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- Seducing Her Brother's Best Friend [Evernight, Romance on the Go] (mobi)
Seducing Her Brother's Best Friend Page 2
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Page 2
“W-what?” He sounded like a damn stuttering teenager, not something he was proud of, but her words had thrown him for a loop.
She stepped forward until he could look down and see the swells of her breasts gently rising over her shirt. “I said I want you, Kane.” She placed her hand on his chest, and a little, unintelligible sound left her.
This is wrong. Step away, and whatever you do, don’t give in to the fucking temptation.
“It’s just…” She stared into his eyes and licked her lips really slow, like she knew the sight of her doing that would break all of his willpower. “I leave for college at the end of the summer, and I don’t want to start my freshman year as a virgin.”
Oh, for everything fucking holy.
He ran a hand over his mouth, not knowing what to say or do in response. She took another step closer until her breasts pressed against his sweaty chest. No way was this happening.
“I want you to take my virginity, Kane. I’ve always wanted it to be you.”
He had no coherent words to respond with. Instead, he stepped away from her, letting her hand fall from his chest. Hurt crossed her face, and he felt like a bastard for being the one to make her look that way, but she had to know they could never—never—do something like that.
“Cayla…” How in the hell could he explain this so she understood? It wasn’t because of not wanting her, but because being with her would cause a fuck-load of problems. “I’m flattered,” and damn turned on, “but I can’t do that. Andre is like a brother to me.”
She looked away but not before he saw the way her cheeks turned even redder from her clear embarrassment.
“It’s not you, Cayla.” She slowly turned back to him, and the tinge of rouge was still on her face. Running a hand over his short hair he exhaled and knew that what he was about to say was not smart. “Listen. Fuck.” He turned around and stared down at his bike. “I want you, Cayla, worse than I’ve ever wanted another woman.”
He turned around again, and the clear surprise on her face warmed his heart. She had actually thought he didn’t want her? True, he had never outwardly acted as if he found her attractive, but he knew she looked in the mirror every day. The girl was gorgeous both inside and out. He did care about her, more than just as Andre’s little sister, but he hadn’t realized that he wanted a fuck-load more until this past summer. She had grown into a beautiful woman that had everything going for her—had everything Kane wanted, but couldn’t have.
“You’re beautiful and intelligent and so out of my league.” Just stop right now, Kane. All you’re doing is digging yourself a bigger hole.
“But you can’t be with me.”
He shook his head at her statement, confirming what both of them already knew, because it was the truth whether he wanted to accept it or not. She deserved so much more than someone like him. He slept with nameless women, ones that he never saw again. Being with Cayla and taking her virginity was something a dirty bastard like him didn’t deserve. He took a step toward her and cupped her cheek—a bad fucking move on his part. Her skin was so damn soft that all he could think about was having her lush little body beneath his.
“You’re so much better than I am, Cayla.”
She was shaking her head before he could even get the last word out. “I’ve had a long time to think about this, and about what I want. What I want, what I’ve always wanted, is you, Kane.” The way she looked at him could have brought Kane to his knees. But he was determined to keep her safe from the likes of him.
“No, baby.” He cursed himself for the slip of the word, and by the slight widening of her eyes it was clear she hadn’t missed it. “You’d be slumming it with me, don’t you see that?” He didn’t wait for her to answer before he continued. “Your virginity is something special, and you need to love the man you give it to, because it will stay with you for the rest of your life.”
She opened her mouth as if she wanted to argue, but he held his hand up to stop her.
“If I was a bigger asshole, Cayla, I would take you up on your offer in a heartbeat.” He brushed his finger along her cheek, another step over the line, but he couldn’t help himself. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
For the longest time all she did was stare into his eyes, and the urge to lean down and capture her lips with his was strong. He got lost in her steel grey eyes, wishing that he could actually have something that he desired above all others.
“Yeah, I understand.” The words seemed empty coming from her, but before he could reassure her once more, she gave him a small smile, turned, and left. He watched her make her way back to her friend, and the way her ass moved beneath her shorts should have been illegal.
