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Sexy Seaman Page 3
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Page 3
He’s wearing white shorts, along with his white captain’s shirt and hat, and let’s not forget his aviator sunglasses. His hair is dark and slicked back. I normally would never find that even the slightest bit attractive but O.M.G, he pulls it off like no other. A man with tattoos was always someone I would have walked away from, yet he’s got a sleeve of them, and I want nothing more than to inspect them, up close and personal. It’s crazy…I’m in a shitload of trouble here. How the hell am I supposed to concentrate on a job I’ve never even done before when that olive-skinned man is that close to me?
He’s talking to me as well as my new coworkers inside the boat and I can’t help but to look around and notice things I’d already like to change in here. The gold fixtures have got to go. I think they are tacky and look like antiques. I’m not sure if that is the look they were going for but it looks dated. I’d change the carpet too. It’s just the wrong color; it needs to make a statement, not something that blends into the couches.
My eyes continue to roam as I catch his eyes watching me. Busted! I know I need to stop but it’s hard; I love decorating so I can’t help it. I try to focus on what he is saying but it’s difficult to do. He’s finished with a complete description of the boat, which now I want to tour it all and make a list of the things I’d change, but I know that’s not what I’m here for.
I watch as my new boss, Marie, stands up to address us all. After she talks so does Rob, I think his name is. It seems he’s in charge of the guys who’ll work the outside of the boat. Then each person stands to head in the direction of the captain. Standing in line, I’m last to thank him and shake his hand. I watch as everyone starts to depart and now it’s my turn.
He’s flirting with me, I can tell. But I will not fuck up this job by fucking the captain, no matter how hot he is. Our hands meet and I’m a goner. It’s like we just threw fuel on a flame, our hands spark. And then he speaks, telling me he liked it when I called him sir. Oh, he’s definitely flirting with me.
“Do you not like what you see?”
“Excuse me?” Is he talking about himself?
“The décor? I saw your little nose wrinkle up while I was talking.”
“Umm, no, it’s fine. I mean it’s beautiful.” He makes me stutter, what the hell? This hasn’t happened to me before.
“Fine, huh? This is a forty-five million dollar yacht, I’d think it is better than fine.”
“It is. I’m sorry if I gave you the impression it wasn’t.”
“We’ll discuss this further at a later time. For now, you should follow your coworkers.” His head nods toward the others.
“Sir.” I nod back and then remember, its captain. “I mean, Captain.” Fuck this is going to be harder than I thought.
His lips lift to show a gorgeous smile of perfectly white teeth. “You’re going to be trouble. Move along.”
As I walk away, I can’t help but to wonder what he meant by that. Does he think I’m going to suck at this job? Does he think I’m not going to cut it here on the boat? Shit!
We are instructed that we have an hour to put our things away in the tiniest rooms we’ve ever slept in. We have three larger drawers and two small ones to use for our belongings. There are bathrooms attached to our rooms, thank goodness. I’m rooming with Brittany. She’s beautiful, with her long black hair with dark maroon highlights throughout it. I bet she has some Italian in her. She has a unique look.
“Hey, roomie,” she says, coming out of the bathroom after putting her stuff away. “I left you the drawers on the left in there.”
“Thanks. I’m Maci.”
“Brittany.” She leans in to hug me. “Sorry, I’m a hugger.”
“No worries, my family is too.” She immediately has made me feel comfortable. “I’m no germaphobe person, so it’s all good.”
“It looks like we’ll be on top of each other in here. These rooms are damn small.”
“They are.” We both giggle.
“Are you a top or bottom girl?” she asks.
“Excuse me?” I ask, somewhat shocked. Looking back out of the bathroom as I put my toiletries away, I see her smiling.
“Haha, girl, you have a dirty mind. I love it.” She laughs again. “I was referring to our bunks. But feel free to share the other too.”
“Oh, geez, I’m sorry.” I’m sure my face turns a bit red from embarrassment. “I honestly don’t care. I’ve never slept on one.”
“I’ll take top since I’m taller. It’ll probably be easier for me to get up there than you, no offense.”
“None taken.” I laugh back at her. It is true, I stand five foot six and she’s easily got three or four more inches on me, so it only makes sense that I take the bottom.
She opens the nightstand on the right of the beds and puts her personal belongings in. Reaching over, I grab my bag and start doing the same on the left.
“Where ya from, Maci?”
“Just outside the city in New York. And you?” I kind of assumed everyone was from this area, but the way she asked, I knew that wasn’t the case.
“I live in North Carolina.”
“Is this what you always wanted to do?”
“Cleaning boats?” I smile over at her.
“Well, I guess yes, but really I meant yachting?”
“I’ve never done it before, so no, it wasn’t what I saw myself doing when I graduated from college. But I wasn’t ready to be a full-time adult so I decided to apply. I want to live a little before working eight-to-five every day for the rest of my life. Ya know what I mean?” I’m hoping she agrees and that I don’t sound too naïve.
