “I don’t believe in God.”

  “No… why is that?”

  “Because seeing is believing.”

  “But you knew who I was when I entered the club, yet you had not seen me before.”

  “True, but I’d heard many stories from others.”

  “Have you not heard stories about our Lord, but still you don’t believe?”

  She thought about his words and became frustrated. “Look, are you here to give me a bible lesson or are you going to kill me?”

  Her frustration was cute to Brian. “I’m here because you’re here, in my most private facility. If you were me, tell me, Carter, what would you do?”

  Her thought
process happened without missing a beat. “I’d kill you.”

  This pulled another wicked smile from him. “What were you doing in the club tonight?”

  “Trying to have a good time.”

  “With a 360 handgun in your possession?”


  “How am I to know you weren’t there to kill me?”

  “Because if I were, you’d be dead already.”

  Laughter, profound and cynical bellowed from him. He looked to Cedric. “Because I’d already be dead the woman says.”

  “My name is Carter.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what your name is.”

  Her lips tightened like she was fighting back words but held them closed.

  “Take her to the guest house. She is not to leave the premises until I figure out what to do with her.” He turned to walk away.

  “Or you can just call me a cab, and I’ll be on my way.”

  Slowly he turned to face her again. “And what, have you run off to my enemies and tell them what you know?”

  “Which is what?” she stated. “I don’t know anything.”

  “You know enough. Take her to the guest house.”

  He left the hut and made his way back to the main house. He should probably kill her and get it over with, but because Sade had presented her, she would live to see another day. For now, his business involved Celine and Celine only.

  Chapter Nine

  Celine’s eyes fluttered open, her sight hazy. She lay in a king size comfortable bed with warmth surrounding her. Lifting her eyes brought her to a sculpted jawline and peppermint breath. She blinked, fighting off her drowsy state, her memory not fully intact. Her tongue snaked out and swiped her lips, her breathing calm. The scent coming from Brian was familiar and inviting. She rolled to her side, sheltering herself further under his embrace. Her face fitted against his strong neckline. She tucked her hands between their bodies and her leg haphazardly slipped over his waist. Then his arm moved to cover her and pull her body even closer.

  “I love you.” The words slipped from her mouth before she had a chance to think about them.

  A warm, soft kiss pushed against her forehead. “I love you, too, sweetheart.”

  The sound of his voice would usually cause her to put up a fight of some sort. Celine was always fighting with Brian about something. But right now, all she wanted to do was rest and bask in the words they spoke to one another. No sense of betrayal weighed her down like it usually did in that moment. Only a peaceful bliss.

  “I missed you,” he said, unmoving.

  A soft smile lifted her lips. “You’ve had me for days now. Do you still miss me?”

  He moved his face to look at hers. “You don’t remember what happened last night?”

  She frowned. “My mind is not working right now. I’m still sleeping.”

  “If this is your idea of sleep, you should get more rest.”

  Celine giggled, causing her head to pound. “Ouch!” She lifted her hand to her temples and held her head.

  “Sssshhh,” he said. “You need to relax. If you move too fast or talk too loud, that headache is likely to increase. Orders from your doctor.”

  “My doctor?” She tried to shift out of his arms, but he tightened his grip.

  “Don’t move too fast, baby girl.”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  Brian relayed the night’s events. His eyes roamed to the clock on the nightstand as he spoke. It was 7 a.m., long after the time he would usually get up. As he spoke, memories flooded Celine’s mind of the hot guy who’d been buying her drinks and the shootout.

  “Oh my God. Marcus tried to tell me.”

  Brian moved slightly apart from her, pulling her chin up to meet his gaze.

  “What did he try and tell you?”

  “That I shouldn’t be taking drinks from strangers.”

  “He was right, but you know that.”

  “It’s nothing unusual, and I trusted the drink because it came straight from the bar.” Celine thought for a second. “It was the second drink.”

  “How many did you have?”

  “Only two, but the first one was good. I danced and everything after I drank it.”

  “You danced?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I danced. Is that so hard to believe?”

  “No, I love your dancing, I just wish I was there to see it.”

  “You still might get a chance to see it.”

  “Tell me you were dancing alone.”

  Another giggle came from her. “Why, so you won’t have to kill anyone?”

  “Hopefully, if you did, whoever it was is already dead.”

