Remembering Earth Mission_From the Ancient Ones, Keepers of Galactic Secrets Read online

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"Now, we present the next proposal. It is a plan for additional Divine family members’ volunteers. This time to birth into the evolutionary system. Each will be born into a physical bodysuit within an Earth family. We hope that the abilities and perceptions the volunteers have developed in our off-Earth worlds will survive the density of Earth. The plan is that their wisdom and insight will be available to them to inspire their Earth family unit."

  Whispered exchanges and ripples of excitement ran through the group.

  Jerra continued, "This mission force, with recent connection to clarity, would not have experienced crushing damage. Birthing as one of an Earth family, they could awaken the power of light and awareness within those units. Awakening personal choice; the expansive mission and support abilities will be available more intimately."

  Jerra looked around at the attentive group. Then he spoke again. "We are all aware of the heavy energies that blind and dull humanity. It is critical to assure connections to Home energy for those on this phase of the mission. We have planned a way to counter this denseness for the volunteers. There will be many friends, teachers, and masters who will remain in Spiritual regions to guide, direct and give access to the overall plans. A central point for each volunteer will contain channels of secured communication systems. The intention is that the systems will bypass the contaminated cloudiness of Earth. Channels anchored within the Soul body will provide the volunteer access to clarity while on planet Earth."

  Jerra paused and walked a few steps in quiet thought.

  "The ships will be leaving this planet in a fortnight. Those of you who decide to volunteer will want to return home for a short time before beginning this assignment.

  "Remember, Earth functions by individual choice. While in a physical bodysuit, volunteers must declare and ask for our help. Many in Spiritual bodies will be available to answer questions and fulfill requests, but the eternal Universal law functioning on Earth puts the right of creating and changing into the hands of individuals in physical bodies. We will live in obedience to that law. When the volunteers see a need, they can call for unlimited Spiritual help, but there must be a request."

  Jerra stopped speaking and turned toward Dana. He smiled at her, and she responded with a nod and stood beside him. Myra could sense their love. They were like young lovers with one another even after eons. Myra knew such love. Tuma still caused her heart to sing.

  Then Jerra went on. "You notice that we are using the word "volunteer." This mission is a freewill undertaking. No one is required to participate. As High Priest, it is my responsibility to hold the vision for this mission and to assure our return home. This mission's purpose is to restore the original plan initiated by the Ancient Ones. Achieving that intention will reset the evolutionary path for Earth families to the Light of Good and Home. I will hold this mission's purpose clearly in mind. We strongly urge each of you to go within to contemplate and review. If any have questions, there will be discussions later this evening.”

  Myra saw Jerra reach for Dana’s hand and look into her azure eyes, “Dana and I have chosen to be part of this group." The hall erupted in applause.

  Myra looked at Tuma. He was focusing intently on Jerra's words. She recognized his excitement and his enthusiasm as it touched her. She laid her hand on his. He gently lifted their joined hands and brushed hers softly against his lips. A smile passed between them, and her heart swelled. Tuma and Myra chose without the need to speak. They would join the volunteers on this unusual opportunity of love.

  The Signal

  50,000 years ago -Cro-Magnon

  Eve felt a twist unfold in cold waves that moved throughout her body. Goosebumps rose on her skin, and her hair stood on end. Something was not right. She looked up at Adam as they walked down the path, brushed by the low brush and sheltered from the hatter rays of the sun by the overhanging branches of the oak.

  “Do you feel the change in the energy?” She asked Adam.

  “No, I am just enjoying the quiet of the garden,” he replied. “What is it that you are sensing?”

  “I don’t know just yet, but something is off. It reminds me of the feelings I had yesterday. A few of the forms my teacher had me taste left similar sensations. I know that they are warning me to be watchful, but of what? Will you trust what I feel?"

  "You know that I will. You are the one!" Adam laughed gently and squeezed her hand in assurance. He acknowledged that she knew more than he did about keeping their garden clear.”