“You stupid fuck, Kane.” He ran a hand angrily through his hair and went back to working on his bike. Of course getting his mind off Cayla was damn near impossible.
Chapter Three
Well that whole seducing Kane was a major bust. Cayla scowled at herself in the mirror and contemplated canceling going with Holly to a party for the tenth time. She wasn’t in the mood to do much of anything, especially with her embarrassment over the whole Kane fiasco, but Holly wouldn’t take no for an answer. Apparently going to a frat party was what Cayla needed to do to get over Kane and his sweet, but very real, rejection. Pulling her tank top lower so it at least covered her belly, she had opted to put jeans on and ditch the shorts. No sense in working up a bunch of horny college guys.
“You ready, chica?” Holly poked her head around the corner of her bedroom door and grinned. “Your folks let me in, although I think your dad is already trashed.”
Cayla rolled her eyes. No doubt her mother was, too. “Yeah, they did some kind of big merger or something at work and are celebrating.” Holly stood beside her and whistled at their reflection.
“We are lookin’ hot, girl. Although,” a pinch formed between Holly’s eyes as she stared at Cayla’s pants. “Why in the hell are you wearing jeans? For one it’s like eighty degrees out, and for a second we are going to a par-tay. You want all your goods on display.”
“I don’t want anything on ‘display’, especially around a bunch of horny douchebags. And remind me again why we are even going.”
Holly sat on the edge of Cayla’s bed and adjusted the strap on her shoe. “For one thing you obviously need to find a hot piece tonight.”
“I’m not having sex with anyone, Holly.”
“I know, I know.” Holly looked down at her breasts, fixed her top so her cleavage was more visible then proceeded to cup her boobs. “Can you tell I’m wearing the padded bra of the century?” Cayla started to laugh, which in turn had Holly laughing. “Okay, anyway.” She sobered and waved a hand in Cayla’s direction. “Like I was saying, you need to just put Kane behind you. That boy is too much trouble for one girl. Oh, and Luke will be there.”
Ah, so that is why Holly was so excited to go. Luke, Holly’s own bad boy whom she had been sleeping with off and on for the past year. Apparently this was the “on” again stage. “Andre isn’t going to show up and go all caveman like last time, is he?”
Just thinking about the time her big brother found out she had gone to a party with a bunch of people from school, and all but dragging her out, sent heat flooding through her. She loved him and all that, but he was far too overprotective and took everything to the extreme. Anger built inside of her because she knew that was why Kane refused to be with her. She didn’t want to think that his words were false and he only said all that stuff so her feelings weren’t hurt. She wanted to believe he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him.
But none of that mattered now anyway because he’d made himself perfectly clear. Cayla was too humiliated to try anything like that again, and cursed her stupidity for even thinking she could seduce Kane Montgomery. Bringing herself back from her thoughts she realized she hadn’t answered Holly yet.
“No, he went out for town for work. He won’t be back until next week.” Holly nodded, but she could t
ell her friend wasn’t even paying attention as she typed furiously on her phone. God, Cayla just wanted to call it an early night, but she did love Holly for not letting her mope at home and think of Kane all night, which is exactly what she would have done.
An hour into the frat party and Cayla was ready to go home. The music was too loud, the guys were too obnoxious, and the girls were hardly wearing anything.
“I think I am ready to go, Holly.” They sat on a couch, which smelled strongly of cigarette smoke and vodka. Holly and Luke were currently sucking each other’s faces off, so Cayla gave her friend a nudge and said, “I’m going to see if someone can give me a ride home.”
Holly broke the kiss and turned toward her. “You really are ready to leave?”
Cayla nodded. This had been a bad idea anyway, especially since she was feeling out of sorts since the whole Kane thing.
“Okay, give me five and I’ll be ready.” And that was why she loved Holly so much. Not only was she the most kick-ass friend there was, she also wasn’t a bitch.
