Remembering Earth Mission_From the Ancient Ones, Keepers of Galactic Secrets Read online

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  Myra turned to Tuma. He was scanning the garden and the streets, occasionally looking at the doors of the Council Hall. When he sensed her watching him, he turned and smiled.

  “I am thinking about the excitement we had about this planet,” she said softly. “Do you remember how carefully the planning council considered ideas to get our family out from under the Outsider parasitic ownership?”

  Tuma nodded.

  “How ironic is it that here we are still facing the same situation, still entrapped by those Outsiders committed to usury, greed, and power regardless of its cost to our family.”

  “Ironic and sad,” Tuma replied. “Just imagine where our family would be now if our Original plan had succeeded. If our first families had been able to identify and remove the Parasitics with just a command, simply by the right to command.” Tuma shook his head. “It was a magnificent plan.”

  “Well, this would not be happening,” Myra said, gesturing to the streets.

  “Nor would the Consortium Outreach on this debate,” added Tuma. ”How can we hope to awaken the consciousness of our family? They are trapped in body suits manufactured and owned by the parasitic outsiders! No one knows what level of awareness is needed within the psyche of our mission members to counteract the re-engineered systems or if it is even possible.”

  Sensing his weariness, Myra stepped closer to gather his hands in hers to shift the energy.


  Parasitic Outsiders Made Visible

  Myra heard voices coming from the streets and turned from Tuma. The sounds were far away at first, then coming closer. The chanting grew louder and louder until she could hear the words, “Send them home, send them home, send them home.” A few within the Council gardens moved together and nodded as if in agreement with the chant. They turned to look at the various groups of those on this Consortium mission, including Tuma and Myra. She felt energy prickle up her arms, and she recognized the stickiness of the Outsider's presence. Myra shook the energy cloud off and turned toward the sounds on the street.

  Myra was not frightened as much as intrigued. Often the parasitic Outsiders who worked to whip up the citizens were hidden. Here, one was out in the open, acting in the light of day, one she could observe. So she closed her eyes. By shifting to her etheric vision, Myra could see what lay hidden behind his form, in the shadows. Unseen by the citizens of Tyree, indeed all Earth inhabitants, there they were, the Outsiders. Visible because of her ability to see other vibrational regions, they appeared, dark, craven, evil, and hungry. They were always after more of the energy that was the Ancient One's breath of Life.

  The Outsiders had attached themselves at various energy points to the bodysuit of this young man. It was they who were directing his actions. At times, she saw one slip into the young man's body and speak words through his mouth. He was so possessed by these beings that they took turns moving in and out of the body. Some would look out through his eyes, and she saw emptiness, eyes lacking emotion or compassion. Myra looked around and could see crowds of these hidden Outsiders. Their dark, sticky energy frequencies of domination and deceit flowed throughout those in the towns square. Many Tyreans responded to the vibrations by shaking their head or rubbing their eyes as if stabbed with pain. Others began jumping or running, frenzied and unfocused. Having detected the Divine families mission plan generations ago, the Outsiders had used upheaval and divisiveness to prevent their identification and removal. The Parasitic overlaid devices, implanted control mechanisms, and initiated whatever was necessary to stop the plan. Those Outsiders of domination and control had used their influences to kept Tyreans fearful, minimized, and enslaved. Then, they could use them at will. As Myra looked around the chanting crowd and saw parasitic attached to others, the back of her neck prickled. Tuma moved, pulling her close to stand between her and the crowd. She felt a group shudder.

  Tuma closed his eyes. Myra felt his attention centering and teams from their Spiritual homes blocking the heavy vibrations. She felt the energy lessening and glanced up into Tuma's eyes. How she loved him! Together they sealed the parasitic energies away from the Consortium group and dissolved the frequencies before they could impact their energy fields. Tuma kissed the top of her head, but they both sensed the growing restlessness.

  Myra shifted her vision and opened her eyes. She turned to look out over the crowd gathered in the Council gardens. She knew many of the assembled citizens, in physical bodies. They were the family members who had initially volunteered for this Earth mission, the Ancient Ones. She sensed their powerlessness, frustration, and fear. The Earth had been in the clouds of escalating negativity since the discovery of the plan. The entrapping web of parasitic systems included the Tyreans.

  Myra knew that the way back to their original awareness of Earth purpose would require great determination. Would they remember that within human experience, individuals in physical bodysuits were the only ones who could end the domination? Would they wake up and know that the future, the life or death of the greater family rested solely with individual voice? She wondered, as did Tuma if there was enough personal fire left to awaken. Growing restless, Myra placed her cup on a small garden table and smiled at Tuma as she moved away from him. Maybe the fact that the Council's deliberations were taking so long was hopeful.

  There had been a vigorous debate after the proposal from the mission’s High Priestess Dana. Power and greed were central to the life of most who set policy in Tyree.

