The Beast of Space

The Beast of Space is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by F. E. Hardart is in the English language, and may not include graphics or images from the original edition. If you enjoy the works of F. E. Hardart then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.
Views: 328

The Bachelors

First found contentedly chatting in their London clubs and shopping at Fortnum's, the cozy bachelors (as any Spark reader might guess) are not set to stay cozy for long. Soon enough, the men are variously tormented — defrauded or stolen from; blackmailed or pressed to attend horrid séances — and then plunged, all together, into the nastiest of lawsuits. At the center of that suit hovers pale, blank Patrick Seton, the medium. Meanwhile, horrors of every size plague the poor bachelors — from the rising price of frozen peas ("Your hand's never out of your pocket") to epileptic fits, forgeries, spiritualists foaming with protoplasm, and murder. And every horror delights: each is lit up by Spark's uncanny wit — at once malicious, funny, and deadly serious.
Views: 328

The Drowned Cities

Soldier boys emerged from the darkness. Guns gleamed dully. Bullet bandoliers and scars draped their bare chests. Ugly brands scored their faces. She knew why these soldier boys had come. She knew what they sought, and she knew, too, that if they found it, her best friend would surely die.* *In a dark future America where violence, terror, and grief touch everyone, young refugees Mahlia and Mouse have managed to leave behind the war-torn lands of the Drowned Cities by escaping into the jungle outskirts. But when they discover a wounded half-man--a bioengineered war beast named Tool--who is being hunted by a vengeful band of soldiers, their fragile existence quickly collapses. One is taken prisoner by merciless soldier boys, and the other is faced with an impossible decision: Risk everything to save a friend, or flee to a place where freedom might finally be possible. This thrilling companion to Paolo Bacigalupi's highly acclaimed Ship Breaker is a haunting and powerful story of loyalty, survival, and heart-pounding adventure.
Views: 328

Ella & Jasper Shorts

When Ella marries Joe Westin, she inherits a father-in-law who gets her into more trouble than the bad guys. As a former thief turned government agent, Ella thinks she’s up for any assignment that comes her way, but Jasper Westin just might be more than she can handle.Set in the 1820s, these three quick reads offer a fun glimpse into Ella’s family life.Ernest EffortMissing MonkeyClose QuartersWhen Ella marries Joe Westin, she inherits a father-in-law who gets her into more trouble than the bad guys. As a former thief turned government agent, Ella thinks she’s up for any assignment that comes her way, but Jasper Westin just might be more than she can handle.In Ernest Effort, a parrot-keeper is kidnapped, and a dangerous pirate orders Ella to find his son immediately. Not one to give in to demands, Ella makes an announcement that stuns everyone.In Missing Monkey, Jasper’s cohorts have misplaced their pet monkey, but the primate isn't the only thing that’s vanished. Ella needs to track the monkey down before nightfall or Jasper will pay the consequences.In Close Quarters, Ella is in a grim predicament—she and Jasper are about to be hanged for murder, and while she’s armed to the teeth, the only weapon at her disposal is her tongue. What could go wrong?Set in the 1820s, these three quick reads offer a fun glimpse into Ella’s new family life.Ernest Effort (2,205 words)Missing Monkey (1,479 words)Close Quarters (3,500 words)
Views: 328

The Thirst Quenchers

Rick Raphael (1919-1994) was a US writer and journalist who began publishing sci-fi with "A Filbert is a Nut" for Astounding in November 1959 and established a considerable reputation in the field with a comparatively small output of about ten stories, most of them assembled in The Thirst Quenchers (coll 1965) and Code Three (fixup 1966).
Views: 328

Short Cruises

Twelve Adventures at Sea From the Author of THE MONKEY\'S PAW -- W.W. Jacobs is mostly remembered nowadays as the author of "The Monkey\'s Paw"; some folks recall that he also wrote other weird fiction. But the truth is that he was quite a versatile author -- Short Cruises isn\'t his only volume of sea fiction; and he wrote others as well. Included in this volume are "The Changeling," "Mixed Relations," "His Lordship," "Alf\'s Dream," "A Distant Relative," "The Test 83," "In the Family," "A Love-Knot," "Her Uncle," "The Dreamer," "Angels\' Visits," and "A Circular Tour." --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
Views: 327