  Eve continued walking, eyes open, senses alert. Something was not right.


  Preparing for Birthing - 35,000

  Myra breathed deeply and let out a laugh that filled the laboratory. Tuma's team members turned to look at her, and she covered her mouth to stifle her giggles.

  Relief! A major hurdle crossed. Tuma would be on the first wave of the Restore mission. Planning to incarnate into physical bodies was different than having moved within a Light body of the Consortium outreach. The Light body had not prepared him for working this denser Earth suit. So, simulated practice.

  Watching Tuma maneuver the simulated bodysuit, one that would be much too small at first, had struck Myra as outrageously funny. It was all that she could do to keep herself still until Tuma completed the routine. Her laughter broke the team's intense concentration, and everyone erupted into laughter and cheers.

  His planning team members were highly intelligent and competent. One of the volunteers was on the original mission. Gogan, an Ancient One, had been assigned to Tuma's team. He carried himself with the confidence deepened by his time as a First Family member. He had walked the Earth at a time of real freedom and curiosity. He had watched his mate explore areas of the Mother's surface for a place she loved. He had stood by her side as she identified cycles for support and as she sang energy into food, beauty, and abundance. The Ancients knew Earth intelligence was one of their own, a member of their mission. They had walked in her spaces like none since. Gogan held the remembrance of what had been, and of what went wrong. He added great value because of this experience with a heavier Earth suit.

  Since her life on the planet would interweave with his, Myra was both observer and participant in his plans. She listened to discussions amongst Tuma's team. They factored in the calculations of the planets affecting Earth, patterns to transform, personal powers to activate, and contracts with others. Deciding a time of birth that would best support Tuma's mission was part of the considerations. And, of course, the family of his birth.

  She shook her head at the thought of today's exercise. It was just too much for her to remain quiet. She laughed again remembering Tuma working to pull all of his energy into the test model of the tiny physical bodysuit. Maneuvering was another matter. How to make the hands work the mouth function. What system would coordinate the legs and the eyes? After all the numbers and formulas, calculations and theories, it may all come down to one question. Can we maneuver our tiny bodysuits?

  “Sometimes I know that this mission will easily be accomplished,” Tuma said to Myra one day when they were alone. “And yet, it would be foolish to ignore the fact that the leaders in the township where I will birth have great control over the people.”

  Myra brushed his hair back over his ears. “Well, we know your friends are committed to you and to the success of this mission. The power of our Divine family’s commitment to each other is stronger than the energy of chaos and conflict.” Tuma took her hand in his arms and kissed her lips. She always infused him with confidence. “Of course, all would go well.”

  Tuma and Myra walked down the sandy path to their favorite spot, the lake at the foot of crystalline, azure-colored mountains. He held her hand as she made her way around some large boulders to sit on a grassy spot next to the lake. She looked across the water at the abundant vegetation and glorious trees. “I love this place,” she said to Tuma. “It is so beautiful and peaceful.” He settled next to her, and they talked of their excitement for what lay ahead.

/>   Then they sat quietly. Myra leaned against Tuma. "Remember that I will be with your friends as you go. And will watch over you until I come," Myra whispered.

  Tuma drew her closer to him. She felt embraced by his love, every part of her felt caressed with overwhelming emotions. There was never a question as to her place by his side. That is where she belonged.

  "May the time go swiftly until I can hold you again, my love," he whispered.

  All the love they felt flowed between them. No part of themselves was left untouched, no part that was not transformed by this energy of love that moved, twirled and filled them. Expanded and more one than ever, knowing that they would soon part, they looked at the azure peaks and the greenery of their home.

  “Myra, I promise from the depth of my soul to fulfill this mission with speed and integrity. Know that I will be there to help you awaken from Earth’s density”.

  Myra nestled closer to Tuma and tears flowed down her cheeks. They sat quietly, holding and touching.