  Individuals aligned to control fostered fear and discord. In this culture, Outsiders had free rein. The proposal to awaken the Mission would end their control. One of the chief ministers, Minister Lucas, was especially outraged with Dana's proposal. Myra had no doubt Lucas was ruled by Outsiders similar to the parasitics she had seen in the street conflict. At times she had seen their empty, damp eyes through his.

  Myra walked over to a garden bench where she could sit and watch the doors of the Council Chambers. Thinking about the morning, Dana's speech came to mind. Dana's plan was to spark whatever in Tyrean’s memories were not dulled by negativity or locked into denial. Dana's words transfixed the Council. She gave no hint that she was aware of the forces against her, indeed, against all of them. However, those on Consortium outreach knew that her words would trigger anger within those the parasitic controlled. They continually dissipated the energy disrupted during Dana's presentation and the following Council debates.

  Dana had spoken clearly. ”We trusted the courageous and creative nature of Good within you, our Galactic family members. You volunteered. You gave your word. From a deep love and vision, you heard the plan and said, ‘yes!'

  “You knew that Earth was not intended to be a place for domination or duality or war. Earth was not to be a place for birthing volunteers into Outsiders bondage. Considerable attention was given to create a plan to remove such influences. In the beginning, we knew you had the strength and determination to accomplish this Earth mission. Those in regions of your Divine homes stood ready to answer your request to identify and remove the Outsiders, their seeds, and attachments.

  "Designing systems for thriving from the life force of all possibilities of Good while identifying Outsider constrictions was to be in place before expanding births. Had that been accomplished, today Tyree would be a city of joy and beauty.”

  Several members of the Earth Council had nodded. Others flashed with anger. The heavy frequencies of anxiety and doubt rippled through the Hall. It darkened the room until those on the Consortium outreach cleared it.

  Dana had turned, her hand sweeping to include all in the Council as she said, “You are the leaders. Are you living according to your commitment to that Divine plan?”

  Then she had paused.

  "By Divine decree, an unbreakable law, this sphere will always cause imprints in the unseen such as word and thought to emerge into a form. The Law assures that all hidden energies will come to be seen and experienced. The Law does not determine if the imprint is one from which
Good will emerge or if the concept was planned by Outsiders to control. Imprints will manifest. You can help your people awaken and take back their voice to discern and demand. They can transform fear, and break free of control. Their right is to live on this planet in abundance, joy and free will. We offer to stay and help you awaken the consciousness of truth, purpose, and clarity."

  Myra sighed at the memory. Then, an energy shift in the collective field jarred her back to the present moment. She looked out over the people gathered in the courtyard. The doors of the Council Chamber were being pushed open. Those of the Earth Council moved from the chamber. The robed members filed down the corridor, across the yard, and into the Great Hall. Those who had wandered into hallways or gardens quickly moved back to their places within the Hall.

  Myra looked at Tuma. Glancing past him, she noticed that even disruptions on the streets had halted. Fists dropped to sides; quiet whispers replaced shouts. All attention was on the Council members.

  The tall young man who had stirred the crowds moved to stand close to the garden enclosure. His previous frenzy replaced with silence, confusion showing on his face.

  Myra moved to walk in with Tuma. "Do you think that they will be willing to let us stay and mentor them?" she whispered to Tuma. He tilted his head with raised eyebrows as if to indicate that he thought it was not likely. Stay and assist the transition or go back to their home. That is what had been decided.

  Everyone stood. The Council members seated themselves on the dais facing those in attendance. Veiled, stoic faces hide any clues as to the outcome of the vote. The leader Gyra rose. He was a large man. Myra had come to appreciate his sensitivity to the problems within Tryree. He walked with awareness and was accustomed to political negotiations. Use of his many gifts had earned him a place of respect among those on the outreach mission.

  "Speaking for the Council, I want to thank all of you who have been with us during the long hours of debate and discussion. We know that this matter is as important to you as it is to us.

  “I speak to our guests from regions beyond our Earth. There has been much spoken here this day of our beginnings. We appreciate you and respect your information and care of us. We have contemplated the matter of our future with great attention. Our decision did not come easily."

  Gyra paused, cleared his throat and lifted a paper from the table. He looked stooped, Myra thought, weighted with the magnitude of this matter. Before he continued, she felt a sudden jolt in her abdomen. She knew the decision.

  He took a deep breath and began reading. "We have reached a decision. The High Council of Tyree rules that those who have shared their ways with us are now to return to their homes. We extend our gratitude for the balancing of our energies and for the exemplary way they have lived among us. But, the course we are on is the one we will pursue. We find no reason to change its direction at this time."

  A ripple ran through those on Outreach, a shudder, and then acceptance. Myra saw the arrogance on the faces of those Council members who very powerfully manipulated attitudes and perceptions. Half-truths, flattery and outright deceit had swayed the vote. Then, Myra looked at her friend, Dana. Wisdom etched the high priestess's face while sadness filled her eyes.

  Myra heard shouting and screaming from outside the Council Hall. Through the expansive windows, she could see that word of the decision had reached the streets. Feet were running, fists thrashing the air, the tall man was again frantically moving through the crowds knocking down any in his way. The smaller groups became a mob while the policing authorities used force to maintain control.