A Far Cry From Kensington

Set on the crazier fringes of 1950s literary London, A Far Cry from Kensington is a delight, hilariously portraying love, fraud, death, evil, and transformation. Mrs. Hawkins, the majestic narrator of A Far Cry from Kensington, takes us well in hand and leads us back to her threadbare years in postwar London. There, as a fat and much admired young war widow, she spent her days working for a mad, near-bankrupt publisher ("of very good books") and her nights dispensing advice at her small South Kensington rooming house. At work and at home Mrs. Hawkins soon uncovered evil: shady literary doings and a deadly enemy; anonymous letters, blackmail, and suicide. With aplomb, however, Mrs. Hawkins confidently set about putting things to order, little imagining the mayhem that would ensue. Now decades older, thin, successful, and delighted with life in Italy--quite a far cry from Kensington--Mrs. Hawkins looks back to all those dark doings and recounts how her own life changed forever. She still, however, loves to give advice: "It's easy to get thin. You eat and drink the same as always, only half...I offer this advice without fee; it is included in the price of this book."
Views: 327


A lively, stimulating and engaging retelling of purakau - Maori myths - by contemporary Maori writers. Ka mua, ka muri . . .Ancient Maori creation myths, portrayals of larger-than-life heroes and tales of engrossing magical beings have endured through the ages. Some hail back to Hawaiki, some are firmly grounded in New Zealand and its landscape. Through countless generations, the stories have been reshaped and passed on. This new collection presents a wide range of traditional myths that have been retold by some of our best Maori wordsmiths. The writers have added their own creativity, perspectives and sometimes wonderfully unexpected twists, bringing new life and energy to these rich, spellbinding and significant taonga. Take a fresh look at Papatuanuku, a wild ride with Maui, or have a creepy encounter with Ruruhi-Kerepo, for these and many more mythical figures await you. Explore the past, from it shape the future . . . The contributors are:...
Views: 327

The Chamber of Life

Green Peyton wrote this popular book that continues to be widely read today despite its age.
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Epic Yarns from Beyond the Horizon. The Petite Collection. Volume I.

This is my fist published collection of short stories. Hope you'll enjoy them. If you like them, post a review or Tweet at me, I'd love to hear from you!Epic Yarns from Beyond the Horizon. The Petite Collection. Volume I.Included are the short stories:*Review of the Bible.*Why I want to conquer Paris.*The Time Machine.*What to do if you lose your hamster - CIA Manual.*Green Pants.*Roman Tweet*Samurai's Confessions. New Reality TV Show.Enjoy!
Views: 327

My Life as a Rat

"A painful truth of family life: the most tender emotions can change in an instant. You think your parents love you but is it you they love, or the child who is theirs?" —Joyce Carol Oates, My Life as a RatWhich should prevail: loyalty to family or loyalty to the truth? Is telling the truth ever a mistake and is lying for one's family ever justified? Can one do the right thing, but bitterly regret it? My Life as a Rat follows Violet Rue Kerrigan, a young woman who looks back upon her life in exile from her family following her testimony, at age twelve, concerning what she knew to be the racist murder of an African-American boy by her older brothers. In a succession of vividly recalled episodes Violet contemplates the circumstances of her life as the initially beloved youngest child of seven Kerrigan children who inadvertently "informs" on her brothers, setting into motion their arrests and convictions and her own long estrangement....
Views: 326

The Last Girl

Fifteen year old Sonya Neslund solves the mystery behind the vicious attacks of three of her classmates.Sonya Neslund has gone through some serious changes over the last year. Her mother Carolyn has died from lung cancer and the home she shared with her mother and stepfather Cal had to be sold, forcing Sonya to live with her unemployed father Aron and Uncle Bill Neslund, who has early-onset Alzheimer's disease. Sonya manages to make two new friends during her first day of high school; Bobby Chambers, who is openly gay, and the beautiful Piper Jones. Piper's friend Jessica Holden does not show up for school, and they soon find out she was viciously attacked, her face slashed. Sonya and her new friends launch their own investigation to find the slasher, who calls himself the Ravisher, as they deal with pain from their pasts, including a former friend of Piper's, now institutionalized, who may know the identity of the Ravisher, but uses her information to control Piper as the Ravisher plans his next attacks. Meanwhile, Sonya could be putting herself in more danger as she uses her photography hobby and budding investigative skills to bring herself closer to the Blue Diamonds, a notorious motorcycle gang, that may hold the key to the Ravisher's identity.
Views: 326

The Red Widow; or, The Death-Dealers of London

This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
Views: 325

All Day September

All Day September is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by Roger Kuykendall is in the English language, and may not include graphics or images from the original edition. If you enjoy the works of Roger Kuykendall then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.
Views: 324