Occupy Movement Singapore: Three Complete Novels

Occupy Movement Singapore are 3 fictional stories collected and inspired by ordinary Singaporeans who seek revenge against the 1% rich.Occupy Movement Singapore: Three Complete Novels1) Philippore LandIn the middle of the Great Depression in Singapore in 2020, Occupy Wall Street Terrorist (OWS) Kwek Chee Meng and Tham Shin Yi meet when Chee Meng tries to steal Shin Yi's mother's car. Shin Yi, who is bored by her job as a jobless university graduate is intrigued with Kwek Chee Meng, and decides to take up with him and become his partner in crime. They do some holdups, but their amateur efforts, while exciting, are not very lucrative.Chee Meng and Shin Yi turn from pulling small-time heists to robbing rich foreigners. Their exploits also become more violent until it reaches the point of Chee Meng murdering and robbing the rich to help the poor.2) The Mortgage Arrears Forgiveness Project Murder: From Dark Journey to Deep GraceOn Nov 5 2013, one man left an indelible stamp on the Singaporean psyche. His goal was simple: to blow up and murder and to leave "a lasting impression on the world." Lieutenant Marcus Tang, a militia movement sympathizer, sought revenge against the federal government for their handling of the Mortgage Arrears Forgiveness Plan, which ended in the scrapping of the project in Singapore Parliament. Marcus hoped to inspire a revolt against what he considered to be a tyrannical federal government. He was convicted of eleven federal offenses and sentenced to death. His execution will take place on Dec 4, 2015, at the Changi Correctional Complex in Singapore but with one wish – he wants to be baptised.3) The Tan Cheng Juan Story: From Systems Analyst to Security GuardTan Cheng Juan is a loner. He’s a vigilante. He’s fed up with his unemployment. He was retrenched as a systems analyst and seeks a security guard to pay his bills.And he carries a three-gun arsenal:. 44 Magnum, .38 Smith & Wesson and a little palm piece, a.25 Colt. He spends his nights working the shifts as a security guard. He meets someone with a similar fate as him and desperately wants to save him while redeeming himself. Someone strange is a hero. How many wrongs to make it right?
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A Chance Meeting in the Night: Joy and the Devil

A meeting between a mysterious man and a devout woman leads to an intimate conversation about faith and doubt, life and death, on a cold Halloween night.A meeting between a mysterious man and a devout woman leads to an intimate conversation about faith and doubt, life and death, on a cold Halloween night. Will the two strangers, within the walls of a cathedral, find pain or forgiveness?
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Complete Fiction (Jerry eBooks)

Scanned, converted, re-formatted, proofed, custom title page, custom book cover and eBook creation by Jerry.
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Three kings. Two queens. One heir. Chaos will rule...
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Helium Heart

SHORT STORYA young man must face the first real tragedy in his life, the loss of his best friend. Like Marley & Me but told from a kid's perspective. Get out the tissues before you start reading.A young man must face the first real tragedy in his life, the loss of his best friend.
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The Syndic

The Syndic operated as a sort of gigantic protective league in what had once been the states east of the Mississippi. Humanity had never had it so good; there was plenty of money, and people were expected to have fun with it. Moral inhibitions had gone the way of the horse: most girls were delightfully amenable, and polo was played in jeeps with 50-caliber machine guns. The hopelessly corrupt old North American Government had been driven literally into the sea but made occasional piratical forays onto the mainland from bases on the islands and coastal fringes of a ruined and savage Europe. West of the Mississippi lay Mob Territory, and in spite of treaties and frequent state visits, it was known that the Mobsters coveted the produtivity and complacency that marked life under The Syndic. Fat, happy, and hedonistic, The Syndic was unprepared to face the realities of impending warfare with the Government, and when a wave of assassinations broke out in New York, it was belatedly decided to take action. Young Charles Orsino, polo-playing scion of one of the ruling families, volunteered for a spying assignment. Here begins one of the most fantastic adventures ever to involve brain washing, witchcraft, and murder in a plot that ranges from Druidical rites to old-fashioned twenty-first-century romance.
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One More Time

When the one you love passes on, leaving your sunset years wanting of warmth, a person can wonder if that is the way the rest of their lives will go. In One Time, two long time friends and next door neighbors realize they might very well find warmth once more in each other over and above being best friends. That leap is harder and more complicated than they thought. Reviews welcome!This is a simple story of search for the comforts of a new mate when the one you spent a lifetime with leaves you behind. People do find new mates, but there are so many differences. Who will leave the home with so many memories, how do you deal with the feelings of being unfaithful, and how do you find someone you can also be a friend to as well as a mate? Sam and Elsie were next door neighbors, adding a track record of friendship, while at the same time causing yet another complexity. One More Time isn't all that complicated a story, and no conflict over and above what a normal couple would have has been engineered for drama. Life is dramatic enough as it is.
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The Eclective: The Apocalypse Collection

