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Sexy Seaman Page 2
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None of the crew know I own the company and I like it that way. They know me as the captain of the ship and that’s it. I don’t want them acting any different on my yacht than they would if they worked for someone else. Since my last name is Nichols none of them will have any idea. I’m grateful for my father naming the company after my two grandpas, his dad and my mother’s.
Unfortunately for the crew though, I expect more from them than other captains might. I hold them to a higher standard, the little things they might have gotten away with on other boats won’t fly with me. This company means family to me and if you step foot on one of my yachts you better put your best foot forward, or you’ll be off it quicker than when you walked on. I eat, sleep, and breathe this company…it’s everything to me. I will never let my father or mother down. It’s exactly why I’m still single; there has never been anyone good enough, I feel, to stand beside me. As soon as a woman finds out who I am, she’s quick to change her tune. She starts off sweet then she’s only sweet so she can spend my money or to make sure others know we are together. So, I stopped that shit. I now make a point to keep it extremely casual. One night here or there, sometimes they get to spend two if I’m in the same dock longer but other than that, I’m gone. No emotions play into the nights I spend with the ladies. And the ladies I pick know that too, I’m not fooling them with forever.
“Welcome back, Rob.” I reach my hand out as he walks toward me.
“Captain, it’s good to be back.”
“Go ahead and relax for a bit, I’m sure you remember Marie. She’ll be joining us and should be arriving right behind you, like normal.”
“Yes, Sir, I do. She’s good.”
“Agreed, it should be a good charter. Once she’s here, I’ll go over your teams with you.”
“Sounds good.”
He walks into the interior; he’s familiar with the yacht so if I know him as well as I know I do, he’s already looking around for what needs to be done. At just twenty-five, he’s smart beyond his years and always strives to be better than he was yesterday.
Here comes Marie.
“Captain, how are ya?” she yells in my direction as she struts toward the boat.
She’s about ten years older than me, a beautiful lady, and is known to be a hard-ass but she’s fair. Just don’t piss her off and she’ll be fine. She’s a good trainer and if you bust your ass, she’ll be your best friend. However, as soon as she sees you fucking up or fucking off, she’ll tell you about it and it’s not always in the nicest way.
“Marie. You ready for another season of fun?”
“Fun, is that what you call taking care of stuffy rich people?” She laughs as she reaches me.
“Not all of them are difficult.” I smile back.
“Okay, we’ll go with that.” She continues smiling.
“Rob’s already inside. Why don’t you go in and grab a water, then the three of us can meet and go over everything.”
I know the others joining us won’t be here for a while; these two always show up hours before anyone else. Which is good, it gives us a chance to discuss who we all will be working with this summer.
“Marie, all your help is young, two with some knowledge and one rookie. Rob, your team is well seasoned with at least three years behind each of them. I expect you both to make them live up to their résumés,” I state as I hand over the folders of each member of their teams who’ll be working under them.
“At the looks of these ladies, let’s see if you can keep your guys focused on work, Rob,” she laughs out.
“You yourself might have a challenge of your own with the looks of my guys too,” Rob counters back.
“I expect everyone to keep it in their pants while on my boat.” I glance at Rob and he nods in agreement of understanding my rule. “What happens when they're off my boat is not my concern. I want nothing but professionalism at all times in front of our guests. With that being said, I know you all go out for a night of relaxation in between charters, so at that point they can do whatever or whoever they choose.”
“Noted, Captain,” Marie and Rob said at the same time.
“Where are we headed this time around?” Marie questions.
“We have six charters to get through. After loading up with provisions and spit shining the boat for the next two days, our first stop is Freeport. We’ll have a day and a half of sailing to get there, then we’ll dock there for two days, then on to Spanish Wells. That is where we’ll have the beach picnic, before turning around and sailing for a bit longer, to bring us right back to here.”
“Sounds good, I’m ready for some palm trees and blue water.”
“No kidding. There is something about the air there compared to here. Don’t get me wrong, it never gets old looking at that lady as my backdrop as the sun sets, but I’m ready to dock somewhere tropic.” I throw my thumb in the direction of the Statue of Liberty as she sits right across the river from us. Whether I’m on the boat or at my desk in our waterfront offices, she’s always in my view.
After discussing the staff a bit more, we walk around and discuss accommodations and where everyone will be housed while aboard the yacht. My room is a suite, which is directly behind the flybridge; it allows me to be accessible to the staff at any time if they need me. Since coverage is necessary around the clock, and I need sleep, it’ll be up to the staff to take turns at night manning the ship, whether we are moving, docked, or if our anchor is dropped in one location. For safety reasons alone, it’s important for someone to keep a watchful eye on things.
There are five double bunk rooms for the staff, each with an attached bathroom. Of course, the ladies will be housed together in the first two rooms. And because there is an extra guy with the chef we have on board, he will room by himself. There is a breakroom for the crew to relax in when they are eating meals or having some down time. It has a small galley attached to it, though the chef will prepare all meals for the guests as well as the entire crew in the main galley.
A little over two hours has passed and the rest of the crew starts to arrive, step by step. Scott and Derek come first, followed by Ann, then Eric and Brittany. I greet them all as they hit the loading ramp, stepping foot on the yacht for the first time.