“I’m sorry.” Cayla did feel bad about cutting Holly’s night short, and knew that next time she was just going to stick with her gut and wallow at home, that or drive herself. Although they always went together to parties, and never left the other there alone, so now, she wouldn’t be driving herself, but then again she wouldn’t make Holly go alone. She exhaled. Whatever.
“Girl, you have nothing to be sorry about.” Holly leaned in and smiled. Her walnut-colored hair fell forward like a curtain. “Besides, Luke is following me home.” She lifted her eyebrows up and down, and Cayla couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’ll give you guys a minute and meet you by the car.” Cayla made her way through the drunken partiers and out the front door. The cool night air cleaned away all the nasty scents that clung to her from being inside.
“Hey, don’t I know you?” The slurred question came from behind her, and she turned around and watched a tall, lanky looking guy weave toward her. If his fucked up words didn’t let on that he was trashed, the way he stumbled toward her with red-rimmed eyes gave it away. “Yeah, I think I do know you.”
“I don’t think so.” She turned back around and started making her way toward Holly’s Corolla. Before she could make it ten steps he grabbed her arm and yanked her backward.
“Hey, I was talking to you.” He fell into the banister but kept his hand tightly wrapped around her. She gave a tug, but for such a skinny guy his hold was strong. Leaning forward and squinting his eyes he said, “Yeah, aren’t you Shayla’s sister?”
“No, now let me the fuck go.”
He became off balanced and started to tip forward. Before she could move out of the way Cayla found herself on the ground, stars dancing in front of her vision, and his scrawny ass draped over her.
“Get off me.”
He struggled to get up and grabbed the strap of her tank in the process, tearing the thin piece of fabric in two. When he was finally off he muttered something unintelligible and stumbled off. Her shoulder burned, and she felt something warm and wet start to slide down. Had she landed on a rock? Her head chose that moment to start to pound, but more than anything she was annoyed and pissed with how this night was going, and cursed all the drunks in the world.
“Hey, you okay?” Holly all but ran out of the house, her eyes wide, and a panicked expression on her face.
“I’m good. It was just some drunk acting stupid. He lost his balance and took us both down.”
“Asshole.” Holly lifted her ripped strap and scowled. “Come on, let’s go.”
Holly took her hand, and they walked to the car. She didn’t miss Luke following closely behind then getting into his car and following them back to her house. When they pulled into Cayla’s driveway and she saw all the lights off, she was glad she wouldn’t have to talk with her parents. Another pair of drunks was not something she wanted to deal with tonight, even if she did love them.
“Hey, I’m sorry about tonight,” said Holly.
“No worries. I don’t think I’ve been hit on so much before, but hey, it was fun.” Cayla’s sarcasm didn’t go unnoticed, and the worry on Holly’s face increased.
“Okay, point taken. No more frat parties in the foreseeable future.” They gave each other a hug, promised a text or call tomorrow, and Cayla climbed out. She gave one more wave to Luke and Holly’s departing cars and dug in her purse for her house keys. She caught a glimpse of her tattered strap and cursed.
“Dammit. And this was my favorite one.”
It was the sound of the porch swing next door creaking, and the sight of a very large shadow making its way toward her that had the air leaving her. She took a step back. The wind picked up, and she smelled Kane. An involuntary sigh left her, and then he was right in front of her, looking all good and dangerous surrounded by the shadows.
For several long moments all he did was stare at her, and she wondered if he could hear the erratic beat of her heart. Her response to him was always the same: adrenalin pumping through her veins as her body came alive with an intense arousal. Even in the darkness she could see his eyes as they took in her face, then the ripped remains of her shirt. A low, almost primal growl left him as he stared at that broken strap. Her pulse increased, and something inside of her filled with female appreciation. Just hearing that sound, all rough and animalistic, did something in the pit of her stomach. When he finally dragged his eyes back to her face the fierceness in his expression had her taking a step back. It wasn’t as if she worried he would hurt her, but he looked so raw and unhinged. But over what? Her tank-top strap?