  Myra's birth into a family within the village was planned to occur shortly after Tuma's. She approached her preparation with the same vigor she had seen in Tuma. She had her own team, her own plans. There was a timing issue to be considered, the timing that would bring them together.

  One day as Myra was working in her simulated suit. Feeling the confusion and the difficulty of the activity, she was not laughing. After an unusually disconcerting maneuver, she huffed, “It occurs to me that this vehicle masks my appearance pretty well.”

  Giggling, her team members had to agree. The jerky movements alone hid Myra's natural grace.

  “Then how will Tuma know this is me or for that matter, will I know him?” The team captain spoke up, “The Soul link forged from eons of sharing is a pretty strong bond. We can't complete this mission alone. It is only together, as a team, that we will succeed. Some will have small teams, and other will work within large groups. The game is that every family member will awaken, remember their place and assignment, and each do their part to restore Home frequency. Those contracts will bring them together.”

  Tuma walked into the lab during the discussion. “The reason for the individual choice is to allow immediate identification of parasitic energy and the ability to demand their removal quickly. That will require that we stand in our vibration, clarity, and strength. The strength you bring will give me safety and my love will fill you with confidence and grace. You add your insight and the connected spokes of the rest of our family causes the game to succeed.”

  Her strength and presence would bring safety to him, and his love would nurture and empower her. Together they felt confident that they could awaken their community. Myra would develop sensitivities to the lighter energies. As Tuma felt his heart guidance, held the frequencies of unlimited possibilities of good, she would clear any hint of negativity. Eventually, Myra and Tuma would join with other Ancient Ones, and the expansion of the Restore mission would shift the volunteers away from the grip of darkness.

  One day, Tuma sensed the one he knew as "mother." It came as an inner call. He had often been around during her time of carrying. She was a good woman of royal birth. He felt fortunate that he had chosen her. Now, her pains of childbirth pulled to him across the ethers. As he turned to tell Myra, he realized that she already knew.

  As Tuma drifted away from her, Myra extended into the slower frequencies of Earth to be by the new young mother's side. With encouraging words, she told Tuma's mother of the love her new son would bring. She whispered of his gifts and mission. Although the young mother's ears, dulled from Earth density, could not translate the words, she sensed Myra's presence as a wave of hope, and she relaxed.

  Traveling into a dark, dense space, Tuma sped away from the light. He felt himself moving through heaviness and fear. Then Tuma saw his beloved Myra holding the hand of the one he would call "mother." In the next moment, he was pulled toward his physical vehicle and flowed into its very small space. Strange energy fields seemed to supersede his own and what was once familiar became confused. He was swimming and grasping. Something felt wrong, but what was it? Clouded energy covered his mind.

  The pain for him and his mother was intense. He had moved in and out of the body on many occasions during her time of carrying. Those times he had felt cradled and comforted by the constant beat of his mother-to-be's heart. But, birth was a shock to his entire being. He felt pain, fear, and confusion.

  Myra sensed Tuma's panic, his bewilderment. She instantly cleared the waves. She was not unaffected. Her own fears crept in. Were they doing the wise thing? Would they be able to stay clear? As quickly as the doubts arose, she felt them soften and lift. She turned. Dana stood by her side.

  "Those who have committed to guiding Tuma are friends of integrity. They will watch over him. We are stepping into the unknown, but there is much hope for the outcome," Dana comforted.

  Myra turned back to the birth scene. Tuma had taken his first breath as a member of an Earth family. His mother held him. She smiled and then, weary with the hours of labor, the new mother closed her eyes and slept.

  In the days after Tuma's birth, Myra watched, missing him so much. Lovingly, her heart reached out to him for the moment they would be together in their earthly adventure.