“Welcome, please remove your shoes and carry them into the sky lounge. Marie, your chief stewardess is waiting just inside with Rob, your bosun. Once everyone is here, she will show you to where you’ll be living for the next six weeks.” The same thing is said to each of them as they come on board.
The saying must be true…“They save the best for last.” As she strolls toward me, I can’t help but notice her legs; she’s wearing bright yellow shorts, which compliment her sun-kissed limbs perfectly. Her chestnut brown hair shines, like it did in her picture sent with her résumé. It drapes over her shoulders in small curls, hanging just below her breasts that look to be perfect for my hands. I can’t get a look at her eyes yet as they are unfortunately covered by her white sunglasses, and I’m grateful for my own aviators as I am raking over her entire body with my own eyes. Her white top stops at her belly button, which I also notice is perfectly round. God better give me the strength to get through the next six weeks without going insane over this one.
“Hey, Captain,” she yells out toward me.
I’m about to tell her the same thing I’ve told the others but as she reaches the ramp, she trips, almost falling completely on her face from staring at me and not watching where she is going. Her suitcase flies open, and everything in it goes flying everywhere. Rushing in her direction, I notice two very tiny articles of clothing floating in the water right next to the dock.
“Oh my God, I feel like an idiot,” she says, as she starts throwing things back in her purple suitcase.
“No need for that. It could happen to anyone.” I grab one of the brooms we have on deck to go fishing for her clothing that I don’t even think she realizes she’s lost. As I use the handle to hook them both up, turning toward her, they dro
p off at my feet, where she’s now standing with her sunglasses off. I gaze down at the most stunning hazel eyes I’ve ever seen, flawless skin that looks smooth, causing my mouth to water intensely from wanting to lick every inch of it.
“I think these belong to you.”
Her skin flushes to a shade of pink that comes through her tan, showing me she is embarrassed by the neon green and bright yellow lace material at her feet.
“Holy shit…oh I’m sorry, sir…I mean, Captain.” She stands up while stumbling over each word that comes from her mouth, through lips that are covered in a pale pink gloss, perfectly. Yes, a very fine mouth it is. “I didn’t mean to swear, sir…I mean, Captain. Oh, forget it, I’ll shut up now.”
“No, please continue, I like to be called sir.” I wink down at her as she squats down in front of me, scooping up the undergarments. I have to say I like seeing her in this position. I’m so screwed.
I think I hear her mumble under her breath, “I bet you do.”
“What was that?” I chuckle.
“I didn’t say anything,” she says, standing straight up, with her hand on her luggage.
Trouble is what she is, and what I’m going to be in with this one.
Picking up her carry-on bag for her, I say, “If you’ll follow me, we can get on the boat. Before you step on the boat though, I do ask that you please remove your shoes and carry them on.”
As she steps in sync with me, strolling her large suitcase behind her, she questions, “Take off my shoes?” She seems shocked that I’d ask such a thing.
“Yes, for the most part, no shoes are worn while on board. Staff will only wear them while working on decks; if you are doing any of the interior work then none will be worn. Charter guests will be asked to remove them as well.”
“Can I ask why?”
“Our female guests love to wear their stilettos, and they make terrible marks in the floors and many shoes leave scuff marks on them as well. So, it’s policy that no shoes are worn unless necessary for you to do your job. Usually all boats have the same rule.”
“Makes sense.” She shrugs.
“I’m glad you agree.” I can’t help but chuckle again at the way she responds.
After getting her on the boat in one piece, with all her articles of clothing safely in her suitcase, we make our way into the main sitting area, where everyone else is already chatting amongst themselves.
The entire crew settles down on the couches as I stand in front of them. I hear the rumbles from the guys of how hot the last girl is, as Maci takes a seat by the other stewardesses. I scowl over at them to get my point across: my distaste for their comments. First, I want to tell them she’s a lady and they need to remember to treat her like one too, but I let my facial expression bring my thoughts out to them. Then second, I feel the need to make sure they know to keep their grubby mitts to themselves. As they all look down with a “busted” look on their faces, I start to address the group.
“I’d like to welcome you all to the SS family. I’m Captain Nichols and this is the Sweet Pleasure you’ve boarded. And it’s just that, a pleasure boat, it caters to every need our guests may want, and I expect you to make sure their experience is nothing like they’ve ever had before. Let me explain about the boat itself before you get settled.” I make sure I make eye contact with each and every one of them as I speak.
“This yacht is several million dollars to buy and provides the guests the best of the best. It’s known as a mega yacht. It can accommodate twelve guests, ten crew members, and of course four additional crew, which includes the chief engineer and his staff, who settle below deck from us. They are as important, if not more important than any of you, so please show them the respect they deserve when you run into them.
“Your home for the weeks ahead has a large gorgeous sundeck at the front of the vessel. The ten-person hot tub is set on the deck right below it. I expect that to be drained and cleaned in between each charter and if necessary, during a charter. Pay attention to your guests, sometimes they can get a little wild.