“I hear ya, I went to college for early childhood education but I grew up going with my family to our beach house every summer and loved the water, so I started looking into doing this. This will be the second boat I’ve been on. I have to say I loved the first one but there weren't as many spicy meatballs to eat up. And holy hell, did you see Captain McDreamboat?”
“Haha, wait a minute,” I let out a giggle; this girl was seriously cracking me up, “first, what’s a spicy meatball?”
“Not what but who. Every single one of the guys is hot. They walked on and I was like…oh, he’s hot, oh, he’s hotter, oh no, he’s the hottest, then the boson came on and I thought nope I was wrong, he’s the hottest.”
“And Captain McDreamboat?”
“Are you blind? You should get your vision checked. He’s fucking hot. Holy shit, they don’t make captains like that. The last one I worked for was fifty, with salt-and-pepper hair. Great guy but he was like my father, while this one, is one I’d like in my bed.”
“Isn’t it against the rules of the boat?” I had gotten an email with a list of do’s and don’ts, as well as what to pack and what to leave home. I just assumed everyone would have gotten it.
“Yeah, but, honey, if he wants to play, then I’m playin’. He’s the captain, if anyone can break the rules, it’s him.”
I hadn’t thought about it but I guess she’s right. He is in charge of everything, including us. But I don’t plan on getting involved with anyone on the boat. I’m here for the experience and that’s it, nothing more. I want a carefree summer to figure out my life.
We both change and are about done getting settled when Ann and Marie walk by.
“Ready to get to work, ladies? We have less than two days to get everything done. I want to have a quick chat, now that it’s only the four of us.” Marie has a clipboard in her hand as she leads us to the galley, which is the staff’s kitchen area.
The table we gather around has a large bench built into the boat; it circles three-quarters of the table, leaving the other side open. There are no chairs but there are barstools at the counter near the sink. I glance around again, thinking of all the things I would change. And again, I’m busted. Damn it!
“Ladies.” He tips his head toward us. He doesn’t hide his amused look when we lock eyes as I’m in the middle of making my mental list of things to change. It’s li
ke he can read my thoughts. Shit, I need to focus.
“Captain,” Marie responds.
He walks by us and on to wherever he is headed. I find myself watching until I can’t see him anymore. What the hell is wrong with me?
“Okay, we need to work as a team at all times to get the long list of duties we will be tackling daily done.”
We all agree.
“Ann, what exactly is your background?”
She answers that she loves being on service for all the meals. She comes across as a little tough, like she won’t take anyone’s shit, so don’t give it. Then she’s asking Brittany the same question and I know I’ll be next. Damn it, I’m going to have to tell another little white lie. Brittany says she loves straightening the rooms, though she makes a point to say she’s not fond of scrubbing toilets, and I wonder who would ever say they love to do that. As she turns to direct her attention to me, I want to slide under the table.
“Maci, it says here that you have no experience on boats so we’ll all show you the ropes, but it does say you’ve worked at a hotel so at least you're familiar with how to make a bed.”
“Yes,” I nod and agree, the less I say the better.
“Okay, so Ann join me upstairs, we’ll go through our table settings and get things set up in the order that’ll make the most sense to us. Brittany, start in the master suite and make sure everything shines perfectly. Maci, I’m going to have you doing laundry and ironing. We need to make sure all the staff’s white and black shirts are pressed and wrinkle free. And that includes the captain’s too. You’ll have to go up and get his from him; all others are already in the laundry room.”
My thoughts start racing. I’m going to be doing what? I’ve never ironed a day in my life. Everything I ever needed done, I either sent it out to be cleaned and pressed or my mom made sure it got done. Oh, great and now I have to go see the captain, the one man who leaves me flustered. I’m so screwed.
We all scoot out from behind the table and head in the directions needed to complete our given tasks, or at least I think I do. I feel like I’m walking in circles as I go up the same stairs he did just a little bit ago. I figured he had to be going where he stayed on the boat when he passed us, right? I’m realizing now that he came from the direction of his quarters and was headed to the back of the boat, as that’s where I ended up. Duh!
Turning around on my heel, I make my way finally in the direction I need to. I have a feeling this little job is going to have me internally swearing a lot in my head. I smile and think to myself, I’m not a big swearer…if that’s even a word. It drops out of my mouth when I’m feeling overwhelmed, also when something or someone gets me riled up. Hence, why I swore when I first laid eyes on Captain McDreamboat, as Brittany called him. Now that I think about it, my internal swearing might turn into spoken words while on the boat and around him.
“Hey there, sweetie, where ya headed?” I hear one of the deckhands say.
“Eric, right?” I question.
“It is, good memory. Can I help you find something?”
“No, I’m good,” I say, then decide to just ask so I don’t look any more like the idiot I’m feeling like. “Wait, can you tell me if I’m headed in the right direction for the captain?”
“Already in trouble?” He smiles.
“Huh?” I’m so confused right now and this isn’t helping matters.
“Usually if you’re headed to see the captain, you’re in trouble,” he answers in his very Southern accent.
“Oh, geez, no. I’m going to collect his clothes so I can iron them or at least try to.” I roll my eyes before I can even control them.