  Tuma's Earth family had various reactions to his presence. His mother's mood would change with merely a look and a smile from her son. Others felt calmed as they held and rocked him. But, his father, Driva, was not happy with this new male infant. Driva, the grandson of the one whom Myra had known as Lucas, was every bit a product of his grandfather's power-hungry genetics. But, unlike his grandfather who used words to deceive, Driva simply took. His parasitic nature brought enslavement and pain to all around him. Driva felt exhilarated with power and control. It was his reason to live. The weakness of others, their groveling, and fear, enabled Driva to demand, to take and to give nothing in return.

  Tuma, who was now called Behra, was Driva's first-born son. Behra would be the one to carry on the family line with its titles and lands. Driva would allow no smiles. He called such exhibitions, weakness. Driva met any plea to acknowledge the small one's presence with severe punishment, physical abuse. Driva treated his wife harshly and ignored his son. He decided that as soon as Behra stopped breastfeeding, he, Driva, would take over the child's training.

  Myra watched as the traumatic energy around Tuma anchored in his bodysuit. A sense of rejection imprinted his expansive energy fields. His Spiritual friends called to him, reminded him, and encouraged him to stay strong. He often heard their calls, the excitement moving his body with the relief their calls evoked. His movements appeared as actions of a happy baby. Behra's mother softly caressed his cheeks, whispered her love and encouraged his play.

  For a time, Behra remembered the words, "Earth is a free-will planet and those not in physical bodies have no right to act if not invited." Communicating with his friends through thoughts sent over the ethers, Behra asked for their help. He tried to remember what to ask and how to listen, But his memory soon clouded, a result of the negative energy around his home and Earth. The abuse and control within the family and the disruptions in his circuitry systems numbed his resolve.


  Crippling the Sons

  Driva stormed into the nursery. His velvet robes spread out behind him like the wings of an enormous bird. The click of his heavy boots shook the room. He bellowed and those in the women's quarters trembled and cowered.

  Three-year-old Behra's eyes flew open in fright. He cowered behind his mother's skirt. As his mother tried to stand guard, Driva slapped her face and pushed her aside. Swooped up in his father's large, rough hands, Behra hung in mid-air. Hearing the cries of his mother begging to hold him, Behra was frozen, not daring to breathe. As quickly as throwing off a piece of clothing, Driva dropped Behra into the arms of his manservant.

  “Gather his clothes, his bedding, “ boomed his father. “He will be staying with the men from now on. Get him away
from these soft, weak women!”

  Behra watched in terror and confusion as his mother pleaded and wept. The servants scurried to gather his things and quickly tie them into bundles. Driva bellowed, commanded, and stomped. His father's actions shook the walls of Behra's heart.

  The loss of his mother caused a deep wound to young Behra. Even with her love, it had taken all of Behra's strength to find ways to survive; now the constant presence of his cruel father caused more fear and pain than he could bear. It was easier to deny his Light, to do as his father wished and to forget any dream of ending the hopelessness that was everywhere around him. Behra was little, like a small puppy while his large father was like an aggressive, vicious wolf.

  It was then that Myra was born into her family. As Myra moved away from the Light and entered the birth process, she felt great restrictions. Her energy seemed to slow, and this new space felt cold and heavy. Unlike the wealth and royalty of Behra's Earth family, Myra was born into very impoverished conditions. Her family was one of the least within the village.

  As quickly as sound, Myra sped from the brilliance of her home. With a firm grasp on her vibrational coding, she maneuvered as waves of darkness approached to cloud the magnetic fields surrounding her target. Moving with precision and grace, Myra came to hover in a small, sparse room. There she slipped through the form of a woman large with child and into a tiny physical body. She had moved in and out of the growing infant's body many times in preparation for her Earth walk. This time Myra stayed.

  With a sense of triumph and excitement, Myra stretched herself, exploring all areas of the tiny suit as in her off-planet practice. This vehicle would give her weight and presence on this new planet. She listened to the beat of the heart, monitored the breathing mechanism and marveled at the perfection. As she settled in, Myra remembered its small quarters and smiled.