“There is artwork displayed throughout each room you’ll enter; they are done by local artists. It’s believed the owner of the company’s wife likes to give people a chance, so when she finds the street artists doing incredible work, she’ll buy the picture right there and then.” It is the complete truth, my mother loves to walk around New York City and New Jersey, just to find the young starving artists trying to make it in the world. She’ll buy a bunch of pictures, pay way more than they’re worth to give them a boost, and then shows everyone she knows to give them more business. Our entire fleet has these artworks hanging in them.
“There is a large selection of water toys on board, such as an inflatable slide, a water trampoline, and a couple Jet Skis. There are others below too; the deck crew will find them as they start pulling out things for the first charter. On the deck below us there is a 3D theater room, a full steam and massage room, and a fully equipped gym. You’ll find a set of curved staircases to bring you to each floor, though there is an elevator available to guests only. No staff member will be allowed to use it during a charter; with that being said, while getting the guests’ luggage to their rooms or provisions on board, you are allowed to use it.” I have to make that perfectly clear, as it’s been a problem in the past with lazy crew members or the ones who thought they’d be able to screw each other’s brains out in it and not get caught. Stupid fucks.
“Behind me you’ll find a large Armani table; it was custom-built for this yacht. It’s beautiful and can be used if we aren’t able to serve our guests at the outdoor area. They pay for the view as well as everything else we give them; let them experience it out where they can see if firsthand. That goes along with the lounge areas, both inside and out. The inside has mirrored glass surrounding the bar area, allowing for beautiful views no matter where they sit to relax. And the outside lights up at night for a spectacular vision. They both have couches all around the area, giving our guests the feeling of comfort while relaxing.
“There are luxurious textiles and accessories throughout the entire boat. The master suite has an office and an en-suite that would make you feel like you are at home and not floating on water. All other guest rooms are as plush, allowing them to feel like they are staying at a top five-star hotel.”
I notice Maci looking around the room; she glances back at me every couple of minutes, but her eyes are scanning every inch of the place. Her nose wrinkles a few different times and I try not to chuckle at her. She’s adorable when trying to inspect the décor. Our eyes meet and I raise my eyebrows, tilting my head slightly while smirking back, letting her know I’m on to her thoughts already. It lasts for less than a second as I continue on with the rest of my speech to the group.
“Needless to say, we didn’t scrimp on anything with this boat, and I shouldn’t have to say it, but I will, make sure you take care of it. I expect nothing but respect from each of you and in return, you’ll get mine. If you don’t want to be treated like an idiot, then don’t act like one. And just so you know, that’s my way of saying nicely…there’s a one-way ticket with anyone’s name on it, if needed.
“Now I’d like to introduce you to your bosses, besides myself. Marie, if you’ll join me?” Directing my attention to the interior staff, my eyes land on Maci, and I can’t help but once again notice her beauty, probably for a bit too long. I have to look at the other girls as I let Marie talk a bit about her background. If I don’t, I am pretty sure the entire staff will notice how tight the front of my pants have gotten. As soon as she finishes, I call up Rob, allowing him to do the same with the deckhands.
I talk about the uniforms and what they’ll wear for each part of the charters. It’s important to show unity and that they are all dressed alike at all times. They will always meet our guests on the dock together, in their white button-up shirts with their black bottoms, skirts for the girls and pants for the guys, which is also the same uniform they’ll wear when the guest
s depart. Each of them is given a kelly green, V-neck shirt with the company logo in the upper left corner, and the vessel’s name, Sweet Pleasure underneath it, for during the day. They will wear these with black bottoms, skorts for the ladies and shorts for the guys. The last outfit we give them is their evening/dinner attire, black button-up shirts that are exactly like their white ones, and again their black skirts and pants will be paired with them.
“Let’s get to work, everyone, it’s time to change into your day uniforms and make this place shine.”
One by one they get up and shake my hand before retreating to their bunk rooms, as Marie leads the way. Maci is the last one who reaches forward. I think we both feel our pulses start to race the minute our fingers touch each other. Her cheeks blush once again and I enjoy knowing I put it there.
“Captain,” she whispers out as our eyes lock.
Leaning in toward her, I make sure I’m close enough so no one else will hear me, “Sir, sounded better coming from your mouth.”
Looking around, she smirks, and for the first time I see her sassy side come out. “Then, Captain, it is.” I figure now is a good time to ask her what she thinks of my boat, since she clearly has a thought on it.
Chapter Two
I look around, trying to find my home for the next several weeks. After bypassing several boats, I find the one with the words Sweet Pleasure written in fancy writing on the side of it. There’s a man standing with his arms crossed against his chest, staring straight ahead. He’s sexy as hell. Oh shit, I think I’m in trouble. He’s the captain of the boat, you can tell by his outfit. And he's O.M.G! If I could scream it, I would. He walks toward me as I make my way in his direction, and I just about lose my shit. Well, let’s face it, I pretty much do, when my thongs go flying everywhere. I think I might die before I even step foot on the boat. I’m not sure I’ve seen a guy so perfectly fit or put together. Since I’m admiring him from head to toe, I don’t watch where I’m going and I catch my flip-flop on the first board of the ramp and I trip. Way to make a good first impression, Maci.