It's the end of the world as we know it, and the Eclective feels fine. With stories by Heather Marie Adkins, PJ Jones, M Edward McNally, Alan Nayes, RG Porter, Tara West, and Emma Jameson.It's the end of the world as we know it, and the Eclective feels fine.The Shifting Sands by Tara West: When a jealous goddess threatens to destroy all of humanity, a young woman and her family must overcome impossible odds to survive.Light by Emma Jameson: In the zombie apocalypse, the hope for humanity's survival is pinned on Daniel. Unfortunately, Daniel is an android. And humanity may be past all hope...Alien Butt Plugs by PJ Jones: The aliens are coming! And Jeb's first line of defense may be worse than the anal probe he fears.Seeds by M. Edward McNally: For Meats and his fellow Guns, life was simple. Keep your respirator clear, your weapon ready, and an eye on your neighbors. Until one day Meats found some seeds, and everything got complicated.Cleavers by Heather Marie Adkins: Creatures such as the Cleavers should never exist. But in Tora's world, they're real, and death is more likely than survival.The Last Christmas by Alan Nayes: On the verge of the Apocalypse, a young couple wish to spend one last Christmas together.Combustion by RG Porter: Kate wakes to find her world scorched and survivors in short supply. She needs to unravel the cause before time runs out.
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Dream Cycle of H. P. Lovecraft: Dreams of Terror and Death

This volume collects, for the first time, the entire Dream Cycle created by H. P. Lovecraft, the master of twentieth-century horror, including some of his most fantastic tales:THE DOOM THAT CAME TO SARNATH--Hate, genocide, and a deadly curse.THE NAMELESS CITY--Death lies beneath the shifting sands, in a story linking the Dream Cycle with the legendary Cthulhu Mythos.THE CATS OF ULTHAR--In Ulthar, no man may kill a cat...and woe unto any who tries.THE DREAM QUEST OF UNKNOWN KADATH--The epic nightmare adventure with tendrils stretching throughout the entire Dream Cycle.AND TWENTY MORE TALES OF SURREAL TERROR
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The Supernatural in Modern English Fiction

PREFACE THE subject of the supernatural in modern English fiction has been found difficult to deal with because of its wealth of material. While there has been no previous book on the topic, and none related to it, save Mr. C. E. Whitmore’s work on The Supernatural in Tragedy, the mass of fiction itself introducing ghostly or psychic motifs is simply enormous. It is manifestly impossible to discuss, or even to mention, all of it. Even in my bibliography which numbers over three thousand titles, I have made no effort to list all the available examples of the type. The bibliography, which I at first intended to publish in connection with this volume, is far too voluminous to be included here, so will probably be brought out later by itself. It would have been impossible for me to prosecute the research work or to write the book save for the assistance generously given by many persons. I am indebted to the various officials of the libraries of Columbia University and of New York City, particularly to Miss Isadore Mudge, Reference Librarian of Columbia, and to the authorities of the New York Society Library for permission to use their priceless out-of-print novels in the Kennedy Collection. My interest in English fiction was increased during my attendance on some courses in the history of the English novel, given by Dr. A. J. Carlyle, in Oxford University, England, several years ago. I have received helpful bibliographical suggestions from Professor Blanche Colton Williams, Dr. Dorothy Brewster, Professor Nelson Glenn McCrea, Professor John Cunliffe, and Dean Talcott Williams, of Columbia, and Professor G. L. Kittredge, of Harvard. Professors William P. Trent, George Philip Krapp, and Ernest Hunter Wright very kindly read the book in manuscript and gave valuable advice concerning it, Professor Wright going over the material with me in detail. But my chief debt of gratitude is to Professor Ashley H. Thorndike, Head of the Department of English and Comparative Literature in Columbia, whose stimulating criticism and kindly encouragement have made the book possible. To all of these—and others—who have aided me, I am deeply grateful, and I only wish that the published volume were more worthy of their assistance. D. S. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, April, 1917.
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Runaway Slave