  Myra turned back to the Hall and caught a glance between Council Member Lucas and Dana. Lucas looked smug, lips curled into a smile of triumph. These two leaders represented the extremes of the Earth’s energy. One manipulated by the Outsider parasitic, generated and took advantage of the chaos, division, and fear to entrap the masses. And the other leader speaking of benefit for all, wisdom, and great vision which would have led to the removal of Outsiders and expansion for the Divine families.

  Myra turned and looked out of the windows to the streets, the riots, the shouts, and screams. So who had won and what, of great value, had been lost?


  Stones and sticks crashed into the shields and helmets of the double lines of the Rycur policing forces. The streets boiled with clashes between Tyreans angry that the guests were being forced to leave and crowds of those who wanted them gone. The once welcoming city was deteriorating into an uncontrolled mob. A portion of the Rycur had gathered at a rear door from the Great Hall. They had been charged to assure the safe exit of members of the Outreach mission.

  Dana had sent word through the Council hall and gardens for the Consortium members to quietly make their way to the conference room at the northwest corner of the magnificent Hall. Myra silently moved toward the designated room exchanging quick goodbyes with Tyrean friends.

  As she approached, she saw Tuma watching from the conference door and together they went into the room. In a short time, all Consortium members were there. Insulated from the disruptions of the street and yet facing the end of their time of teaching, their mood was somber.

  “Well, my friends,” Dana began. “I am so proud to be a part of this incredible outreach. Your commitment to radiate the true nature of our family despite all cynicism took great courage. You have left a legacy of compassion, grace, and peace. Generations to come will remember your visit.

  “We have two hours to gather our things. Our ships are standing by, and we will have Tyrean’s Rycur escorts for our safety. There will be time for discussion later, but now we are in a hurry. Leave quickly. I will see you all onboard.”

  Myra and Tuma moved with a small group out the back of the garden into the shadows of the trees as they passed the edge of the crowds. They had almost cleared the second street when they heard shouts and running feet. Myra turned. Though the spaces between the guards she saw the tall blond man running toward them hurling stones and screaming his anger. For just a moment, she looked into his eyes, eyes filled with parasitic emptiness and hate. Then the Rycur guards blocked his way.

  As soon as the Consortium members had boarded the ships and moved away from the Earth, the intercom signaled for quiet. Those on board stopped their activities to listen. The intercom crackled and the voice of Jerra, the High Priest of their mission sounded, “My dear friends,” he began. “I bring greeting from the Galactic Council, the Great Divine Collectives and your brothers and sisters of Light. The considerable portions of your Divine Families of Good in worlds beyond Earth are aware of your efforts and the vote by the Council.

  “We are all affected by the Council decisions. A meeting of the multi-dimensional Galactic families has been called to discuss today's vote by the Earth Council. Our commitments to remove the Outsiders and their destructive sucking have not lessened. To give up would allow their presence to destroy all of us."

  Myra couldn't get the blond man's eyes out of her mind. They were staring, empty one minute and red-rimmed, and filled with rage the next. She had seen his docile mood, his confused stare, as he leaned on the fence before the announcement of the vote. Then, coming alive, a frenzied rage, and hostility filled him. She shuddered and breathed herself back to the present and Jerra's words, “our commitments... our commitments.”

  Thinking again of the young blond man she whispered emphatically, “My commitment is sure. The Outsider's presence and influence must end!”

  The flight home had been uneventful, a time to rest and to contemplate the Earth experience. And now, she and Tuma came to the Council meeting prepared to hear the proposal for the next step. Soft lights and music filled the open chamber hall spilling out beyond the expansive space.

  Jerra and Dana had been asked to preside over the Galactic Council meeting and sat at the main table. Tuma, Myra and the other members of the Consortium mission were seated to the left and right of the couple all facing the circle of attendees.

you know,” Jerra began, “The Ancient Ones, those who volunteered for the Original Earth mission, have a unique responsibility to our family. There could not have been more creativity and intelligence than the group that designed the complex tasks. When the Outsiders made changes in the circuitry and systems of the physical bodysuit, we knew that the volunteers would be operating with crippled systems. With this corrupted energy, we knew there would be problems. The planning committee postulated that the volunteers would have a difficult time to stay awake. That they would be unable to maintain stability long enough to prevent the Outsiders agendas from being imposed as they had in the Galactic regions. Their unconscious mind fog would keep them vulnerable to the Outsider's deception and control. Immediately, the planners began brainstorming solutions. The purpose with each possibility was to bring clarity of mission and Divine Home back to the Earth families. As they broke free of blindness and parasitic constructs, Divine possibilities could begin to inspire allowing natural expressions of Good, i.e., sovereignty, unity, abundance, and health. The Consortium outreach was one of those possibilities to bring the original Earth Mission back online. You see the volunteers who have just returned here on the dais with me. It is clear that more is needed.”