Strange Path: A Synchronicity Story

Hunter Drake, Elf sorcerer, and Josephine, Cherokee maiden, should never have met, but when Josephine opens the portal her family guards, their worlds collide—literally. Now Josephine must figure out how to restore balance between Eladi and Ayeli. Will love help her make the right decision? Or will desire betray both worlds?Hunter Drake, Elf sorcerer, and Josephine, Cherokee maiden, should never have met, but when Josephine opens the portal her family has guarded for centuries, their worlds collide—literally. All of a sudden, Josephine is caught up in a war that has overtaken Drake's world...and now it threatens hers. Fairy tales, time portals and Cherokee mythology entwine in this tale of love, adventure, war and duty that spans two worlds. "Strange Path" is a prequel to Michelle Garren Flye's acclaimed Synchronicity Series.
Views: 723

Every Living Thing

The #1 New York Times–bestselling author of All Creatures Great and Small reflects on the rewards of training the next generation of veterinarians. As an aging James Herriot begins to see more house pets than livestock, the challenge of treating animals—and reassuring their owners—provides plenty of excitement, mystery, and moments of sheer delight. After building up his own practice, the renowned country vet begins to teach a new generation about a business both old-fashioned and very modern. He watches with pride as his own children show a knack for medicine, and remarks on the talents and quirks of a string of assistants. There is no perfecting the craft, since people and their animals are all remarkably different, but Herriot proves that the best healers are also the most compassionate.
Views: 723

The Good Girl

A story of a mysterious, lost woman, visiting uninvited consequences upon her sister and her family.The story of a lost woman, returning home after a mysterious time away, bringing uninvited consequences upon her sister and her family.
Views: 720

Time Swirl A Binky Adventure

Binky, a sentient bionic doglike being, is in search of friends when he meets Merlin the Magician and a young King Arthur. Follow him on this fantastic exploration of friendship and magic and meet the first Lord When.Before Binky became Lord When's trusted companion, he was the best friend of another well known genius...Merlin the Magician. A Merlin who was both wise and kind. A man who won Binky's heart and soul, if not his AI implanted electronic, bionic body.Come back in time to join with Binky as he lives through a golden age of man when there were Knights of the Round Table, and a young man whose future decreed that he one day rule all of Britain with a firm, but fair hand and bring the Light into the lands that were darkened by the hordes of Druids and ravagers of those times.See how Binky helps and launches the career of a new Lord When, who will one day scour time and space to help those in need of his services.Learn what Mordred and Morgana truly were like during those tumultous times, and what their parts in the grand play of King Arthur's life were.Then..Time Swirl on your first adventure with Lord When!
Views: 720

Night-Gaunts and Other Tales of Suspense

From a master "mind reader who writes psychological horror stories about seriously disturbed minds" (New York Times Book Review), this gorgeously eerie story collection explores the deepest entwinings of lust and repulsion, creation and dissolution, Eros and Thanatos
Views: 720

Verruca Music

Absurdist comedy of the very blackest kind, informed by a love of James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Peter Cook & The Goon Show. Featuring the Fibonacci sequence, floors that open up without warning, a powerful laxative, and a duvet that periodically changes colour, Verruca Music charts the narrator’s emergence from a state of fearful near-immobility assisted only by entertainments of his own devisingEight Cuts Gallery Press presents the debut novel by Stuart Estell, who lives in Birmingham. It is absurdist comedy of the very blackest kind, informed by a love of James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Peter Cook and The Goon Show. Featuring the Fibonacci sequence, floors that open up without warning, a powerful laxative, and a duvet that periodically changes colour, Verruca Music charts the narrator’s emergence from a state of fearful near-immobility assisted only by entertainments of his own devising.
Views: 719

The Train Was on Time

Heinrich Böll’s taut and haunting first novel tells the story of twenty-four-year-old Private Andreas as he journeys on a troop train across the German countryside to the Eastern front. Trapped, he knows that Hitler has already lost the war ... yet he is suddenly galvanized by the thought that he is on the way to his death. As the train hurtles on, he riffs through prayers and memories, talks with other soldiers about what they’ve been through, and gazes desperately out the window at his country racing away. With mounting suspense, Andreas is gripped by one thought over all: Is there a way to defy his fate? From the Trade Paperback edition.
Views: 718

The Clown

Acclaimed entertainer Hans Schneir collapses when his beloved Marie leaves him because he won’t marry her within the Catholic Church. The desertion triggers a searing re-examination of his life—the loss of his sister during the war, the demands of his millionaire father and the hypocrisies of his mother, who first fought to “save” Germany from the Jews, then worked for “reconciliation” afterwards. Heinrich Böll’s gripping consideration of how to overcome guilt and live up to idealism—how to find something to believe in—gives stirring evidence of why he was such an unwelcome presence in post-War German consciousness . . . and why he was such a necessary one.
Views: 717

Mind-A suspense novel.