“Who did this, Cayla?” The words were clipped and gravelly.
She glanced down at her shirt and picked up the strap. “Some guy—”
Before she could even get the words completely out a low vibration came from him. It was deep and hard, and everything inside of her screamed that the man in front of her was everything male and powerful. His head was low, but his eyes held hers.
“Some asshole did this to you?” He scanned the rest of her body, and his stare stopped at her arm.
She looked down and saw a nasty looking bruise in the size of a handprint start to form against her skin. She hadn’t realized he had gripped her that hard.
“Did that fucker do this to you as well?” Kane lifted up her arm so it was positioned between their bodies. She could feel how wide her eyes were, but it wasn’t because his intensity frightened her. She had just never seen him so ... feral before.
“Yes.” That lone word came out so soft she wondered if he even heard her. “I’m okay, really.” She offered him a smile and gently pulled free from his hold. The muscles under his cheeks flexed and relaxed over and over again. She lifted her hand in a wave and turned slightly away from him, not really sure what else to say. The situation was bordering on the unusual due to his reaction and apparent anger over her state of clothing and the bruise. Obviously he is just worried about you because you’re Andre’s sister. He clearly thought something horrific happened, and she supposed the evidence did make it look pretty bad. Before she could take a step toward her house, a growl—yes, a real life animalistic growl—rumbled out of him. He shot his hand out and gripped her around the waist, stopping her. Heat instantly flooded between her thighs, and her nipples hardened.
“What the fuck, Cayla?”
She looked behind her and down at her shoulder where his eyes were currently trained. So she had landed on a rock. The inch long cut had since stopped bleeding, and dried blood was smeared on her skin. It looked like ink on a sheet of paper.
“This isn’t what you think. I wasn’t attacked or anything.” Well, not really. The bruise on her arm had been extreme, and by the way Kane’s eyes flicked toward said body part he was thinking the same thing. “It was just some drunk guy that grabbed me thinking I was someone he knew. Then he lost his balance and fell on top of me. That’s how I got the cut on my shoulder.”
He didn’t s
ay anything, and after what seemed like forever he exhaled and speared his hair with his free hand. The short dark strands stuck up haphazardly in a way that was far too sexy to be legal. He still kept a firm, yet gentle grip around her waist, and the way the tips of his fingers touched the strip of flesh that her shirt didn’t cover, sent tendrils of pleasure to her pussy.
“Come on.” He didn’t give her a chance to ask what he was doing. He just led her back to his parents’ house and into their kitchen. “Sit at the table and explain to me what the fuck happened.”
She had told him the majority of it, but apparently that wasn’t thorough enough. He rummaged through the cupboards until he found a first aid kit and walked back to her.
“Kane, really I’m fine.”
He speared her with a look that had her shutting up.“Let me see your shoulder and start talking.”
She did as he asked feeling little bit of excitement over his domineering attitude. That shouldn’t turn her on, but she would be lying if she said it didn’t make her want him so much more. Something cold and wet touched her cut, and she hissed from the sting.
“Sorry.” After only another minute he placed a bandage on her and moved around so he could face her. “Talk.”
His pushiness was boarding on extreme, but she didn’t correct him on the fact he was acting like some kind of alpha male laying down the law. She started from the beginning and ended when she saw him walking toward her. It really didn’t sound as bad as the situation looked, but Kane still had a perpetual scowl on his face.
“I should have just stayed home, but Holly wanted to go and I wasn’t going to let her go by herself.”
“Fuck, Cayla.”
Why was he exactly mad? He was acting like Andre. Of course it was too much to ask that he was this pissed off because he cared about her as more than just the little girl with glasses and braces that followed him around whenever he came to visit. No, he cared because he had watched her grow up and he thought she was hurt. That shouldn’t have made her feel disappointed, but instead grateful that he cared so much for her, even if it wasn’t the way she wanted.