  “Why do you care so much?”

  His lips met hers for a soft slow kiss. “Because you’re the love of my life.”

  Her eyes shot up in surprise. “The love of your life? Aren’t you being a bit dramatic?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “You’ve never said anything like that to me before.”

  “Yeah, well it’s long overdue. I’ve loved you for a long time now.”

  “Says the man who’s housing another woman.”

  “I’ll get rid of her right now if you say we’re exclusive.”

  His peppermint breath tickled her lips every time he spoke. “You do what you want.”

  “Say we’re exclusive.”

  “We’re not.”

  He frowned. “Who the fuck is he?”

  “As if I’m in any shape to be exclusive with someone, especially you.”

  His frown deepened. “Why not me?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “You would surely break my heart. You don’t know what exclusivity means.”

  “Sure I do. I have a college degree.” This brought a laugh out of her so deep they both chuckled. “Did you dance alone?”

  “What?” she asked, perplexed.

  “Did you dance alone?”

  “I thought we moved past that.”

  “No, you moved past it.”

  She sighed. “No, I didn’t, but I’m not telling you who I danced with because it’s nothing to bring up. Why we’re talking about it now makes no sense at all.”

  He heaved a heavy sigh. “I’ll find out.”

  “Brian, stop it!”

  “I will,” he said nonchalantly.

  “Answer me a question,” she said.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Was it Zeus’s men that attacked us or Dee’s?”

  “I’m not sure, but they’re all dead.”

  “Did anybody get hurt?” The concern on her face didn’t mimic that of a serial killer, which she was. Instead, she seemed genuinely concerned, which was one of the things he loved so much about her.

  “You don’t mean the other guys, right?”

  “Why would I care about the other guys?”

  “Let’s talk about something else.”

  “Now who’s avoiding the questions?”

  “No one was killed, a few took a couple of shots, but that is to be expected.”


  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Tell me, Brian, was Marcus one of them?”

  They watched each other for a moment. “No, baby girl, Marcus is fine. He’s the one that got us back here so quickly.”

  “Cedric, Raphaël, Dominique, Red?”

  “No, no, no, and no. I told you, you don’t know them.” He grinned. “You grow attached so quick.” He kissed her lips again.

  “I knew most of them before I left, remember? You should find out who’s behind the attack.”

  “There will be plenty of time for that. Right now, I’m where I need to be.”

  She snuggled up to him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?”

  “Being there for me when I needed help.”

  This was a welcome change for Brian. Never had Celine admitted she needed help for anything.

  “No need for thanks, my love. I’m always here
for you.”

  The heat that settled over Celine wasn’t about the temperature. But a love for Brian she knew was there from the beginning. Was it possible to love two men at once? Even one that was deceased? The tug on her chest told her it was true, but she still wasn’t sure if Brian had what it took to settle down. And she still needed to take care of the doctors that killed her husband.

  But for now, she would rest and get her strength back. She would need her energy for what was to come.


  Sade walked into the guest house and searched for Carter. The size of the house was big enough to fit a small family inside. With paintings from world renown artists decorating the walls, hardwood floors, and marble countertops throughout, the small shack was built for a princess. Sade strolled down the hallway when she didn’t find Carter in the living area. At the bathroom door, she leaned an ear against it then slightly pushed it open.

  Carter sat in the ceramic bathtub with bubbles up to her neck and the phone to her ear. She closed it, disconnecting the call as soon as Sade entered.

  Sade glared at her. “Bitch, if you’re not who you supposed to be, you better tell me now because I’ve put my ass on the line for you, and I’ll be damned if you get me killed along with your skinny ass.”

  Carter didn’t flinch. “You should try yoga. It would relax your muscles, and your spirit would be calmer.”

  “Or I could just put a bullet in your pretty little head right now and save us both the trouble.”

  Carter smiled. “Chill out. You’ll need me as a confidante when it’s all said and done.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Carter turned, her arms now hanging leisurely over the side of the tub. Water dripped to the floor from her fingers when she spoke. “You’re not the only person who knows people in high places. And that’s a good thing. That’s probably why Brian’s keeping me around, to see what I’m good for.”

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t try to figure out why Brian’s keeping you around. He’s not easily read.”

  “Sounds like your speaking for yourself.”

  “You think you know what you’re talking about, huh?”