“Not an ironer, huh?” He laughs out.
“I have no clue. I’ve never done it before but it can’t be that hard, right?” I’m praying he’s going to say no biggie.
“It can be. I’d say take the shirt and spread it out, do the back then each panel in the front separately.”
“Okay…thank you,” I say, not confident but I’m picturing it in my mind.
“The captain’s quarters are behind the flybridge, right there.” He points to the door diagonally from me.
“Flybridge?” I question.
“Some call it a cockpit and some say wheelhouse. Just in case you hear either, you’ll know where to go.”
“Thanks, Eric. That’s helpful to know.”
He’s a really nice guy. A few years older than me; if I had to guess I’d say he’s about thirty.
“Any time, sweetie. Can I ask where you’re from?”
“Right here, born and raised in New York. And you?”
“Georgia, born and raised as well.” He has a beautiful smile and shows it off quite often while talking.
Smiling back, I thank him again and then turn on my heel. I only have to go two feet and I’ll be there. My pulse starts to race.
Chapter Three
I hear her right outside my door and I can’t help but chuckle. She’s such a rookie when it comes to yachting, yet she’s going to give her all to try it. I heard their whole conversation and when I heard Eric call her sweetie, not once but twice, my ears perked up. He better keep his words in check, as well as the rest of himself. Why it already bugs me to hear someone talking to her is beyond me.
There’s a knock at my door and I know it’s her. I don’t move but say, “Come on in.”
“Captain Nichols?” she questions, as she peeks her head in.
“What? No, Sir,” I tease her again and her face flushes.
“No, Captain.” She smiles back at me while looking out at the water through the large windows in front of me.
I drop it because I need to keep myself in check as well. “What can I do for you?”
“I need to collect your shirts to press.”
“They are in my room. You’ll find them on the edge of my bed in a pile. There is also a basket of laundry that needs to be washed as well. Can you please take them down with you?”
“I can.” And she stands there. Does she think I am going to go get them for her? Her eyes are roaming around, even in here. I can’t figure out what she doesn’t like in here. It’s pretty straightforward, a full dashboard of gauges, screens showing me what the weather is, where other vessels are in the waters, our coordinates, and a full map of where we are, as well as so much more. Maybe it’s the white leather bench that I’m currently sitting on that bugs her.
“What is it?”
“Huh?” She looks over at me in wonder.
“Your nose is doing that thing again.”
“What thing?” She reaches up and covers it with her hand.
“It scrunches up in disgust when you see something you don’t like.”
“It does?”
“It does,” I repeat her words right back at her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. The view in here is beautiful.” She glances out the window.
“I couldn’t agree more.” I’m not talking about what she is; I am staring at the back of her.
“I better get your laundry and get down there to get things done.”
“My room is right through there.” I point behind me toward my door.
She takes off past me, and I can’t help but to enjoy the view a bit more. I wait for a couple minutes, when she doesn’t return, I’m pretty sure she’s doing it again. Making my way in her direction, she’s just inside the door, almost blocking the entryway.
She’s looking down at something in her hands. I notice it’s her phone.
“Let me guess, it’s not to your liking either,” I whisper next to her ear and she jumps, turning around, dropping her phone as she knocks right into me. Her hands land on my chest and mine on her waist to steady her.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. No, it’s not that.”
Her hands have yet to move and my skin is on fire through my shirt. If this is the reaction I’m having while wearing clothes, what would happen if we were bare, skin on skin? Clearly my dick likes that tho
ught as it stirs in my pants. That can’t happen, so I drop my hands and take one step back. I know she felt the same zing I did, because she looks down at her hands once she removes them, then rubs them together.
“We’ll discuss this at a later time. You’re not getting off the hook, there’s been too many wrinkles to this nose.” My finger briefly touches the tip of her nose before bending over to retrieve her phone for her.
Her screen is on a YouTube video on step by step instructions on how to make a bed properly. I want to chuckle at her expression of horror on being busted, maybe this little beauty has no experience after all. I hand it back to her with no words exchanged between us. If Marie comes to me with problems, I’ll deal with them at that point, until then…no harm, no foul.
She comes out carrying my basket on her right hip and she has my three white shirts and two black shirts draped over her left forearm, looking mortified.
“Sir…I mean, Captain, again I’m sorry.”
I’m pretty sure her apology has a double if not a triple meaning behind it. I play it off to be about her judging my cabin only, not the latter.
“Again, with the sir,” I smile at her with raised eyebrows, “like I said before, we’ll discuss your thoughts on the boat décor at another time.”
She follows my lead and only refers to my comment, “It’s not my place to talk about the boat or to be judgmental about anything.”
“Maci, I know you have a degree in interior design, so I’m not surprised that you’d notice things you don’t like. One of these nights we’ll sit and we can discuss what changes you’d make.”
“Okay, and I’m also sorry for calling you sir all the time. I’m not used to calling someone Captain, but I was raised with yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am. So, I’m sorry if it’s disrespectful. And looking around and picking things apart is an awful habit I developed while taking four years of decorating and design classes.”