Psychiatrist at odds after the death of one's dear friend. Then strange things start to happen... The stoic and disciplined Dr. Doule, head-psychiatrist and mentor to Dr. Peter become conflict over the event and incidents begin to occur. But is Dr. P. the culprit. The story winds and twists until a final-ultimate incursion. Will the doctors or will their conflict be a disastrous outcome...Carsen Psychiatric Center is the residence of Dr. Peter McBride and the 15 year tenure Head of Units, Dr. Doule. They have a leader to mentor relationship, everyone respects and admires them both. Death of a dear worker, whom Dr. P. much admires, seems a trivial event. Perhaps, over a friend's untimely, uncared for demise that soon after incidents start to occur. And then, one of the events happens to the good Dr P.O. Doule. After several events the circumstances calls in the hospital authorities. Soon everyone believes that one of their own is the assailant. What occurs next is the ominous determination...
Views: 715

The Digital Future

Technology is everywhere; in almost everything we do, everything we see and everything we have there is some form of technology. Think, for a moment, what life would be like without technology. How would you communicate? How would you live? Where would you live? When it comes down to it, technology is responsible for our present. This then stems the question: how will technology shape our future?I don’t even remember hitting the ground. I remember the hyper drive cutting out and I remember the jet engines failing as I tried to land this old crate. But I don’t remember the damn thing hitting the surface of the planet. I suppose that’s what I get for stealing it in the first place. But I just couldn’t work for those jerks for another second. I open my eyes to be met with a belting headache. One so bad it feels like I’ve been out on the drink last night, and I’ve had a very good time. Shame that isn’t true. I’m starting to wish this had all been a dream. My back hurts like I’ve snapped every one of my vertebrae on the way to the floor and all of my muscles are burning in pain.
Views: 714

That Mouse Is High

A father frantically prepares for his daughter's birthday party only to come across a stumbling block that threatens to ruin the day. A short story by Scott Semegran.Horrified by the violence following Iran's 2009 contested presidential elections, the author, Mojdeh Marashi is reminded of her parents’ ordeal during another disheartening event for Iranian people, the 1953 coup d'état. Saboteur, the first of a series, is told by a pair of white doves who in the tradition of old Persian storytellers recount the event in a hot summer afternoon when a sea of men inThis is a fictional memoir by Mojdeh Marashi, a writer, translator, artist and designer who is deeply influenced by the ancient and modern history of Iran. This story merges the world of magical realism in Persian literature that Mojdeh grew up reading, the reality of the world she lives in today, and the utopia she dreams about.Mojdeh is the translator (from Persian, with Chad Sweeney) of The Selected Poems of H. E. Sayeh: The Art of Stepping Through Time (White Pine, 2011). Her fiction was published in the anthology Let Me Tell You Where I’ve Been: Women of the Iranian Diaspora (University of Arkansas, 2006). She was born in Tehran, Iran and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1977, and now lives and work in Palo Alto, California. She is the Managing Partner at Blurred Whisper, an Idea and Design studio in Palo Alto, California, which she co-founded in 2002.Mojdeh studied at California College of Arts (CCA) and later at San Francisco State University where she earned her M.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts and an M.A. in Creative Writing.
Views: 713

The Lost Sun

Fans of Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" and Holly Black's "The Curse Workers" will embrace this richly drawn, Norse-mythology-infused alternate world: the United States of Asgard. Seventeen-year-old Soren Bearskin is trying to escape the past. His father, a famed warrior, lost himself to the battle-frenzy and killed thirteen innocent people. Soren cannot deny that berserking is in his blood--the fevers, insomnia, and occasional feelings of uncontrollable rage haunt him. So he tries to remain calm and detached from everyone at Sanctus Sigurd's Academy. But that's hard to do when a popular, beautiful girl like Astrid Glyn tells Soren she dreams of him. That's not all Astrid dreams of--the daughter of a renowned prophetess, Astrid is coming into her own inherited abilities. When Baldur, son of Odin and one of the most popular gods in the country, goes missing, Astrid sees where he is and convinces Soren to join her on a road trip that will take them to find not only a lost god, but also who they are beyond the legacy of their parents and everything they've been told they have to be.
Views: 710

Gee Whiz: Book Five of the Horses of Oak Valley Ranch

Gee Whiz is a striking horse, and only part of that is because of his size. He is tall, but also graceful, yet his strides big but precise. At the same time, he keeps his eye on things, not as if he's suspicious, but as if he's curious. When Abby is confronted with an onslaught of reminders of just how little of the world she has seen, she finds herself connecting with Gee Whiz's calm and curious nature, and his desire to know more. Her brother receives a draft notice to Vietnam, her friends return for the holidays with stories from their boarding school in Southern California, and the wise, lovable Brother Abner opens her eyes with tales of his many years spent traveling. At the same time, her beloved Jack and True Blue are both faced with opportunites to broaden their horizons away from the ranch.  Will she let them go, with hopes that she might one day do the same?  
Views: 710

A Thousand Acres

Aging Larry Cook announces his intention to turn over his 1,000-acre farm--one of the largest in Zebulon County, Iowa--to his three daughters, Caroline, Ginny, and Rose. A man of harsh sensibilities, he carves Caroline out of the deal because she has the nerve to be less than enthusiastic about her father's generosity. While Larry Cook deteriorates into a pathetic drunk, his daughters are left to cope with the often grim realities of life on a family farm--from battering husbands to cutthroat lenders. In this winner of the 1992 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Smiley captures the essence of such a life with stark, painful detail.
Views: 708

Teeny Time Travel Tales

I had a bright idea, 'Teeny Time Travel Tales' of only 78 words. It's much more of a challenge than you might think, and very like those picture puzzles where you slide the squares around in a grid, until they are in the right order. But words are very restless, more, then less, then different - then perfect. :o)Jon Harper's life is a never ending circle of bullying. He is trapped without support from the school or his father. He wants to find an escape. He wants bloody vengeance, but how can he ever defeat the notorious vicious school gang.Thorn is a lonely sultry vampire who fills her nights feeding and battling her enemies; the vampire hunters and the decaying Turned. One night the rules change, and her life will never be the same. She wants vengeance.˃˃˃ The first book in the, "Vampire Formula" Series.A prequel short story showing events before, "The Birth of Vengeance: Vampire Formula #1."The short story is intended as a free introduction to the world of the vampires that continues in, "The Birth of Vengeance: Vampire Formula #1", a great vampire book for teens or adults.Make it one of your free vampire books to download.
Views: 706