Tobacco plantation owner Alvin Tolle is confronted with a split-second decision that will affect the rest of his life.All of my books are drawn from the American frontier in the 1800s. This story is about one man at the forefront of dealing with racism and slavery in North Carolina.Runaway is a snippet from my hard copy novel "The Carolinian," available at Amazon.The inspiration for my stories draws from my novels and family tales of settlers who journeyed to the American frontier in the 1800s. Their accounts, passed down through the generations, paint pictures of courageous and adventurous people—a hearty lot—who had perseverance, self-reliance, and, despite dangers and fears of the unknown wilderness, overcame their misgivings. Most were not famous or widely celebrated, yet they carved out homes, farms, and a life on the frontier, and, in the process, created a great nation. They are heroes in my eyes.From my research, I better understand the plight of early Native Americans. They were ultimately swept aside by the oncoming tide of settlers, despite being fierce and resourceful. There came a time for compassion by the conquering invaders. Too many times, it did not occur. Unavoidably, the stain remains a part of America’s legacy.Thank you for reading my short stories and novels.Richard PuzHere are other books for your review ~Novels in the Six Bulls Series ~Six Bulls-The OhioansRafting from Ohio to Missouri down the big rivers of America, pioneers load their families and possessions on flatboats, seeking a new life on the American frontier. Adventures abound during their exciting and dangerous trip.The CarolinianAbraham learns how to be a man during the Battle of New Orleans and applies those principles on his tobacco plantation in North Carolina. Shunning slavery, he moves his family west. Their adventures produce a riveting account of pioneer life in the wilds of a new country, while battling the ever-present Hooker, the slaver.AvengeThe theft of prized horses sets a young man on a journey of adventure. On the trail of the last outlaw, he roams the vast wild American frontier, following the murder and rapist, as they clash in an epic battle of wits. Only one can survive.Short Stories ~AbrahamYoung raw-recruit Abraham is exposed to the terror of war during the Battle for New Orleans. A frontiersman provides the wisdom to help him become a hero.Arkansas StormPioneers on flatboats are towed by a steamboat when they run into a storm that threatens their lives and the loss of all they own.Beanblossom CreekChief Black Hawk’s men are on the warpath and Captain Custis Cauley and his militiamen are waiting. The battle that follows is epic.Captain Jonathan BuzzardBrazen and courageous, the captain takes on the five outlaws threatening a pioneer’s family—exciting and action packed!Danny BoyWhimsical and humorous, a riverbank tavern is the setting for pioneers quenching their thirst after their long wagon train journey to Indiana. It’s a roaring good time, until a fight breaks out to enliven the evening.NewtoniaSettlers on the frontier are caught between warring armies as the Civil War rages. In the midst, human compassion is extended.SmokePrairies are one of God’s greatest gifts, but these can also be deadly. Pioneers take desperate measures to save everything they have created.Sourdough Wind MineThieves steal gold ore and come face to face with the “enforcer.” Deep underground in the mine, the encounter plays out among flying bullets in the darkness.StainThe government’s Indian Removal Act of 1830 is being implemented and farmer James Stinson and his family are in the cross hairs. This is one of many tragic stories about Indian displacement in the 1800s and remains a stain on American history. Roaring RiverBushwhackers ambush two men, killing one. The survivor leads a posse to track down the band of killers, leading to an epic battle.Three BellsSettlers prepare for war with Chief Black Hawk and his warriors on remote farms in Indian. What happens one fateful night changes them forever.
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Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary

Featuring David Sedaris's unique blend of hilarity and heart, this new collection of keen-eyed animal-themed tales is an utter delight. Though the characters may not be human, the situations in these stories bear an uncanny resemblance to the insanity of everyday life. In "The Toad, the Turtle, and the Duck," three strangers commiserate about animal bureaucracy while waiting in a complaint line. In "Hello Kitty," a cynical feline struggles to sit through his prison-mandated AA meetings. In "The Squirrel and the Chipmunk," a pair of star-crossed lovers is separated by prejudiced family members. With original illustrations by Ian Falconer, author of the bestselling Olivia series of children's books, these stories are David Sedaris at his most observant, poignant, and surprising.
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Quillifer the Knight

Quillifer—now a member of the nobility—finds himself further immersed in court politics as the outcast princess Floria is suddenly in a position of power with a rebellion stoked by a certain brilliant tactician, in this thrilling sequel to Quillifer.Rogue. Joker. Lover. Reluctant solider. Quillifer is back in court after two years away and finds that the small castle and domain that came with his knighthood require much reformation. To complicate matters further, Quillifer is outed as Princess Floria's lover, and those who once despised him now seek his favor. Of course, Queen Berlauda will attempt to reconquer the country with the power of her husband's armies. At the very least, there will be a long, long war. But Quillifer is prepared to fight. Quillifer the Knight marks the anticipated return of Jon Walter Williams, a New York Times bestselling and multiple award-winning fantasy author.
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Fezdon's Mistake

SHORT STORYFezdon is a wizard - at least that's how he thinks of himself. The trouble is, no one else in the village agrees with him. He must do something big to convince them, but will his big idea prove to be more than he can handle?A short short story of childhood memory, fleeting relationships and how, sometimes, even the smallest, most incidental experiences in our youth can have the biggest effects on us when we don't even know it, lasting well into adulthood and helping us at the times when we need it the most. A lesson in cherishing the moments that we may think are meaningless but will have the biggest effects and weigh the heaviest in our hearts.
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